1. Tree or Shrub Title
    1. Scientific Name: _____________________
      1. Created by: ______________________________________, Environmental Conservation Class Spring 2003

--Plant picture goes here—
You may want to identify a few things about the leaf / flower for identifying characteristics on your picture
Tree or Shrub Title


Scientific Name: _____________________

Scientific Name: _____________________
Average eight: _______________________
Hard wood or soft wood (does not include shrubs)        
Season/months of reproduction:
Reproductive structures: describe or picture
Interesting Facts of Tree:
Tree bark drawn, photographed or clearly described

Draw, scan or photograph a specific leaflet to put here

           Last name, first initial. 2003. Title of book/site. Pages            or url.

Created by: ______________________________________, Environmental Conservation Class Spring 2003

Created by: ______________________________________, Environmental Conservation Class Spring 2003

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