To the Nunda Community,
     Keshequa Central School currently has many former students serving in the United States Armed Services. To honor them, we are creating a Wall of Honor which displays their names. We are also planning to dedicate an small American Flag to each soldier and sailor. The Flag will fly in a place of honor at the school, and then be given to them when they return home.
     On Tuesday, April 8th, at 8:20. we will be holding a short assembly in the Nunda Auditorium. At that time we will read the names of our local heroes and dedicate their flag. The Flags will fly at the Donovan Memorial for the rest of the day, and then be brought back into the school for display until they are given to their owner.
     We invite family members and friends to join us at this assembly. We also would like to form a committee of interested family members, veterans, and community members to work with the Nunda Area Veterans Team and our Student Councils to plan a larger ceremony for late May. If you are interested in being part of the planning, or have suggestions, you can contact us at the Nunda building.
    Mrs. Debbie Clancy
    Mr. Thomas Cook
    Keshequa Central School

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