1. Plans for Mark Scher Week of 11/03/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)




Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)


Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/20/03 (Days ABCDE)

Plans for Mark Scher Week of 11/03/03 (Days ABCDE)
English 12 (meeting days BCE)
  1. Working from the list of assignments in handout, students follow steps in Jobs and Career unit.
Standard 3.2, 4.1
ACE/AP English (meeting daysABD)
Day 1:
In class respond orally to Manegold, 158, “Writing Assignment” #2.
Day 2:
Draft of essay responding to Manegold, 158, “Writing Assignment” #2 is due for passing among your classmates. Do not place your name on this paper; instead, provide some other identification.
Day 3.
Final draft of essay is due for last reading and rating by classmates, still anonymously. Draft for teacher is due electronically by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 11/11/03.
Day 1:
Mr. Taylor visits at start of day 1.
Students copy next three vocab items
Students take notes for listening exercise from newspaper article, to find main ideas.
Students identify rhyme, rhythm (learning names of feet [iamb, trochee, anapest, dactyl, spondee] and line lengths [monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hexameter]), alliteration, imagery, other literary features of sonnet sections in handout for Romeo and Juliet.
Day 2:
Student prepare presentation of significant scene from Romeo and Juliet., explaining why it is important, what drama it holds, what literary elements Shakespeare uses.
Day 3:
Students teach their scenes.
Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422
ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
You will split your time in making sure that you are succeeding with English 9 class work and in working with the New York State Drivers Manual. We may be able to use the Internet to test your work with the manual.


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