Guide to One Fat Summer
    Chapter 3

    1. What does Bobby’s dad want him to decide?
  1. How many pounds does Bobby’s father think that Bobby could put on in ten years?
  2. What is Bobby’s sister’s name?
  3. Do you think that Bobby had good reason not to tell his dad about the job with Dr. Kahn?
  4. Vocabulary: schedule (28), scatter (27), cross-examination (26), confidence (29)
    Chapter 4
    1. Why will Dr. Kahn subtract money from Bobby’s wages?
  5. How much did Bobby expect to earn for his week of work?
  6. How much will he actually earn if Dr. Kahn subtracts the money?
  7. Why couldn’t Bobby start the lawnmower?
  8. Who is Captain Marks and why does Bobby think about him in this chapter?
  9. Vocabulary: polio (33), metabolism (36), renegade (41), bobbing (to bob) (32), recovery (33)
    Chapter 5
    1. How does Bobby explain his condition to Peter (by the way, what is that condition?)?
  10. What really caused Bobby’s condition?
  11. Why doesn’t Bobby eat lunch?
  12. Why did he feel so bad after working?
  13. What could Bobby have done to be better prepared for the job and the heat?
  14. Vocabulary: residence (54), fainted (55), shimmered (50), staggered (50)
    Chapter 6
    1. What does Bobby mean when he says that he feels like the lawn looks?
  15. What book was on Michelle’s lap?
  16. Why does Bobby think that no one would recognize him if he were slim?
  17. Why does Bobby think that if he were slim he would be a different person?
  18. Vocabulary: unlamented (look up to lament) (57), snarled (58), bulletin (57), sinewy (57)
    Chapter 7
    1. Why does Dr. Kahn lower Bobby’s wages?
  19. Why does Willie get mad at Bobby?
  20. Why doesn’t Dr. Kahn hire Willie?
  21. Compare Bobby’s daydream of Captain Marks in this chapter to the one in chapter 4. Why do you think that the daydream in this chapter is less optimistic?
  22. Vocabulary: intimidate (62), decent (67), threatening (63), absorb (64)
    Chapter 8
    1. Why does Bobby pretend to be a bearskin rug?
  23. Have you ever pretended for a similar reason?
  24. Why doesn’t Bobby want his mom to get involved with his job?
    Vocabulary: glimpses (69), professional (76)

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