1. ACE/AP English (Days BCE)

Mark Scher Week of 01/27/03 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 05/19/03 (Days ABCD)


ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
Essay: limiting yourself to one or two characters, answer 1681, #4:due Thursday, 05/22, by 7 p.m.
Before class, complete reading of Death of a Salesman (1877-1950)
Referring to handout at <http://docushare.edutech.org/dscgi/ds.py/View/Collection-6175 >, students respond to topics listed there.
Essay: after reading Miller's own comments on his play (1948-1951), explain how his creation, Willy Loman, shows his "indestructible will . . . to achieve his humanity." (1950);
May 23, 26, 27: no school
Standards: 2, 3, 4
English 12 (Days ABD)
Children’s Lit. Unit:
  • Students follow schedule on door to work with children’s literature. They hand in reports on day following each activity.
Standard 1, 2, 3, 4
English 9 (9.01 on days ACE; 9.03 on days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD); English 9x4 (days ABCD)
Day 1: students fill out lit review sheet for One Fat Summer.
Students note open and closed forms of poetry from lyrics for “Under the Sea” and from handout. Demonstrate ability to identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, symbolism in handout. Students note how/why particular poets use these devices in particular poems.
On Day D, in block 3, students meet in back room of library for presentations by 4 students.
Standards: 1, 2, 3.


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