1. Vocabulary Lists 26-30
  2. List 26
  3. List 27
  4. List 28
  5. List 29

Vocabulary Lists 26-30

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List 26
1.  implacable – (adj.) not to be satisfied or pacified
2.  infinitesimal – (adj.) so small as to be immeasurable
3.  innocuous – (adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant
4.  militate – (v.) to have effect or force on or against someone or something, fight against
5.  patent – (n.) exclusive rights over an invention
6.  prowess – (n.) distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability
7.  sedate – (v.) to administer a tranquilizer
8.  stentorian – (adj.) extremely loud
9.  stipulate – (v.) to arrange specifically; to require as a condition of agreement
10.  ultimatum – (n.) a final proposal or statement of conditions

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List 27
1.  alacrity – (n.) a cheerful readiness; brisk and eager action
2.  alleviate – (v.) to relieve, make more bearable
3.  antithesis – (n.) the direct opposite
4.  appall – (v.) to fill with dismay or horror
5.  bellicose – (adj.) warlike in manner or temperament
6.  disparage – (v.) to belittle, speak badly of
7.  dissonant – (adj.) not in harmony; disagreeing
8.  droll – (adj.) amusingly odd
9.  edict – (n.) an order issued by someone in authority
10.  elucidate – (v.) to clarify, explain

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List 28
1.  laud – (v.) to praise
2.  loll – (v.) to act in a lazy manner; to lounge
3.  loquacious – (adj.) talkative, wordy; fond of talking
4.  magnanimous – (adj.) generous in forgiving, above all meanness
5.  mandatory – (adj.) required
6.  nondescript – (adj.) ordinary, not outstanding
7.  phlegmatic – (adj.) slow-moving, sluggish; unemotional
8.  rescind – (v.) to repeal, cancel
9.  vivacious – (adj.) lively, full of energy
10.  whet – (v.) to sharpen, put an edge on

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List 29
1.  abrasive – (adj.) causing irritation, harsh; grinding or wearing down
2.  acclimate – (v.) to adapt to a new climate
3.  chagrin – (n.) irritation or humiliation caused by frustration
4.  complacent – (adj.) self-satisfied; overly content
5.  concur – (v.) to express agreement, approve
6.  defamation – (n.) slander
7.  explicate – (v.) to make plain or clear, explain
8.  fracas – (n.) a noisy quarrel or brawl
9.  grotesque – (adj.) unnatural, distorted
10.  pandemonium – (n.) a wild uproar or commotion
List 30
1.  raucous – (adj.) disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly
2.  receptive – (adj.) open and responsive to ideas
3.  renounce – (v.) to give up or resign something
4.  repress – (v.) to hold back; to put down by force
5.  reticent – (adj.) not inclined to speak; reserved
6.  savory – (adj.) tasty, appetizing
7.  somnolent – (adj.) sleepy, drowsy; inducing sleep
8.  vehement – (adj.) intense, forceful, powerful
9.  voluble – (adj.) characterized by a ready flow of words
10.  zealous – (adj.) eager, earnest, devoted

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