3. v Department Chairpersons: rate - $1,687 plus $160 per supervised teacher
    1. v K-12 Advisors: rate - $1,687 plus $160 per supervised teacher
      1. v Advisors: rate – varies per activity
      2. Name    Activity   Bldg.   Rate
  4. v Team Leaders: rate - $1,687 plus $86 per supervised teacher
  6. 2003-04
          1. B. SUBSTITUTE SUPPORT STAFF FOR 2003-04
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
    2. (1) Manage transition of regulations & exhibits from former policy handbook to newly adopted policy handbook
    3. (2) Review and update all policies and regulations as required by statute
    4. (3) Review new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education
  7. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools




DATE: October 8, 2003
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Ontario Primary School Cafeteria
7:00 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes
Att. 1
7:05 Retiree Reception
Att. 2
7:40 Public Comment
7:45 Board Member Comments
7:55 Board President’s Comments
8:00 Action Item Report
8:05 Superintendent’s Report
1. Building Project Update
2. Textbook Presentation - Lance Jason
3. Proposed Resolutions Discussion (NYSSBA Convention)
4. Financial Update - Greg
5. Student Questions
9:05 Items for Board Action:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. CSE Action
Att. 4
3. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 5
1. Treasurer’s Report
2. Accept Policy Committee Charge
3. Adopt Red Ribbon Week Resolution
4. Award Bids
5. Fund Balance Resolution
9:15 Public Comment/Board Comments
9:20 Adjournment
Next Meeting: Monday, October 20, 2003 Ontario Town Hall Time: TBD

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Att. 1


                  (arrived @ 6:33 p.m.),       (Mr. Robusto entered the meeting @ 6:33 p.m.) (Mr. Triou entered the meeting @ 6:36 p.m.)       
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Diller, Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Robusto Triou (arrived @ 6:36 p.m.), Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Shaffer, La Ruche, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Wilson
ABSENT: Trustee Ratcliffe
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 6:30 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Triou), Carried.
III. RECONVENE: 7:38 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (September 10, 2003)
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingand the minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2003, both as presented. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.

A. Mrs. Brunner reported on her attendance at the September meeting of the Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES in her role as district liaison. She reviewed agenda topics from that meeting (e.g. strategic plan, refunds to districts, math standards, textbook selection and exam results) and shared samples of materials distributed at the meeting.
B. Mrs. Brunner noted that seven (7) component districts have decided not to join the Four Co. School Boards Association for the 2003-2004 school year and that the school boards’ association is reviewing the format of program meetings without meal expenses.
A. Mr. Johnson extended condolences to the families of Karen Packard, a district bus driver, and former Ontario resident John Raymor, who served as a school trustee for 18 years in the sixties and seventies.
B. Mr. Johnson extended best wishes to students, staff and visitors on the upcoming Homecoming Weekend festivities.
Mr. Havens reported that he had investigated the issue raised by a parent at the prior meeting and provided feedback to the parent.
Mr. Havens presented the annual report of student achievement for the 2002-2003 school year for review and consideration by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Havens used a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate student achievement on state assessment tests and Regents examinations for the past four years.
He noted that the scores for English/language arts for Grades K to 4 reflected a slight decline but remain well above regional and state rankings. Results in mathematics at those levels continued five (5) years of steady growth, exceeding the district’s goal for student mastery and falling 4 points shy of the goal of a 90% passing rate, as well as exceeding regional and state scores. Science achievement is based on state designated levels rather than passing rates and our students posted the highest scores in the past four (4) years, well above the state levels.
Achievement by local students in English/language arts for Grades 5 to 8 showed excellent growth with an increase of 8% in the passing rate and a 4% in mastery levels. The results exceeded regional and state averages. Trends in mathematics for these students reflect a 29% increase in passing rates over the past two (2) years and a 9% decline in mastery rates. Attention to this area continues at all grade levels.
Mr. Wyse noted the substantial progress on passing rates by our students and asked how many students local test scores reflect and how they reflect student mastery levels. Mr. Havens provided details.
At the eighth grade level, students who took the Regents Biology exam achieved a 100% passing rate, for the third consecutive year, with a large number passing with 85% or greater and 69% reaching mastery levels, the highest percentage in recent history. Mr. Havens noted that these achievement levels by eighth graders are also reflected in results the Regents Biology exam at the high school.
Mr. Havens noted that members of the Class of 2003 were the first impacted by new state diploma requirement of passing five-(5) Regents exams. He commended local students for their achievements in meeting this new standard.
In the area of foreign languages, our students have exceeded the district goal of a 90% passing rate on Regents exams in Spanish, French and German with rates in excess of 95% in each of the three subjects and mastery rates levels well above the district goal of 25%.
Statewide results on the June, 2003 Math A Regents exam faced criticism. A panel of experts reviewed and studied the exam and issued a revised scoring scale. When the revised scale was applied, the local passing rate was 67%. While the scores reflect substantial gains from the prior year, they do not meet results typically achieved by our math students and did not meet the district goal of a 95% passing rate.
Mr. Johnson noted the tremendous improvements made by our students from 2001 to 2002.
In Math Course III, local student scores declined slightly but were only 2% shy of the 90% goal for passing rates. The mastery rate remained steady at 40%, well in excess of the district goal of 25%. Mrs. Lyke asked if this is the final year for Course III. Mrs. Morrin, high school principal, noted that Course III ended last year and outlined the new courses in mathematics.
Mr. Havens noted that both the passing rate and mastery levels in Regents Earth Science were the highest in the past five (5) years and for the second time, respectively. He stated that every child must now complete the course rather than take it as an elective. More than 200 students took the course and test.
Mr. Wyse asked if students take the earth science course at the middle school or high school; Mr. Havens stated they take it at the high school.
Mr. Triou asked how many earth science teachers are on the staff; Mr. Havens stated there are three (3). Mrs. Lyke noted that middle school students who used to take the earth science course now take the biology course.
Mr. Havens noted that fewer students (appx. 160) take the Regents Biology exam at the high school due to the number of students who complete the course in eighth grade. Achievement for last year reflects a passing rate of 86% and a mastery rate of 13%. More than 50% of our students take the Regents Chemistry course and exam; the statewide norm is 25% to 30%. Our passing rates remain in the 70% range and a decline in mastery rates occurred. Turnover in teachers in this subject has made consistency a factor on these results.
Mrs. Lyke asked if our students have the option to enroll in advanced placement chemistry, Mrs. Morrin stated that enrollment levels in that course were not sufficient in the past two (2) years.
Mr. Triou asked if chemistry is optional as a diploma requirement; Mr. Havens stated that students can chose chemistry or physics to meet the science diploma requirement.
Danielle Gillett, 216 Greening Lane, Ontario, a student present in the audience, asked about the science requirements for a diploma. Mr. Havens provided details.
Mr. Triou asked if students have an option to take a general science course. Mr. Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction, stated that an environmental science course is available.
Mr. Havens noted that the Regents Physics exam was also the subject of statewide debate and concern. Two years ago, the test was changed and low passing rates locally mirror those of students throughout the state. Similar to the Math A exam and course, teachers and school officials question whether the course and exam is designed as an entry level or advanced course.
The NYS Board of Regents is expected to issue a policy decision on the topic at the October, 2003 meeting. The state’s philosophy was to open the course to any interested student with the expectation that those students who do enroll would come from the top share of their class. Appx. 30% of local students now enroll in the course with a decrease to 15% to 20% expected if the course is designed at an advanced level. Since none of the science courses are pre-requisites for each other, school officials believe that physics is more properly designed as an entry-level course.
Mr. Havens stated that student achievement on the Regents Comprehensive English exam was the biggest surprise and disappointment from last year. Passing and mastery rates have declined over the past two (2) years. Analysis of the test results by the English department indicated that the area of writing proved most difficult for students and they are placing increased emphasis on those skills.
All students must pass Regents exams in global studies and U.S. History. Passing rates in global studies increase 4% points, within 2% of the 90% district goal, and the mastery rate reached a five-year high at 31%. Results in U.S. History achieved a five-year high with a 93% passing rate and a 35% mastery level, well above the district’s goal.
Mr. Havens noted that the rate of students continuing on to college declined from 88% to 80%, with 20% moving directly to careers or the military. He believes more students should pursue higher education.
Mr. Robusto asked about the student enrollment levels in the required courses of earth science, global studies and U.S. History; Mr. Havens reviewed details.
Mr. Wyse asked if any data is available on the number of our graduates who pursue higher education while on active military duty or through the veteran’s educational benefits after they are discharged. Mr. Havens stated that data is available on the number of students who pursue military service or two- or four-year higher education but not on those graduates who pursue studies while on active duty or when they leave military service. He noted that he is working with a group of seniors on a survey of graduates of five years ago that will address these topics.
Mrs. Lyke asked how many local graduates pursue military service; Mr. Havens stated appx. 5%.
Mr. Robusto asked about drop out rates for our students. Mr. Havens stated he is compiling that data and will share it with trustees.
(District –Wide Goals)
Mr. Havens presented the school improvement plan for the 2003-2004 school year for review and discussion by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
He noted that the plan establishes four pre-requisites for student achievement. They are
· Quality Instructional Program
· Professional Development for Staff
· Facility & Financial Resources
· Parent/Community & Business Partnerships
District-wide goals for the 2003-2004 school year are established by the plan as follows:
(1) Passing Rates – NYS Assessment Test and Regents Exams
Reading, Grades K to 4 90%
Mathematics, Grades K to 4 90%
English/Language Arts, Grades 5 to 8 90%
Mathematics, Grades 5 to 8 90%
English 11 Regents Exam 95%
Math A Regents Exam 80%
(2) Graduates Who Earn A Regents Diploma 90%
(3) Suspension Rate 1.0% or less
Details of specific goals were presented by district-wide administrators in the following areas:
· Instructional Strategies & Student Achievement
· Superior, Clean & Inviting Facilities for All Students
· Staff Development Opportunities to Optimize Staff Performance & Student Achievement
· Improved Community Relations
Discussion on the plan is generally summarized as follows:
· local staff will work with state officials on the Regents Math A course and criteria
· clear expectations and periodic audits will occur for curriculum plans
· staff and student representatives will participate in monthly physical review of facilities
· building inspections and progress on the 2002 capital project will be shared with staff & students
· staff development in literacy training, including the NYS Reading Academy, is a targeted area
· building and district leadership personnel will participate in literacy training
· each teacher will create a unit of instruction using the “understanding by design” process
· increase community awareness of resources available on the district web site and on public education Channel 15
· increase distribution of Golden Years Club passes to and greater participation by senior citizens in school programs (e.g. Reading Buddies) and events (e.g. fitness programs, musical matinees)
Mr. Johnson asked if trustees and school officials would re-address the goal for passing rates on the Regents Math A exam after the recommendations from the state review panel are made. Mr. Havens stated he would provide additional information for future discussion as it becomes available.
Aubrey Berardini, 308 McIntosh Rd, Ontario, asked when the school improvement plan presented this evening would start and how evaluation would occur. Mr. Spring provided details.
XI. RECESS:    8:30 p.m.
XII. RECONVENE: 8:40 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations for additional annual reviews by the Committees on Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Griswold, to adopt a RESOLUTION to approve the recommendation of additional annual reviews for 2003-2004 for pupil placements by the Committee on Special Education, TO WIT: 



          (Addenda to Action of September 10, 2003)

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committees on Special Education for annual reviews for 2003-2004 and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe).
A. Michael Sorensen, managing editor of Empire State Weeklies, 2010 Empire Boulevard, Webster, noted that today marks 25 years of reporting at school board meetings for him, the last several for our district.
A. Mr. Robusto relayed a compliment from a potential applicant for a teaching position that the application form was available on the district web page; they felt this was done very professionally and he complimented Mr. Havens and staff members for providing access through that medium.
B. Mr. Triou stated that he is a long-tern supporter of uses of the district web site and shared a comment relayed to him on the convenience of confirming dates and times of athletic schedules on the web site.
C. Mr. Johnson extended congratulations to Mr. Sorensen on this 25-year anniversary on reporting school board meetings; Mr. Sorenesen stated he started with attendance at school board meetings in Canastota in 1978.
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
October 8, 2003
School District Clerk
Att. 2
WHEREAS, Marilyn J. Hamman retired effective June 30, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 17 years of service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Marilyn J. Hamman served staff, students and families at Freewill Elementary School as a teacher aide and building office secretary, the district office as a pool secretary, the transportation department as typist and dispatcher, and the Ontario Primary School as school office secretary, and
WHEREAS, Marilyn J. Hamman’s service was marked by her care and concern for the students, families and staff members with whom she worked on duties ranging from classroom activities and projects and scheduling and dispatching school busses to managing district-wide curriculum reports, testing, communications and census data and registration and orientation of new kindergarten children and their families, and
WHEREAS, Marilyn J. Hamman served her peers as secretary of the local unit of the Civil Service Employees Association, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Marilyn J. Hamman is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Marilyn J. Hamman and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003.


WHEREAS, Eileen M. Bonino retired effective August 1, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 9 years of service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Eileen M. Bonino served staff, students and families as the typist for the district’s facilities and buildings and grounds department, and
WHEREAS, Eileen M. Bonino’s service was marked by accuracy and attention to detail for district-wide repair, maintenance and improvements to school facilities, maintaining and distributing product safety data reports and school emergency plans, recording energy and operating expenses and handling bids, quotes, purchasing and claims for the director of school facilities and his staff, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Eileen M. Bonino is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Eileen M. Bonino and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003.


WHEREAS, Carol A. Fisher retired effective August 22, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 25 years of service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Carol A. Fisher served staff, students and families at Freewill Elementary School as a teacher aide for a physically handicapped child and the school district at large as food service supervisor (23 years), and
WHEREAS, Carol A. Fisher’s service included management of a staff of nearly 50 full- and part-time employees, menu planning, procurement of food, equipment and supplies, compliance with state and federal regulations and responsibility for the free and reduced price meal programs, and
WHEREAS, Carol A. Fisher extended her care and concern for others through special efforts at senior citizen matinee dinners, annual food service staff and retiree luncheons, picnics for summer staff and tireless efforts to assist local students and families through the Walworth-Ontario Christmas Sharing Project, and
WHEREAS, Carol A. Fisher demonstrated and promoted the value and importance of proper nutrition in the success and achievement by students in the daily learning experiences, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Carol A. Fisher is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Carol A. Fisher and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003.


WHEREAS, Larry L. Ruth retired on June 30, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 41 years in education and 39 years of service to the Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Larry L. Ruth served students, families and staff members of Wayne Central Junior-Senior High School as a teacher of art and mechanical drawing and Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, of which he was a charter staff member, as a teacher of art and applied technology, and
WHEREAS, Larry L. Ruth shared his expertise and interest in art and design with students and the greater school community through program and publication covers, art exhibits and shows, the ninth grade banquet and recognition event, as a teacher of adult education, through community art group demonstrations and over 30 years as middle school yearbook advisor, and
WHEREAS, Larry L. Ruth shared his beliefs in the importance of recognizing the service and contributions of others through creation and annual coordination of the annual Memorial Day Assembly at the middle school and creation, design and construction of the formal crest and shield for the middle school and its namesake, former district superintendent of schools Thomas C. Armstrong, by whom he was hired, and
WHEREAS, Larry L. Ruth served his peers and the education profession as president of the Wayne Central School Education Association, for 11 years, as a founding member of the Wayne County Teachers Association, and in county, regional and state leadership positions, including several terms as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Education Association of New York State, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Larry L. Ruth is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Larry L. Ruth and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003
WHEREAS, Dr. Craig E. Johnson retired on June 30, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 18 years of service to Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Craig E. Johnson served students, families and staff members of Ontario Elementary School, Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School and James A. Beneway High School, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Craig E. Johnson displayed his care and concern for students and parents in evaluation, diagnosis and placement of children with disabilities and assisting them in times of crisis or distress, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Craig E. Johnson served as a member of the Committee on Special Education for the majority of his career, preparing, presenting and interpreting essential information for parents, students and staff members, and
WHEREAS, Dr. Craig E. Johnson served as a sponsor and supervisor for school psychologist interns and as a mentor for special education teachers, assisted staff members in testing and evaluation of student behavior and achievement, and shared his musical talents through annual recitals for middle school students to demonstrate the importance of music in non-music careers, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Dr. Craig E. Johnson is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Dr. Craig E. Johnson and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003


WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen retired on June 30, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 31 years of service to the Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen served students, families and staff members of Ontario Primary School as school library-media specialist, and
WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen served as a source of information, ideas and themes to children and teachers throughout Ontario Primary School and as resource person for audio-visual services and uses of computer technology and educational software, including automation of school library-media services, and
WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen served as webmaster for her school’s web page, as library-media specialist for summer school and summer reading camps, and on building and district level committees for American Education Week observances, school improvement plans, library-media, social studies, Odyssey of the Mind, TESA teacher training and as K-12 Advisor for Library-Media, among others, and
WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen served her peers and the education profession as an officer of the Greater Rochester Chapter of School Library Media Association, a faculty officer for the Ontario Primary-Ontario Elementary PTA, and as a committee member, building representative and negotiations team member for the Wayne Central School Education Association, and
WHEREAS, Loreen Jorgensen promoted lifetime learning and creative problem-solving through support of local students in the Odyssey of the Mind Program, for which she also served for many years as a coach, judge, trainer, site manager and registrar at local, regional, state and world final levels of competition, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Loreen Jorgensen is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Loreen Jorgensen and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003
WHEREAS, Ronald B. Jones retired on June 30, 2003, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 35 years in education and 17 years of service to the Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Ronald B. Jones served students, families and staff members of James A. Beneway High School as a teacher of biology, chemistry and physics and dean of students, and
WHEREAS, Ronald B. Jones took an active interest in the activities and achievements of his students and the student body at large through his roles as senior class advisor, yearbook advisor, athletic event scorekeeper, and chaperone for ski trips, the senior trip and the all-night prom, among others, and
WHEREAS, Ronald B. Jones was a coach of the girls’ varsity track team and served as the first dean of students at James A. Beneway High School, providing a link between students, staff and parents and addressing student behavior and management issues in a forthright and thoughtful manner, and
WHEREAS, Ronald B. Jones was honored as Area Chemistry Teacher of the Year in 1993, served as a mentor for new teachers in science and the high school at-large, and taught science in summer school for several years, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Ronald B. Jones is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Ronald B. Jones and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 8, 2003


Att. 3


To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From: Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
Re: Personnel Action
Date: October 8, 2003
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

Back to top

v Tenure Recommendation:
David Marean is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure in the tenure area of Physical Education effective September 24, 2003.
v Resignations: None
v Leave of Absence:  
Danielle Powelczyk, Technology Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA disability leave of absence effective October 1, 2003 through December 27, 2003.
v Appointments: None
v Appointment Amendment from August 27, 2003 Personnel Action:
Lorraine Willis – Special Education Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a two and one half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2006, at $34,060 (base), credited with six months of long term substitute experience. This appointment was erroneously listed with three months of LTY experience in the August 27, 2003 Personnel Action.

Back to top

v Resignations:
Kimberly Graham –1:1 Teacher Aide, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective September 5, 2003. For personal reasons.
Karen Packard – School Bus Driver, effective September 15, 2003. Deceased.
Mearle Swift – School Bus Driver, effective September 1, 2003. For personal reasons.
Deborah Whittmore – School Bus Driver, effective September 1, 2003. For personal reasons.
v Leave of Absence:  None
v Appointments:
Sarah Bouwens - 1:1 Teacher Aide (1.0), assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 15, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at $7.65/hr. New program.
Ellen Ebert - 1:1 Teacher Aide (.5), assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at $10.20/hr. New program.
Mary Heltzel - School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Karen Packard (deceased).
Suzanne Johnson - 1:1 Teacher Aide (.5), assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at $10.20/hr. New program.
Anne Jordan - School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through March 2, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Temporary run.
Robert Knorr - School Bus Driver, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Carm Heintzelman (medical leave).
Sherrie Lucas – School Bus Monitor, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Barbara Twist (medical leave).
Karin Pickard – 1:1 Teacher Aide (.5), assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at $10.20/hr. New program.
Janice Popoli – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through March 2, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Mearle Swift (resigned).
Michelle Quigley – School Bus Driver, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through June 30, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Monica Ambeau (medical leave).
Cathy Rich - School Bus Monitor, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through March 2, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Mary Heltzel (appointed as Bus Driver). 
Dawn Schmitt – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through March 2, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Replacement for Deborah Whittemore (resigned).
Joan Thayer - School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 3, 2003 through March 2, 2004 at $11.80/hr. Previous part time run that went to full time.
v Appointment Amendment from August 27, 2003 Personnel Action:
The following personnel were erroneously listed as having one year temporary appointments:

Kelly Damick - Teacher Aide, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004 at $8.30/hr.


Dolores Fox - Teacher Aide, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationy Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004 at $8.55/hr.
Lisa Northrop - Teacher Aide, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004 at $8.55/hr.
Rita Prideaux - Teacher Aide, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004 at $10.20/hr.
Cindy Reibert – Teacher Aide, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2003 through February 28, 2004 at $10.20/hr.

The Superintendent recommends the following annual appointments of Department Chairpersons, Advisors, Team Leaders, Coaches and Substitute Teachers for 2003-2004. These appointments will be effective September 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004, at contractual rates.


Back to top

v Department Chairpersons: rate - $1,687 plus $160 per supervised teacher

 Name      Department    Bldg.    #Tchr    Rate
Kelly Gallup    Counseling    District     3.0    $2,167
Lori Sensenbach  Counseling    District     5.0    $2,487
Kim Sherwin    Eagle Ventures    Eagle Ventures   [6.5]    $2,727
Charlie Roods    English      MS     7.0    $2,807
David Scott    English      HS     7.4    $2,871
 Carolyn Straub    Foreign Language  HS/MS     [8.0]    $2,967
 Kathy Emison    Mathematics    HS     [7.0]    $2,807
 Brad LaBarge    Mathematics    MS     5.0    $2,487
 TBD      Occupational Education  HS/MS     [8.0]    $2,967
 Ed Currier    Science      MS     6.0    $2,647
 Name      Department    Bldg.    #Tchr    Rate
Jason Lance    Science      HS     7.0    $2,807
 Marc Binsack    Social Studies    MS     4.0    $2,327
 John DonVito    Social Studies    HS     [8.0]    $2,967
 Deborah Wood    Special Education  MS     10.0    $3,287
 Deborah Valinzo  Special Education  HS     6.0    $2,647

v K-12 Advisors: rate - $1,687 plus $160 per supervised teacher

 Name      Department        #Tchr    Rate
 Patrice Ott    Art              7.0    $2,807  
 Robert Berkowitz  Media             4.0    $2,327
 Sarah Moran    Music            10.0    $3,287

v Advisors: rate – varies per activity

Name        Activity      Bldg.      Rate
  Marc Binsack      Detention (1/2)    MS      $1,296.50
 Jayson Gauthier      Detention (1/2)    MS      $1,296.50
Joanna Bucci      Freshman Class    HS       $657
Amber Wawrzaszek    Government (1/2)  MS      $498.50
Erin O’Brien      Government (1/2)  MS      $498.50
JoAnne Hurley      History Club (1/2)  MS      $902.50
Barb Carlisle      History Club (1/2)  MS      $902.50
Judith Fletcher      Honor Society    HS      $546
Bob Magin      Intramurals    FE      $26/day
Martha Hanley      Intramurals    FE      $26/day
Deb Knox      Intramurals    FE      $26/day

Scott Freischlag Intramurals    MS      $26/day
Dave Leone Intramurals    MS      $26/day

And Maureen Doyle    Intramurals    MS      $26/day
TBD        Intramurals    OE      $26/day
John DonVito      Junior Class    HS      $1,434
Tom Seimbor      Key Club    HS      $530
Michelle Timothy    Masterminds    HS      $530
Lisa Twitchell      Math Team    HS      $1,912
TBD        Musical Accompanist  HS      $546
TBD        Musical Drama Director  HS      $1,641
TBD        Musical Inst. Director  HS      $1,641
TBD        Musical Producer  HS      $1,026
TBD        Musical Sound    HS      $410
TBD        Musical Vocal Director  HS      $1,641
Jennifer Borowiak    Newspaper    MS      $272.66
Kathleen Walker    Newspaper    MS      $272.66
Amy Tobin      Newspaper    MS      $272.66
Ed Currier      Science Olympiad  MS      $1366
Frank Gough      Science Olympiad  HS      $530
Lisa Marlowe      Senior Class (1/2)  HS      $1,434.50
Kelly Gallup      Senior Class (1/2)  HS      $1,434.50
Thomas Gentile      Ski Club    HS      $683
Kevin Shoemaker    Ski Club    MS      $683
Jen Klehr      Student Senate (Gov’t)  HS      $683
Gwen Hoffman      Sophmore Class    HS      $818
Dave Marean      Varsity Club    HS      $1,053
Lance Jason      Yearbook    HS      $1,364.50
Teresa Lawrence    Yearbook    HS      $1,364.50
Wendy Herrick      Yearbook    MS      $1,936

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v Team Leaders: rate - $1,687 plus $86 per supervised teacher

Name      Grade Level    Bldg.    #Tchr    Rate
Patricia Dombroski  Kindergarten (1st Qtr  FE     2.5    $475.50
Darlene Martino  Kindergarten (2nd Qtr)  FE     2.5    $475.50
Laurie Gilbert    Kindergarten (3rd Qtr)  FE     2.5    $475.50
Tracy LaBarge    Kindergarten (4th Qtr)  FE     2.5    $475.50
Linda Casey    Kindergarten    OP     3.0    $1,945
Kim Adamson    Grade One (1st Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Tiffany Cotsonas  Grade One (2nd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Silvia DonVito    Grade One (3rd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Amy Sullivan    Grade One (4th Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Patricia Morton    Grade One    OP     6.0    $2,203
Jill Ghysel    Grade Two (1st Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Deb Adamo    Grade Two (2nd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Cheryl Fry    Grade Two (3rd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Fran Treible    Grade Two (4th Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Bill Thompson    Grade Two    OP     6.0    $2,203
Kim Meitus    Grade Three (1st Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Cindy Rutan    Grade Three (2nd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Shari Hurny    Grade Three (3rd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Carrie St. Pierre    Grade Three (4th Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Sandra Karp    Grade Three    OE     5.0    $2,117
Andrea Dysart    Grade Four (1st Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Jason Carter    Grade Four (2nd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Deb Adamo    Grade Four (3rd Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Alex Balta    Grade Four (4th Qtr)  FE     3.0    $486.25
Nicole Welch    Grade Four (1/2)  OE     5.0    $1,058.50
 Jenn Becker    Grade Four (1/2)  OE     5.0    $1,058.50
Bob Magin    Grade Five    FE     3.0    $1,945
 Heather Glossner    Grade Five  OE     5.0    $2,117
 Barb Carlisle    Grade 6 Neptune(1st)  MS     4.0    $1,015.50
 Nancy Driscoll    Grade 6 Neptune(2nd)  MS     4.0    $1,015.50
 Barb Thiele    Grade 6 Pluto (1st)  MS     4.0    $1,015.50
 Alan Etkin    Grade 6 Pluto (2nd)  MS     4.0    $1,015.50
Terry Lindsay    Grade 7 Jupiter    MS     4.0    $2,031
 Eileen Schwarz    Grade 7 Saturn    MS     4.0    $2,031
 Michelle Guerrieri  Grade 8 Mars    MS     4.0    $2,031
 Jenny Wing    Grade 8 Mercury  MS     4.0    $2,031

v Model School Club Advisors -

 Name        Activity      Bldg.      Rate
 Jackie Senecal      International    HS      $530
 Caroline Straub      International    HS      $530
 Corine Robideau    Art (1/2)    HS      $265
 Terese Manfredi    Art (1/2)    HS      $265
 Hailey Burns      Natural Helpers  HS      $530
 Kelly Gallup      Natural Helpers  HS      $530
 Gail Streeter      FBLA      HS      $530
 Michael Lester      Jazz Band    HS      $530
 Pete Derse      Select Chorus    HS      $530
 Sheryl Idzick      Tech Theatre    HS      $530
 Pat Brennan      FTA      HS      $530



v Resignations:

Ken Schaumberg – Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach effective August 28, 2003. For personal reasons.
Jackie Senecal – Girls JV Volleyball Coach effective September 1, 2003. For the purpose of accepting new coaching assignment.

v Rescission of Appointment:

It is the Superintendent’s recommendation that the appointment of Ken Schaumberg to the position of Head Coach, 2003-04 Spring Girl’s Varsity Track be rescinded.

v Appointments:

Jackie Senecal – Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach effective September 2, 2003 at a prorated stipend of $2933.00. To replace Ken Schaumberg (resigned).
Gissela Bueso – Girls JV Volleyball Coach effective September 2, 2003, Step 1, 1 year with WCS, Level E, no incentive and a prorated stipend of $2374.00. To replace Jackie Senecal (resigned).
Tiffany Stapleton – Fall JV Cheerleading Coach, Step 1, 1 year with WCS, Level G, no incentive and a stipend of $1816.00. New position with stipend donated by Booster Club.
The following personnel have been added to the list of fall athletic event staff:
 Thomas Siembor    Rick Bulman
 Sheryl Idzik      Don Peets
 Maureen Doyle    Brian Knebel
 Alan Eagle      Peter Derse


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v Appointments:


Last Name
First Name
DiClemente Judith 10/8/03
Fox Cynthia 10/8/03
Messmer Andrea 10/8/03
Sollame Katie 10/8/03
Waldron Bridgette 10/8/03
Codding Kimberly 10/8/03
Bridson Kelly 10/8/03
Winter Fayne 10/8/03
Monette Deborah 10/8/03
Becker Donna 10/8/03
Sutherland Jessica 10/8/03
O'Brien Joan 10/8/03
MacDaniels Christine 10/8/03
Dier Jennifer 10/8/03
Horner Donald 10/8/03


v Appointments:
Terry Nevil – Substitute School Bus Monitor, effective September 8, 2003 at $6.75/hr.


Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:    October 8, 2003
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:
1.   Treasurer’s Report – August
2.   Accept Policy Committee Charge
3.   Adopt Red Ribbon Week Resolution
4.   Award Operations & Maintenance Paper Bid
5.   Adopt Fund Balance Resolution



Consensus Agenda #2


Proposed POLICY COMMITTEE CHARGE ● 2003-2004



(1)   Manage transition of regulations & exhibits from former policy handbook to newly adopted policy handbook

(2)   Review and update all policies and regulations as required by statute

(3)   Review new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education
(4)   Carry out policy directives of the Board of Education

Adopted by the Board of Education On September .., 2003


Consensus Agenda #3


WHEREAS, alcohol and other drug abuse in this nation has reached epidemic stages, and the 15-24 year old age group is dying from these causes at a faster rate than any other age group; and
WHEREAS, underage drinkers consume 12% of all alcohol purchased in the United States; and the vast majority of this alcohol is consumed in a risky fashion (51% of 12-14 year-old drinkers binge drink; 65% of 15-17 year olds binge drink,); and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that visible, unified prevention education efforts by community members be launched to reduce the demand for drugs & alcohol; and
WHEREAS, the greater community and its representatives, both public and private, groups and individuals, will demonstrate their commitment to drug-free, health lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during a week-long campaign;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby proclaims October 23 through October 31, 2003, Red Ribbon Week, and encourages our citizens to participate in drug and alcohol prevention education activities, making a visible statement that we are strongly committed to a drug-free community.

Red Ribbon Week
October 23 – 31, 2003



Consensus Aenda #4

TO:      Michael Havens
         Superintendent of Schools
FROM:   Gregory J. Atseff
         Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:    October 8, 2003
RE:      Operation & Maintenance Paper Bid
In accordance with Section 103A, Article 5-A, of the New York State General Municipal Law, a legal notice was advertised in the official school newspapers inviting the submission of sealed bids for Operation & Maintenance Paper Supplies.
Sealed bids were received and opened publicly on Tuesday, September 9, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. at the district administrative offices.
Bids were advertised to be evaluated on either an item-by-item basis or total basis, whichever best suited the district. Prices submitted are to be f.o.b. Wayne Central School District. Where indicated, the vendor responded to a request for a discount for non-bid items purchased during the school year.
The lowest responsible bidders are identified as follows:

Bid Total
1.   Calico Industries Inc.
PO Box 2005
Annapolis Jct., MD 20701
Central Poly Corp.
18 Donaldson Place
Linden, NJ 07036
Palmer Distributing
100 Hoffman St.
Newark, NY 14513
State Contract

Attached is a copy of the vendor bid list for your reference.


Ace Tex Enterprises
Mr. Randy Anderson
PO Box 1078
Jamestown, NY 14702-1078
All American Poly
Bid Department
40 Turner Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Calico Industries, Inc.
Mr. John Jaret
PO Box 2005
Annapolis Jct., MD 20701
Central Poly Corp.
Mr. Andrew Hoffer
18 Donaldson Place
Linden, NJ 07036
Palmer Distributing
Mr. Todd Palmer
100 Hoffman St.
Newark, NY 14513
Sofco Mead
Ms. Mary Lou Taylor
1450 Lyell Avenue
Rochester, NY 14606
Mr. Bernard J. Davis, Jr.
1059 Ridge Rd. W
Rochester, NY 14615-2731


Consensus Agenda #5


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To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 9, 2003
Re:  Year End Financial Position
 Below is an analysis of our financial position at year end for 2002/2003.
     Year End Financial Position
Beginning Fund Balance     $2,130,951
Revenues           28,655,844
Expenditures           (27,328,432)
Carryover Encumbrances (611,994)
   TOTAL       $2,846,369
2003/04 Appropriated Fund Balance     (1,350,000)
2003/04 Unappropriated Fund Balance     (615,072)
    Excess Fund Balance   $881,297
 As the numbers above show, we were able to meet our financial goals established during the 2003/2004 budget process. This is very important because any shortfall in the $1,350,000 appropriated fund balance, would have added to the tax increase of 6.9% that was projected at budget time. We need to have the Board of Education approve the transfer of the $881,297 excess fund balance to reserve funds to bring the district to the 2% legal limit for unappropriated fund balance.
I recommend the following transfers:
Liability Reserve        $347,904
Bus Reserve         $473,393
Unemployment Reserve         $60,000
  Total             $881,297
Once the transfers are done, the balance in the Liability Reserve will be $423,853, the balance in the Bus Reserve will be $871,475, and the balance in the Unemployment Reserve will be $131,055, as of June 30, 2003.



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