Mark Scher Plans for Week of 02/02/04 (Meeting ABCDE)


    Mark Scher Plans for Week of 02/02/04 (Meeting ABCDE)


    Mark Scher Plans for Week of 02/02/04 (Meeting ABCDE)

    English 12 (meeting daysBCE): in order:
    Students finish viewing Close Encounters; explain orally themes, characterization and degree of characterization, motivation, portrayal of aliens, of scientists.
  1. Demonstration of understanding of sci fi due by 3:10 on Feb. 5: either compare the degree of characterization in early sci fi vs. more recent sci fi movies or complete another topic with teacher approval. I will be out of class on day C; use this time to complete the project.
  2. Students begin newspaper project. Students examine general newspapers, report on categories of articles in a daily newspaper; determine the proportion of kinds of articles .
  3. From actual articles and from textbook by Hall, evaluate the effect, in law and in a reader’s mind, of such words as said, allegedly, source, is reported, according to as an attempt to reproduce truth.
  4. Evaluate the section “Rights and Responsibilities” in Hall (pp. 11-24) for discussion of p. 21, #5 and p. 22, #7: what should the newspaper have done; what should it do now.
  5. Evaluate the editorial (handout) based on Wiener. Evaluate the paragraphs (read aloud to students) from Hall’s workbook , 11-12; defend or criticize the paragraphs.
  6. Debate the solutions to the legal cases cited by Hall’s handbook, pp. 14-15.
  7. Explain whether Hall’s workbook exercises on sports writing contain opinion or fact (pp. 26-27).
  8. By examining professional news articles, determine the common structure of different kinds of articles.
  9. Students pick general editor, after defining responsibilities; set due date for first edition. Students start research for articles.
  10. Standards 1, 3, 4
    ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)
    I will be out of class on days C and D. Use those days to read ahead. We need to complete this work by Friday, 2/13.
    On days A and B, students apply formalist and mythic criticism to
    “Young Goodman Brown,” on 606-616
    Read "Writing Critically," 381
    Submit essay: “Writing Assignment,” on 21: “Summarize the plot. . . ,” using “Young Goodman Brown.” You must provide at least six (6) quotations or examples from throughout the story in your essay. Submit electronically by 7 p.m. Friday, 2/6.
    Feb. 09–13: Psychological Criticism and Review of Narrative Point of View (2185-2189; 22-27). Apply these and earlier approaches to
    “Tell-Tale Heart,” 35-39; 75
    “Rose for Emily,” 28-35
    “Paul’s Case,” 535-550
    Standards: 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (Block 9.02 meeting days ACD; 9.03 meeting ABD; 9.06 meeting ACD; 9.08 meeting BCE)
    Students work on the Pigman Project. The last third is due by 3:10 Wednesday.
  11. Students explain orally answers to major questions in journal sections. Students show any extra-credit projects.
  12. Students read “Man Called Horse,” filling out worksheets (handed out). Orally, students justify their answers to the items on the worksheets. Students examine and label the parts of the Critical Lens assignment based on the story. Students write the essay after helping to set the due date.
  13. Standards: 1,2, 3,4
    ELA Lab.09 (meeting dayB)
    You will split your time in making sure that you are succeeding with English 9 class work and in working with the New York State Drivers Manual. We will use the Internet to test your work with the manual.


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