1. Question 1
  2. Question 2
  3. Question 3
  4. Question 4
    1. Question 5

Mr. Cook 8th Social Studies Challenge Questions
Directions: You will find below 6 challenge questions. These questions are designed to test your knowledge of American history and government and your Social Studies skills. Do any FOUR of these questions on the Scantron Sheet!
Question 1
Use the map and the brief summary below to answer the questions which follow:
1. What does the map show?
2. According to the map, what candidate won most of the Southern States?
3. Which candidate won the election?
4. Why did South Carolina secede shortly after the results were known?

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Question 2
Make a chart on the answer sheet that looks like this and then fill it in!

Name of Branch      
Main parts of the Branch      
Main job or role of the branch      


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Question 3
Answer TWO of the following questions. Be sure to support your answer with details. You will need to write at least a paragraph!

1) Identify one of the goals of the Constitution and give examples of how the Constitution tries to meet that goal.

 2) Identify and describe one of the five principles of the Constitution.
 3) The Constitution has been called a “Living Document”. Explain why
 4) Identify and discuss two rights and two responsibilities of American Citizens.

5) Based upon the time period from 1790 to 1890, how successful was the Federal government that was set up by the Constitution?


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Question 4

Question 5
Select FIVE of the following people, places, and things,

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