1. Your Grade
  2. Classroom Rules
  3. Materials Needed for Each Class


Mr. Macomber
Room 3034
Phone: 468-2541 ext 3034
Email: rmacomber@keshequa.org
Course Expectations
1) Respect Everyone!
2) Strive to do the best work you can possibly do.
3) Come to class on time and be prepared.
4) Come to me with any questions or concerns as soon as they arise!
5) Keep your parents informed on what is going on during the school year.
Your Grade
Your grade will consist of the following:
 35% Tests/Projects
 30% Homework
 20% Quizzes
 10% Journals
  5% Preparation/Participation
Any grade you receive in this class will be dependent upon you! Paying attention during class and keeping up with the homework are by far the two most important aspects in your overall grade. If you have any questions on any material you need to see me as soon as possible.
a) Tests/Projects: A test or project grade will be given at the end of each unit for assessment. All tests will be cumulative. Students will be given at least one days notice prior to ALL tests or projects. (A REGENTS EXAM will be given sometime between January 26- 29)
b) Homework: Homework will be given nearly every day. Homework from September until the January regents will be mainly from the regents review book. All but one day a week I will just check the homework. You will be given a 100%, 50% or 0%. In order to get 100% you must attempt every problem with a strong effort. Approximately once a week I will randomly collect the homework and grade it. A graded assignment will be worth twice as much as a “checked” assignment. Students are allowed one incomplete assignment per 10 weeks. Homework is one of the most important parts of this class.
c) Quizzes: Quizzes will be given throughout a unit. Most quizzes will be announced a day before.
d) Journals: Throughout the course of the year students will be asked to keep a math journal. Students will take approximately 5 minutes at the end of class three or four times a week to write in their journal. Journals will be randomly graded around the ten-week marking period.
e) Preparation/Participation: Students are asked to come to class with their binders, pen and pencil, calculator and any other materials that may be needed. Participation will be based upon your attitude and work habits during class.

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Classroom Rules
1) Follow the rules in the student handbook and discipline code.
2) Everyone will be treated with respect.
3) When the bell rings to begin each class you begin work immediately. Have your materials out and ready, and begin any task that may be assigned.
4) Every individual is responsible for the entire class’s learning. Do not disrupt the learning process by inappropriate talking or actions.
The discipline code will be followed if any of the above rules are broken.

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Materials Needed for Each Class
1) MATH A REVIEW BOOK (cost approximately $10.00)
2) 3-Ring Binder or Notebook and folder
3) Marble Composition Notebook
4) Pen AND Pencil. It would be a good idea to have a second color pen or highlighter available.
5) Calculator – it is recommended that a nice scientific calculator be purchased for future math courses.
Most homework assignments will be listed on the internet. Follow these steps:
1.  Go to www.keshequa.org
2.  Click on HS Staff Collections
3.  Click on Macomber, Mr.
4.  Click on Geometry Calendar
5.  Click on whatever date you need and the homework assignment should be listed.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I would like to welcome you to the 2003/2004 school year. We have a variety of new challenges ahead of us this upcoming year. I ask that you continue to emphasize the importance of your student’s schoolwork throughout the course of the year. I also ask that you review the attached handout with your student and then fill out the information below. Students need to return this sheet to Mr. Macomber by September 8th. If you have any questions regarding anything this year please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or e-mail. I look forward to working with your student throughout the year.
1) What do you think your student needs to improve upon in order to be successful in school this year? (Example: paying attention, homework, coming in for extra help, test scores, organization, etc…)

2) Are there any other special things I should know about your student or your family? For example, certain days your student can not stay after school. If you would like to talk to me directly about this, please leave me your phone number or e-mail and the best time to contact you.
I reviewed this handout with my student on (date)        .
Parent/Guardian Signature            
E-mail (if available)              
Please write any additional questions or comments on the back! 

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