1.    Linda Elmer, Wayne High School
  2.   High School: Lory Morrin & Linda Elmer
  3.   Transportation (Fred Prince)     $50.00
          1. Att. 1
        1. Board of Education
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
          1. Consensus Agenda #3
  4. Assistant Superintendent for Business
          1. Consensus Agenda #4
          2. Consensus agenda #5
  5. Consensus Agenda #6
  6. To:  Michael Havens,
  7. Superintendent of Schools




DATE: Wednesday, July 9, 2003 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: District Office Board Room

1. Call to Order: Mr. Richard Johnson, President of the Board, 2002-2003


2. Pledge of Allegiance


3. District Clerk administers Oath to Newly Seated Trustees:  Mrs. Jacqueline Brunner

Mr. Scott Griswold
Mr. John Triou

4. Election of Board of Education officers for 2003-2004


(a)  President of the Board of Education
(b)  Vice-President of the Board of Education

   (District Clerk administers Oath of Office to Officers)

5. Appointment of District Officers for 2003-2004


(a)  District Clerk:            James E. Switzer ($10,200)

 (b)  District Clerk Pro Tem:          Greg Atseff ($0)
 (c)  District Treasurer:            Leora Stramonine ($41,980)
 (e)  Internal Claims Auditor:          Russell Harris ($2,250)
 (f)  School Tax Collector:          Helen Jensen ($0)
 (g)  Records Management/Access Officer      James Switzer ($0)

6. Appointment of District Officials for 2003-2004

  (a)  School Attorney        Wayne VanderByl, Attorney at Law

(b) School Physician:
Cynthia Devore, M.D.
(c) School Physician:
Daniel Koretz, M.D.
(d) School Census Enumerator:
James Switzer

 (e)  Purchasing Agent:        Gregory Atseff
 (f)  Attendance Officer:        James Switzer
 (g)  School District Auditor:      Raymond F. Wager, CPA, P.C.
 (h)  Extra-Classroom Activity Account Treasurers:
     Lee Stramonine, Wayne Middle School
     Linda Elmer, Wayne High School
 (i)  Title IX Compliance Officer    Laurence Spring
 (j)  Civil Service Appointing Officer:    Mark Callahan
 (k)  School Architect:        Clark-Patterson, P.C.
 (l)  Asbestos Compliance Designee    Donald Davis
 (m)  Section 504 Compliance Officer    Sandy Woodard
 (n)  American Disabilities Act Coordinator  Sandy Woodard
 (o)  Liaison for Homeless Youth    Laurence Spring  
8.  Designations for 2003-2004:
 (a)  Official Depositories: Chase, Fleet, Key Bank
 (b)  Official Newspapers:
   WAYNE COUNTY MAIL (Ontario) & THE TIMES (Walworth-Macedon)

(c)  Board of Education meetings: 2 times each month at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted, with dates & locations noted on Board of Education meeting schedule.        Att. 1      
9. Authorizations for Chief School Officer for 2003-2004:

 (a)  Certification of payrolls
 (b)  Approval of attendance at conferences, workshops, conventions
 (c)  Approval of budget transfers per board policy

(d)  Approval to borrow funds up to $25,000, for short term cash flow needs, without prior Board of Education approval.
(e) Approval of resolutions for the Issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes and Joint

Purchasing Programs.

(f) Designation to handle student residency determinations on behalf of the Board of

   Education as provided by part 100.2(y) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of

10. Bonding of Personnel: Authorize purchase of blanket bond for each of the following school district officers at the amounts specified:

 (a)  School District Treasurer              ($400,000)
 (b)  School Tax Collector              ($500,000)
 (c)  Internal Claims Auditor              ($15,000)
 (d)  Extra-Classroom Activity Fund Treasurers        ($10,000)

11. Additional Designations and Authorizations for 2003-2004:

 (a)  Authorized signatures on Extra Classroom Activity Accounts:
   Middle School: Bob Armocida & Leora Stramonine

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   High School: Lory Morrin & Linda Elmer
 (b)  Authorized signature on all district checks:

District Treasurer's signature, using check-signing machine, and in her absence;
Assistant Superintendent for Business’s signature, using check signing machine.

 (c)  Mileage reimbursement rate for 2002-2003: 36.5 cents/mile
   Copy fee - Freedom of Information Act:   25 cents per page
 (d)  Establishment of Petty Cash Funds for 2002-2003:
   High School (Lory Morrin & Peg Wachob)      $100.00
   Middle School (Bob Armocida)          $50.00
   District Office (Gregory Atseff & Leora Stramonine)    $50.00
   School Lunch Fund (Carol Fisher)          $260.00

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   Transportation (Fred Prince)          $50.00

12. Establish substitute and building use rates for 2002-2003:
(a) Custodial rates for building use
(b) Food Service
rates for building use

(c)  Substitute teacher rates  $65/day; $80/day after 15 consecutive days
         $100/day retired certified teachers

13. Additional Trustee Appointments for 2003-2004:

 1.  Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Board of Education

(a) District Representative
(b) Alternate


2. Four County School Boards:
(a) Executive Committee
(b) Legislative Committee
(c) Board Development Committee

15.  Regular Business Meeting

I. Approve Agenda/Minutes (sent under separate cover)
Att. 2


II. Comments from the Public


III. Comments from the Board President


IV. Comments from the Board


V. Superintendent’s Report
1. Teacher Center


VI. Items for Board Action
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. CSE / CPSE Action
Att. 4
3. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 5  
1. Approve Treasurer’s Report
2. Award Bid
3. Approve Health Contract
4. Approve Change Order
5. Accept Gift to the District

 VII. Policy Report                      
VIII. Adjournment


"Wayne Central School District will strive to create an environment responsive to, and
providing for, the diverse educational needs of all students."

Att. 1


July 9        District Office          7:30 p.m.
(Reorganizational Meeting)
August 20      District Office          7:30 p.m.
September 10    District Office          7:30 p.m.
September 24    District Office          7:30 p.m.
October 8      Ontario Primary School        7:30 p.m.
October 20      Three Boards’ Meeting        7:30 p.m.
(Monday)      (Ontario Town Hall)
November 5      Freewill Elementary School      7:30 p.m.
November 19    Middle School          7:30 p.m.
December 10      Ontario Elementary        7:30 p.m.
January 7      District Office          7:30 p.m.
January 21      District Office          7:30 p.m.
February 11      District Office          7:30 p.m.
February 25      District Office          7:30 p.m.
March 10      District Office          7:30 p.m.
March 24      District Office          7:30 p.m.
April 7      District Office          7:30 p.m.
April (TBD)      Three Boards’ Meeting        7:30 p.m.
(Walworth Town Hall)
May 11      High School            7:00 p.m.
(Budget Hearing)
May 18      District Office Gymnasium Lobby  9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(Budget Vote and Board Election)
May 26      District Office          7:30 p.m.
June 9      District Office          7:30 p.m.
June 23      District Office          7:30 p.m.
July 14      District Office          7:30 p.m.
(Reorganizational Meeting)
Adopted: 7/9/02  

Board of Education

Att. 3


To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  July 9, 2003
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
Debra Botsford – Special Education Teacher, assigned to Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective June 27, 2003. For personal reasons.  
Bryan Ingham – Math Teacher, assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective June 27, 2003. For personal reasons.
Ronald Jones – Dean of Students, assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective June27, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.
Craig E. Johnson – School Psychologist, assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective June 30, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.
Loreen Jorgensen – Library Media Specialist, assigned to Ontario Primary School, effective June 30, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.
Larry Ruth (as amended) – Art Teacher, assigned to Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective date is amended from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.
Leave of Absence:
Lisa Ocque – Occupational Therapist, assigned to Freewill and Ontario Primary Elementary Schools, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence, anticipated July 18, 2003 through September 12, 2003. For the purpose of child-rearing. 
Jennifer Weber – English Teacher, assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence, anticipated September 7, 2003 through October 31, 2003. For the purpose of child rearing.

Barbara Brock – Elementary Art Teacher, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a one and a half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through January 31, 2005, at $41,626 (base + MS), credited with 6 years experience. Was a temporary replacement for Jenn Allen from January 24, 2002 through June 30, 2003. Replacement for Jenn Allen.
Diane Hartley – Occupational Therapist (.5), assigned to Freewill and Ontario Primary Elementary Schools, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $20,188 (base) credited with 6 years of service. Job share with Lisa Ocque.
Sheri Hurny – Elementary Education Teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $34,750 (base + MS), credited with no experience. Replacement for Megan Stuart.
Brian Knebel – Technology Teacher , assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $35, 963 (base + MS), credited with 2 years of service. Replacement for Andris Silins.
Darlene Martino – Elementary Education Teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a one and a half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through January 31, 2005, at $36,053. Was a temporary replacement for Lisa Cook from January 14, 2002 through June 30, 2003. Replacement for Lisa Cook (.5 Reading Recovery) and .5 new full day kindergarten.
Colleen Meagher – Kindergarten Teacher (.5), assigned to Ontario Primary, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $16,750 (base), credited with no experience. Needed for new full day kindergarten class.
Lisa Ocque - Occupational Therapist (.5), assigned to the Freewill and Ontario Primary Elementary Schools, a change in status from full time to job share with Diane Hartley.
Diana Page – Science Teacher (Biology and Chemistry) assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a two and a half year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through January 31, 2006, at $36,060 (base), credited with one year experience. Was the temporary replacement for Tara Houndt from January 31, 2003 through June 30, 2003. Replacement for Tara Houndt.
Anne Tredwell – Special Education Teacher, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $35,360 (base + MS), credited with one year of experience. Newly created position resulting from the reduction in 1:1 aides.
Christine Uetz – Special Education Teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $40,250 (base + MS), credited with 5 years of experience. Replacement for Anne Koestner.
Eileen Zilliox – Elementary Education Teacher, assigned to Ontario Primary, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006, at $48,185 (base + MS), credited with 16 years of experience. Replacement for Shelly Godwin.

Eileen Bonino – Clerk/Typist assigned to the Maintenance Department effective August 1, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.
Carol Fisher – Director of Food Services effective August 22, 2003. For the purpose of retirement.

Leave of Absence:
Marianne Krittal – Teacher Aide (1:1) assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective June 9, 2003 through June 30, 2003 at $9.55/hour. This is a new position. 
Joshua Simpson – Cleaner assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a probationary civil service appointment effective July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003, at $8.10/hour. Replacement for Appolonia Alessi.

Att. 4 Att. 3

CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 6/25/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 3511 Grade && Year:   12 (03-04)
School: Wayne Central High School
Time of Services: 2 hours/week, indirect
Recommended Placement : Consultant Teacher for all academic
Triennial Due: 2006/02
Last Program:
Consultant Teacher for all
academic areas
Reason for Placement/Services:
Needs in class support / test modifications.
Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:
Resource Room
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 8259 Grade && Year:   07 (03-04)
School: Wayne Central Middle School
Time of Services: 5X/week at 40 minutes
LD/written expression
Recommended Placement : Resource Room for small group
Triennial Due: 2006/02
instruction & full participation in general
education Last Program:
Resource Room for small group
instruction & full participation in
Reason for Placement/Services:
Small group support for strategy developement.
Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:
Consultant Teacher
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 1 of 1
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 6/25/03
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 97155 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Roosevelt Children's Center @ Newark
Time of Services: 5x/wk@half days (summer) /
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 5/1/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
3x/wk @ 30 minutes (ind)
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: 1:1 Aide (Summer only)
Student: # 98507 Grade && Year:   Preschool (03-04)
School: Monroe 1 BOCES @ St. James School (@ Foreman Center for
Time of Services: 5x/wk @ half days
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 3/27/03
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
2x/wk @ 30 minutes (small group)
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: 1:1 aide
Student: # 98530 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Partners in Speech & Maida Bachman
Time of Services: See related service
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
2x/wk @ 30 minutes (individual) Partners in Speech
Occupational Therapy:
2x/wk @ 30 minutes (individual) Maida Bachman
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 1 of 1

Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  July 9, 2003
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:

1. Accept Treasurer’s Report


2. Award GM Parts Bid


3. Award Tire & Tube Bid


4. Award Rush -Henrietta Health Contract


5. Accept Gift to District


6. Approve Change Order


Consensus Agenda #2               
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: July 9, 2003
RE: Bus & Vehicle Parts Bid
In accordance with Section 103A, Article 5-A, of the New York State General Municipal Law, a legal notice was advertised in the official school newspapers inviting the submission of sealed bids for Bus & Vehicle Parts for use on school owned vehicles for the 2003/2004 school year.
Sealed bids were received and opened publicly on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. at the district administrative offices.
Bids were advertised to be evaluated on a percent of discount off list price. Prices submitted are to be f.o.b. Wayne Central School District.
The lowest bidder for GM Parts is Hoselton Chevrolet, 909 Fairport Road, Rochester, New York, with a 30% discount off list. Hoselton Chevrolet was the only bid received.
Attached is a copy of the vendor bid list for your reference.

GM Parts Bid
June 26, 2003

Central New York Coach
7765 Lakeport Road
Chittenango, NY 13037
Doyle Chevrolet
Parts Manager
740 Ridge Road
Webster, NY 14580
Hoselton Chevrolet
Mr. Lanny Pfeil
909 Fairport Rd.
East Rochester, NY 14445
Rochester Truck Center
Mr. Ron Tiefert
20 Transport Drive
Rochester, NY 14623


Consensus Agenda #3
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff

Back to top

Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: July 9, 2003
RE: Tire & Tube Bid
In accordance with Section 103A, Article 5-A, of the New York State General Municipal Law, a legal notice was advertised in the official school newspapers inviting the submission of sealed bids for Tires and Tubes for use on school owned vehicles for the 2002/2003 school year.
Sealed bids were received and opened publicly on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. at the district administrative offices.
Bids were advertised to be evaluated on a total basis with estimated quantities. Prices submitted are to be f.o.b. Wayne Central School District.
The lowest bidder was Tallmadge Tire Service with a bid price of $21,685.16 which was based on estimated quantities.
Bid Summary:
Vendor Bid Price
1. Lewis General Tire
3870 W. Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623
2. Tallmadge Tire Service
1285 Route 318
Waterloo, NY 13165
Attached is a copy of the vendor bid list for your reference.

Tire Bid
June 26, 2003

Lewis General Tire, Inc.
Mr. John Russell
3870 W. Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623
Tallmadge Tire Auto & Truck
Mr. Peter Ufholz
1285 Route 318
Waterloo, NY 13165

Consensus Agenda #4
TO: Michael Havens
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: June 25, 2003
RE: Health Service Contract - Rush-Henrietta Central School District
Attached is the contract for health services for Wayne students attending a private or parochial school in the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for the 2002-2003 school year.
The cost of the contract is:
10 students @ $83.89 = $ 838.90
The attendance office has verified the students listed on the health service contract.
Be it resolved, that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for the 2002-2003 school year, and hereby authorizes the Board President , School Superintendent, and District Clerk to execute the contract.



Consensus agenda #5
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: July 9, 2003
RE: Gift to the District
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their meeting to be held on July 9, 2003, accept from the Sandy Stramonine School of Dance a gift of $1,200 to be used towards the Wayne Central Performing Arts programs.
c: Lee Stramonine
Helen Jensen


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Consensus Agenda #6


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To:   Michael Havens,

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Superintendent of Schools
From:   Gregory Atseff,
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:   July 1, 2003
Re:   Change Order CO-6
Attached is a copy of Change Order CO-6, from Marcor Remediation. This change order is for the cost to provide additional floor patching for leveling C wing at T.C. Armstrong Middle School.
Please present the following resolution to the Board of Education at their meeting on July 9, 2003:
Resolved; that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves Change Order CO-6 for $7,912.80.


Diane Beluke
Check to see who has to sign the contract. May need to add superintendent and delete others.


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