1. Att. a
  2. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  3. Att. c
  5. Att. d
      1. Correspondence – The Town Clerk received the following correspondence:
        1. In the Matter of the Extension of Sewer District No. 1 to Include User Benefit Area No. 16
          1. I. Local Law # 3 of 2003
        2. Speed Limits
    2. Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adjourn at 7:50 PM for a workshop. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

December 5, 2003

“The man who believes he can do something is probably right, and so is the man who believes he can not.”
- - Anonymous

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Executive session- There are two things I need to talk to you about in executive session. The first involves our school resource officer and the second involves the spring track coach decision.


2. Full day Kindergarten- I will answer any additional questions you have about full day kindergarten. Greg has some financial information to share and then our president will ask for a vote. Greg has some very good news about the financial end of the program. New York State should be able to fund the entire first year costs of this program with the exception of the furniture. I have enclosed Greg’s letter on the subject (att. a).


3. Academic Report- It is time for our first quarter report. Copies are enclosed and we will be reviewing it with you on Wednesday.


4. Budget Calendar- It is time to begin talking about next year’s budget. We have enclosed a suggested calendar which Greg will review and ask you to approve.


5. Board Action- There are a number of things for Board action. I want to point out to you the Single Audit Report which monitors our federal programs. As you can see from the report, everything is in good order.


6. Policy – Policy 1550 on Board Meeting Recording Procedures is submitted for first reading. Policy 5430 on Use of District Credit Cards is submitted for second reading and approval.


1. Student Wrestler Update – Many of you were contacted about a parent who was upset with Mr. Freischlag’s decision to suspend a wrestler from a scrimmage last week. Let me bring you up to date on that issue.

I met with Mr. and Mrs. Bray and Bradley last Wednesday over Mr. Freischlag’s decision to suspend Bradley from that day's match. The three of them felt Bradley was suspended because Mr. Freischlag was angry that statements were made about weight loss and the wrestling program. Bradley had objected to the original meeting with the teachers and being part of a discussion with me because he felt it would make matters worse for him. The Brays felt Mr. Freischlag might be trying to get him off the team. After about two hours, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were calmed down, appeared to accept the reasons for the discipline, and admitted that Mrs. Bray was wrong about the weight. They agreed that Bradley was healthier now than before, that he was eating better (except for salads) and that his difficulties in class were not all that related to wrestling. They agreed to meet with Mr. Freischlag so that any misunderstandings could be cleared up, so that Bradley could move forward after this discipline, and to answer concerns about Bradley's health. I suggested this last part because of previous emails Mr. Freischlag had sent

Next I met with Mr. Freischlag. He was pretty upset at first and did not want to meet with the parents. Over time he calmed down. It was agreed that Mr. Blankenberg, Mr. Freischlag and the Brays would meet to clear up the misunderstandings and to talk about Bradley's health issues. Mr. Blankenberg set the meeting for last Wednesday. Unfortunately Mr. Freischlag didn’t show up. Mr. Blankenberg met with the Brays alone and tried to smooth things over. He met with Mr. Freischlag the next day who said he thought the meeting was some place else.
I have also talked to the Brays since that time and think we have tempers under control, at least for the moment.


2. Question of the Month – Each month we pose a new question on the Wayne Web Page. The most recent question and the results are as follows: “Some public schools in New York State are considering school uniforms as a way of making students feel part of a single group, to eliminate "gang" attire, and to reduce clothing costs for parents. Would you favor having students wear uniforms at Wayne Central?”  123 Agree; 582 Disagree. Please email me suggestions for our future questions of the month.


3. Administrator Honored: Athletic Director Marc Blankenberg has been selected to receive the 2003-04 Section 5 Athletic Administrator Award. He will be honored at the annual section 5 meeting as well as the New York Conference being held in March. This certainly speaks well of Marc.
4. Building Project Update: We have not heard anything from SED yet. We are hoping for approval by the end of this month. We have had some good news however about one aspect of the project. The plan calls for bringing in a substantial amount of fill for the northern end of the new track. At a recent project meeting we suggested using the mounds of soil in the south east corner of our property. The soil was tested and is acceptable. This will save us a nice amount of money!


5. Events -     
Dec. 6 – “Holiday Traditions” Christmas Variety Show & Benefit – PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 6 – Ontario Chamber of Commerce Craft Show – HS – 9:00 am– 4:00 pm
Dec. 8 – FE Band & Chorus Concert@ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 9 – NYSSBA Workshop “Student Rights & Discipline” – Albany Desmond
Please let Lori know if you wish to attend
Dec. 10 – Board of Education Meeting @ District Office – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 11 – MS Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 13 – Four Cty Legislative Position Paper Workshop II – Ramada Inn, Geneva
8:30 – Noon, buffet brunch
Please let Lori know if you wish to attend
Dec. 13 – Ontario-Walworth Rotary “Train Ride with Santa” – LW Emporium – 10:00 am – Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Dec. 13 – RPO Holiday Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 14 – HS Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 2:30 p.m.
Dec. 15 – OE Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 16 – Four Cty General Membership Mtg., Club 86, Geneva
5:30 – social; 6:30 buffet diner, 7:00 program, “Everything you want to know about video conferencing, teleconferencing, email and other electronic communications.”
Please let Lori know if you wish to attend
Dec. 17 – MS Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.

 Athletics: (Home Games)
 12/10 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Pal-Mac – 6:00 & 7:30
12/12 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Waterloo – 6:00 & 7:30
 12/16 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Canandaigua – 6:00 & 7:30

6. Attachments –
a. Full Day Kindergarten Information
b. PHASING Meeting Minutes – 11/14
c. Policy Committee Mtg Minutes – 12/4
d. Policy Committee Mtg Minutes – 11/20
e. Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes – 11/24
f. Constellation Energy Acquisition of Ginna
g. OP/OE Holiday Story Evening Invitation


Att. a


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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  December 3, 2003
Re:  Full Day Kindergarten
  I have some very good news concerning Full Day Kindergarten. As part of the state aid process, I am required to give the state education a date when the district would consider moving to a full day program. Based on this, I assumed there might be some state aid implications moving to a full day program. I contacted state aid planning, and I was correct. Under present law, there is state aid available in the year a district moves to a full day program. Basically, the calculation takes the enrollment increase of full day kindergarten students, multiplied by a dollar amount per student. For Wayne that calculation equals $297,000. This seemed like a large sum of money, so I called state aid planning a second time to verify that I was understanding the calculation correctly. I talked to the most senior person there, and she verified that the $297,000 is an accurate amount.
 It is important to note that this is true under present law. Secondly, this is one-time money. The district would not receive this money in 2004/2005, unless the state allows the operating aid formula’s to flow. With this amount of state aid available, it just about eliminates the cost to implement a full day program.

Att. b


DATE:   NOVEMBER 14,2003
Mike Havens – Wayne Central Schools (Superintendent)
Greg Atseff – Wayne Central Schools (Assistant Superintendent)
Don Davis – Wayne Central Schools (Building & Grounds Facilities Manager)
Mark Wyse – Wayne Central Schools (School Board Member)
Lory Morrin – Wayne Central School (H.S. Principal)
Matt Deal – Clark Patterson Associates (Project Architect)
Eric Hanson – Clark Patterson Associates (Project Manager)
Todd Liebert – Clark Patterson Associates (Project Executive)
Tom Sisson – LeChase Construction Services (Pre-Construction Manager)
Mike Jordan – LeChase Construction Services (Construction Project Manager)

Meeting Purpose:
Coordinate removal and reinstallation of the furniture along with floor waxing and discuss construction phasing..
Beneway High School
1. Lory Morrin stated that Regents Exams for 2004 is 6/14/04 thru 6/22/04 and requires the Gym and Cafeteria areas for these tests.
2. It was agreed that Don Davis could start furniture removal in “D” wing 6/14/04 thru 6/27/04 provided that 12+/- teacher’s desks could be moved to the Chorus room. It was discussed that computers stations would also be required however it was determined that the Library renovations would not begin until the summer of 2005 and the teachers could utilize the computer stations in there.
3. Furniture removal in “B” wing could start 6/28/04 thru 6/30/03
4. Don Davis stated that the Boces Area in “D” wing will not be available until 8/1/04 after their lease has expired and they move out. After further discussion it was determined that Don Davis could begin furniture removal in the Boces area 8/1/04 thru 8/13/04. Renovations in the Boces area can begin 8/13/04 thru 10/13/04 and floor waxing and furniture reinstallation to begin 10/14/04 thru 10/30/04.
5. “D” wing asbestos abatement can begin 6/28/04 thru 7/9/04, a 10 day duration.
6. “B” wing asbestos abatement can begin 7/1/04 thru 7/9/04, a 7day duration.
7. It was agreed that the renovation work for the summer of 2004 (wings “D”: &”E”) must be completed 8/14/04 to allow Don Davis to wax the floors and move in furniture. Wing “B” must be completed 8/23/04
8. It was discussed that the new construction addition work will begin Spring of 2004 and be completed Summer 2005.

Page 2
11/14/03 Meeting Minutes – Project Phasing Meeting

9. LeChase will make a copy of the phasing plan as discussed at this meeting and deliver to Clark Patterson this afternoon to allow the Phasing drawings to be updated.

Armstrong Middle School
Ontario Elementary School
Freewill Elementary School Phase I

10. Move out furniture 6/24/04 thru 6/25/04.
11. Start asbestos abatement 6/28/04.
12. Turn over to Owner for floor waxing & furniture reinstallation 8/23/04.

Freewill Elementary School Phase II
Ontario Primary School

13. Move out furniture 6/22/05
14. Start asbestos abatement 6/27/05
15. Turn over to Owner for floor waxing & furniture reinstallation 8/22/05

The above represents my understanding of the matters discussed and conclusions reached. If any of the above is incomplete or incorrect, please notify the writer within seven days.
Prepared by:
Michael F. Jordan
Project Manager – LeChase Construction Services, LLC

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Att. c


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DATE: Thursday, December 4, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:  Trustees Triou, Lyke, Diller; Mr. Havens, Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  Minutes of the meeting November 20th, 2003 were reviewed and filed.
Policy 5430 – Use of District Credit Cards: Mr. Triou noted that first reading of proposed revisions to this policy was conducted at the Board of Education meeting of November 19th. Following discussion, committee members approved final adjustments to the text for second reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of December 10, 2003.
Discussion of Videotaping of School Board Meetings: Mr. Triou reviewed research he and Mr. Switzer had conducted on the topic both from a search of sample items on the Internet and the state school boards’ association policy service and from other school districts. Advisory opinions from the NYS Committee on Open Government and review of the NYSSBA School Law Handbook were also consulted.
The research indicated that court rulings have upheld that public bodies, including school boards, may not prohibit videotaping or broadcasting of their public meetings by private individuals, the news media or public access cable stations. The public body may, however, develop guidelines for the use of videotaping or broadcast devices at their meetings to prevent them from delaying or disturbing meeting proceedings.

The committee reviewed a draft policy prepared by Mr. Switzer. Following detailed review and discussion, the committee agreed to present a proposed policy for first reading at the December 10, 2003 meeting of the Board of Education.

Discussion of Liability for Student Fund-Raising Activities: Mr. Triou noted that no sample policies were located among school districts in New York State. Mr. Switzer reported on his discussion with the district’s insurance agent who advised that the district’s insurance policies provide liability coverage where incidents occur where responsibility of the school district is determined. As a general rule, it is advisable to avoid including statements about liability in public policy.
Mr. Triou noted that the existing Policy 3250 on booster clubs requires them to provide their own insurance. Mr. Havens noted that the booster club does have such insurance.
The committee determined that no revisions or modifications to existing policy are necessary at this time.
Review of Policies Requiring Annual Review: Mr. Triou noted that he would include this topic on the agenda of th next meeting of the committee.
Review of Updated Computer Network Use Policies: Mr. Switzer reported that he is working with the technology coordinator on the updated policies and procedures for inclusion in the new policy handbook and review by the committee.
Policy Handbook Update Status: Mr. Switzer reported that the new policy handbook is available to school staff on the district computer network and that the technology support staff is working on direct-links of the index of the handbook to the policy pages in preparation of posting the handbook on the district web site. He also noted progress on transfer and re-numbering of existing policy regulations and exhibits and plans to post those items on the district network and web site as that process is completed.

NEXT MEETINGS:    District Office @ 4:00 p.m. on the following dates (all Thursdays):

December 11th, January 22nd, February 26th, March 25th, May 27th, June 10th

Follow-Up On: Second Reading – Policy 5430 – Use of District Credit Cards
· Follow-Up On: First ReadingVideo-Taping & Broadcasting of School Board Meetings
Follow-Up On: Proposed Revisions & Additions – Computer & Internet Use Policy, Regulations, Procedures, Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB) & Protected Prayer
Follow-Up On: Schedule of Required Annual Review of Policies
Follow-Up On: Transfer & Creation of Regulations & Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Table of Annual Review, Notification and Publication of Policies & Regulations
ADJOURNMENT:     5:30 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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Att. d


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DATE: Thursday, November 20, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:  Trustees Triou, Lyke, Diller; Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of September 11th and November 5th, 2003 were reviewed and filed. (Meeting of October 9, 2003 was cancelled)
Policy 5430 – Use of District Credit Cards: Mr. Triou noted that first reading of proposed revisions to this policy was conducted at the Board of Education meeting of November 19th. Following discussion, trustees on the committee suggested the following modifications for consideration in second reading of the proposed revisions:

(a) restore provisions (from original policy) in second paragraph re: custody of the credit card, to modify wording to reference “district-level” credit card and move that paragraph to section re: district-level credit cards
(b) add provision in section re: district-level credit cards to “issue the district level credit card in the name of the designated purchasing agent of the Board of Education”
(c) restore provision (from original policy) in third paragraph re: “use of district and building level credit cards” to include the original text on “…submission of receipts and credit cards immediately upon return of the school district officer or employee…”

Following discussion, the committee decided to schedule an additional committee meeting on December 3rd or 4th at 4:00 p.m. in the district office to finalize these revisions for second reading at the December 10th meeting of the Board of Education. (Meeting subsequently confirmed for December 4th @ 4 p.m. at the district office). Mr. Switzer was asked to incorporate revisions as reflected in today’s discussions.
Discussion of Liability for Student Fund-Raising Activities: Mr. Triou noted the issued raised by Trustee Jackie Brunner at the November 19th meeting of the Board of Education (referred from a meeting of PTSA at the high school) on what liability, if any, the school district incurs if students are injured while engaged in fund-raising activities for school-sponsored organizations or booster groups.
Mr. Triou noted that no reference to or provision for this issue exists in either of the two existing policies on this topic (i.e. 3250 – Booster Clubs & Organizations & 7450 – Fund Raising by Students). He also researched the topic of liability on the NYSSBA policy reference web site and no sample policies were located.
Following discussion, committee members noted that a statement on level of liability, if any, should be included on both existing policies and asked Mr. Switzer to contact the district’s insurance agent for clarifications. Committee will continue discussion at next committee meeting.
Discussion of Videotaping of School Board Meetings: Mr. Triou noted discussion at a policy seminar he attended at the recent state school board’s association annual meeting on the experiences of one district where videotaping of school board meetings by residents using personal video equipment led to review of policies and procedures by that school board on broadcast and taping of school board meetings.
Mr. Triou noted that video-taping or broadcasting of school board meetings presents an image and impression of the school district to residents, students and others of the school district at large as that reflected in the quality and appearance of published materials, condition of school facilities and quality of school programs.
Mr. Triou suggested that the policy committee consider writing a policy relative to video-taping and broadcasting of school board meetings. Mr. Switzer was asked to pursue sample copies and information on the topic from other districts and the NYSSBA policy service.

NEXT MEETINGS:    District Office @ 4:00 p.m. on the following dates (all Thursdays):

December4th & 11th, January 22nd, February 26th, March 25th, May 27th, June 10th

Follow-Up On: Second Reading – Policy 5430 – Use of District Credit Cards
·  Follow-Up On: Policy Revisions – Liability Issues – Student Fund Raising Activities (Policies 3250 & 7450)
· Follow-Up On: Policy StatementVideo-Taping & Broadcasting of School Board Meetings
Follow-Up On: Proposed Revisions & Additions – Computer & Internet Use Policy, Regulations, Procedures, Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB) & Protected Prayer
Follow-Up On: Schedule of Required Annual Review of Policies
Follow-Up On: Transfer & Creation of Regulations & Exhibits
Follow-Up On: Table of Annual Review, Notification and Publication of Policies & Regulations
ADJOURNMENT:     5:30 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

Att. e

NOVEMBER 24, 2003

A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Clark at 7:30 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Richard Clark, Councilmembers: Mark Brewer, Donald Camp, Donald Shears and Town Clerk Cathy Herzog.
Absent: Councilman Ronald Fillmore
Seven residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Mr. Shears led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Addition to Agenda - Mr. Clark stated the SEQR needs to be done prior to the resolution for the extension of sewers in the Carriage Court Subdivision. Mr. Brewer added scheduling the January Organization meeting to the agenda.
Comments From the Public – None
Mr. Clark asked for approval of the minutes of the November 10, 2003 town board meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to approve the minutes as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

CorrespondenceThe Town Clerk received the following correspondence:
KingPins Bowl Bar & Grill will be applying for an “on premise” liquor license. They are located at 2090 Ridge Road and the owner is Robert Shattuck.
Mr. Clark received a memo from Stuart Brown Associates offering assistance in preparing a grant proposal for the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund.
Wayne County Board of Supervisors Resolutions were received as follows:

· Resolution No. 856-03: Adopting Mortgage Tax Report and Authorizing County Treasurer to Make Payment to Towns and Villages – Ontario’s portion $192,262.08
· Resolution No. 911-02: Statement of Levy of Charges for Town Accounts – Ontario’s $99,130.18 (which Mr. Clark stated would add approximately sixteen cents (.16) to the tax levy)

NYS Comptroller’s 2003 Teleconference “Just Elected – What Do You Do Now?” is scheduled Thursday, December 11, 2003
A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept and file the correspondence. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Old BusinessNone
New BusinessA motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Camp, to accept the Supervisor’s fiscal report for the month of October 2003 as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays
1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED

A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, in the matter of the State Environmental Quality Review for the Carriage Court Subdivision creation of a sanitary sewer district accept the Short Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) and as lead agent declare a negative impact and authorize the Supervisor to execute the short EAF. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adopt a

In the Matter of the Extension of Sewer District No. 1 to Include User Benefit Area No. 16

In the Town of Ontario, County of Wayne, Carriage Court Subdivision

WHEREAS, the Town Board duly adopted on the 13th day of October, 2003 an Order reciting in general terms the filing of the Petition, the boundaries of the proposed Benefit Area, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvements, and specifying that a public hearing would be had at the Town Hall located at 1850 Ridge Road in Ontario, New York on the 10th day of November, 2003, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon to consider the Petition and hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof; and
WHEREAS, certified copies of the aforesaid Order were duly published and posted according to law, and the Town Board having, at the time and place specified in the Order, duly met and considered the matter of the establishment of the extension of Sewer District No. 1 to include User Benefit Area No. 16, and having heard all persons interested in the subject matter; and
WHEREAS, based upon the information submitted to the Town Board, it makes the determinations hereinafter set forth;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ontario in the County of Wayne that it be and it hereby is determined as follows:
a. The aforesaid Petition is signed and acknowledged as provided by law and is otherwise sufficient.
b. That all the property and property owners within the proposed sewer district are benefited thereby.
c. That all of the property and property owners benefited are included within the proposed sewer district.
d. It is in the public interest to extend Sewer District No.1 to include User Benefit Area No. 16 as described in the plan and maps on file with the Town Clerk; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the extension of Sewer District No.1 as hereinafter described to be known as “User Benefit Area No. 16” (Carriage Court Sanitary Sewer District) as set forth on a plan and maps of Kreiling Associates, P.E., L.S., P.C.; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed improvements, including costs of right-of- way, construction costs, and other expenses shall be borne by the developer; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution, in duplicate, in the Office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, together with an application, in duplicate if necessary, for permission to extend Sewer District No.1 to include User Benefit Area No. 16 in the manner and form prescribed by Section 194 of the Town Law of New York, within ten (10) days after the adoption of this resolution; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Clerk of the County of Wayne as required by Law.
4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) RESOLUTION ADOPTED
A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to adopt a resolution to adopt

I. Local Law # 3 of 2003

Chapter 104 of the Town Code of the Town of Ontario is hereby adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ontario to read as follows:


Speed Limits
104-01 Definitions
All definitions used in the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law are hereby adopted by reference herein.
104-2 Erection of Signs
The Highway Superintendent of the Town of Ontario is hereby directed to erect speed limit signs as required herein in a manner and shape as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
104-3 Orchard Grove Village Speed Limit

a. No person shall drive a vehicle in excess of 25 mph at any time while within that portion of the Town of Ontario known as “Orchard Grove Village”.
b. Speed limit signs shall be posted at all entrances to Orchard Grove Village in the Town of Ontario and the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are authorized to take the necessary steps for filing of said local law. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) RESOLUTION ADOPTED

A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to authorize the closure of Capital Project #H-64-02 Community Lodge at Casey Park and return the remaining $6,174.24 to the Parkland Development Fund T-37, as requested by the Director of Parks and Recreation in a memo dated 11/12/03. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to schedule the 2004 Organizational meeting for Monday, January 5, 2004 in the Ontario Town Hall, 1850 Ridge Road at 7:00 PM. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Appointments/Resignations – A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept, with regret, the resignation of Michael Marino from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and as Chairperson of that board effective December 31, 2003 and direct the Town Clerk to send him a letter thanking him for his service to the town. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Brewer noted Mr. Marino will be sorely missed and he wished him well in his new home.
Reports By Town Board Members – Mr. Brewer asked that any department head who budgeted for and is interested in attending the 71st Annual New York State Association of Towns 2004 training session in New York City on February 15th – 18th please let the Supervisor or department liaison know.
Mr. Camp reported that he saw Mr. Fillmore and that he was not feeling well. Mr. Camp expressed his concern and stated he hopes he will be better soon.
Mr. Camp stated he has been working with Mr. Collins on installation of the generators at the Highway Department and for the Town Hall.
Mr. Camp welcomed Mr. Brewer to his new home at 2196 Bear Creek Drive (new phone number 524-5533).
Mr. Clark stated Rochester Gas & Electric has two large volumes of information having to do with the Rochester Transmission Project available in the Library for public inspection. This involves transmission line; substation and equipment upgrades to ensure RGE will be able to adequately and reliably provide electricity to the Rochester area following the shut down of the Russell Station. There will be an informational meeting in the Ontario Town Hall on December 11th at 12:00 Noon and again at 7:00 PM.
Mr. Clark stated the Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water acknowledged receipt of the town’s application for a grant for the building of the salt barn at highway.
Mr. Clark reported on response to date on the Comprehensive Plan survey. So far approximately 10% have responded. He is hoping for a good response.
Approval of Claims – A motion was made by Mr. Camp, seconded by Mr. Shears, to approve the abstract of claims for the month of November 2003 including voucher # 2444 through
# 2536 with a grand total of $45,521.30 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED  
Comments From the Public – None

Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Brewer, seconded by Mr. Camp, to adjourn at 7:50 PM for a workshop. 4 Ayes 0 Nays 1 Absent (Fillmore) MOTION CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Herzog
Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.

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