1. Chapter 3 Review

Chapter 3 Review

Chapter 3 Review

1.  Write an equation or inequality and solve:
a)  The product of 4 and m increased by 4 is greater than 44.
b)  6 times a number less than 8 is 72.
2.  Multiply (y – 6)(y + 3)
3.  Graph 2<x £ 6
4.  a) Add 3x2 + 9x – 5 and 7x2 – 12 x – 6
b)  Subtract the terms from part a.
5.  Simplify 3a5(6a4 – 2a3b)
6.  Find the quotient of (8m4 + 12m3 + 2m) and 2m
7.  Solve 7x – 8 = 10 + 4x
8. Solve ax + n = m for x
9.Solve the following systems of equations:
5x – 2y = 10
2x + y = 31
10.Write a system of equations and solve by elimination or substitution. Remember to use let statements.
Twice one integer plus 3 times a second integer equals 9. Five times the first integer plus 4 times the second integer equals 5. What are the numbers?
11. Solve for x:  4x + 5    7
6 2
12. Solve for x:  2x – 3       x – 2 
      4 3

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