1. I. PRESENT: Trustees Triou, Lyke, Diller; Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer
        1. 4250 Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools  7111  K-5 Attendance Regulations

February 6, 2004
“Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

- - St. Francis of Assisi

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

Board Agenda:

1. Executive Session - I would like to discuss a personnel matter and review information on the Ginna Assessment.


2. Graduate Survey Presentation – Mrs. Streeter’s Gemini Computer Class has conducted a survey of students who graduated from Wayne Central 5 years ago. They asked them about what they are doing now, what their experience at Wayne was like and how Wayne could have helped them better. This is the first year of what I expect to be an on-going gathering of data about our performance. Three of Mrs. Streeter’s students,   Josh McCartan, Bob Klehr, and Jon Hogestyn will be making a presentation to the Board on their findings.


3. Sales Tax Referendum– I will be discussing this in more detail on Wednesday, but the eleven school districts of Wayne County are going to be asking the County to hold a referendum on the sales tax issue.


4. Financial Update - Greg will provide an update on district finances.


5. Budget Draft Presentation - Greg has prepared the first draft of the capital portion of the 2004-05 budget for preliminary review by the board. Additionally for your information, last month Mr. Spring reviewed the Board budget priorities. We agreed to bring in a budget that prioritized those areas of our school improvement plan. Our president also asked that you email me with any additional items that you thought should be considered. Those two items were model schools and modified football.


6. Building Project Update – Greg will share the progress on the building project planning, SED approval status and estimated start date.


7. Action Items - We have CSE and CPSE action for approval. The business office has submitted the December Treasurer’s Report, Student activity fund summaries, a health contract with Newark CSD, and gifts to the district for board approval. The extra-classroom audit is also enclosed for your review and acceptance.


8. Policy - John Triou will present first readings of regulations and use forms on privately owned computers at school.


1. Wayne County Education Association- On Monday February 9th, we will have our first meeting of the Wayne County Education Association. This group is being formed to first convince the County Board of Supervisors that there should be a referendum on the sales tax issue and secondly to convince the Wayne County citizens that they should vote in favor of schools keeping the revenue. There are 5 people representing our district including Jackie Brunner from the Board. Any other Board members interested are encouraged to attend. If you would like to ride down together, please let me know.


2. Ginna- Between the budget, the sales tax issue and Ginna, it feels as if the past month has been spent working solely on money issues. I have brought in Algird (Al) White of the firm Couch-White to work with us on the Ginna assessment issue. Wednesday members of the Town of Ontario, Frank Robusto, Greg Aseff and I met with him to discuss how he could assist us. The Town members at the meeting have agreed to share the cost of Al on a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 basis with the school and County. The entire Town Board will meet next week to consider the issue and Joe Molino will bring it to the County. I will be discussing the negotiations portion of the issue in executive session. You should know that you are well represented by having Frank on the committee. He understands assessments, arms-length agreements and many of the other issues we are dealing with.


3. Math A- As you know the math A test has been a real struggle for our students ever since it’s inception. Although the numbers are not quite all in, it appears that we had between a 89-90% passing rate this January. That was our best ever. We believe part was due to the efforts of our teachers (of which there was much) and the production of an easier tests.


4. ELA 4 & 8- We will not know the official results of either the 4 or 8th grade tests for some time; however, it appears we improved our scores in both areas. The 4th grade test was extremely difficult (I even took the exam). If the exam had been typical of past ones we would have done even better.


5. Events –
Feb. 7 – County Solo Festival @ Newark
Feb. 11 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO - 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 12 – Full Day Kindergarten/Redistricting Meeting – FE Cafeteria – 7:00 p.m.
Feb 16 – 20 – Winter Recess – School’s Closed
Feb. 23 – HS PTSA mtg – 7:00 p.m. @ DO
Feb. 24 – MS PTA Mtg @ Media Center
Feb. 25 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO
Athletics: (Home Games)
2/11 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/13 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Newark – 6:
2/17 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.


6. Attachments:
a. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 1/22/04


Att. a

DATE: Thursday, January 22, 2004 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

I. PRESENT: Trustees Triou, Lyke, Diller; Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  Minutes of the meeting December 11, 2003 were reviewed and filed.
Policy 1550 Videotaping & Broadcasting of Board of Education and Committee Meetings: Mr. Triou noted that second and final reading of this policy, as revised, was conducted by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 14th. Mr. Switzer will incorporate in electronic and print editions of policy handbook.
Policy Revisions – Computer Network & Internet Use: Mr. Triou noted that first reading (January 14th) and second and final reading (January 21st) was conducted of the following policy, regulations and exhibits. Mr. Switzer will incorporate into electronic and print editions of policy handbook.
Policy 8271 – Internet Content & Filtering (Formerly Policy 4514) – Re-Named & Re-Numbered (signature line/statement added for staff to acknowledge having read the policy)
Regtn 8271.1- Computer & Network Use Procedures for Staff – Entire Text Is New
Regltn 8271.2 - Computer & Network Use Procedures for Students – Entire Text Is New
Exhibit 8271 - Application for Computer Use – Formerly Single Form; Now For Students Only
Regltn 8272.1 – Computer & Internet Use Agreement for Students, Grades K to 5 – Entire Text & Number New
Regltn 8272.2 – Technology Code of Conduct for Students, Grades 6 to 12 – Entire Text & Number Are New
Conversion Numbering – Regulations & Exhibits: Mr. Switzer continues to work on this portion of Phase II of the policy handbook update for regulations and exhibits.
Posting to Network & Web Page – Policy Pages: Mr. Switzer is working on final details of this effort with district tech support staff. The final format will include hot-links from the handbook index to each policy page for ease in reference.
Review of Policies that Require Annual Review: Committee members conducted annual review of the following policy items on behalf of the Board of Education.   No substantial changes were noted nor Board of Education action needed.

3410 Code of Conduct on School Property 5530 Petty Cash Funds  
3420 Harassment & Discrimination
5690  Contagious Diseases  

4250 Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools
7111 K-5 Attendance Regulations
5220 District Investment
7112  6-12 Attendance Regulations
5410 Principles of Purchasing
7113  9-12 Attendance Regulations      
Policy 7310 - Code of Conduct was scheduled for annual review at the January 22nd policy committee meeting.

Proposed Regulations & Exhibits – Staff & Student Use of Privately Owned Computer Equipment: Committee members reviewed regulations and exhibits as developed and proposed by the district technology committee. Mrs. Lyke suggested incorporating wording into Regulation 8272.3 (Guidelines for Use …. By Staff Members) to allow staff members to work with grade-reporting data by staff members. Mr. Havens will share this suggestion with Mrs. Green and the technology committee. The policy committee supported adding grade reporting to the text on the regulation.
Committee members agreed to present the following items for first reading and approval at the Board of Education meeting on February 11, 2004, with addition of “grade reporting” on Regulation 8272.3R as suggested.
 Regulation 8272.3R – Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members
 Exhibit 8272.3E – Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members
 Regulation 8272.4R – Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Students
 Exhibit 8272.4E – Form for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Students

NEXT MEETINGS:   District Office @ 4:00 p.m. (all Thursdays): January 22nd, February 26th, March 25th, May 27th, June 10th
ADJOURNMENT:     5:30 p.m.
Follow-Up On: Schedule of Required Annual Review of Policies – SAVE Code of Conduct 
Follow-Up On: First Reading – Staff & Student Use of Privately-Owned Computers, Regulations & Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB) & Protected Prayer
Follow-Up On: Transfer & Creation of Regulations & Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Table of Annual Review, Notification and Publication of Policies & Regulations
JES/jes:wp                   Recorded by Jim Switzer

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