1. English 10/10H Vocabulary Lists 6-10
  2. List 6
  3. List 7
  4. List 8
  5. List 9
  6. List 10

English 10/10H Vocabulary Lists 6-10

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List 6
1.  harass – (v.) to disturb, worry; trouble by repeated attacks
2.  inclement – (adj.) stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action
3.  muse – (v.) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder
4.  negligible – (adj.) so unimportant that it can be disregarded
5.  perpetuate – (v.) to make permanent or long lasting
6.  precedent – (n.) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
7.  punitive – (adj.) inflicting or aiming at punishment
8.  redress – (v.) to set right, remedy
9.  sojourn – (n.) a temporary stay (v.) to stay for a short time
10.  urbane – (adj.) refined in manner or style, suave

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List 7
1.  affiliated – (adj.) associated with, connected to
2.  ascertain – (v.) to find out
3.  attainment – (n.) an accomplishment
4.  bequeath – (v.) to give or pass on as an inheritance
5.  cogent – (adj.) forceful, convincing
6.  converge – (v.) to move toward one point, approach nearer together
7.  disperse – (v.) to scatter, spread far and wide
8.  esteem – (v.) to regard highly (n.) a highly favorable opinion or judgment
9.  expunge – (v.) to erase, obliterate, destroy
10.  finite – (adj.) having limits; lasting for a limited time

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List 8
1.  invulnerable – (adj.) not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack
2.  malevolent – (adj.) spiteful, showing ill will
3.  nonchalant – (adj.) cool and confident, unconcerned
4.  omniscient – (adj.) knowing everything; having unlimited awareness
5.  panacea – (n.) a remedy for all ills, cure-all; an answer to all problems
6.  scrupulous – (adj.) exact, careful, having high moral standards
7.  skulk – (v.) to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding
8.  supercilious – (adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority
9.  uncanny – (adj.) strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation
10.  venial – (adj.) easily excused; pardonable

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List 9
1.  altruistic – (adj.) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
2.  assent – (v.) to express agreement
3.  benefactor – (n.) one who does good to others
4.  chivalrous – (adj.) marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly
5.  clemency – (n.) mercy, humaneness; mildness
6.  dearth – (n.) a lack, scarcity; a famine
7.  diffident – (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved
8.  discrepancy – (n.) a difference; a lack of agreement
9.  embark – (v.) to go aboard; to make a start
10.  facile – (adj.) easily done or attained; superficial; easily shown but not sincerely felt

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List 10
1.  indomitable – (adj.) unconquerable, refusing to yield
2.  infallible – (adj.) free from error, absolutely dependable
3.  plod – (v.) to walk heavily or slowly
4.  pungent – (adj.) causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting
5.  remiss – (adj.) neglectful in performance of one’s duty, careless
6.  repose – (v.) to rest
7.  temerity – (n.) rashness, boldness
8.  truculent – (adj.) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly
9.  unfeigned – (adj.) sincere, real, without pretense
10.  virulent – (adj.) extremely poisonous; full of malice, spiteful

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