1. Correspondence – The Town Clerk received the following Wayne County Board of Supervisors resolutions:
  1. Resolution No. 917-03: levying taxes and assessments for purposes of annual town budgets
    1. Policy Items – A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to approve the second reading and adopt an amendment to the Town of Ontario Employee Handbook Section 802 on page 800-1 to delete “Conversion of Service” and add “Length of Service” with text as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
    4. Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Brewer, to adjourn at 9:15 PM. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

January 5, 2004

“Formal education is but an incident in the lifetime of an individual. Most of us who have given the subject any study have come to realize that education is a continuous process ending only when ambition comes to a halt.”
- - R.I.Rees

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Tour of Building – Joe Siracuse will lead us on our annual tour of Ontario Elementary School. The only tour remaining is the High School which will occur at the second meeting in January.
2. Executive Session – I will provide an update on the School Resource Officer and on a specific personnel matter.
3. Wayne Teacher Center – Donna Stalker will be making a presentation on the new Teacher Center here at Wayne Central. Donna is working with Larry to start up the center and is working as a teacher on special assignment.
4. Kindergarten Timeline – I will share information from the committee on projected timeline for the implementation of the full day kindergarten.
5. State Accountability System – Larry Spring will give an overview of the State accountability system which monitors student progress towards meeting the standards and how we faired.
6. CDEP It is time for the district to review its long-term plan (CDEP). We use this plan in developing our annual school improvement plan. We need two Board members to sit on that committee. We will be asking for two volunteers. The work will take place this spring.
7. Financial Update – Greg will present an update of district finances and budget timelines.
8. Action Items – Personnel Action, CSE Action, Treasurer’s Report and Webster Central School District Health Contract are recommended for approval.


9. Policy - Policy 1550 is submitted for second reading and board approval. Several policies on Computer and Internet Use are presented for first reading and review.


1. NYSCOSS Conference – I will be in Albany at the Superintendent’s Conference from Sunday – Tuesday, January 11-13. If something should arise and you need to reach me, I will be staying at the Desmond (800-448-3500).
2. Sales Tax Discussions – I will be hosting a meeting with representatives of the Wayne County Superintendent’s Group to prepare for discussions with the County Supervisors Finance Committee regarding the continuation of sales tax distribution to schools.
3. Events -     
Jan. 7 – Board of Education Mtg @ OE – 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 8 – Junior Honor Society Induction – MS – 6:00 p.m.
Jan 12 – FE Parent Group Meeting – 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 12-16 – NYS Grade 8 ELA Exams
Jan. 16 – Half day for students grades K-12
Jan. 20 – MS PTA Mtg – 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 20-22 – NYS Grade 8 Science Exams
Jan. 21 – Board of Education Meeting – DO
Jan. 26 – HS PTSA Mtg – DO – 7:0 p.m.
Jan. 26-29 – NYS Regents Exams
Athletics: (Home Games)
1/6 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Penn Yan – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/7 – JV & V Bowling vs. Canandaigua @ Empire Lanes – 4:15 p.m.
1/9 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/10 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Newark – 6:00 p.m. (last home meet)
1/13 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Newark – 6:00 & 7:30 -.m.
1/14 – JV & V Bowling vs. Victor @ Empire Lanes – 4:15 p.m.
1/15 – JV & V Bowling vs. Marcus Whitman @ Empire Lanes – 4:15 p.m.
1/16 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Marcus Whitman – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.


4. Attachments –
a. Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes – 12/22
b. American Red Cross Letter


DECEMBER 22, 2003

A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Clark at 7:30 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Richard Clark, Councilmembers: Mark Brewer, Donald Camp, Donald Shears, Superintendent of Highways William Slocum and Town Clerk Cathy Herzog.
Absent: Councilman Ronald Fillmore
Ten residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Supervisor-Elect, Joseph Molino led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Camp asked that the following items be added to the agenda: cancel the workshop on 12/29/03, consider a proposal for signs for public notification for the Planning and Zoning boards, and conduct an executive session to interview candidates for various boards and for wages.
Comments from the Public – Mr. Slocum talked about this winter’s snow and ice problems and costs.
Mr. Clark asked for approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2003 town board meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to approve the minutes as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

CorrespondenceThe Town Clerk received the following Wayne County Board of Supervisors resolutions:

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Resolution No. 917-03: levying taxes and assessments for purposes of annual town budgets
Resolution No. 918-03 adopting Special District tax rates
Resolution No. 919-03 allocation of County sales tax revenues to Towns and Villages
Resolution No. 922-03: Order establishing quarantine on dogs to prevent deer depredation
The Town Clerk received notification that the New York State Wetlands Forum, Inc. will conduct the 2004 Annual Conference and Meeting “Restoring and Protecting the Health of New York State Great Lakes Wetlands” at the RIT Conference Center, Rochester, NY, March 31-April 1, 2004
A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept and file the correspondence. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Old BusinessNone
New BusinessA motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Camp, to accept the Supervisor’s fiscal report for the month of November 2003 as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays
1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Brewer, to adopt a resolution to approve the annual agreement to spend Town Highways funds –2004 and authorize the execution of the documents to be forwarded to the Wayne County Superintendent of Highways, as recommended by the Superintendent of Highway. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) RESOLUTION ADOPTED  
A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept a change to the abstract of claims from April 14, 2003, amend the total amount paid to include the paid before audit bills for a new grand total of $81,120.46, as requested by the Town Clerk in a memo dated 12/17/03. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to accept the donation of an original oil painting of Canadian Goose Decoys, painted by Ray L. VandeVate in 1974, donated to the town by Dick and Jane Johnson and to direct the Town Clerk to acknowledge the gift and express the town boards appreciation. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
After discussion, the Town Clerk was authorized to display the painting in the Town Clerk’s office and to have the framing of the picture repaired.
A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to cancel the December 29, 2003 town board workshop. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
There was a brief discussion on the dedication papers for the Summer Lake Sub-division. The board agreed they would conduct a brief special meeting if the paperwork is approved before the end of the year.
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to approve a proposal for sign public notification for the Planning and Zoning Board and to amend the fee schedule on Part A: Application Fees, Section 1 under Planning Board add “Public Posting Fee - $35.00” and under Section 2 Zoning Board of Appeals add “Public Posting Fee - $35.00”.
There was a discussion on what would happen to the sign if action was postponed or activity on the parcel took a long time, would an applicant only pay one time (?), terms of the contract with the sign company, the charge could be excessive when the application fee is small, would it be cheaper to do in-house, and what date would this be effective? Mr. Camp will speak with the department on the proposal.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brewer to table the motion for more information. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

Policy Items – A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to approve the second reading and adopt an amendment to the Town of Ontario Employee Handbook Section 802 on page 800-1 to delete “Conversion of Service” and add “Length of Service” with text as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Budget Transfers/Adjustments - A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to approve the following budget transfers:
Transfer $500.00 from A 5010.4 to A 5010.1
Transfer $1,500.00 from A 5650.4 to A 5650.1
Transfer $150.01 from A 7020.1 to A 7140.1
Transfer $11.09 from A 7020.1 to A 7610.1
Transfer $757.00 from A 8010.4 to A 8010.2
Transfer $757.00 from A 8020.4 to A 8020.2

Transfer $1,972.59 from V 1380 to V 9710.7
4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
There was a discussion on the transfers for Zoning and Planning to purchase a computer for Donna Burolla. Mr. Brewer stated he would look into setting policy on purchasing computer equipment and developing uniform specifications.
Reports by Town Board Members – Mr. Clark reported on the adoption of the County budget for 2004. He stated the years ahead will be very tough for the County and many hard decisions for making cuts will have to be made.
Approval of Claims – A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to approve the abstract of claims for the month of December 2003 including voucher # 2666 through
# 2763 with a grand total of $129,923.08 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED  
Comments From the Public – None
Mr. Brewer stated he has one more item to add to the agenda and he read the following resolution.
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adopt a RESOLUTION in



WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark was elected as Town Supervisor for the Town of Ontario January 1, 2002, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark served as a member of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors for the same term as Town Supervisor, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark was elected and served as Town Councilman for the Town of Ontario from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 2001, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark was appointed as Deputy Supervisor and served from 1997 through 2001, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark served as a member of the Planning Board for the Town of Ontario from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1995, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark was elected and served on the Wayne Central School Board from 1972 to 1979, that included terms as President and Vice President, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark maintained a stable tax rate, engaged local citizens in the planning for the Town’s future and worked to gain State grants and matching funds for our community, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark serves the community by his engagement in the Ontario Community Chest, Ontario-Walworth Rotary Club and other not-for-profit organizations, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark, during his terms as a public official, has diligently served the residents and officials of the Town of Ontario and the County of Wayne in a loyal and dedicated manner, and
WHEREAS, Richard E. Clark will leave public service on December 31, 2003, and
NOW, THEREFORE, in recognition of his contributions and service to residents of the Town of Ontario
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ontario commends Richard E. Clark for his many years of service to the Town of Ontario and the community at large, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this RESOLUTION be entered into the minutes of the Ontario Town Board meeting this 22nd day of December, 2003, and that a certified copy of this RESOLUTION be presented to Mr. Richard E. Clark by the Town Clerk.
4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) RESOLUTION ADOPTED
Mr. Brewer stated he is a better man, a better Councilman for knowing Mr. Clark and he added it has been a pleasure working with him. Mr. Camp and Mr. Shears seconded that and the audience gave Mr. Clark a round of applause.
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adjourn for refreshments at 7:55 PM. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Reconvene: 8:10 PM
Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to
adjourn for an executive session at 8:10 PM to conduct interviews with candidates for various boards and for 2004 salary negotiations. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Reconvene - 9:10 PM
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to adjust the 2004 non-union employee wage grades by 3% as presented. Dated 12/19/03. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adopt the 2004 Stipend Schedule and the 2004 Salary Schedules for non-union hourly, salaried and elected officials as presented. Dated 12/19/03 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Shears wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Brewer, to adjourn at 9:15 PM. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Herzog
Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.

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