1. February 25, 2004
  2. District Rights
    1. [Text Added Based on First Reading of February 11, 2004]
    2. Annual Review
  3. Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004
      1. Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004
  4. District Rights
    1. [Text Added Based on First Reading of February 11, 2004]
    2. Annual Review




DATE: February 25, 2004
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: District Office Board Room
7:30 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
7:30 Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Member Comments
7:45 Board President’s Comments
7:50 Action Item Report
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Graduation Requirements – M. Havens
Att. 2
2. Sales Tax – M. Havens
3. 2004-05 Proposed Program Budget – G. Atseff
Att. 3
4. Academic Report – L. Spring
5. Personnel Discussion
6. Student Questions
8:55 Policy – SECOND Reading                Att. 4
9:00 Public Comment/Board Comments
9:05 Adjournment
Next Meeting: March 10, 2004 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
       (arrived @ 7:26 p.m.),       (Mr. Triou entered the meeting @ 7:26 p.m.)            
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 TIME: 7:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Johnson, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Robusto, Triou Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Pirozzolo, Siracuse, Scheik, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Blankenberg
ABSENT: Trustees Diller & Griswold
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Personnel, Legal Matters)
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 7:01 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons and pending legal matters. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Triou), Carried.
III. RECONVENE: 7:31 p.m.
IV. RECESS:7:32 p.m.
V. RECONVENE:7:40 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented designation of a law firm to represent the school district in a property assessment matter and a proposed resolution relative to distribution of the sales tax in Wayne County for consideration as additional agenda items.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting,as revised, and the minutes of the meeting of January 21, 2004, as presented. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstention (Mr. Wyse), 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold), Carried.

A. Mrs. Brunner, as trustee liaison to the Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, noted dates for the vote on the administrative budget by component districts on Wednesday, April 28th and for the annual meeting on Monday. April 5th
B. Mrs. Brunner stated that she and Mr. Havens attended the organizational meeting for the new coalition to retain the share of county sales tax for school districts this past Monday, February 9th at Newark High School. She thanked the union, management and parent representatives who attended from our district and briefly reviewed the results of the meeting, which was televised on Cable Channel 12. A smaller committee was formed to assist the Association of School Superintendents of Wayne County in meetings with the Wayne County Board of Supervisors. She added that the town/county supervisors from the Towns of Rose and Arcadia were present at the meeting and candidly shared comments on the topic.
A. Mr. Johnson extended thanks to each of the building principals for their informational tours during the annual trustee building visits to each school prior to business meetings in recent months. Trustees look forward to observing renovations and additions to the buildings during the 2002 Capital Facilities Project.
B. Mr. Johnson noted dates designated by the Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES for nomination (March 29th) and selection (April 28th) of members of that Board of Education.
Mr. Havens noted that the Gemini Computer class at the high school had created and conducted a survey of graduates as a class project and was present this evening to report their findings to the Board of Education. He introduced Mrs. Streeter, who teaches the class.
Mrs. Streeter stated that the class developed the survey questions, researched addresses for graduates and compiled and reported the results. She introduced class representatives Josh Mc Cartan, John Hogestyn and Bob Klehr who were present to review details of the survey conducted by the class during the fall 2003 semester.
Using a PowerPoint presentation, they provided details of the survey. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). They reported a 25% response from 184 members of the Class of 1999. The survey questions looked at post high school education and careers, most valuable high school classes, current employment and general feedback and suggestions.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked if the survey prompted any fun comments as well as serious ones. The students noted that varied open-response comments were received and they included them in their survey report.
Mr. Johnson asked if the class would include the five-year graduate survey as a class project in the future. Mrs. Streeter stated that the class could include it as a class project if another survey was desired.
Mr. Wyse asked if the class discussed options to increase responses from graduates such as a reminder postcard or providing a longer response time for return of survey forms.
Mr. Robusto asked if the class relied on mailed responses and if they might consider allowing response by e-mail or on the web page as a future option. The students noted that they relied solely on mailed responses for this survey.
Mrs. Lyke stated that she views the 25% response as very commendable.
Mr. Havens asked the students what they considered the biggest surprise among the responses. The students cited the variety of issues the students felt they needed when they graduated as an example.
Mr. Havens asked if the survey provided any suggestions for the Board of Education in terms of the impact of high school experiences or preparation for careers. The students noted issues such as college preparation, more consumer economics and business math classes and more assistance on how to chose an appropriate college or post-secondary institution.
Mr. Triou asked the students if they felt they would obtain a better response if they offered a web site alternative for responses. The students stated they favor an electronic or web-based response for future surveys; they noted that were faced with a time restraint for response and compilation of this initial survey.
Mr. Wyse extended compliments to the students and their classmates for an excellent job on the survey and noted that they represent our school district very well.
Mrs. Lyke stated she was impressed with the large number and variety of major fields of study reported among the responses to the survey.
Mr. Ratcliffe stated he is hopeful that the English faculty at the high school sees the survey result of English classes receiving the top number of responses for valuable high school courses and uses that factor to promote their courses among students.
Mr. Robusto asked what the survey revealed as the most stringent features of the senior year. The students shared some examples.
Mr. Pirozzolo, an assistant principal at the high school, asked the students when the survey questionnaires were mailed to the graduates. The students stated that they mailed the survey just prior to the Thanksgiving Recess when they expected more graduates might visit their homes and more easily receive and complete the survey.
Mr. Johnson extended thanks on behalf of the Board of Education to the student representatives, their teacher and their classmates for their fine work and taking the time to present the report this evening.
Mr. Havens provided an update on the distribution of sales tax revenues among school districts by the Wayne County Board of Supervisors for information of the Board of Education.
He stated that some county supervisors have again raised the issue of ending the practice, started in the late 1960’s, of sharing a portion of the county sales tax revenues with local school districts. Faced by increasing financial constraints, some county legislators have proposed keeping the appx. $5.4 million of sales tax revenue now shared with the schools as general revenue for the county budget.
Mr. Havens noted that our district receives nearly $835,000 in revenue from the county sales tax. An increase of 4% in the property tax levy would occur if that revenue appropriation were not available to our district.
He noted that the school superintendents in the county are trying to convince the Wayne County Board of Supervisors that while retaining the sales tax revenue could reduce the real property tax burden at the county level, it will shift, and perhaps increase, the real property tax burden for school purposes among the very same taxpayers.
Mr. Havens stated that while no action has yet occurred to formally end the sharing of sales tax with school districts, discussion of the topic by county supervisors is expected in February and March.
He added that the potential of additional revenue from STAR reimbursements in prior years is no longer available. The superintendents are seeking an advisory, countywide referendum on the General Election Day ballot (November 2, 2004) to obtain community on the distribution of the sales tax. He shared a sample letter directed to members of the Board of Supervisors from the Association of School Superintendents of Wayne County seeking support for scheduling such a referendum. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Havens noted that both the Ontario and Walworth Town Supervisors are very supportive of efforts to continue the present method of distribution of sales tax revenues among schools throughout the county and both support the concept of a countywide referendum on the topic. Mr. Guelli, the Walworth Town Supervisor, has agreed to present the proposal for an advisory referendum for consideration by the Board of Supervisors despite substantial pressure from peers not to support such an issue.

Mr. Havens cited the coalition meeting of school, community and union representatives on February 9th noted by Mrs. Brunner earlier in the meeting to convince the Board of Supervisors to schedule an advisory referendum in November, 2004. There are some members of the Board of Supervisors who do not support an advisory referendum and it is important that each town/county supervisor learn the views of their constituents on the topic.


He noted that the coalition is modeled after a successful approach used by school districts in Monroe County when their county legislature considered ending distribution of a portion of sales tax revenues with school districts. He reiterated his prior comment that the loss of $835,000 in sales tax levy would require an increase of 4% in the local property tax levy to replace the lost revenue.

Mr. Havens shared a copy of the proposed resolution for consideration by the Board of Education to express support for the Board of Supervisors to schedule a countywide advisory referendum.
Mr. Triou asked if school districts could continue to receive sales tax revenue through the end of the fiscal year if a decision is made to end the share distribution following an advisory referendum.
Mr. Havens stated that the Board of Supervisors is required to provide school districts with six (6) month’s notice of the intent to change the distribution; if an advisory referendum in November, 2004, indicates that taxpayers support ending said distribution, the change would not take effect until June, 2005.
Mrs. Brunner stated that retaining sales tax revenues poses a short-term solution to the fiscal issues faced by the County of Wayne and asked if they have identified any long-term options. Mr. Havens stated that he does not believe that county officials have resolved that matter yet.
Mrs. Lyke noted that retention of the sales tax revenues now shared among the schools would provide an annual, additional source of revenue, nearly $5.4 million, for use for county purposes, including the planned increase in the amount of sales tax effective on March 1, 2004.
Mr. Triou asked if a new taxable assessed value of the nuclear power plant would reach conclusion and help cushion the impact on the property taxpayer if a decision to withhold sales tax from school districts is first effective in the 2005-2006 school year. Mr. Havens reviewed the timeline that was likely to occur if the situation described by Mr. Triou were to occur.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Brunner, to adopt a RESOLUTION in support of an advisory referendum on the distribution of sales tax to school districts in Wayne County, TO WIT:


WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Wayne County enacted legislation to authorize the distribution of county sales to local school districts, and
WHEREAS, the said distribution of sales tax to the local school districts has proven beneficial to the students and taxpayers of Wayne Central School District for over 30 years, and
WHEREAS, some members of the said Board of Supervisors have proposed revising the distribution of sales tax revenue to local school districts, and
WHEREAS, the taxpayers of the Wayne Central School District would bear the financial burden of any change in the distribution of sales tax revenue between the County of Wayne and the Wayne Central School District,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District requests that the Wayne County Board of Supervisors conduct an advisory referendum during the General Elections scheduled for November 2, 2004 on the issue of whether or not the revenues of the sales tax should continue to be shared with the school districts of Wayne County.

On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold).
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff to present monthly financial reports for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff presented reports and information through January 31, 2004 as follows: (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(1) Revenue Status Report: This report reflects revenues compared to revenue appropriations for 2003-2004. 66% of budgeted revenues have arrived. The change in STAR reimbursements to a single payment in January in place of partial payments in October, November and December had an impact on cash flow and interest on investments.
(2) Expense Report – General Fund: 48% of the general fund allocations have been expended and appropriations are in good shape.
Mr. Johnson asked if expenses for snow removal and heating have exceeded budget estimates for 2003-2004. Mr. Atseff noted that some funds were transferred to handle some snow removal by an outside vendor pending delivery of new plow equipment now on order and that heating expenses, handled through a cooperative bid with other schools in our region, are on target.

Mr. Havens asked Mr. Atseff to present the first draft of the capital portion of the proposed 2004-2005 school budget for review and consideration by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Atseff reviewed highlights of proposed expenditure appropriations in areas of operations, maintenance, employee benefits and debt service.
With conclusion of the classroom lease by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES in June 2004, the district will also absorb costs for cleaning, maintaining and heating that space. The proposed budget also provides for natural gas and cleaning costs for the new classroom space (appx. 22,000 sq. ft.) planned at the high school.
Mr. Robusto asked if our use of classroom space now leased to Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES would have an impact on custodial salaries. Mr. Atseff stated that the equivalent 1.0 FTE cleaner is included in the proposed budget to handle those spaces and it is offset by reductions in other portions of the operation budget (e.g. in-district maintenance repair projects)
Mr. Wyse asked if the replacement plans for maintenance equipment and vehicles were still in place given the increased amount of space we will have to clean and maintain. He noted concerns expressed during budget development last year of the importance of keeping current with these replacement plans.
Mr. Atseff stated that the long-range replacement plan for equipment and vehicles is still in place and close scrutiny is made of those areas to insure that the replacement is not delayed or postponed.
Mrs. Lyke asked who has paid for cleaning of the classrooms during the term of the lease with Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. Mr. Atseff stated that the costs for cleaning and maintaining those classrooms were charged back to Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES and will become a local expense when the district takes over use of the space.
Mr. Atseff noted that the proposed budget includes a projected increase of $803,500 for health insurance and worker’s compensation costs. Increases in these costs are a concern of school districts and public agencies throughout the state. Mr. Havens added that no changes in benefit plans are included and noted that fringe benefit costs are exceeding wage costs.
Mr. Robusto asked if there is any indication of whether or nor this trend will continue. Mr. Atseff shared some information on the matter.
Mr. Robusto how many persons are employed by the school district; Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mr. Johnson asked what factors led to increases in costs for worker’s compensation. Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mr. Robusto asked what the average cost is for employee fringe benefits. Mr. Havens will provide that information.
Mr. Atseff explained that the increase of appx. $400,000 for debt service includes expenses for a bond anticipation note (BAN) to cover expenses for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project in the 2004-2005 school year since payment of building aid is not made until 18 months after the approval date of the project/plans by State Education Department or the date that the school district signs contracts with the general contractor, whichever is sooner.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted that debt service expenditures are not negotiable. Mr. Wyse noted that the Board of Education really has no control over this portion of the proposed budget. Mr. Atseff reviewed new state regulations on amortization that equalize the costs over the life of the debt rather than reduce costs over the same period.
Mr. Johnson asked if the State Comptroller allowed any leniency for local governments, including school districts, to meet increased pension contribution rates. Mr. Atseff reviewed the options available, and related costs, and noted that our district has taken the most cost effective approach.
Mr. Atseff stated that preliminary estimates of the budget-to-budget change for 2004-2005 reflect an increase of appx. 9.0% that would require a property tax levy increase of appx. 12.0%. Mr. Havens stated that he and the administrative council realize that those increases are not acceptable to the Board of Education or the community and they will continue to modify those costs. Mr. Atseff noted he has used a conservative approach in estimating expenses and revisions may well occur prior to final budget adoption by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff noted that trustees will receive the first draft of the program portion of the proposed budget at their February 25th meeting.
Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Atseff for his presentation and information.
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Atseff to present a status report of review and approval of plans for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project by the State Education Department for the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff stated that contacts with the State Education Department on the status of our application have resulted in a face-to-face meeting with state officials in Albany tomorrow, February 12th.
He is traveling to Albany with representatives of the school architect’s office and the construction management firm. He does not expect to return with a formal project approval but does anticipate learning those issues that require further documentation, effort or clarification to expedite the approval process.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the request for this meeting by state officials indicates that they have conducted a review of our plans. Mr. Atseff stated it does not. Mr. Havens noted his past experience with state review of proposals that indicates that some preliminary review may have occurred.
Mrs. Lyke stated that the request for the meeting is a positive step.
John Urbanek, 620 Clevenger Road, Ontario, suggested inclusion of additional study time in the high school’s block schedule for students with six (6) classes or advanced placement courses. He has spoken to Mrs. Morrin, high school principal, on the topic and feels that mention in another forum, such as this evening, may also help resolve the matter.
John Urbanek, supra, asked if both the local and state scoring curve would apply to the scores on the Physics Regents Exam or if a student would receive the greater score of the two. Mr. Havens provided details. John was also congratulated on the recent award of a scholarship by the University of Buffalo.
XIII. RECESS:8:46 p.m.
XIV. RECONVENE:8:55 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Additional Extra-Duty Appointments/Designations • 2003-2004 School Year
(Co-Producers, Spring Musical, High School)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Wendy Riley, art teacher, assigned to the middle school, a six-month temporary appointment effective January 26 through June 30, 2004 at $33,500, pro-rated (temporary replacement for Lora Farber, on leave of absence).
Additional Extra-Duty Appointments/Designations • 2003-2004 School Year
(Musical Co-Producers, Advisors, Literacy & Athletic Coaches, September 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004) (at rates provided in the collective bargaining agreement)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Rebecca Groff, elementary education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA disability leave anticipated for May 3 through June 30, 2004 (child rearing)
Robert Knorr, temporary bus driver, effective January 23, 2004 (personal reasons)
Peter Evans, bus driver, a five-month temporary civil service appointment effective January 26 to June 30, 2004 at $11.80 per hour (replacement for Robert Knorr, resigned)
Martha Walton, registered professional nurse, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a unpaid FMLA leave of absence for period of up to one year effective February 11, 2004 (personal reasons)



(Effective February 11, 2004)
WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has been employed as a cleaner; and
WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has been continuously absent from work since
October 2, 2003; and
WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has exhausted all available paid leave time; and
WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw continues to be unable to perform the duties of her position as a result of a disability resulting from occupational injury or disease as defined in the workers’ compensation law.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that Susan Anseeuw shall be determined to be on unpaid leave status as of February 11, 2004
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Susan Anseeuw shall be entitled to such rights as are provided in §§ 71 & 73 of the NYS Civil Service Law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this leave of absence shall run concurrently with any other leave entitlement.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adopt/approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committees on Special Education and Pre-School Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adopt the following RESOLUTIONS for pupil placements by the CSE/CPSE, TO WIT:
(1) to approve the recommendation for CSE pupil placements,
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
(2) to approve the recommendation for CPSE pupil placements:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
On the question, the RESOLUTIONS were adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold).


a. Receive & File Reports of the School District Treasurer (12/31/03)
b. Accept Summary of Extra-Classroom Activity Funds · July-December 2003 · Middle School
c. Accept Summary of Extra-Classroom Activity Funds · July-December 2003 · High School
d. Adopt Resolution for Independent Audit of Extra -Classroom Activity Accounts · FY Ending 6/30/03
e. Accept Gifts to the District
f. Adopt Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract · Newark Central School District
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the period ending December 31, 2003 (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(2) Accept summary of extra-classroom activity funds at the middle school for the period of July 1 - December 30, 2003 (copy field in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(3) Accept summary of extra-classroom activity funds at the high school for the period of July 1 - December 30, 2003 (copy field in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(4) Adopt a RESOLUTION to accept the report of the independent audit of extra-classroom activity accounts  · FY 6/30/03, TO WIT:

(Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2003)

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education does hereby accept the Financial Report on Extra-Classroom Activity Funds for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003, & the Management Letter for same, as prepared by Raymond P. Wager, CPA, P.C., independent auditors, and authorizes and directs the district clerk to forward certified copies and issue public notice as required by law (copy filed in clerk's file)


(5) Accept gifts to the school district, as follows:


(a) $846.00 from The First Presbyterian Church of Ontario Center for use at the discretion of the Hope Works Management Team
(b) $2,500 from the Freewill Elementary Parents’ Group for use for teachers to attend conferences


(6) Adopt a RESOLUTION to approve a non-public health services contract with the Newark Central School District, TO WIT:
(Non-Public School Pupils, 2003-04)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of Newark Central School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-public schools in the 2003-2004 school year, and authorize the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the Superintendent of Schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)
Mr. Johnson asked if the corrective action plan for the extra-classroom activity funds that was distributed this evening was implemented. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting) Mr. Atseff stated it was and reviewed details.
Mr. Johnson noted the recurrence of an audit comments about maintenance of financial records by student treasurers of the extra-classroom activity accounts and asked if trustees would receive reports on those records. Mr. Atseff stated those records are kept at the building level and are summarized in the quarterly reports presented to the Board of Education. He also reviewed the orientation process developed in conjunction with the auditors for student treasurers and faculty advisors of extra-classroom activity funds.
Mrs. Lyke asked if this orientation is conducted each year as new students and advisors are involved. Mr. Atseff stated it is.
Mr. Wyse believes there is a school board policy on this item; if not, he suggested consideration of one. Mr. Triou will provide follow-up on that topic.
Mrs. Brunner asked if access to a secure location for daily deposit of funds is available to students, faculty and staff after school hours. Mr. Atseff stated it is.
Mrs. Brunner stated that auditor’s findings have appeared on the annual audit of extra classroom activity funds for several years and stated that she is pleased to see development of the corrective action plan.
Mr. Triou asked for clarification on disposition of unspent funds for the graduating class. Mr. Atseff reviewed the process used.
On the question of the consensus agenda, it was adopted/approved by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold).

 Mr. Havens presented a proposal to engage the services of a special legal counsel to assist the Board of Education in property assessment matters related to the nuclear power station for review and consideration by the Board of Education.


Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adopt a RESOLUTION to engage the services of a special legal counsel to assist the Board of Education in property assessment matters related to the nuclear power station, TO WIT:


(Nuclear Power Station)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby authorizes the President of the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools to enter into an agreement with Couch White, Attorneys at Law, 540 Broadway, Albany, New York 12201, to assist the Board of Education in property assessment matters related to the nuclear power plant located within the school district.

On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold).

First Reading:

8272.3R Guidelines for the Use of Privately Owned Computers by Staff Members
8272.3E Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers by Staff Members
8272.4R Guidelines for the Use of Privately Owned Computers by Students
8272.4E Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers by Students
Mr. Triou, chairperson of the policy committee, presented the above noted regulations and exhibits for first reading by the Board of Education. He noted that these are a continuation of items researched and developed by the district’s computer technology committee, of which he is also a member. In addition, they were reviewed and endorsed by the administrative council.
Mr. Wyse suggested including a provision for annual review of each of the proposed regulations to reflect revisions in the computer operating systems noted in Items 7 (8272.3R) and 17 (8272.4), respectively. Mr. Triou stated that the policy committee would incorporate that suggestion in second reading.
Mrs. Lyke noted that the issue of exporting student grade reporting was clarified in Items 9 (8272.3R) and 19 (8272.4), respectively, of the two regulations.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted the requirement on the two proposed regulations for loading and updating virus protection software onto their privately owned equipment prior to accessing the district’s computer network or the Internet. He asked if there is any method for prohibiting staff or students from accessing the district’s network before the virus software is loaded onto such privately owned equipment.
Mr. Havens stated that the proposal at this time requires completion of the use form and configuration of the anti-virus software on privately owned equipment by district computer technology personnel. He noted that there is presently no long-term guarantee for such software.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked if the long-term guarantee is essentially an honor system among staff members and students.
Mr. Triou reviewed network security techniques used in the business setting that are available but not presently installed on the district’s computer network. Those techniques would prohibit entry to the district’s computer network using privately owned equipment not approved by the school district. If a user connected computer equipment that was not normally used in the computer port assigned to them, it would lock out the port. He also stated that most computers require authentication to the network prior to gaining access to any servers.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked if the school district could or should develop such a security system for its computer network.
Mr. Triou noted that port security is a cumbersome option to initiate and would require more time than practical to manage. It is basically an honor system to keep virus definitions up to date after initial configuration of computer equipment by the computer technology staff. It is also an honor system in terms of use of the computer network by staff and students.
Mr. Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction, noted that the proposed use form is intended to automatically generate a visit from the district’s computer technology staff before use of privately owned equipment on the district’s network.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked how effectively the district has communicated these guidelines to students and staff members and if students and staff are using privately owned equipment prior to formal adoption of these regulations and exhibits. Mr. Havens stated that the new regulations and exhibits would be communicated upon final approval by the Board of Education and Mr. Spring stated that they are not yet allowed to connect to the district’s computer network.
Mr. Wyse shared his concern about the potential to disable our computer network if the virus software loaded onto a student’s or staff member’s privately owned equipment does not detect a virus that is actually present. He suggested exploration of that topic. Mr. Havens stated that the district’s computer technology staff deals with various viruses on a regular basis.
Mr. Triou shared some technical details on anti-virus detection software and varied products available to detect viruses.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted that it appears that the best approach is to require that staff members or students have an anti-virus software on their privately owned computer that is compatible to that used by our district computer network before they are allowed access to the district’s computer network.
Mr. Triou noted that each of the comments expressed this evening raise valid issues and he will confer with Mrs. Green, technology coordinator, on them prior to second and final reading of the proposed regulations and exhibits.
Mr. Wyse noted that any additional costs to enforce a requirement that any privately owned equipment with access to our computer network must include exclusive use of the anti-virus software used by the school district would provide payback in protection against future, costly damage to our computer network.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked Mr. Triou how he felt about the proposed guidelines. Mr. Triou noted that they are designed to minimize risk to the district’s computer network system.
By consensus, first reading of the above noted regulations and exhibits were accepted as presented by the policy committee with consideration of topics raised in discussion as summarized above.
A. Mrs. Kathy Connelly, 734 Jacobs Road, Macedon, stated that she was one of two PTSO officers from the high school to attend a recent legislative forum among parents, teachers, students and PTA officers. She added that there was a large turnout for the event and she wished students from our high school had volunteered to attend and suggested that advanced government students might participate in future years.
She noted that students, parents, school officials and PTA officers posed questions to local legislators. A major theme among the legislators present was their intent to adopt a state budget by the April 1st deadline but the pending court challenges to state aid formulas for education may pose some obstacles to estimating those funds for 2004-2005.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
February 25, 2004
School District Clerk
Att. 2

Be it resolved that as part of the requirements for receiving a local diploma, students must fulfill the following requirements for any of the five required regents courses ( Math, Science, Comprehensive English, Global studies, United States History and Government) in which they receive less than a 65 on the Regents exam;

1. Repeat the course, attend summer school, been recommended to and been a productive member of Academic Intervention Service class.
2. Take the regents exam for a second time.
3. Score a 55-65% on a minimum of one of the two attempts on the exam.
Be certified by the principal in a letter to the superintendent that the above criteria were met
Att. 3
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 25, 2004
RE: 2004/2005 Budget
Attached is the first draft of the Program portion of the 2004/2005 proposed budget. The following are included:
2. A cover sheet that shows the functions of the budget, broken out into the three-part budget format.
3. A three-part budget comparison, which shows the proposed Program budget in comparison to the existing Program budget.
4. The complete breakdown of the budget, by budget code, for the Program portion of the budget.



February 25, 2004


2003/04 Budget
2004/05 Budget
Board of Education
Central Admin
Legal Services
Records Mgt.
Public Information
Operation of Plant
Maint of Plant
Other Cent Service
Refund of Taxes
Other Spec Items
Curriculm Dev
Supv Reg School
District Trans
Garage Bldg
Community Service
Employee Benefits
Debt Service
Other Transfers






























Att. 4


8272.3R  Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers
       By Staff Members
8272.3E  Form For Use of Privately Owned Computers By
Staff Members
8272.4R    Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers
By Students
8272.4E    Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Students

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February 25, 2004
Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.3R (New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis       Page 1 of 2
Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

Staff members of the Wayne Central School District who bring their privately owned computer to school are personally responsible for the equipment. Responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the equipment, including installation of software and configuration of peripherals, rests solely with the staff member.

Any damage to the equipment, including results from viruses, is the responsibility of the individual. The staff member is also responsible for the security of the equipment when it is not being used.

Software residing on privately owned computers must be personally owned. Any software owned by the district that is also licensed for home use may be installed on one privately owned computer. The school district retains the right to determine where and when privately owned equipment may be connected to the district computer network.
A privately owned computer can be connected to the district's network, including access to the Internet, under the following conditions:

1.   Use of the computer must adhere to the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet as outlined in district policy and/or regulations

2.   All files on a privately owned computer must be appropriate and meet district standards for same.

3.   Staff members must complete and file a Form for Use of Personal Computers by Staff Members provided by the school district with the technology department prior to accessing the district network or Internet. A copy will be retained in the staff member’s building office.

4.   File storage and/or use of network resources from privately owned computers are limited to schoolwork only.

5.   The individual must supply all necessary hardware, software and cabling to connect to the district’s computer network.

6.   Privately owned computers must be running district approved virus detection software prior to accessing the network or Internet. The virus protection program must be updated weekly.

7.   The computer’s operating system must be Windows 2000 or greater. If using Windows XP, it must be XP Pro, not XP Home (due to network access features required).

8.   The district’s technology support staff must configure the computer to the district’s computer network.

9.   Confidential information other than student names and grade reporting cannot be copied or exported to the hard drive nor burned to a CD-ROM of a privately owned computer.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.3R (New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis       Page 2 of 2
Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computer By Staff Members


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District Rights

As it relates to privately owned computers being used in district facilities, Wayne Central School District reserves the right to:

1.   Monitor all activity.

2.   Make determinations on whether specific uses of the computer are consistent with the district's Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet

3.   Log network use and monitor disk storage space utilized by such users.

4.   Determine what is appropriate.

5.   Remove the user's access to the network and suspend the right to use the privately owned computer in district facilities at any time it is determined that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or is violating the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for staff utilizing privately owned computers in district facilities shall be consistent with the district's standard policies and practices. Violations can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of use of a privately owned computer in district facilities, other school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action. Exact disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the District Computer and Internet Use Agreement.

Procedure for Connecting to District Computer Network

1.   Contact district tech support for a list of approved anti-virus software.

2.   Determine that you have the appropriate network card and cabling required connecting to district’s computer network.

3.   Make an appointment with tech support to have your computer configured for the district/building network.

[Text Added Based on First Reading of February 11, 2004]

Annual Review

The guidelines included in this regulation are subject to review and revision on an annual basis, at a minimum, or more often as changes in technology merit. The superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, will arrange for said review.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.3E(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Prepared by Technology Committee        

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Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004

Form For Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

BUILDING ………………………………………………ROOM NO. ……………………….….


Brand ………………………..………………Model ………………………………………………

Operating system …………………………………

Anti-Virus program …………………………………………..Version …………………………

How often do you update your virus signatures? ………………………………………….

Staff Member’s Account Name on Wayne Central Computer Network

I have read the Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

………………………………………………… ………………………………………….
Staff Member’s Signature              Date

Please Contact Tech Support (8-038) For An Appointment
To Have Your Laptop Configured For The District/School Network.
When Completed & Signed, Staff Members Will Submit This Form To The District Technology Department.

Exhibit Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.4R(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis       Page 1 of 2

Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004

Prepared by Technology Committee  

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students

Students in the Wayne Central School District who bring their privately owned computer to school are personally responsible for the equipment. Responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the equipment, including installation of software and configuration of peripherals, rests solely with the student.

Any damage to the equipment, including results from viruses, is the responsibility of the individual. The student is also responsible for the security of the equipment when it is not being used.

Software residing on privately owned computers must be personally owned. Any software owned by the district that is also licensed for home use may be installed on one privately owned computer. The school district retains the right to determine where and when privately owned equipment may be connected to the district computer network.
A privately owned computer can be connected to the district's network, including access to the Internet, under the following conditions:

10.   Use of the computer must adhere to the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet as outlined in district policy and/or regulations

11.   All files on a privately owned computer must be appropriate and meet district standards for same.

12.   If required by the school district, students must display their student ID card in the same manner as they would when using other district-owned equipment.

13.   Students must complete and file a Form for Personal Computer Use by Students provided by the school district with the technology department prior to accessing the district network or Internet. A copy will be retained in the school office.

14.   File storage and/or use of network resources from privately owned computers are limited to schoolwork only.

15.   The individual must supply all necessary hardware, software and cabling to connect to the district’s computer network.

16.   Privately owned computers must be running district approved virus detection software prior to accessing the network or Internet. The virus protection program must be updated weekly.

17.   The computer’s operating system must be Windows 2000 or greater. If using Windows XP, it must be XP Pro, not XP Home (due to network access features required).

18.   The district’s technology support staff must configure the computer to the district’s computer network.

19.   Confidential information cannot be copied or exported to the hard drive nor burned to a CD-ROM of a privately owned computer.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004


Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.4R(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis       Page 2 of 2
Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students


Back to top

District Rights

As it relates to privately owned computers being used in district facilities, Wayne Central School District reserves the right to:

1.   Monitor all activity.

2.   Make determinations on whether specific uses of the computer are consistent with the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

3.   Log network use and monitor disk storage space utilized by such users.

4.   Determine what is appropriate.

5.   Remove the user's access to the network and suspend the right to use the privately owned computer in district facilities at any time it is determined that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or is violating the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for students utilizing privately owned computers in district facilities shall be consistent with the district's standard policies and practices. Violations can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of use of a privately owned computer in district facilities, other school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action. Exact disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the  Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

Procedure for Connecting to District Computer Network

1.   Contact district tech support for a list of approved anti-virus software.

2.   Determine that you have the appropriate network card and cabling required connecting to district’s computer network.

3.   Make an appointment with tech support to have your computer configured for the district/building network.

[Text Added Based on First Reading of February 11, 2004]

Annual Review

The guidelines included in this regulation are subject to review and revision on an annual basis, at a minimum, or more often as changes in technology merit. The superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, will arrange for said review.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title     8272.4E(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Prepared by Technology Committee        
Presented for Second Reading by Board of Education, February 25, 2004

Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Students


NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………..

ADDRESS ……………………………………………………… …………………………….

BUILDING ………………………………………………GRADE ……………………….….

NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN …………………………………………………………..

TELEPHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………………………….


Brand ………………………..………………Model ………………………………………

Operating system …………………………………

Anti-Virus program …………………………………………..Version ……………………

How often do you update your virus signatures? ……………………………………..

Student’s Account Name on Wayne Central Computer Network……………………
I Have Read The Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students
…………………………………………… ………………………………………….
Student’s Signature              Date

I grant permission for my son/daughter to bring our
privately-owned computer to school for purposes of doing school work.

…………………………………………… ……………………………………….
Signature of Parent/Guardian            Date

Please Contact Tech Support (8-038) For An Appointment
To Have Your Laptop Configured For The District/School Network
When Completed & Signed, Students Will Submit This Signed Form To The District Technology Department.

Exhibit Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


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