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Wayne County Educational Cable Channel 15
Submittal Form
Cable channel 15 was established to give the 11 Wayne County School Districts the
capability of communicating school related information and activities to the community.
Approved information is added and published*. The following process must be followed in
order for you to acquire approval for submitting your school related information or activity
for publishing. All information submitted must be accurate, proofread and in electronic
format (MS Word Document). Please try to keep your information direct, to the point and 1
or 2 screens in length. View channel 15 for examples of how information is displayed on a
TV, also see attached sample.
Please complete this form and submit it and a hard (paper) copy of the information you
want to broadcast to your building principal for approval. Upon approval, send the
information in electronic format (MS Word Document) to the
Technology Coordinator in
the High School.
Name of individual, group or club _______________________________ Date _____________
Building _______________________
Signature __________________________________
Date(s) this information should air on Cable Channel 15.
Start date _____________________
End date ______________________
++ A hard (paper) copy of your finished request needs to be attached to this form. (Required)
Building Principal
_________________________ _______
Technology Coordinator
_________________________ _______
* Every opportunity will be made to publish new information to Channel 15 at least once a
Revised 10/03

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