Connecting to the Internet from Home with your Laptop
    Road Runner/DSL Version 1.1
    Use these directions if you have Road Runner or another DSL connection and you wish to use
    the Internet from home with your laptop.
    Connecting to the Internet:
    Connect your computer to your cable modem with an Ethernet cable or if you purchase a
    wireless access point/wireless router you can be wireless at home too! Do not purchase a
    wireless card for you laptop—it already has one built in!
    Double click the Internet Explorer
    Click on Tools and then Internet Options as shown.
    Click on the Connection tab. Then click LAN Settings.
    In the box that says
    Use a proxy server
    there will be a check mark. Click that
    mark to make it disappear. (
    you will
    need to put the check mark back when you
    return to school.)
    and click
    Close the Internet Explorer and start it
    H:\Training\Connecting from home\Connecting via RR Internet.doc

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