1. Football Study Sheet
  1. Terms
    1. Playing the game

Football Study Sheet

Football Study Sheet
The field is 100 yards long plus the end zones {touchdown area} at each end
The game is played in 4 Quarters

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Touchdown= ball is run or thrown into the end zone. 6 points awarded
Extra point = after a touchdown team has option of kicking the ball between the uprights for 1 point or running or throwing the ball into the end zone for 2 points
Field Goal = team can choose to kick the ball into the end zone, between the uprights for 3 points rather than go for a touchdown
Safety = when an offensive player gets tackled in their own end zone, the defensive team gets 2 points and the ball kicked off to them
Line of scrimmage: where the ball is placed for play, sideline to sideline. This changes anytime yardage is gained or lost
Interception: Defensive player catches a pass thrown by the offensive team
Fumble: When a player has possession of the ball and then drops it on the ground
Lateral: a backward pass, usually thrown underhanded
Down: 1 play
Kick Offs: Taken at the start of the game, and the start of the 2nd half and after any points are scored. The ball must be kicked from the ground. One team receives the kick off at the beginning of the game and the other team receives it at the start of the 2nd half.
Punt: The ball is kicked from the kicker’s hands
On Side Kick: On a kick off, if the ball goes at least 10 yards forward, either team may recover it and take possession of the ball.

Playing the game

Playing the game
There are 11 Offensive and 11 Defensive players on the field at a time
Only 6 players on Offense can receive a pass. They are: Receivers, Tight ends, Running backs, and the Quarterback. Offensive players ineligible to receive passes are the Center, 2 tackles, and 2 guards
Defensive positions = Defensive ends, nose tackles, Linebackers, Cornerbacks, and Free and Strong Safeties
There are penalties for improper play. They are either 5 yds, 10yds., or 15yds. Sometimes the penalties also include loss of down. Some common penalties are Off sides, Illegal Procedure, Holding, Pass Interference, Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Roughing the Passes or Kicker, and Clipping {Blocking the backfield}
A team may only have 1 forward pass per down. They may lateral the ball as many times as they want.
A team gets 4 downs to move the ball forward 10 yards. If they are successful, they get a 1st down and get 4 more tries to do the same, etc. On the 4th down they can make a decision based on their field position, the score, etc. to:
1.   Punt the ball down the field to give the other team possession of the ball further away from their end zone
2.   Try for a field goal
3.   Go for the 1st down yardage. If they are unsuccessful at getting the 1st down, the other team takes possession of the ball where they were stopped.

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