1. Newsletter:
    2. 8. Events:
    3. 9. Attachments:

June 13, 2003

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” - Mohandus Gandhi

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Salaries for Confidential Employees: Salaries for confidential employees are set by the Board of Education each year. These employees are not represented or protected by unions. We have traditionally given these people salary adjustments similar to the union employees. We will be considering this at our next meeting. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns.


2. Four County and Legislative Strategy - The Wayne-Finger Lakes Superintendents are sending a delegation to work with Four County and the Monroe Superintendents in developing a strategy to apply pressure to the legislature in producing an on-time budget. We wish to also work with Oaks and Nozzolio on this. You may be hearing more from Four County in the near future.


3. 55-65 Regents Update: You will recall that when the new regents requirements were implemented by SED, students pursuing the local diploma option especially special Ed students, were allowed a temporary option to achieve a 55 instead of a 65 for a passing grade. This will extend until 2007 for special ed students. For regular education students, our class of 2004 (next year’s seniors) will need to score a 65 in Global Studies, U.S. History, and English in order to obtain a diploma. For the Class of 2005 (next year’s Juniors) they will have to also pass their Science and Math Regents with a 65. The Regents is considering extending the 55 for some of the regents tests. The test receiving the most interest is the Math A. Statewide, those results were not encouraging. The Chancellor is in favor of it. The Commissioner is opposed to this. The rest of the Regents are split. We expect a decision in the next few weeks.


4. Wayne County Superintendent’s: I was elected Chairman of the Wayne County Superintendents’ Group for the 2003-2004 school year.


5. Play Accompanist: Enclosed is a letter that was sent out today to Todd VanHouten regarding the accompanist position for this year’s play. I believe this should resolve the issue.


6. Staff Letters: Attached is a letter from a parent regarding a first year teacher, Dan Kielon at Freewill. Also attached is a letter from the Make-A-Wish Foundation about the efforts of Middle School teacher Tim Mattle and his projects to raise money for the benefit of seriously ill children in our area. It is always good to receive such positive feedback.


7. Graduation: Just a reminder that graduation will be held next Friday at 8:00 p.m. At Wednesday’s meeting members indicated they would attend graduation. Board members all should plan to arrive between 7:15 and 7:30. Please let Lori know if you are not able to attend.


8. Events:

June 17 – Four County New School Board Member Orientation – Geneva
June 20 – HS Graduation
June 25 – Last Day of School Elementary & Middle School Students

9. Attachments:
a. VanHouten Letter
b. Angela Dart Letter
c. Make-A-Wish Foundation Letter
d. Historical Vote Tally


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