Subject Area__Physical Education__________________ Grade Level 3-4
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Elba Central School District to actualize the phrase “Elba Equals Educational Excellence for Everyone.†We are committed to providing both quality and equity. Every student will have the opportunity to develop to the best of his/her ability.
Elba Standards: In addition to the knowledge and basic skills they need in order to participate in society, graduates of Elba Central School will develop:
1. Empowering skills: decision making, goal setting, creative thinking and problem solving abilities;
2. Communication and social interaction skills;
3. Technological literacy;
4. Total wellness (social, physical, emotional health and self-esteem);
5. The values necessary to participate in society.
As a result of achieving these outcomes, our students will embrace lifelong learning.
New York State Standards for Physical Education:
1. Standard 1 – Personal Health and Fitness
Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.
2. Standard 2 – A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
3. Standard 3 – Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
National Standards for Physical Education:
National Content Standards -- A Physically Educated Person …..
1. Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few.
2. Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.
3. Exhibits a physically active lifestyle.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
6. Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.
7. Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction.
Performance Indicators:
NYS Standard 1:
Participate in physical activities (games, sports, exercises) that provide conditioning for each fitness area.
Develop physical fitness skills through regular practice, effort, and perseverance.
Demonstrate mastery of fundamental motor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills, and understand fundamental principles of movement.
Understand the effects of activity no the body, the risks associated with inactivity, and the basic components of health-related fitness (cardiovascular, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility).
Demonstrate and assess their fitness by performing exercises or activities related to each health-related fitness component, and establish personal goals to improve their fitness.
Understand the relationship between physical activity and individual well-being.
NYS Standard 2:
Contribute to a safe and healthy environment by observing safe conditions for games, recreation, and outdoor activities
Come to know and practice appropriate participant and spectator behaviors to produce a safe and positive environment
Works constructively with others to accomplish a variety of goals and tasks
Knows and understands rules, routines and understands the importance of rules in a leisure setting
Demonstrate care, consideration, and respect of self and others during physical activity.
Displays awareness of the benefits of cooperation, teamwork and self expression.
NYS Standard 3:
Know that resources available at home and in the community offer opportunities to participate in and enjoy a variety of physical activities in their leisure time.
Become familiar with health-related fitness activities in their communities, and the various uses of sports equipment.
Demonstrate the ability to apply the decision-making process to physical activity.
Acceptable performance level:
Students at levels 3-4 will satisfy APL by achieving a score of a 3 and/or 4 on Elba Central Elementary Report Card and Assessments Reports.
Teacher Observations ( Authentic assessments)
Task challenges
Exit slips Paper/ pencil assessments
Exit slips
Paper/ pencil assessments
Pre/post affective assessments
Behavior/ attitude rubric
Cue checklists
Performance tasks
Fitness testing
Scope: The goal of physical education in the elementary years is to further develop and refine a student’s manipulative skills and demonstrate proper psychomotor control throughout all forms of motion. The idea of game-play is also introduced, with an emphasis on working together toward a common goal.
Sequence: 3-4
Body/Spatial Awareness
Rhythms and Dance
Application of locomotor fundamentals to game settings
Object manipulation
Throwing and Catching
Kicking and Punting
Dribbling with hands/ feet
Striking and Volleying
Introduction to game concepts (offenses/defense/teamwork)
Introduction to Fitness Testing
Cooperative Learning
Methodology: Skill Themes Approach; Movement Concepts; Fitnessgram
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