1. Period by Period School Master Attendance Guidelines for MS/HS Teachers
    1. Teacher:

Period by Period School Master Attendance Guidelines for MS/HS Teachers
If the District decides to record period by period attendance electronically the following procedures should be adhered to by teachers either at each period or at the end of the day.


At some point during the period class, the teacher is to log on to School Master
Select the period you are teaching.
SchoolMaster will automatically mark the student present, the teacher should only have to mark the student absent from class or tardy to class. (If student is marked absent from homeroom, Attendance clerk has already recorded this absence and the teacher will see a UA or EA by the students name.
The Attendance clerk will also indicate music lessons ML and field trips FT ahead of time on SchoolMaster.
If a student is marked present in building and does not show up for a class, the teacher needs to call the attendance clerk to determine the where student is. (This is the same procedure that is currently in place when tasking the attendance by pen & paper)
Music lessons, the student should first report to the class and inform the teacher that he has a lesson, the teacher can confirm this by referring to the SM attendance, if the teacher needs the student to remain in the class, they should call the Music room to inform them.
A note to the attendance clerk by the teacher is also required to let her update the student records.
It is recommended that attendance be taken near the end of the period. This prevents rechecking it for absences and late arrivals.
For those teachers such as Music, Gym, or teachers moving to another classroom who are not conveniently next to a computer they can manually keep the attendance record during the school day. However, at the end of the day they must record it electronically.
Note: BOCES and School Master are working on a Palm Pilot program in the future where teachers that are not accessible to computers will be able to use palms and upload attendance data to School Master at the end of the day.
Resource Room - these teachers are to keep manual records of students who are attending. At the end of day log on to SchoolMaster and record electronically who attended.
Substitute Teachers - These teachers take attendance manually and then give this information to the attendance clerk at the end of the day before leaving the building.

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