Mark Scher Week of 01/27/03 (Days CDEAB)


    Mark Scher Week of 05/12/03 (Days ABCDE)

    ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
    April 28–May 23:
    Hamlet (1568-1681)
    Essay: limiting yourself to one or two characters, answer 1681, #4;
    and Death of a Salesman (1877-1950)
    Essay: after reading Miller's own comments on his play (1948-1951), explain how his creation, Willy Loman, shows his "indestructible will . . . to achieve his humanity." (1950);
    After reading the text outside of class, students will finish viewing the Mel Gibson movie.
    For the week of May 12, students will explore and reveal themes established by imagery; issues of power as established by on-stage drama, notably in scenes with Claudius; and matters of irony. .
    May 14: class meets for 1/2 hour: 1:02-1:30. Assembly follows directly.
    May 16: class is scheduled 9:45-10:20 because of shortened day; however, class will not meet, because of assembly.
    May 23, 26, 27: no school
    Standards: 2, 3, 4
    English 12 (Days ABD)
    Children’s Lit. Unit:
    • Students follow schedule on door to work with children’s literature. They hand in reports on day following each activity.
    This week, on D day, we will spend the entire period in the elementary library.
    Standard 1, 2, 3, 4
    English 9 (9.01 on days ACE; 9.03 on days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD); English 9x4 (days ABCD)
    Day 1: students polish their essays in response to handout on One Fat Summer.
    Day 2: essays due at start of period.
    As summation: they evaluate the book: how does it compare with other readings; which is more challenging? which is better? How do they make that judgement?
    Day 2 and following: Students note open and closed forms of poetry from handout. Demonstrate ability to identify rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, symbolism in handout of elementary school and secondary school poems. Students note how/why particular poets use these devices in particular poems.
    May 14 (Day 2): Block 6 meets for 1/2 hour: 12:31-1 p.m. Assembly follows at 1:30.
    May 16 (Day 3): Block 1 meets 9:07-9:43 because of shortened day; however, they will be excused early for assembly.
    Standards: 1, 2, 3.


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