1. Newsletter:
    2. 9. Events:
    3. Athletics: (home games @ 4:15 p.m. unless otherwise noted)
    4. 1. Attachments:

April 25, 2003

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.”
- - Mark Twain

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Senior trip - Enclosed is a copy of a brief itinerary for the Senior trip. Lory and I have met to begin reviewing the schedule. Unlike previous years, no students will be allowed to go anyplace w/o the accompaniment of chaperone.


2. Graduation – Graduation will be held on Friday, June 20. Lory met with seniors on Thursday morning to clarify the question.


3. OE Air Conditioning - We have been exploring the possibility of air conditioning the 2nd & 3rd floors of OE as part of the building project. This is an “out of scope” item and would be done only if the bid numbers came in low enough to pay for it. Depending on which solution we chose, it appears the cost would be somewhere between $322,800 and $587,770. I have enclosed those estimates for your review. There probably would be some additional general contracting costs in addition to this estimate. In reviewing the options, it appears that the individual univents would be the most viable solution. They require the least amount of invasive reconstruction. Rather, the current univents would be replaced with types capable of air conditioning. It is also the least expensive option. I will keep you informed of our progress.


4. Legislative Update – This changes daily as I am sure you are aware, and probably what I write here will be wrong by the time you read this. With that disclaimer, here is where we are:
The Assembly and Senate will probably pass an educational budget package restoring BOCES Aid and Excess Cost Aid. Operating Aid will not be fully restored. That bill will be vetoed by the Governor. The Assembly will override the veto, but the Senate will probably not be able to. Senator Nozzolio probably will not vote for the override. When an acceptable budget is finally passed, the revenue increases will most likely include a sales tax increase and approving VLT (video lottery terminals) for OTB locations at all race tracks. Many legislatures feel these revenues won’t be enough to pay for the expenses and so the solution may compound the problem for the following year’s budget.

There also remains a possibility that an extension to the budget date will be approved. My recommendation is that we stay on course with our current budget and voting date. You put together a good budget. We can make some adjustments in August if we feel they are warranted.

5. Fairport Update – Most of what I hear about Fairport’s budget voting is either from the paper or Albany reports. It is reported that in actuality, Fairport does have a budget and it will contain a 6.3% increase. There is also considerable talk that Fairport actually plans to vote. They have filed their budget with Albany. The Commissioner anticipates that if Fairport does not appear to be going ahead with the vote, there will be an appeal to him from some Fairport citizens. He would then have little recourse but to rule against Fairport.

There is an alternate strategy appearing which I like. That is to conduct an exit survey of voters on whether they feel the Governor and State Legislature are fiscally irresponsible for their chronic failure to approve a timely state budget. This exit survey would be sent to the Governor and our legislature. This would be an excellent project for our Grade 12 Government students. I will be approaching Mr. DonVito about this.

6. Monica Ambeau Letter - Most all of you received a letter from Monica Ambeau who is on an unpaid leave of absence from her duties as a bus driver. Mrs. Buddington contacted Mrs. Ambeau and feels the issues have been clarified. I have enclosed Mrs. Buddington’s memo to me. Please call or e-mail me with questions.


7. State Assessment Committees – As you are aware, I sit on the State Curriculum Committee, the Joint SED/Superintendent’s Committee and the No Child Left Behind Assessment Committee. Last month I was selected Chairman of the Joint SED/Supt Assessment Committee. I expect that will allow me to continue having some influence on the way in which the State Assessments are developed and utilized.


8. Staff Incident – Two CSEA employees have been involved in incidents this past week which I need to bring to your attention. A recently hired aid for our Eagle Ventures program called in sick. We subsequently learned that in actuality she had stayed home to work on a sideline business that she runs. She also had two Eagle Venture students stay home with her to continue the work on her business. They had been working for her the previous weekend. The parents believed the children were participating in an educationally related field trip. Mrs. Morrin and Mr. Atseff met with the staff member and that staff member has resigned.

A bus driver who has been with us long enough to receive a permanent appointment has a bus route into the Halpern Center in Rochester. He stopped at a store leaving the students on the bus and assisted one of our 18 year old students in purchasing a pack of cigarettes because she did not have her ID with her. Greg, Fred and I are reviewing the information this afternoon and will meet with the driver early next week. I will let you know of our decision.

9. Events:

April 29 – Freewill Band & Chorus Concert – HS Performing Center – 7:00 p.m.
May 1 – Grade 4 Science Tests
May 2, 3, & 4 – The Wizard of Oz (rescheduled) Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m.,
Saturday & Sunday Matinee @ 2:00 p.m. – HS Performing Arts Center
May 3 – School Bus Road-E-O at Wayne Central
May 6-8 – Grade 4 & 8 Math Tests

Athletics: (home games @ 4:15 p.m. unless otherwise noted)
4/28 – V Baseball vs. Williamson
4/28 – V Softball vs. Williamson
4/29 V Baseball vs. Newark
4/29 – V Softball vs. Newark
4/29 – V Track Meet @ Canandaigua
4/29 - V Boys’ Tennis vs. Naples
4/30 – JV Softball vs. Mercy
5/1 – V Baseball vs. Marcus Whitman
5/1 – V Softball vs. Marcus Whitman
5/1 – V Track Meet @ Newark
5/2 – V Baseball vs. East High
5/2 – V Softball vs. Marion
5/2 – V Boys’ Tennis vs. Marcus Whitman
5/3 – V Baseball vs. Waterloo – 2:00 p.m.
5/3 – V Softball vs. Waterloo – 2:00 p.m.
5/5 – JV Baseball vs. Canandaigua
5/5 – JV Softball vs. Canandaigua
5/5 – JV Boys’ Tennis vs. Newark

1. Attachments:

a) Ontario Elementary Air Conditioning Information

b) Senior Trip Information
c) Monica Ambeau Information


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