1. v Leave of Absence Resolution:
      3. Resignations:
      4. Name    Activity   Bldg.  Rate
      5. Name    Activity   Bldg.  Rate
    2. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  3. February 11, 2004
  4. District Rights
  5. District Rights




DATE: February 11, 2004
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: District Office Board Room
7:00 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
7:00 Executive Session
7:30 Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Member Comments
7:45 Board President’s Comments
7:50 Action Item Report
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Graduate Survey Report – Mrs. Streeter
2. Sales Tax Referendum – Mr. Havens
3. Financial Update – Mr. Atseff
4. 2004-05 Budget 1st Draft – Capital Portion - Mr. Atseff
Att. 2
5. Building Project Update – Mr. Atseff
6. Student Questions
8:45 Items for Board Action:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. CSE/CPSE Action
Att. 4
3. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 5
a. Accept Treasurer’s Report
b. Accept Extra-Classroom Audit
c. Accept Gift to the District
d. Approve Health Contract
8:55 POLICY   - First Reading                Att. 6        
9:00 Public Comment/Board Comments
Next Meeting: February 25, 2004 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 TIME: 7:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office & High School
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Robusto, Triou; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Armocida, Siracuse, Saxby, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Davis
ABSENT: Trustees Diller & Wyse
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the high school building to fulfill the requirements of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingand the minutes of the meeting of January 14, 2004 as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Wyse), Carried.


Mr. Johnson stated that public comment is some of the most valuable time spent by trustees who appreciate input from speakers. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to confine their remarks to five (5) minutes. Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic.

A. ElizaBeth Peters, 123 Illinois Street, Rochester, a counselor at Freewill Elementary School, addressed the Board of Education on behalf of the district’s counseling staff to express thanks for their support of counseling services and to note the observance of National School Counseling Awareness Week from February 2 to 6, 2004. She noted the many services provided to students and teachers by counselors in each school. Counselors Mrs. Karen Palmer and Mrs. Lorilyn Sensenbach joined her in sharing information with trustees.
Mr. Havens noted that presentation of the proposed budget for the 2004-2005 school year will occur at school board meetings on February 11 (capital items), February 25 (program items) and March 10 (administrative items) with adoption of the proposed budget by the Board of Education is scheduled for April 7th with the annual school election set for Tuesday, May 18th. He stated that input from trustees on items for inclusion in the proposed budget is welcome.
Educational Priorities
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Larry Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction, to review the five priority areas in the district-wide school improvement plan for 2004-2005 that form the basis for budget planning by school officials. Mr. Spring shared information about student achievement, staff development, clean and inviting facilities, financial resources and community relations.
Discussion among trustees and school officials is generally summarized as follows:
Mr. Johnson stated that timely completion of the 2002 Capital Facilities Project is an important effort in the next school year, including keeping staff and the community informed of the progress of the work throughout the term of the project (goals of facilities & community relations)
Mr. Johnson believes that the school district should devote as much effort as possible to provide professional staff development to insure that we provide the best product (i.e. educational program) possible.
Mr. Triou spoke in support of continued efforts to involve parents and residents in school activities and to share the talents and abilities of students with community groups (e.g. senior citizen matinees, special events) throughout the year. He noted the positive trend developed in this area and the value of maintaining it.
Mr. Havens invited trustees to share additional topics as they might arise.
Budget Development · 2004-2005
Mr. Havens stated that the Governor’s proposed state budget would result in an increase of appx. $320,000 in state aid for our district for 2004-2005, He noted that $304,000 of that total is one-time aid for the transition to the full-day kindergarten program. State officials have also proposed a 6.5% limit on the employer contribution rate for the state retirement system, a reduction from a prior proposed 10% to 15% contribution rate.
Mr. Robusto asked about the status of the distribution of sales tax revenue among schools in Wayne County. Mr. Havens stated that meetings on this topic are underway among school superintendents and members of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors. The superintendent’s council has proposed that an advisory public referendum on the topic occur as part of the annual school election in May to provide input from local taxpayers on the topic.
Mr. Griswold asked if school boards are restricted in any way from conducting such an advisory referendum. Mr. Havens stated they are not.
Mr. Triou asked how the town supervisors from Ontario and Walworth feel about this issue. Mr. Havens stated that the newly-elected Ontario Town Supervisor supports continuing the distribution of sales tax revenues with local schools and the Walworth Town Supervisor has indicated his support to continue the present distribution plan.
Mr. Griswold asked if any other town supervisors have changed their views; Mr. Havens reviewed information available at this time.
Mrs. Brunner asked what happened to the substantial surplus balance that was available in the County of Wayne to address county budget concerns and if anyone has asked county officials about efficiencies or cost savings they have achieved or made. Mr. Havens stated that school officials have confined their efforts at determining public sentiment on future distribution and sharing of sales tax revenues with schools.
Taxable Assessed Value for the 2004-2005 Budget Year
Mr. Griswold if the total taxable assessed value of the school district is projected to increase or decrease for the 2004-2005-budget year given the pending sale of the nuclear power station.
Mr. Havens stated it appears that the sale of the nuclear power station would not impact the taxable assessed value until the 2005-2006 school year and that discussions among school, town, county and state officials will occur as the taxable value of the plant is finalized.
He noted that Mr. Robusto had served as trustee liaison for those discussions in the past. Mr. Robusto stated he would serve in that role again if needed.
Mr. Havens noted that when the new taxable value of the nuclear power plant is determined, the school district will no longer experience the fixed $10 to $13 million annual decrease in the taxable value that has occurred during the years when the power plant’s future was uncertain.
Mr. Griswold asked Mr. Havens if any other school districts have established tax rate guidelines for 2004-2005. Mr. Havens stated that only a few have done so, with a range between 6% and 9%.
Mr. Ratcliffe stated that he is not comfortable with establishing guidelines for tax rates at this early point in the budget process. He prefers to know the costs for the programs and services we wish to provide or offer and work from there.
Mr. Griswold suggested that trustees submit items for consideration prior to the next meeting.
Mr. Robusto shared Mr. Ratcliffe’s view to first learn the cost to provide programs and services to meet our goals and objectives and then consider possible alternatives and/or adjustments.
Mr. Triou asked what the share of district revenues is represented by sales tax; Mr. Atseff stated $835,000. Mr. Griswold estimated that loss of that amount of revenue would result in a tax levy increase of appx. 4%.
Mrs. Brunner recalled prior discussion that discouraged trustees from sharing “wish lists” for proposed budgets. Mr. Havens stated that such items are appropriate if linked directly to district goals and objectives.
Status of State Review
Mr. Havens stated that the district has not yet received any word from the State Education Department on the status of their review of the 2002 Capital Facilities Project. He is working with the architect and construction management firm to obtain an update on the matter.
Asbestos Abatement Issues
Mr. Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, shared floor plans of district buildings to illustrate areas where additional asbestos abatement was discovered since the scope of the 2002 Capital Facilities Project was developed. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
With the exception of the main office area at Freewill Elementary School, the additional areas will not have a major impact on the budget for the capital project. Tests taken on some other areas in district facilities that were originally scheduled for asbestos abatement have, however, have determined that those areas will not require abatement. The space represented by those areas will offset the cost for the newly discovered abatement areas.
Since some of the areas where need for additional asbestos abatement was discovered are not occupied by students, (e.g. district office; storage in basement of middle school, parts room at bus repair garage, rest room/office at maintenance building), it is more cost effective to deal with them when future renovations occur in those areas.
Mr. Robusto asked if most of the areas where additional abatement is needed is flooring. Mr. Atseff stated it is. Mr. Robusto asked if abatement is required if the integrity of the flooring is compromised. Mr. Atseff noted that if the surfaces are intact, they do not pose a health hazard.
Mr. Triou asked when the abatement efforts would occur. Mr. Atseff outlined the projected timetable for the work. Mr. Johnson asked if it would occur when students were not present in the buildings; Mr. Atseff stated that was correct.
Mr. Johnson asked when trustees would receive cost estimates on the additional abatement. Mr. Atseff stated he hopes to have more detailed information in February or March.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the district could obtain a signed guarantee of no further presence of asbestos.
Mr. Triou asked if abatement of the additional floor areas in the maintenance shop and bus garage is more efficient and cost effective as part of the 2002 Capital Facilities Project. Mr. Atseff reviewed the expenses for moving people and furnishings, air monitoring and additional costs for those areas and noted that a majority of the areas are now carpeted.
Mr. Johnson asked about the potential for tile damage in the parts room at the bus garage. Mr. Davis stated that the area in question is in good condition.
2002 Capitial Improvement Project
Mr. Atseff noted that the original projection for approval from the State Education Department was 8 to 22 weeks, or February, 2004. At this date, no word has arrived from Albany.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked if the State Education Department typically provides feedback on the status of such approvals. Mr. Atseff stated districts typically learn the status of their projects when state officials begin to pose questions or seek additional documentation as they review documents and plans.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked Mr. Havens to provide weekly updates to trustees on the status of state review of the project.
Mrs. Brunner suggested that inquiries to other districts that have capital projects pending state approval might provide insight into the timeframe for project approvals.

Mr. Havens presented information on passing levels for students to earn credits for a Regents diploma for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
He noted that current state regulations require that students pass five (5) Regents exams with a grade of 65% or greater to receive a diploma. Local Boards of Education had the option to adopt a waiver to allow students to earn their diploma with passing grades between 55% and 65% on one or more Regents’ exam. Our Board of Education adopted such a waiver four (4) years ago. Renewal of those options are now underway by local school districts and school boards.
Mr. Havens noted that school personnel have directed substantial efforts to have students earn passing grades of 65% or greater and do not wish to revert to a lower minimum passing grade of 55%. Given the issues that the State Education Department has encountered with the state testing program, however (e.g. Regents Exams in Math A and Physics), and the fact that not all students perform well on paper and pencil tests, he presented an alternative approach for the Board of Education to consider.
The alternative approach would require all students to achieve a passing grade of 65% or greater in the five (5) required Regents exams to receive a Regents diploma. Any students who received a grade of 65% or less would need to repeat the course through academic intervention services, as a full school year course or during summer school. If their exam score on the re-test was 55% or greater, they would earn a local diploma for the period of the waiver.

He noted that such an approach would encourage students to earn a passing grade of 65% on the Regents exam and not have to repeat the course while providing a safety net for students who are unable to pass the paper and pencil test or we are more comfortable with state testing. In discussions with schools that have adopted this approach, he finds that they have been very pleased with the results. Among area districts, about one-third are keeping the 65% passing level and two-thirds adopting a 55% option.
Mr. Robusto stated he favors providing a second opportunity for students to pass the exam. He asked if a 55% option would mean that the student earns the higher score of the two exams, or only the second exam, since the two exams could differ. Mr. Havens noted that topic is among those under review at this time.
Mr. Griswold asked how many local students were effected by this issues last year. Mr. Spring stated it varied by exam and grade level of students. Mr. Havens stated that the most concern is with students who need to pass Regents exams in U.S. History and Comprehensive English as juniors or seniors.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked if the options for a repeating the exam after additional course work or intervention is a new idea or one that the staff had discussed in detail and what the general feedback is. Mr. Havens stated that it is a relatively new idea and the few school district that have tried it have noted improvement in Regents exam scores.
Mrs. Lyke asked in what years the proposed options would occur; Mr. Havens provided details.
Mr. Griswold asked how the option for re-tests and revised passing scores would impact the data-driven assessments of schools made by state and other officials. Mr. Havens stated those factors are also under review. Mr. Griswold stated that the lengthy discussions at the summer workshop that trustees and school officials were not in favor of lowering standards for local student achievement would put this proposal in context.
Mr. Havens stated he will present the topic for formal consideration at the next meeting,

Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Larry Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction to review the new accountability measures from the NYS Education Department based on the federal No Child Left Behind Act to monitor student achievement.
Mr. Spring noted that state exams at grades four and eight measure how districts rank against state standards and identify areas in need of additional attention while Regents exams for secondary students measure student achievement in specific subjects.
He shared samples of steps schools must take to analyze test results and reviewed the varied performance indices used to evaluate local district progress in meeting state objectives.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked how the state system accounts for students who have scores that impact the overall performance index. Mr. Spring provided details.

Mr. Griswold asked how school officials address the areas in need of improvement. Mr. Spring reviewed how yearly progress is measured and how areas in need of further attention are identified and addressed.
Mrs. Lyke noted a seminar she attended on this topic at the annual meeting of the state school boards association on how districts address these accountability measures.
Mr. Armocida, middle school principal, reviewed how alternative assessments are evaluated and recorded for students with special learning needs.
Mr. Griswold asked what programs we would include in our proposed budget to address these concerns. Mr. Spring provided details.
Mr. Johnson asked if our district is in any danger of appearing on a “watch list” by the State Education Department. Mr. Spring stated such status would occur after several years of poor performance and we are in no danger. Mrs. Brunner noted that our district has had a school “under review” and the steps required to resolve the issue.
Nick Leonard, 5861 Slocum Road, Ontario, asked when the completion of the new all-weather track at the high school would occur. Mr. Havens stated that it is scheduled for installation in the summer of 2004
Tim Heald, 2637 Walworth-Marion Road, Walworth, outlined a “Battle of the Bands” event planned at the high school on March 12th and invited trustees and school personnel to attend.
Tim Heald, supra, asked what options for graduating are available for students who can not express themselves or have trouble with paper and pencil tests and may not achieve a 55% passing grade. Mr. Havens reviewed some options available (e.g. GED diploma, IEP diploma)
Tim Heald, supra, asked if the school district received any incentive from the State Education Department while space in our district was used by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. Mr. Havens reviewed how debt service and rental payments were made by the 26 component districts for space leased by Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES and noted that our district will obtain use of the 40 local classrooms on the Ontario Center campus this summer at practically no cost to local taxpayers.
James Annal, 1992 Bear Creek Drive, Ontario, asked if there are any precautions that staff, students or visitors should take to deal with the asbestos items noted earlier this evening and how often those areas are inspected. Mr. Atseff noted the process for building inspections and Mr. Davis, director of facilities, explained how asbestos surfaces are evaluated.
IX. RECESS:9:02 p.m.
X RECONVENE: 9:10 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Additional Per Diem Substitute Teachers • 2003-2004 School Year
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Barrie Krochmalech, teacher aide (1.0 FTE), assigned to the middle school, a six month provisional civil service appointment effective November 17, 2003 through May 16, 2004 at $9.45 per hour (replacement for Jane Miller, resigned)
Victoria Schrader, 1:1 teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the middle school, a seven month temporary civil service appointment effective December 15, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at $7.65 per hour (to support new student)

David De Palma, substitute school bus driver, effective January 8, 2004 at $10.50 per hour
Dale Cline, substitute school bus driver, effective January 8, 2004 at $10.50 per hour

David Cooper, substitute school bus driver, effective January 8, 2004 at $10.50 per hour
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller Mr. Wyse).
(1) Annual Appointments And Designations For Fire Safety Inspections Of School Facilities
(2) Approve Budget Transfers
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Approve annual appointments and designations for fire safety inspections of school facilities as required by §807 (a) of the NYS Education Law and Part 155.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)


(2) Approve budget transfers pursuant to Policy 5330 (copy attached to minutes of this meeting)
On the question, the vote was 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Wyse), Carried.

Second Reading
Policy 8271 Internet Content Filters & Security/Computer & Network Use
Regulation 8271.1
Computer Network & Internet Acceptable Use Procedures for Staff Members
Regulation 8271.2
Computer Network & Internet Acceptable Use Procedures for Students
Exhibit 8271 Application for Computer Use
Regulation 8272.1
Computer & Internet Use Agreement for Students in Grades K-5
Regulation 8272.2
Technology Code of Conduct for Students in Grades 6-12
Mr. Triou, chairperson of the policy committee, presented the above noted policy, regulations and exhibits for second and final reading by the Board of Education.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve second and final reading of the above noted policy, regulations and exhibit as presented by the policy committee. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Wyse)
A. Mr. Johnson extended thanks to Mrs. Morrin, high school principal, for the informative tour during the annual visit to the high school prior to this evening’s business meeting. He added that each of the visits and tours at each of the five (5) schools were highlight informative this year.
B. Mr. Griswold stated that the presentation of both “good and not so good” news about student achievement and new state performance indices this evening was productive. He noted the importance and value for trustees to know about and understand this information as soon as it is available and that it is a positive sign that trustees and school personnel feel comfortable discussing these topics as they arise.
C. Mrs. Lyke suggested that trustees tour and visit both the transportation center and maintenance center at future meetings. While those sites are not required visits, it is important for trustees to obtain insight for those operations by such visits. Mr. Havens stated he would schedule those visits as part of future school board meetings.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Wyse), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
Att. 2
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 11, 2004
RE: 2004/2005 Budget
Attached is the first draft of the Capital portion of the 2004/2005 proposed budget. The following are included:
1. A three-part budget comparison, which shows the proposed Capital budget in comparison to the existing Capital budget.
2. The complete breakdown of the budget, by budget code, for the Capital portion of the budget.








Att. 3


To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From: Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
Re: Personnel Action
Date: February 11, 2004
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

Back to top

v Tenure Recommendation(s): None
v Resignation(s): None
v Leave of Absence:  
Rebecca Groff, Elementary Education Teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA disability leave anticipated May 3, 2004 through June 30, 2004. For purpose of child rearing.
v Appointments:
Wendy Riley, Art Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a six month temporary appointment effective January 26, 2004 through June 30, 2004 at $33,500 pro-rated. Temporary replacement for Lora Farber (leave of absence). 
v Informational Items: None

Back to top

v Resignations:   
Robert Knorr, temporary School Bus Driver, effective January 23, 2004. For personal reasons.
v Leave of Absence:
Martha Walton, School Nurse, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a unpaid FMLA leave of absence for period of up to one year effective February 11, 2004. For personal reasons.

v Leave of Absence Resolution:


WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has been employed as a cleaner; and
WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has been continuously absent from work since
October 2, 2003; and

WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw has exhausted all available paid leave time; and

WHEREAS, Susan Anseeuw continues to be unable to perform the duties of her position as a result of a disability resulting from occupational injury or disease as defined in the workers’ compensation law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that Susan Anseeuw shall be determined to be in unpaid leave status as of February 11, 2004
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Susan Anseeuw shall be entitled to such rights as are provided in Section 71 and Section 73 of the Civil Service Law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this leave of absence shall run concurrently with any other leave entitlement.

v Appointments
Peter Evans, School Bus Driver, a five month temporary Civil Service appointment effective January 26, 2004 through June 30, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Robert Knorr (resignation).
The Superintendent recommends the following annual appointments of Advisors, Literacy Coaches and Athletic Coaches for 2003-2004. These appointments will be effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at contractual rates.





Name        Activity      Bldg.    Rate
Lee Stramonine    Musical Co-Producer    HS    $513
Lori Eaton-Smith    Musical Co-Producer    HS    $513


Name        Activity      Bldg.    Rate
Marla Houston    Musical Co-Producer    HS    $513
George Bauerschmidt    Musical Co-Producer    HS    $513


Name        Activity      Bldg.    Rate
Elizabeth Peters    Homework Helper Club  FE    $530

Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE: Consensus Agenda

DATE:  February 11, 2004
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:

1. Accept December Treasurer’s Report


2. Accept July-December Middle School Student Activity Fund Summary


3. Accept July-December High School Student Activity Fund Summary


4. Accept Independent Auditor’s Extra -Classroom Activity Account Report


5. Accept Gifts to the District


6. Approve 2003-04 Student Health Services Contract with Newark Central School District


Consensus Agenda #4
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 11, 2004
RE: Acceptance of Extra-Classroom Activities Funds
The Regulations of the Commissioner of Education of the State of New York require that an independent and impartial audit of the extra-classroom activity accounts be made at least annually in conjunction with the audit of district records. A copy of the audit and an excerpt of the Board of Education minutes of the meeting when the audit was accepted by the Board of Education must be filed with the New York State Department of Education. In addition a notice must be published within ten days that such a report is available for public inspection.
The audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts for the year ended June 30, 2003, as conducted by the C.P.A. firm of Mr. Raymond Wager, Rochester, New York, has been received. A copy of the audit has been forwarded to the building principals for their review. The attached corrective action plan will be implemented to address weaknesses identified by the audit.
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2004, accept the 2002/2003 audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts as prepared by Mr. Wager, C.P.A.
c: Lori Morin, Wayne High School Principal
Robert Armocida, Wayne Middle School Principal
Jim Switzer, District Clerk
Lee Stramonine, District Treasurer
Consensus Agenda #5
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 11, 2004
RE: Gifts to the District
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their meeting to be held on February 11, 2004, accept the following gifts:
1. The First Presbyterian Church of Ontario Center, NY, has donated a gift of $846.00 to be used at the discretion of the HopeWorks Management Team.
2. The Freewill Parent Group has donated $2,500.00 to be used for teachers to attend conferences.
c: Lee Stramonine
Helen Jensen
Karen Palmer
Kim Saxby
Consensus Agenda #6
TO: Michael Havens
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 11, 2003
RE: Health Service Contract - Newark Central School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Newark Central School District for the 2003-2004 school year.
The cost of the contract is:
students @
$ 439.23

The attendance office has verified the students charged for on the health service contract.


 Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Newark Central School District for the 2003-2004 school year, and hereby authorizes the School Superintendent and District Clerk to execute the contract.


Att. 6


8272.3R  Guidelines for the Use of Privately Owned
 Computers by Staff Members
8272.3E  Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers
 by Staff Members
8272.4R  Guidelines for the Use of Privately Owned
 Computers by Students
8272.4E  Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers
 by Students

Back to top

February 11, 2004
Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.3R (New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis      Page 1 of 2
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

Staff members of the Wayne Central School District who bring their privately owned computer to school are personally responsible for the equipment. Responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the equipment, including installation of software and configuration of peripherals, rests solely with the staff member.

Any damage to the equipment, including results from viruses, is the responsibility of the individual. The staff member is also responsible for the security of the equipment when it is not being used.

Software residing on privately owned computers must be personally owned. Any software owned by the district that is also licensed for home use may be installed on one privately owned computer. The school district retains the right to determine where and when privately owned equipment may be connected to the district computer network.
A privately owned computer can be connected to the district's network, including access to the Internet, under the following conditions:

1.   Use of the computer must adhere to the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet as outlined in district policy and/or regulations

2.   All files on a privately owned computer must be appropriate and meet district standards for same.

3.   Staff members must complete and file a Form for Use of Personal Computers by Staff Members provided by the school district with the technology department prior to accessing the district network or Internet. A copy will be retained in the staff member’s building office.

4.   File storage and/or use of network resources from privately owned computers are limited to schoolwork only.

5.   The individual must supply all necessary hardware, software and cabling to connect to the district’s computer network.

6.   Privately owned computers must be running district approved virus detection software prior to accessing the network or Internet. The virus protection program must be updated weekly.

7.   The computer’s operating system must be Windows 2000 or greater. If using Windows XP, it must be XP Pro, not XP Home (due to network access features required).

8.   The district’s technology support staff must configure the computer to the district’s computer network.

9.   Confidential information other than student names and grade reporting cannot be copied or exported to the hard drive nor burned to a CD-ROM of a privately owned computer.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.3R (New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis      Page 2 of 2
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computer By Staff Members


Back to top

District Rights

As it relates to privately owned computers being used in district facilities, Wayne Central School District reserves the right to:

1.   Monitor all activity.

2.   Make determinations on whether specific uses of the computer are consistent with the district's Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet

3.   Log network use and monitor disk storage space utilized by such users.

4.   Determine what is appropriate.

5.   Remove the user's access to the network and suspend the right to use the privately owned computer in district facilities at any time it is determined that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or is violating the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & the Internet

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for staff utilizing privately owned computers in district facilities shall be consistent with the district's standard policies and practices. Violations can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of use of a privately owned computer in district facilities, other school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action. Exact disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the District Computer and Internet Use Agreement.

Procedure for Connecting to District Computer Network

1.   Contact district tech support for a list of approved anti-virus software.

2.   Determine that you have the appropriate network card and cabling required connecting to district’s computer network.

3.   Make an appointment with tech support to have your computer configured for the district/building network.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.3E(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Prepared by Technology Committee        
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004

Form For Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

BUILDING ………………………………………………ROOM NO. ……………………….….


Brand ………………………..………………Model ………………………………………………

Operating system …………………………………

Anti-Virus program …………………………………………..Version …………………………

How often do you update your virus signatures? ………………………………………….

Staff Member’s Account Name on Wayne Central Computer Network

I have read the Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members

………………………………………………… ………………………………………….
Staff Member’s Signature              Date

Please Contact Tech Support (8-038) For An Appointment
To Have Your Laptop Configured For The District/School Network.
When Completed & Signed, Staff Members Will Submit This Form To The District Technology Department.

Exhibit Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.4R(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis      Page 1 of 2
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students

Students in the Wayne Central School District who bring their privately owned computer to school are personally responsible for the equipment. Responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the equipment, including installation of software and configuration of peripherals, rests solely with the student.

Any damage to the equipment, including results from viruses, is the responsibility of the individual. The student is also responsible for the security of the equipment when it is not being used.

Software residing on privately owned computers must be personally owned. Any software owned by the district that is also licensed for home use may be installed on one privately owned computer. The school district retains the right to determine where and when privately owned equipment may be connected to the district computer network.
A privately owned computer can be connected to the district's network, including access to the Internet, under the following conditions:

10.   Use of the computer must adhere to the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet as outlined in district policy and/or regulations

11.   All files on a privately owned computer must be appropriate and meet district standards for same.

12.   If required by the school district, students must display their student ID card in the same manner as they would when using other district-owned equipment.

13.   Students must complete and file a Form for Personal Computer Use by Students provided by the school district with the technology department prior to accessing the district network or Internet. A copy will be retained in the school office.

14.   File storage and/or use of network resources from privately owned computers are limited to schoolwork only.

15.   The individual must supply all necessary hardware, software and cabling to connect to the district’s computer network.

16.   Privately owned computers must be running district approved virus detection software prior to accessing the network or Internet. The virus protection program must be updated weekly.

17.   The computer’s operating system must be Windows 2000 or greater. If using Windows XP, it must be XP Pro, not XP Home (due to network access features required).

18.   The district’s technology support staff must configure the computer to the district’s computer network.

19.   Confidential information cannot be copied or exported to the hard drive nor burned to a CD-ROM of a privately owned computer.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004


Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.4R(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Bold Type for Emphasis      Page 2 of 2
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004
Prepared by Technology Committee

Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students


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District Rights

As it relates to privately owned computers being used in district facilities, Wayne Central School District reserves the right to:

1.   Monitor all activity.

2.   Make determinations on whether specific uses of the computer are consistent with the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

3.   Log network use and monitor disk storage space utilized by such users.

4.   Determine what is appropriate.

5.   Remove the user's access to the network and suspend the right to use the privately owned computer in district facilities at any time it is determined that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or is violating the Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action for students utilizing privately owned computers in district facilities shall be consistent with the district's standard policies and practices. Violations can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of use of a privately owned computer in district facilities, other school disciplinary actions and/or appropriate legal action. Exact disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the  Acceptable Use Procedures for Use of Computer Network & Internet

Procedure for Connecting to District Computer Network

1.   Contact district tech support for a list of approved anti-virus software.

2.   Determine that you have the appropriate network card and cabling required connecting to district’s computer network.

3.   Make an appointment with tech support to have your computer configured for the district/building network.
Regulation Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented by Policy Committee, New Numbering & Title    8272.4E(New)
Entire Regulation is New, Prepared by Technology Committee        
Presented for First Reading by Board of Education, February 11, 2004

Form for Use of
Privately Owned Computers By Students

NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………..

ADDRESS ……………………………………………………… …………………………….

BUILDING ………………………………………………GRADE ……………………….….

NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN …………………………………………………………..

TELEPHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………………………….


Brand ………………………..………………Model ………………………………………

Operating system …………………………………

Anti-Virus program …………………………………………..Version ……………………

How often do you update your virus signatures? ……………………………………..

Student’s Account Name on Wayne Central Computer Network……………………
I Have Read The Guidelines For Use Of Privately Owned Computers By Students
…………………………………………… ………………………………………….
Student’s Signature              Date

I grant permission for my son/daughter to bring our
privately-owned computer to school for purposes of doing school work.

…………………………………………… ……………………………………….
Signature of Parent/Guardian            Date

Please Contact Tech Support (8-038) For An Appointment
To Have Your Laptop Configured For The District/School Network
When Completed & Signed, Students Will Submit This Signed Form To The District Technology Department.

Exhibit Approved: February …., 2004

Policy Handbook – Wayne Central School District – Ontario Center, New York 14520

Wayne Central School District
so that any corrective measures can be identified and implemented.

Greg changed for 2004.

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