1. ACE/AP English (Days BCE)

Mark Scher Week of 01/27/03 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 06/09/03 (Days CDEAB)


ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
On B day, class is cancelled for H.S. awards assembly (starting 1:15)
Final Exam: Monday, June 16, 12:33 to 2:33.
English 12 (Days ABD)
Children’s Lit. Unit:
D day: Students follow schedule on door to work with children’s literature.
  • All reports are due before class, so that students can review them in preparation for final exam.
    Final Exam: Friday; June 13, 12:33 to 2:33.
    Standard 1, 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (9.01 on days ACE; 9.03 on days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD); English 9x4 (days ABCD)
    Day 1: 20 minutes to complete essay on Frost’s “Fire and Ice” in handout: why does the speaker say that the ice would suffice?
    Remainder of time: students recall elements of literature in our work.
    If time allows, students examine mother poems in Literary Cavalcade.
    English 9x4: on Thursday, June 12, view movie as material for exam.
    Final Exams:
    9.06: Thursday, June 12, 12:33 to
    9.03: Friday, June 13, 7:55 to 9:55
    9x4: Friday, June 13, 10:00 to
    9.01: Monday,June 16,7:55 to 9:55
    Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4.


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