1. Life Science Standards
  2. Earth and Space Science Standards
  3. Science and Technology Standards
  4. History and Nature of Science Standards
  5. Standard 2 –Information Systems
  6. Standard 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
  7. Standard 4—Science
  8. Scope and Sequence Grade K

Subject Area: Science        Grade Level k-4
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Elba Central School District to actualize the phrase “Elba Equals Educational Excellence for Everyone.” We are committed to providing both quality and equity. Every student will have the opportunity to develop to the best of his/her ability.
Elba Standards: In addition to the knowledge and basic skills they need in order to participate in society, graduates of Elba Central School will develop:
1.   Empowering skills: decision making, goal setting, creative thinking and problem solving abilities;
2.   Communication and social interaction skills;
3.   Technological literacy;
4.   Total wellness (social, physical, emotional health and self-esteem);
5.   The values necessary to participate in society.
As a result of achieving these outcomes, our students will embrace lifelong learning.
National Standards:
(from National Academy of Sciences, 1995)
Physical Science Standards
·   Properties of objects and material
·   Position and motion of objects
·   Light, heat, electricity and magnetism
Life Science Standards
·   Characteristics of organisms
·   Life cycles of organisms
·   Organisms and environments

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Earth and Space Science Standards
·   Properties of earth materials
·   Objects in the sky
·   Changes in earth and sky

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Science and Technology Standards
·   Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans
·   Abilities of technological design
·   Understanding about science and technology
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
·   Personal health
·   Characteristics and changes in populations
·   Types of resources
·   Changes in environments
·   Science and technology in local challenges

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History and Nature of Science Standards
·   Science as a human endeavor
Unifying Concepts and Processes
·   Systems, order, and organization
·   Evidence, models, and explanation
·   Change, constancy and measurement
·   Evolution and equilibrium
·   Form and function
Science as Inquiry
·   Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
·   Understandings about scientific inquiry
New York State Standards
Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design
Math Analysis, Scientific Inquiry and Engineering Design
Math Analysis
·   Abstraction and symbolic representation are used to communicate mathematically
·   Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to reach mathematical conclusions.
·   Critical thinking skills are used in the solution of mathematical problems.
Scientific Inquiry
·   The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process.
·   Beyond the use of reasoning and consensus, scientific inquiry involves the testing of proposed explanations involving the use of conventional techniques and procedures and usually requiring considerable ingenuity.
·   The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.
Engineering Design
·   Engineering design is an iterative process involving modeling and optimization (finding the best solution within given constraints); this process is used to develop technological solutions to problems within given constraints.

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Standard 2 –Information Systems
·   Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning.
·   Knowledge of the impacts and limitations of information systems is essential to its effectiveness and ethical use.
·   Information technology can have positive and negative impacts on society, depending upon how it is used.
Standard 6—Interconnectedness: Common Themes
·   Systems Thinking—Through systems thinking, people can recognize the commonalities that exist among all systems and how parts of a system interrelate and combine to perform specific functions.
·   Models—Models are simplified representations of objects, structure, or systems, used in analysis, explanation, or design.
·   Magnitude and Scale—The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect behavior and design of systems.
·   Equilibrium and Stability—Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to a lack of changes (static equilibrium) or a balance between opposing forces (dynamic equilibrium).
·   Patterns of Change—Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making predictions about future behavior and conditions.
·   Optimization—In order to arrive at the best solution that meets criteria within constraints, it is often necessary to make trade-offs.

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Standard 7—Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
·   Connections—The knowledge and skills of mathematics, science, and technology are used together to make informed decisions and solve problems, especially those relating to issues of science/technology/society, consumer decision making, design, and inquiry into phenomena.
·   Strategies—Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results.

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Standard 4—Science
Physical Setting
Key Ideas
Performance Indicators
1.The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective. 1A. describe patterns of daily, monthly, and seasonal changes in their environment
2. Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land. 2A. describe the relationships among air, water, and land on Earth
3. Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity. 3A. observe and describe properties of materials using appropriate tools
  3B. describe chemical and physical changes, including changes in states of matter
4. Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved. 4A. describe a variety of forms of energy (heat, chemical, light) and the changes that occur in objects when they interact with those forms of energy
  4B. observe the way one form of energy can be transformed into another form of energy present in common situations (mechanical to heat energy, mechanical to electrical energy, chemical to heat energy)
5. Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion. 5A. describe the effects of common forces (pushed and pulls) on objects, such as those caused by gravity, magnetism and mechanical forces

Living Environment
Key Ideas
Performance Indicators
1. Living things are both similar to and different from each other and nonliving things. 1A. describe the characteristics of and variations between living and nonliving things
  1B. describe the life processes common to all living things
2. Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function between parents and offspring. 2A. recognize the traits of living things are both inherited and acquired or learned
  2B. recognize that for humans and other living things there is genetic continuity between generations
3. Individual organisms and species change over time. 3A. describe how the structures of plants and animals complement the environment of the plant or animal
  3B. observe that differences within a species may give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing
4. The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development 4A. describe the major stages in the life cycles of selected plants and animals
  4B. describe evidence of growth, repair, and maintenance, such as nails, hair, and bone, and the healing of cuts and bruises
5. Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life 5A. describe basic life functions of common living specimens
(guppy, mealworm, gerbil)
  5B. describe some survival behaviors of common living specimens
  5C. describe the factors that help promote good health and growth in humans

6. Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment. 6A. describe how plants and animals, including humans, depend upon each other and the nonliving environment
  6B. describe the relationship of the sun as an energy source for living and nonliving cycles
7. Human decisions and activities have had a profound impact on the physical and living environment 7A. identify ways in which humans have changed their environment and the effects of those changes


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Scope and Sequence Grade K
 In Kindergarten, science is taught through units of study concerning the world around us and how students relate to it.
What content knowledge (what should students know and understand?) is taught for each unit of study?
Unit Content Knowledge
Five Senses Be able to identify the parts of the body used for various senses
Use the senses to identify objects
Classify objects on observable characteristics
Identify scents of various objects
Identify sounds that different objects make
Compare objects by color, size, shape, weight, and texture
Identify tastes of various foods
Looking At The Sky Be able to describe the daytime sky vs. the nighttime sky
Know that the sun provides heat and light to the earth
Investigate the phases of the moon
Explore the various features that appear on the surface of the moon
Investigate stars and how they form patterns—constellations
Weather/Seasons Be able to name the four seasons
Know the weather in each season—temperature variation
Observe the various types of weather—sunny, cloudy, windy, snowy, foggy
Be able to tell the weather daily
Magnetism Explore different kinds of magnets
Observe what objects a magnet will pick up and what it will not pick up
Movement Observe and describe the movement of various living and non-living things
Observe and identify objects that move in a back/forth motion, round/round motion
Identify forces of pushing and pulling
Observe that objects fall towards the earth
Identify forces that keep objects from falling
Living/Nonliving things Classify classroom objects as living and non-living
Identify living and non-living
Plants Know different common plants (trees, flowers, grass)
Observe and identify the three basic parts of green plants (roots, stems, leaves)
Observe the growth of plants
Identify what plants need to survive
Observe that plants go through life cycles (seeds to plants)
Know that seeds move in different ways
Animals Know different common animals and be able to name animals
Know where common animals live and be able to identify farm animals, zoo animals, pets
Know what animals need in order to live and grow
Be able to match baby animals to parents
Identify similarities between animal offspring and their parents
Know that animals go through life cycles (frog, butterfly)
Know that animals adapt to their environment (hibernation, migration, camouflage)
Food Groups Health/Science Know the basic four food groups and be able to identify foods in each group
Describe the importance of good health habits (hygiene, exercise, rest, nutrition)
Discuss harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs)
Sink/Float Observe objects that sink and/or float
Earth Know that the earth is made up of land and water
Know that we need to take care of the earth, land, and air

Best Practices
 Hands on learning
Small discussion groups
Group experiments
Integration with ELA, use of Big books, science charts
Assessment: Teacher Observation

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