1. English 10/10H Vocabulary Lists 16-20
  2. List 16
  3. List 17
  4. List 18
  5. List 19
  6. List 20

English 10/10H Vocabulary Lists 16-20

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List 16
1.  obsolete – (adj.) out of date, no longer in use
2.  omnivorous – (adj.) eating every kind of food
3.  multifarious – (adj.) having great variety; numerous and diverse
4.  parsimonious – (adj.) stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small
5.  quandary – ( n.) a state of perplexity or doubt
6.  suave – (adj.) smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses
7.  stultify – (v.) to make ineffective or useless, cripple
8.  revel – (v.) to take great pleasure in (n.) a wild celebration
9.  reprisal – (n.) an injury done in return for an injury
10.  recalcitrant – (adj.) stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority

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List 17
1.  allocate – (v.) to set apart or designate for a special purpose
2.  ardent – (adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned
3.  assiduous – (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent
4.  brash – (adj.) prone to act in a hasty manner
5.  capricious – (adj.) subject to whims or passing fancies
6.  chastise – (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction
7.  copious – (adj.) abundant; plentiful
8.  deviate – (v.) to turn aside; to stray from the norm
9.  emaciated – (adj.) unnaturally thin
10.  exult – (v.) to rejoice greatly

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List 18
1.  rancor – (n.) bitter resentment or ill-will
2.  sophomoric – (adj.) immature and over confident; conceited
3.  spontaneous – (adj.) arising naturally; not planned in advance
4.  gnarled – (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy
5.  indemnity – (n.) a payment for damage or loss
6.  inkling – (n.) a hint; a vague notion
7.  limpid – (adj.) clear, transparent; readily understood
8.  omnipotent – (adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority
9.  palatable – (adj.) agreeable to the taste; suitable for consumption
10.  poignant – (adj.) deeply affecting, touching

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List 19
1.  allure – (v.) to entice, tempt; to be attractive to
2.  acquiesce – (v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit
3.  exponent – (n.) one who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets
4.  blithe – (adj.) cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned
5.  covet – (v.) to desire something belonging to another
6.  garrulous – (adj.) given to much talking, tediously chatty
7.  crestfallen – (adj.) discouraged, dejected, downcast
8.  askew – (adj.) twisted to one side, crooked
9.  contentious – (adj.) quarrelsome, inclined to argue
10.  disheveled – (adj.) rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder

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List 20
1.  insuperable – (adj.) incapable of being overcome
2.  lamentable – (adj.) to be regretted or pitied
3.  misnomer – (n.) an unsuitable or misleading name
4.  profess – (v.) to affirm openly; to state belief in
5.  respite – (n.) a period of relief or rest
6.  retribution – (n.) a repayment; a deserved punishment
7.  sinuous – (adj.) winding, having many curves; flexible
8.  sonorous – (adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound
9.  vanguard – (n.) the foremost part of an army, the leading position in any field
10.  wastrel – (n.) a wasteful person; a good-for-nothing

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