1. Att. a

June 27, 2003

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. “ - - Aristotle

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

1. Organizational meeting - We are preparing the agenda for the July 9 organizational meeting and will be sending it out on July 1. There will not be a Friday letter next week (July 3). Please let me know if you have any items you would like to discuss before the meeting.


2. Boar/Administrative Retreat – Remember that our retreat will be from 4-8 p.m. on July 8 t the Town of Ontario Casey Park Lodge.


3. Summer Projects – Every summer the district custodial staff undertakes the cleaning and revamping projects in our buildings. Other than routine floor maintenance, room clearing and cleaning, painting and repairs the major projects will be at the middle school putting in new crash mats in the gym..., new landscaping in the front and a new sign.


4. Elementary Redistricting Discussion - The Elementary redistricting discussion has begun between the bus garage and three elementary principals. This will allow full day kindergarten to begin in the fall of 2004. We will be moving some families from Freewill to OE/OP.


5. Events:

July 8 – Board Retreat – Lodge at Casey Park – 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

6. Attachments:
a. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes


Att. a

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DATE: Thursday, June 19, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:  Trustee Diller, Mr. Switzer, Mr. Atseff
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of May 22, 2003 were reviewed and filed.
(Meeting scheduled for June 9th was cancelled)
Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update: Note was made of the excellent powerpoint presentation by Mr. Triou to the Board of Education at the June 11th meeting on the policy update process and plans to incorporate existing and new regulations into the policy handbook during 2003-2004.
Adoption of the revised policy handbook by the Board of Education is planned for the 2003-2004 re-organizational meeting on July 9th.

Annual Review Policy 5300.1 etal – Code of Conduct: The staff committee conducting this annual review will provide recommendations for revisions to the Code of Conduct to this committee as needed.

Policy 5620 (existing) & 5621(new) – Accounting for Capital Assets: Mr. Switzer presented a draft of revisions discussed at the last committee meeting of new Policy 5621 on accounting for capital assets. Recommendations from Mr. Wager, the independent auditor, were blended into the proposed new text. Minor revisions in wording were discussed. Mr. Switzer was asked to incorporate those revisions for the committee to review at its first meeting in 2003-2004 for subsequent consideration by the Board of Education after the new handbook is adopted in July.



NEXT MEETINGS:   Schedule TBD Following July 9th Re-Organizational Meeting
Follow-Up On: Policy Revisions –- Policy 5621 (new) Accounting for Fixed Assets
Follow-Up On: Quotes for Regulations Update Service for 2003-2004
·  Follow-Up On: Production Details of New Policy Handbook from Erie #1 Policy Review Service
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB)
Follow-Up On: Review of Relevant Policies & Publications Re: Protected Prayer
· Review of: Sample Policies Homeless Children, Military Leaves Of Absence & Constitutionally Protected Prayer
● Follow-Up On: Review/Revisions of §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct) (Existing Policy) (7310 New)
ADJOURNMENT:     4:30 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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