Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/12/04 (Days BCDEA)


    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)


    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 01/05/04 (Days BCDEA)

    English 12 (meeting days BCE)
    In class read “Rescue Party,” pp. 137 -158 in Tomorrow. . . , looking for what the author predicted in 1946 and for how he characterized the several alien societies. Connect your findings with It and The Day the Earth Stood Still.
    For Bradbury’s “Here There By Tygers,” 364-375, we will use one hour to make sure that you have read and understood the story. You will outline the plot. You will identify who the alien is. What attitudes and choices do humans make in the story? Why?
    Standards 2. 4
    ACE/AP English (meeting days ABD)
    Dec. 15 – Jan. 30 (Q2 ends on Jan 30):
    Plan on discussing one text each day; some will take two.
    As we examine each piece, develop essay topics:
    Mukherjee, 186-199;
    Man-Kong, 420-425;
    Orwell, 487-491;
    Bradford, 491-493.
    1. Students will continue to write essays or may write other forms. We will develop individual plans and goals.
    Standards: 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (Block 9.02 meeting days ACD; 9.03 meeting ABD; 9.06 meeting ACD; 9.08 meeting BCE)
    Teacher introduces students to the Pigman Project, handing out a packet. As an additional enticement, teacher shows a PowerPoint demonstration of independent workbeyond the Pigman Project by students from last year. Then, students work on the Project. The first third is due by the end of the week.
    Standards: 2, 3
    ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
    You will split your time in making sure that you are succeeding with English 9 class work and in working with the New York State Drivers Manual. We will use the Internet to test your work with the manual.


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