January 30, 2004
“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.”          - - Peter Marshall, American Presbyterian Clergyman
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Livingston County Trip/County Sales Tax– On Thursday I was scheduled to travel with the Wayne County supervisors to Livingston County to here about how the Livingston supervisors took back the sales tax. While driving Frank Guelli and Joe Molino to the meeting, we got a call saying the trip was cancelled due to poor weather. I took the time to sit down and have coffee with the two of them, and to discuss a sales tax referendum. Both are now ready to push the County to have a referendum on the sales tax issue. Other Superintendents have been asked to work with their own supervisors to also garner support. A recent article from the Wayne County Mail is attached.


2. Full Day Kindergarten Presentation – We cancelled the Wednesday evening presentation at Freewill and invited all interested persons to attend the Thursday evening presentation at OP. We had 46 people attend. The presentation was very well received and those in attendance asked some excellent questions. There was no one opposed to full day kindergarten and no one who was opposed to the redistricting. I would like to thank Mrs. Casey, Mrs. LaBarge, Mrs. Saxby, Mr. LaRuche, Mr. Prince, Mr. Atseff, and Mr. Spring who made an outstanding presentation.


3. Ditch Project – Greg, Don, and I met with Al Tyo about the ditch project at the north end of the high school. The Town is meeting with residents at the end of February to finalize things and may begin work cutting down trees shortly there after (so Mark you may want to contact Al about your fire explorers). He expects the project will be complete by the end of summer.


4. Recognition Letters – The letters to our bus driver, Shirley Montgomery and bus monitor, Kathleen Parks, recognizing their handling of the student with a (BB gun) on the bus are attached. Fred and I have also agreed to do something special to recognize these two ladies at the next bus drivers meeting.


5. Athletic Recognitions – We just received notice that currently the Wayne Wrestling Program is ranked #2 in New York State in the large school poll. Additional athletic recognitions earned by our students are attached. They continue to make us proud with their athletic and academic accomplishments


6. Building Project- No additional news on the project. We called SED and requested a face to face meeting with State Aid Planning as a way of speeding things up. They have agreed. So Greg, the architects, and I will be going to Albany shortly to push things along. I will keep you posted.


7. Events –
Feb. 2-6 – NYS Grade 4 ELA Assessment Tests
Feb. 5 – FCSBA – Health Insurance: Cost Saving Strategies – Manchester- Shrtsvll HS – 7 pm
Feb. 6-8 – NYSSBA Winter Academy
Feb. 7 – County Solo Festival @ Newark
Feb. 11 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO
Athletics: (Home Games)
1/30 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Canandaigua – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/2 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Marcus Whitman – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/3 – JV & V Boys Basketball vs. Mynderse – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/4 – JV & V Bowling vs. Penn Yan – 4:15 p.m.
2/11 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.


8. Attachments:
a. Scheidt Recognition Letter
b. Clark Patterson Letter
c. Girl Scout Council Letter & response
d. Transportation appreciation Letters
e. Hopeworks Newsletter
f. Athletic Update
g. Good Samaritan Clothes Closet Letter
h. Four County Information
i. Walworth Town Board Mtg Minutes – 1/8
j. Walworth Town Board Mtg Minutes – 1/15
k. Stuart Brown Letter



Att. A

January 26, 2004
Mr. Michael Scheidt
2196 Orchard Creek Drive
Ontario, NY 14519
Dear Michael,
I want to congratulate you on your nomination by Congressman James Walsh as the principal candidate to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
You should be very proud of this selection, as I am sure you have worked hard and have demonstrated the leadership, academic achievement and character qualities that make you stand above the rest. I am sure you have made your family very proud of you as well.
On behalf of the Board of Education and myself, I extend our best wishes for your acceptance into the academy and in all your future endeavors.
             Michael Havens
             Superintendent of Schools
xc: Board of Education

Att. B

January 26, 2004
Mr. Todd Liebert
Clark Patterson Associates
186 North Water Street
Rochester, NY 14604
Dear Todd,
After thinking about your question this morning about what we wanted you to do next, it became clear to me that Wayne Central really doesn’t have the expertise to know what steps should be taken next. We do know that five years is a long time to wait without the issue being resolved.
We have met with LeChase and asked them to represent our interests as we work together to solve this issue. They have agreed to do this and will work with you as they have on our current project. I expect that Lyle will be contacting you shortly to coordinate this.
Thank you for your assistance.
Michael Havens
Xc:  G. Atseff
D. Davis

      Att. C

                                                   January 26, 2004
Ms. Suzanne Blatchford, Executive Director
Seven Lakes Girl Scout Council
300 Route 318
Phelps, NY 14532-9315
Dear Ms. Blatchford:

I am writing regarding a letter to the editor that was placed in the paper by one of your girl scout leaders about the Wayne Central School Wrestlers. The letter contained some extremely inflammatory remarks that I generally do not associate with scouting. Both my son and daughter were scouts throughout much of their school years; my son earning his Eagle award.
One of the things scouting taught my children was that you treat people as individuals. You do not make generalizations about people as this letter did about my students and my school district. Although there may have been mistakes that some of the students made, it appears that most of the errors occurred by adults who gave the bottles to the wrestlers.
We met with the girl scouts on multiple occasions to try resolve this issue. Quite honestly, I thought it was resolved. At this point I am not sure what it is they are looking for. I believe the district has always attempted to work with scouts. We have had many of our young men and women go on to earn the highest awards in scouting. We are one of the few districts that continue to allow scout night at school. We very much believe and support the benefits of scouting. It is for these reasons that the attack is particularly disappointing.
I am not sure if it is fully realized what the effect this letter has had. The girl scouts have angered not only the wrestlers but also the parents and the wrestling booster club. Both of which are pressing for an apology and action. I am afraid that the effect of this letter may be directly opposite of what was intended. I would have much preferred that we could have held a meeting and tried to continue working out the issues prior an attack in the press. I hope you will work to minimize the damage that has been caused.
I look forward to your reply.

Yours in Scouting,
Michael Havens
Superintendent, Wayne Central Schools
Xc: Robert Dorn

Att. D

             January 26, 2004
This letter sent to:
Mrs. Shirley Montgomery
Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Mrs. Kathleen Parks
6236 Knickerbocker Road
Ontario, NY 14519
 On behalf of the Board of Education and me, I want to extend our appreciation to you for the tremendous job you did in handling a potentially dangerous and tense situation on bus #230 while returning to Wayne from BOCES.
 Your calm and quick reaction to the information that a student had a gun on the bus was a key factor in the safe diffusion of the situation. You were put in an extremely unsettling and frightening position, but you held the safety of all the students foremost in your actions. We are very fortunate to have you with us on our staff.
 Thank you again and best wishes for a very quiet, uneventful remainder of the year!
             Michael Havens
             Superintendent of Schools
xc:  Board of Education
 S. Woodard
 F. Prince

Att. F

The Wayne Central Athletic Department is proud to share the following accomplishments and recognitions of our school athletes.
Bryan Lyle - Wayne Central Boys Varsity Basketball Player was selected as The Section V Birds Eye Finger Lakes East player of the week for the week of December 29th. Picture Head Varsity Basketball Coach Bill Thomson and Bryan Lyle.
The Girls JV & Varsity Basketball teams both Won the 2003 Midlakes Tournament, Varsity Wrestling won the Penfield Holiday T'ment & Cicero North Syracuse Anderson Tournament, Finished in 2nd place in Spencerport Teike-Bernabi Tournamnet. Varsity Wrestler - Josh Patterson was recognized as the Most Outstanding Wrestler at the Spencerport Tournament.
Wayne Central Varsity Wrestler - Luke Baum (Junior) Recognized 1/10/04 for his 100 Career Varsity Wrestling Match Victories. Picture (L to R) Coach Hargarther, Luke Baum, Head Coach Scott Freischlag.
We just received notice that currently the Wayne Wrestling Program is ranked #2 in New York State in the large school poll.

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