June 6, 2003

“Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.”
- - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are some items of interest.

Board Agenda Items:

1. Executive Session – Enclosed are the credentials for Mark Callahan who I am recommending to you for the position of Human Resources Director at a salary of $65,000. This person is a Civil Service appointment instead of a School Administrator and so the salary is less than budgeted. If he completes the administrative program, the salary will be adjusted. I think you will find him to be a well organized, personable addition to our district office team. You will have the opportunity to meet and ask him some questions prior to his appointment.


2. Budget VoteCongratulations on the successful budget, school bus and board vote. The community has expressed support for the direction you are moving our school district.


3. Boy Scout Presentation – Boy Scout Pack #127 would like to present the new school store cabinet that they built for OP as part of their citizenship badge.


4. Hopeworks Presentation – Karen Palmer will be making a presentation on the Hopeworks


5. Building Project Update – Clarke Patterson will give a more complete overview at our second meeting in June. However, there are a couple of items I need to discuss with you. First we need to make a decision about lights for the fields. We will be adding lighting to the second field. We will also be replacing the lighting on the east side of Porray Field. You need to decide if you want all of the lighting to match. This would involve taking down the lights on the West side of Porray field and replacing them with metal poles similar to the others. In keeping with your philosophy of “Do it right, do it once,” I recommend we do this. The cost will be $80,000. It is within our estimated budget.

The difference in cost between laying a red all weather track and a blue all weather track is $30,000. To do it absolutely right we should have a blue track with gold striping. However, it is hard to rationalize spending an extra $30,000 for a different color, particularly when it needs to be resurfaced every 8-10 years. I would like your input on this.
We have just learned that Marc Blankenberg may have obtained a $250,000 grant for weight training equipment. He will be reporting the details on Wednesday. Also see his attached letter.

6. Board Administrative Retreat – In an earlier e-mail I had suggested 6/30, 7/1 or 7/2. As in the past, we will be selecting our goals for the 2003-2004 school year.


7. Financial Report – Greg will provide his monthly financial report


8. Action Items - Personnel action is presented for your approval. Please note that the recommended appointment for Mark Callahan as the Director of Human Resources is included. The April Treasurer’s Report , Health Contracts with Brighton and East Rochester school districts, a gift of $5,000 for playground equipment at Freewill and the awarding of the PE bid are all recommended for approval by the Board. We are also recommending the termination of one of our employees who was a probationary appointment. She was videotaped rifling through the desk of a teacher who had money stolen. The videotape was pretty incriminating.

Newsletter Items:

1. Football - I have been asked about Scott Freischlag's football coaching position. Scott will be the varsity football coach. He is meeting with the players again next week.


2. Newspaper article on Superintendent's salaries - I've learned that Matt Reynolds, reporter for the Finger Lakes Times is doing an article on superintendent's salaries and their effect on school budgets. There is some concern that the article may spark controversy for School Boards. It is expected that the article will contain the salaries of area superintendents and make various comparisons. My understanding is that it is being modeled after a similar article which appeared in The Journal. I have located that article on the web so that you can see what things may be included (see attached).


3. Concession Stand Incident - This morning the maintenance staff was working on a section of 6” plastic pipe at the High School Concession Stand. The pipe was pressurized (with forced air) and it burst under the pressure. One worker cut his finger and was sent to the doctor.


4. Exit Survey - I have enclosed a copy of the exit survey that was jointly developed by the WTA and us to help guide out plans to retain good staff members.


5. Events -

June 6 – Wayne Golf Tournament @ Blossom CC (Marvin’s)
June 6 – 5th Grade Recognition Banquet @ Freewill
June 9 – HS PTSA @ District Office – 7:00 p.m.
June 10 – HS Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:30 p.m.
June 11 – Senior Banquet @ Webster Golf Club – 7:00 p.m.
June 12 – MS Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
June 12 – Senior Picnic
June 12 – NYSSBA Special Education Law Seminar – Rochester
June 17 – Four County New School Board Member Orientation – Geneva
Athletics: (home games)
The Spring season has concluded.

6. Attachments:


a) Four County Interest Survey
b) ‘The Journal” Article on Supt Salaries
c) Grant Information
d) Capital Project Meeting Minutes
e) Exit Survey
f) Mark Callahan Resume


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