1. Basic Critical Lens Essay Guidelines

Basic Critical Lens Essay Guidelines
Paragraph #1 – Introduction
Include the following information in the introduction of your essay:
·   Restate the critical lens statement and its author.
·   Explain/Interpret the statement in your own words.
·   Agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it.
·   Name two works and their authors that best support your opinion.
Paragraphs 2 and 3
In these paragraphs, you will give examples from each of the books you have chosen that support your opinion. In doing this, you must also make reference to appropriate literary elements that support your opinion. (theme, characterization, point of view)
·   One paragraph should deal with the first work you cited in the introduction and the other should be about the second work.
Paragraph #4
When writing your conclusion, your job is to restate your opinion and bring your essay to a logical close. A good outline for this is below:
·   Write one sentence restate your interpretation of the quote.
·   Write one sentence that ties the first book to the critical lens statement.
·   Write another sentence that ties the second book to the critical lens statement.

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