Mr. Havens noted that formal adoption of the proposed budget by the Board of Education is set for April 9th. He congratulated trustees on the wonderful effort they expended and for their continued concern for programs for our students. He feels the proposed budget is a solid plan and one in which trustees can have pride.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mr. Johnson thanked Mr. Havens and the administrative council for their hard work and noted that the documentation was easy to understand and the review process worked very well.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mr. Johnson noted that with the budget review completed this evening, the special meeting for a budget workshop on Thursday, March 21, is not required.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | VI.
| ADJOURNMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Respectfully submitted,
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | JAMES E. SWITZER
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | School District Clerk
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | APPROVAL OF MINUTES
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The foregoing minutes of the Board of
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Education were submitted for review
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | & (approved as presented)(corrected
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | as noted) at the meeting of
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | March 26, 2003
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------------------------
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | School District Clerk
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | JES/jes:wp
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6200 Ontario Center Road
P.O. Box 155
Ontario Center, New York l4520-0155
Trustee ………offered a MOTION, seconded by Trustee …………., to adopt a RESOLUTION for Notice Of Public Hearing and Call of The Annual School District Election, TO WIT:
| | (May 20, 2003)
| | | | | BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education as follows:
| | | | | Section 1: That, pursuant to §2004 (1) of the Education Law, as amended, the annual school election of the Wayne Central School District, Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York, shall be conducted in the lobby of the large gymnasium of James A. Beneway High School, located at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, New York, in said school district, on the 20th day of May, 2003, for the purpose of voting by voting machines upon the propositions hereinafter set forth. Polls for the purpose of voting shall be kept open between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., local time.
| | | | Section 2: That, pursuant to §1707(2) of the Education Law, the public hearing on the proposed school budget will occur on Tuesday, May 13, 2003, @ 7:00 p.m. at the district office in the north wing of James A. Beneway High School, in said school district.
| | | | Section 3: That the notice of said public hearing and annual school election, including the propositions to be voted upon, shall be in substantially the following form, TO WIT:
| | Wayne Central School District
| | Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York
| | | | | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District, Wayne County, New York, that the annual election of said school district shall occur on the 20th day of May, 2003, in the lobby of the large gymnasium of James A. Beneway High School, located at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York, for the purpose of voting, by voting machine, upon the propositions hereinafter set forth.
| | (which may include separate propositions for special budgetary expenditures)
| | | | | |
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education be authorized to make an expenditure from the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund 2002 for the authorized purpose of such fund in an amount not to exceed $365,000 in the 2003-2004 fiscal year.
| |
Polls for the purpose of voting will be kept open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., local time.
| | | | NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to §1707 (2) of the Education Law, a public hearing on the proposed budget is scheduled for May 13, 2003 @ 7:00 p.m. at the district office in the north wing of James A. Beneway High School in said school district,
| | | | NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the petitions to nominate candidates for the office of school trustee must be filed with the school district clerk no later than 5:00 p.m., local time, on Monday, April
| 21, 2003,
| | (more)
| | | | | Vacancies will occur for three (3) terms of three (3) years each to succeed the following incumbents:
| | | |
Jacqueline M. Brunner
Scott W.Griswold
John D. Triou
Petitions to nominate a school trustee may be secured from the school district clerk at the district office located in James A. Beneway High School (north wing), at 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, New York, 14520, Monday thru Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Such petition shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the school district, shall state the name and residence address of the candidate, and the name and residence address of each signer.
Drawing for position of names of school trustee candidates on the school election ballot will occur on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 9:00 a.m., local time, in the district clerk's office, as required by law. Each candidate for school trustee, or proxy representative of same, may attend this random drawing.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the election of school trustees is at large. The three-(3) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes cast for the three (3) offices shall be declared elected.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT a copy of the statement of the estimated amount of monies which will be required, for school purposes, for the ensuing 2003-2004 school year may be obtained by any taxpayer of the school district during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the annual school election, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., local time, at any of the schools of the district or at the district office.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT applications for absentee ballots may be sought by qualified voters of the school district from the school district clerk at his office in the district office
Such applications must be received by the district clerk at least seven (7) days before the election, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the district office.
DATED: March 26, 2003 @ Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York
Ontario Center, Wayne County, New York
School District Clerk
4T: Weeks of March 31, April 14 & 28 & May 12, 2003
Section 4: That the school district clerk be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to cause such notice of the public hearing and annual school election to be given in substantially the form hereinbefore prescribed by publishing the same four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks next preceding the public hearing (May 13, 2003) and the annual school election (May 20, 2003), the first publication to appear at least forty-five (45) days before each event, in the Wayne County Mail (Ontario-Walworth) and the The Times of Wayne County (Walworth-Macedon), the official district newspapers, each having a general circulation in said school district, and by giving such other notice as, in his discretion, may be deemed advisable.
Section 5: This RESOLUTION shall take effect immediately upon adoption
To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From: Abi Buddington, Director of Human Resources
Re: Personnel Action
Date: March 26, 2003
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
| Amory Dunham – Special Education Teacher assigned to the Middle School, effective May 23, 2003 (for personal reasons).
| | | | Thomas Sousa – Instrumental Music Teacher assigned to the Middle School, effective May 23, 2003 (for personal reasons).
Leave of Absence:
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Annual Coaching Recommendation 2003-2004
WCS Years
Scott Freischlag
Head Varsity Football
Leave of Absence:
Entire Policy Is New, From Staff Committee Policy 5101
Presented for First Reading, March 26, 2003 Page 1 of 8
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Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy for Students in Grades K-5
New York State Compulsory Education Law, Article 65, section 3205:
School age minors, ages 6 to 16, must attend school regularly as prescribed where a student resides. The student must attend school the entire time classes are in session.
The Compulsory Education Law is designated to require school attendance and ensure that no child is denied the opportunity to receive an education.
New York State Compulsory Education laws specify that each minor child from 6 to 16 years of age, mentally and physically fit, shall regularly attend school for the entire time schools are in session. A child who becomes 6 years of age on or before December 1 during a school year is required to attend school beginning in September. A child who turns 16 years of age during a school year must continue in attendance until the end of the school year. According to state law, the school year begins July 1.
School attendance is both a right and a responsibility. Wayne Central School District is an active partner with students, parents, and the community in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards. Wayne Central recognizes that consistent school attendance, academic success, school completion, and success in the workplace have a direct correlation. Therefore, the Wayne Central School District has developed a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy to meet the following objectives:
a) To increase school graduation rates;
b) To raise student achievement and performance;
c) To identify attendance patterns in order to decrease the number of tardies to school;
d) To know the whereabouts of every student for safety and other reasons;
e) To verify that individual students are complying with education laws relating to
compulsory attendance;
f) To determine the District's average daily attendance for State aid purposes.
Wayne Central School District will:
Create and maintain a positive school building culture by fostering a positive physical and psychological environment where the presence of strong adult role models encourage respectful and nurturing interactions between adults and students. This positive school culture is aimed at encouraging a high level of student bonding to the school, which in turn should lead to increased attendance.
Maintain a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy based upon the recommendations of a multifaceted District Policy Development Team that includes representation from the Board of Education, administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community. The District will hold at least one public hearing prior to the adoption/modification of this collaboratively developed Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy.
Maintain accurate record keeping to record attendance, absence, tardiness, or early departure of each student.
Utilize data analysis systems for tracking individual student attendance and individual and group trends in student attendance problems.
Develop early intervention strategies to improve school attendance for all students.
Successful implementation of any attendance policy requires cooperation among all members of the education community including parents/guardians, students, teachers, administrators, and support staff.
All participants will be informed about the policy to understand its purpose, procedures and consequences of non-compliance. To ensure that students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators are notified of and understand the policy, the following procedures shall be implemented:
Student Notice: Students in grades K-5 will be made aware of the attendance
policy and procedures via the school handbook beginning in September 2003. Teachers will review this policy
with students during the first month of school.
Parent/Guardian Notice: Parents of students in grades K-5 will be notified of the
policy and procedures via the school handbook. The attendance policy will be added to the annual September newsletter sent home to parents.
Faculty/Staff Notice:
Faculty and staff will meet at the beginning of each school year to
review the attendance policy and procedures. This meeting will
include clarifying individual responsibilities, the attendance policy
implementation procedures, and the necessary forms and guidelines
for implementation. A copy of the attendance policy will
be added to each staff handbook; be posted in the nurse’s office,
and will be posted on the Wayne Central School District Web Page by the Webmaster.
The Attendance Policy is based on a 180-day school year.
All absences, both excused and unexcused, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent. Students with verified legal absences will be given the opportunity to make up the missed work. The make-up work will count toward the student’s class average but will not count towards attendance.
No distinction will be made between excused and unexcused absences for notification purposes.
Days for which a student is assigned home teaching or other school approved tutoring shall be counted as regular class attendance.
Days for which a student is suspended from school will not be counted as absences. Alternate equivalent instruction, or work sent home, will commence as soon as possible upon suspension.
School sanctioned field trips will not count as an absence from class.
Band and chorus lessons will not count as absences.
The approved attendance document will be the official record for student attendance with regard to this policy.
Makeup Work Procedures
Makeup work will be coordinated by the individual classroom teacher and subject to grade level expectations.
The record of each student's presence, absence, tardiness and early departure shall be maintained on school management software. An absence, tardiness or early departure will be entered as "excused" or "unexcused" along with the district code for the reason.
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Students must attend school on time and every day that school is in session and participate fully.
All absences, legal and illegal, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent. The following reasons for absence or tardiness are accepted as legal, according to the New York State Educational Law.
Sickness in the family
Death in the family
Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe as determined by town, county, or state highway officials
Medical appointments or attendance at a medical clinic
Religious observance
Court Attendance
Approved Cooperative Work Program
Any other school approved program
College Visits
Any other absence is unexcused
And not a legal absence
The following are examples of illegal excuses for tardiness or absence:
Late ride
Missing the school bus
Family vacation
Hair cut
Car trouble
When a student is to be absent from school or class, the parent/guardian must contact the Nurse’s Office to report the absence within 24 hours.
In addition to calling, the parent/guardian should submit a written explanation of the absence to the nurse.
Parents/Guardians are required to provide their current home address, telephone and emergency number(s), list of adults to contact in their absence, and keep the school abreast of any changes. This information should be provided to the school nurse.
Parents/guardians are expected to work collaboratively with school personnel to attend meetings and respond to attendance concerns.
Parents/guardians are expected to monitor the work of students when make-up opportunities are required.
Parents are expected to contact teachers and school personnel should they have any concerns.
It is of the utmost importance that each family understands the fact that any absence or tardiness, regardless of the reason, does not exempt their student from attendance requirements.
Classroom/subject area teachers are required to personally take accurate daily attendance as prescribed in Section 3211 of the New York State Education Law regarding compulsory attendance.
Report Cards will reflect attendance.
Teachers and school personnel will continually stress to students the importance of promptness and regular attendance in educational, social and business matters, and set a positive example through their own contact with classes.
Teachers are required to call parents/guardians any time there is a concern over attendance, academic progress, class behavior or other issues.
When a student reaches ten absences from school in a semester(s) the classroom teacher will contact the parent by phone to express the attendance concerns and contact the schools counselor, nurse, and principal. The classroom teacher will complete a phone log and give a copy to the building principal.
Provide make-up work in a timely fashion and communicate attendance responsibilities to substitutes.
Monitor student attendance of students.
Regularly consult with teachers to proactively address attendance issues. It is the expectation that contact will be made to parents whenever there is an attendance concern.
Consult regularly with the building principal to uncover the root causes of the attendance issues
Verify each student’s absence from school by contacting and communicating with the parent or legal guardian.
Monitor and collect each student’s written excuse when they are absent from school.
Clarify parent questions in regard to the difference between unexcused and excused tardies and absences.
Communicate with the teaching staff and administration any student attendance issues or concerns.
Principals or designees are responsible for implementing the attendance policy and providing supplies and information to help implement the attendance policy.
Support building programs as deemed necessary with regard to:
Superintendent Hearings
Student records
Family Court Issues
Other Interventions
*Teachers and principal’s designee will jointly determine the need for informal school conferences of Central Office referrals.
Notification, Intervention, and Hearing
Notification I: Report cards reflecting student attendance will be distributed quarterly.
Notification II: When a student reaches 15 days of absence from school in a semester, the principal will send a letter to the parent/guardian. The purpose of this initial intervention is to open the lines of communication to improve attendance patterns.
Notification III: If attendance issues persist, the student may be referred to the Pupil Study Team (PST) to discuss strategies to improve the student’s attendance at school. The principal will notify the parent/guardian about the PST meeting via phone and in writing, and encourage them to attend.
The school nurse or principals’ designee shall notify by telephone the parent/guardian of a student who is absent, tardy or departs early without proper excuse. If the parent/person in parental relation cannot be reached by telephone (home, work, cell, pager, etc. numbers have been exhausted), the school nurse or principals designee will leave a message informing the parent/guardian of the absence. If no message can be left, notification of the absence will be provided through mail.
In order to encourage student attendance, Ontario Primary School, Ontario Elementary School, and Freewill Elementary School will develop and implement grade-appropriate/building-level strategies and programs that may include but are not limited to:
Classroom/school acknowledgment of the importance of good attendance (e.g., individual certificates, recognition chart, bulletin boards).
The Board of Education recognizes that the regular and consistent attendance of students is important to their success in the educational program.
Efforts by students to achieve exemplary attendance records will be recognized each year in the awards ceremony held at the conclusion of 40 weeks of school. At such time, a “Certificate of Perfect Attendance” will be issued to qualified students by the building principal. Criteria for award of this certificate include:
a record of attendance showing no absences or incidence of tardiness; and
a record showing no more than four hours of absence for legal reasons as outlined
on page 5 of this policy.
Under special circumstances, efforts by students to correct or improve their records of attendance may be deemed worthy of recognition. A “Certificate of Excellence in Attendance” shall be presented to students whom the principal and/or school nurse wish to honor for special achievement in improving their attendance records.
For students with an educational disability, this policy will be applied in a manner that is consistent with their Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.)
For students who can document to the District’s Section 504 Compliance Officer that he/she has a disability protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and may not meet the threshold of attendance/participation, make-up opportunities must be consistent with their Section 504 Plan. Consultation with the Section 504 Compliance Officer is recommended.
For students with documented chronic illnesses, who are absent sporadically and may not meet the attendance threshold, make-up opportunities must be consistent with their capacity to complete them.
Procedures for make-up work must be developed and provided by each teacher.
*Disabled students with excessive absences due to health or medical reasons will be carefully reviewed by school-based personnel, including the school nurse, in consultation with the student’s own physician.
The Board of Education shall ensure that appropriate school personnel annually review building level student attendance records. In addition, the the Superintendent of Schools shall advise the Board of Education of any recommended changes to the policy by April 1st of each year.
Entire Policy Is New, From Staff Committee Policy 5102
Presented for First Reading, March 26, 2003
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Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy for Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School Grades 6-8
New York State Compulsory Education Law, Article 65, section 3205:
School age minors, ages 6 to 16, must attend school regularly as prescribed where a student resides. The student must attend school the entire time classes are in session.
The Compulsory Education Law is designated to require school attendance and ensure that no child is denied the opportunity to receive an education.
New York State Compulsory Education laws specify that each minor child from 6 to 16 years of age, mentally and physically fit, shall regularly attend school for the entire time schools are in session. A child who becomes 6 years of age on or before December 1 during a school year is required to attend school beginning in September. A child who turns 16 years of age during a school year must continue in attendance until the end of the school year. According to state law, the school year begins July 1.
School attendance is both a right and a responsibility. Wayne Central School District is an active partner with students, parents, and the community in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards. Wayne Central recognizes that consistent school attendance, academic success, school completion, and success in the workplace have a direct correlation. Therefore, the Wayne Central School District has developed a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy to meet the following objectives:
a) To increase school graduation rates;
b) To raise student achievement and performance;
c) To identify attendance patterns in order to decrease the number of tardies to school;
d) To know the whereabouts of every student for safety and other reasons;
e) To verify that individual students are complying with education laws relating to
compulsory attendance;
f) To determine the District's average daily attendance for State aid purposes.
Wayne Central School District will:
Create and maintain a positive school building culture by fostering a positive physical and psychological environment where the presence of strong adult role models encourage respectful and nurturing interactions between adults and students. This positive school culture is aimed at encouraging a high level of student bonding to the school, which in turn should lead to increased attendance.
Maintain a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy based upon the recommendations of a multifaceted District Policy Development Team that includes representation from the Board of Education, administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community. The District will hold at least one public hearing prior to the adoption/modification of this collaboratively developed Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy.
Maintain accurate record keeping to record attendance, absence, tardiness, or early departure of each student.
Utilize data analysis systems for tracking individual student attendance and individual and group trends in student attendance problems.
Develop early intervention strategies to improve school attendance for all students.
Successful implementation of any attendance policy requires cooperation among all members of the education community including parents/guardians, students, teachers, administrators, and support staff.
All participants will be informed about the policy to understand its purpose, procedures and consequences of non-compliance. To ensure that students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators are notified of and understand the policy, the following procedures shall be implemented:
Student Notice: Students in grades 6-8 will be made aware of the attendance
policy and procedures via the Student Handbook and/or Agenda,
beginning September 2003. Teachers will review this policy with
with students during the first month of school.
Parent/Guardian Notice:Parents of students in grades 6-8 will be notified of the
policy and procedures via a mailing directly to the household
where the student(s) reside. The attendance policy will be added to
the annual September newsletter sent home to parents.
Faculty/Staff Notice: Faculty and staff will meet at the beginning of each school year to
review the attendance policy and procedures. This meeting will
include clarifying individual responsibilities, the attendance policy
implementation procedures, and the necessary forms and guidelines
for implementation. A copy of the attendance policy will
be added to each staff handbook; be posted in the nurse’s office,
and will be posted on the Wayne Central School District Web Page.
The Attendance Policy is based on a 180-day school year.
All absences, both excused and unexcused, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent. Students with verified legal absences will be given the opportunity to make up the missed work. The make-up work will count toward the student’s class average but will not count towards attendance.
No distinction will be made between excused and unexcused absences for notification purposes.
Days for which a student is assigned home teaching or other school approved tutoring shall be counted as regular class attendance.
Days for which a student is suspended from school will not be counted as absences. Alternate equivalent instruction, or work sent home, will commence as soon as possible upon suspension.
Counseling appointments, appointments with administrators, nurse appointments, and
extenuating circumstances to be determined by administrators will not constitute an absence from class.
School sanctioned field trips will not count as an absence from class.
Band and chorus lessons will not count as absences if the student presents a legal pass
from the band/chorus teacher to the class missed.
The approved attendance document will be the official record for student attendance with regard to this policy.
Makeup Work Procedures
Upon returning to school following a properly excused absence, tardiness or early departure, it shall be the responsibility of the student to consult with his/her teacher(s) regarding arrangements to make up missed work, assignments and/or tests. In accordance with school board policy, students have ten schooldays to makeup any work missed because of an excused absence.
*Students receiving unexcused absences should be given time to make up work. Worked missed during an illegal absence should be provided, but may receive reduced credit. Students should be made aware of each teacher’s individual policy at the beginning of the school year.
The record of each student's presence, absence, tardiness and early departure shall be maintained on school management software. An absence, tardiness or early departure will be entered as "excused" or "unexcused" along with the district code for the reason.
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Students must attend school on time and every day that school is in session.
Students must attend all classes and are expected to participate fully.
Students must request make-up opportunities.
It is understood that it is not the responsibility of the school or the individual teacher to ensure that missed work is made up. It is the responsibility of the individual student to make up the missed work.
*Students receiving unexcused absences should be given time to make up work. Worked missed during an unexcused absence should be provided, but may receive reduced credit. Students should be made aware of each teacher’s make-up work policy at the beginning of the school year.
Students who are absent for legal reasons, as defined below, may request and will be allowed to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to ascertain which assignments must be completed to make up the missed work. The student will be required to make up work. In accordance with school board policy, students have ten school days to makeup any work missed because of an excused absence.
All absences, legal and illegal, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent. The following reasons for absence or tardiness are accepted as legal, according to the New York State Educational Law, for the purpose of make-up work only.
Sickness in the family
Death in the family
Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe as determined by town, county, or state highway officials
Medical appointments or attendance at a medical clinic
Religious observance
Court Attendance
Approved Cooperative Work Program
Any other school approved program
College Visits
Any other absence is unexcused
And is not a legal absence
The following are examples of illegal excuses for tardiness or absence:
Late ride
Missing the school bus
Family vacation
Hair cut
Car trouble
It is of the utmost importance that each student understands the fact that any absence or tardiness, regardless of the reason, does not exempt him or her from attendance requirements.
When a student is to be absent from school or class, the parent/guardian must contact the Nurse’s Office to report the absence within 24 hours.
In addition to calling, the parent/guardian should submit a written explanation of the absence to the nurse on the day the child returns to school.
Parents/Guardians are required to provide their current home address, telephone and emergency number(s), list of adults to contact in their absence, and keep the school abreast of any changes. This information should be provided to the school nurse.
Parents/guardians are expected to work collaboratively with school personnel to attend meetings and respond to attendance concerns.
Parents/guardians are expected to monitor the work of students when make-up opportunities are required. Parents are expected to contact teachers and school personnel should they have any concerns.
Classroom/subject area teachers are required to personally take accurate daily attendance in every class, as prescribed in Section 3211 of New York State Educational Law regarding compulsory attendance.
Report Cards will reflect attendance.
Teachers and school personnel will continually stress to students the importance of promptness and regular attendance in educational, social and business matters, and set a positive example through their own contact with classes.
Teachers will review the attendance policy with students during the first month of school.
Teachers are required to call parents/guardians any time there is a concern over attendance, academic progress, class behavior or other issues.
Teachers are expected to inform the counselor and assistant principal of interventions they have tried to improve a student’s attendance in class.
When a student reaches five unexcused absences in any course during a ten week marking period, a team representative (from the students team) will contact the parent/guardian by phone to investigate the reasons for absences, make parents aware of the academic impact class absence is having and promote good attendance at school. The team representative will complete a phone log and give a copy of this to the assistant principal and counselor.
When a student reaches ten unexcused absences of class in any course, a team representative (from the students team) will contact the parent by phone to express the attendance concerns and contact the student’s counselor and assistant principal. The team representative will complete a phone log and give a copy of this to the assistant principal and counselor.
When a student reaches fifteen unexcused absences, the team representative (from the students team) will contact the parent by phone to express the attendance concerns and contact the student’s counselor and assistant principal. The team representative will complete a phone log and give a copy of this to the assistant principal and counselor
Provide make-up work in a timely fashion and communicate attendance responsibilities to substitutes.
Monitor student attendance of students on their caseload.
Regular consult with teachers and teams to proactively address attendance issues. It is the expectation that contact will be made to parents prior to the required notification procedures outlined in this policy.
Meet with students and contact parents when students reach five unexcused days of absence in a marking period and 10 total days of unexcused absence. Arrange meetings with parents when a student reaches 10 days of unexcused absence or unexcused tardy to school, and 15 days of total unexcused absence. This meeting will include the parent, student, and assistant principal. A teacher representative will be invited to attend this meeting.
Consult regularly with the assistant principal to uncover the root causes of the attendance issues
Ensure the students are placed on the PST agenda at 10 days of unexcused absence and communicate actions that have been taken to ensure students attendance at school during the Pupil Study Team (PST) meeting.
Complete all required paperwork for attendance interventions.
Verify each student’s absence from school by contacting and communicating with the parent or legal guardian.
Monitor and collect each student’s written excuse when they are absent from school.
Clarify parent questions in regard to the difference between unexcused and excused tardies and absences.
Produce a written report each week listing student unexcused absences and student unexcused tardies to school. These reports need to be distributed to the team leaders, counselors, and assistant principal.
Communicate with the teaching staff and administration of any student attendance issues or concerns.
Impress upon faculty and staff the need for accurate record keeping.
Play an active role in implementation procedures in timely fashion.
Principals or designees will oversee the maintenance of accurate attendance records.
Principals or designees are responsible for implementing the attendance policy and providing supplies and information to help implement the attendance policy.
Support building program as deemed necessary with regard to:
Superintendent Hearings
Student records
Family Court Issues
Other Interventions
*Teachers and principal’s designee will jointly determine the need for informal school conferences of Central Office referrals.
Notification, Intervention, and Hearing
Notification I: When a student receives seven unexcused absences in a ten week marking period, the assistant principal will send a letter to the parent/guardian. The purpose of this initial intervention is to open the lines of communication to improve attendance patterns. Counselors will meet with the student and contact the parent by phone prior to this letter being sent.
Notification II: When a student receives ten unexcused absences, the assistant principal will refer the student to the Pupil Study Team (PST) to discuss strategies to improve the student’s attendance at school. The assistant principal will notify the parent/guardian about the PST meeting via phone and in writing, and encourage them to attend.
Notification III: When students reach fifteen days of unexcused absence a meeting between the parent, student, administrator and counselor will be requested.
The school nurse or principals’ designee shall notify by telephone the parent/guardian of a student who is absent, tardy or departs early without proper excuse. If the parent/person in parental relation cannot be reached by telephone (home, work, cell, pager, etc. numbers have been exhausted), the school nurse or principals designee will leave a message informing the parent/guardian of the absence. If no message can be left, notification of the absence will be provided through the United States Postal Service.
In order to encourage student attendance, Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School will develop and implement grade-appropriate/building-level strategies and programs including, but not limited to:
Classroom acknowledgment of the importance of good attendance (e.g., individual certificates, recognition chart, bulletin boards).
The Board of Education recognizes that the regular and consistent attendance of students is important to their success in the in the educational program.
Efforts by students to achieve exemplary attendance records will be recognized each year in the awards ceremony held at the conclusion of 40 weeks of school. At such time, a “Certificate of Perfect Attendance” will be issued to qualified students by the building principal. Criteria for award of this certificate include:
a record of attendance showing no absences or incidence of tardiness; and
a record showing no more than four hours of absence for legal reasons as outlined
on page 5 of this policy.
Under special circumstances, efforts by students to correct or improve their records of attendance may be deemed worthy of recognition. A “Certificate of Excellence in Attendance” shall be presented to students whom the principal and/or school nurse wish to honor for special achievement in improving their attendance records.
Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures will result in disciplinary sanctions as described in each buildings code of conduct. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, in- school suspension, detention and denial of participation in interscholastic and extracurricular activities. Parents/Guardians will be notified by designated building personnel at periodic intervals to discuss their child's absences, tardiness or early departures and the importance of class attendance and appropriate interventions.
Disciplinary Consequences for Unexcused and Absences and Tardies to School
*When a student accumulates 5 unexcused tardies or unexcused absences to school, he/she will receive an administrative detention. The assistant principal will notify parents by phone and provide written confirmation of the referral to parents. The purpose of the communication would be to investigate the causes of the referral and work collectively with the parents to ensure their child attends school on time. Additionally, the assistant principal will arrange a meeting between the student and his/her counselor to assist as well.
*When a student reaches 10 unexcused tardies or unexcused absences to school, two administrative detentions will be assigned and the assistant principal will refer the student to the Pupil Study Team (PST) for review. The assistant principal will notify the parent/guardian by phone of the detention and PST meeting and they will also receive written confirmation of the referral. At this point, counselors will arrange a meeting with the student, parent, and assistant principal to investigate the reasons for the absence and work collectively to encourage good attendance at school.
*When a student reaches 15 unexcused tardies or unexcused absences to school, three administrative detentions will be assigned and a P.I.N.S. (Person in need of supervision) petition will be filed with the Wayne County Court System to promote attendance at school. This action will be taken after school actions have failed to consistently improve student attendance. Parents will be notified of this action in writing and by phone by the assistant principal.
Individual Class Tardy Or Late To Class Without A Pass
*Unexcused tardies to individual classes will be handled first by the individual teacher. Teachers will contact the assistant principal as needed to ensure students arrive to class on time or possess a pass upon late arrival.
Class Truancy
*The first offense of class truancy will result in two administrative detentions. Additional offenses of class truancy will result in more severe consequences according to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School Student Management System. Parents will be notified by phone and in writing of any infraction warranting an administrative referral.
Interscholastic and Extra-Curricular Consequences
*Students involved in extracurricular activities will be subject to the District Code of Conduct. Chronic unexcused absences or tardiness may result in denial of interscholastic or extracurricular participation.
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For students with an educational disability, this policy will be applied in a manner that is consistent with their Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.)
For students who can document to the District’s Section 504 Officer that he/she has a disability protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and may not meet the threshold of attendance/participation, make-up opportunities must be consistent with their Section 504 Plan. Consultation with the Section 504 Officer is recommended.
For students with documented chronic illnesses, who are absent sporadically and may not meet the attendance threshold, make-up opportunities must be consistent with their capacity to complete them.
Procedures for make-up work must be developed and provided by each teacher.
*Disabled students with excessive absences due to health or medical reasons will be carefully reviewed by school-based personnel, including the school nurse in consultation with the student’s own physician.
The Board of Education shall ensure that appropriate school personnel annually review building level student attendance records. In addition, the Superintendent of Schools shall advise the Board of Education of any recommended changes to the policy by April 1st of each year.
Entire Policy Is New, From Staff Committee Policy 5103
Presented for First Reading, March 26, 2003
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Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy
For Students in Grades 9-12
New York State Law
New York State Compulsory Education Law, Article 65, section 3205:
School age minors, ages 6 to 16, must attend school regularly as prescribed where a student resides. The student must attend school the entire time classes are in session.
The Compulsory Education Law is designated to require school attendance and ensure that no child is denied the opportunity to receive an education.
New York State Compulsory Education laws specify that each minor child from 6 to 16 years of age, mentally and physically fit, shall regularly attend school for the entire time schools are in session. A child who becomes 6 years of age on or before December 1 during a school year is required to attend school beginning in September. A child who turns 16 years of age during a school year must continue in attendance until the end of the school year. According to state law, the school year begins July 1.
Objectives and Philosophy
School attendance is both a right and a responsibility. Wayne Central School District is an active partner with students, parents, and the community in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards. Wayne Central recognizes that consistent school attendance, academic success, school completion, and success in the workplace have a direct correlation. Therefore, the Wayne Central School District has developed this Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy to meet the following objectives:
To increase school graduation rates;
To raise student achievement and performance;
To identify attendance patterns in order to decrease the number of tardies to school;
To know the whereabouts of every student for safety and other reasons;
To verify that individual students are complying with education laws relating to
compulsory attendance;
(f) To determine the District's average daily attendance for State aid purposes.
Strategies to Meet Objectives
Wayne Central School District will:
Create and maintain a positive school building culture by fostering a positive physical and psychological environment where the presence of strong adult role models encourage respectful and nurturing interactions between adults and students. This positive school culture is aimed at encouraging a high level of student bonding to the school, which in turn should lead to increased attendance.
Maintain a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy based upon the recommendations
of a multifaceted District Policy Development Team that includes representation from the
Board of Education, administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community. The
District will hold at least one public hearing prior to the adoption/modification of this collaboratively developed Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy.
Maintain accurate record keeping to record attendance, absence, tardiness, or early departure of each student.
Utilize data analysis systems for tracking individual student attendance and individual and group trends in student attendance problems.
Develop early intervention strategies to improve school attendance for all students.
Successful implementation of any attendance policy requires cooperation among all members of the education community including parents/guardians, students, teachers, administrators, and support staff.
All participants will be informed of the policy. To ensure that students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators are notified of and understand the policy, the following procedures shall be implemented:
Student Notice: Students in grades 9-12 will be made aware of the attendance
policy and procedures via the student handbook and/or agenda,
beginning September 2003.
Parent/Guardian Notice: Parents of students in grades 9-12 will be notified of the policy and procedures via the school newsletter.
Faculty/Staff Notice: Faculty and staff will meet at the beginning of each school year to
review the attendance policy and procedures. This meeting will
include clarifying individual responsibilities, the attendance policy
implementation procedures, and the necessary forms and guidelines
for implementation. A copy of the attendance policy will be posted
on the district web page
The Attendance Policy is based on a 180-day school year. For the purpose of the policy only, each semester will be considered to have 90 days.
All absences, both excused and unexcused, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent.
No distinction will be made between excused and unexcused absences for notification purposes.
Participation in artistic events, sporting events, trips, community projects, college visits though approved by the school administration, are recorded as an absences from class, and subsequently will be added to the absence tally for the purposes of attendance.
Days for which a student is assigned home teaching or other school approved tutoring shall be counted as regular class attendance.
Days for which a student is suspended from school will not be counted as absences. Alternate equivalent instruction, will commence as soon as possible upon suspension. New York State Education Law does not require alternative equivalent instruction after the school year in which the student turns 16 years of age.
Approved field trips will not count as an absence from class.
Counseling appointments, appointments with administrators, nurse appointments, and
extenuating circumstances to be determined by administrators will not constitute as an absence from class.
Band and chorus lessons will not count as absences if the student presents a legal pass
from the band/chorus teacher to the class missed.
The approved attendance document will be the official record for student attendance with regard to this policy.
Students will be considered in attendance if the student is:
a) Physically present in the classroom or working under the direction of the classroom teacher during the class scheduled meeting time; or
b) Working pursuant to an approved independent study program; or
c) Receiving approved alternative instruction.
Makeup Work Procedures
Upon returning to class following an absence, tardiness or early departure, it shall be the responsibility of the student to consult with his/her teacher(s) regarding arrangements to make up missed work, assignments and/or tests. In accordance with school board policy, students have ten school days to makeup any work missed because of an excused absence.
* Worked missed during a “skip” from class may receive reduced or no credit. Students should be made aware of each teacher’s make-up work policy at the beginning of the year.
Student Record Keeping/Data Collection
The record of each student's presence, absence, tardiness and early departure shall be kept in a student management software program. An absence, tardiness or early departure will be entered as "excused" or "unexcused" along with the District code for the reason.
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Student Responsibilities
Students must attend classes on time and every day that school is in session.
Students should meet with teachers to request make-up opportunities after an absence.
Work missed during a “skip” from class should be provided, but may receive reduced or no credit. Students should be made aware of each teacher’s make-up work policy at the beginning of the year.
Students who are absent may request and will be allowed to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to ascertain which assignments must be completed to make up the missed work. The student will be required to make up work. In accordance with school board policy, students have ten school days to makeup any work missed because of an excused absence.
All absences, excused or unexcused, are counted toward the cumulative total days absent. The following reasons for absence or tardiness are accepted as legal, according to the New York State Educational Law.
Sickness in the family
Death in the family
Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe as determined by town, county, or state highway officials
Medical appointments or attendance at a medical clinic
Religious observance
Court Attendance
Approved Cooperative Work Program
Any other school approved program
College Visits
Any other absence is unexcused and is not legal.
The following are examples of unexcused tardiness or absence:
Late ride
Missing the school bus
Family vacation
Hair cut
Learner’s permit/road test
Car trouble
It is of the utmost importance that each student understands the fact that any absence or tardiness, regardless of the reason, does not exempt them from attendance requirements.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
When a student is to be absent from school or class, the parent/guardian should contact the Nurse’s Office to report the absence within 24 hours.
In addition to calling, the parent/guardian should submit a written explanation of the absence to the nurse the day the child returns to school.
Parents/Guardians are required to provide their current home address, telephone number, emergency number(s), and a list of adults to contact in their absence and keep the school apprised of any changes.
Parents/guardians are expected to work collaboratively with the school personnel to attend meetings and respond to attendance concerns.
Parents/guardians are expected to monitor the work of the students when make-up opportunities are required.
Any absences from school where tutors are provided will not be counted as days missed toward the attendance requirement.
Teacher Responsibilities
Classroom/subject area teachers are required to personally take accurate daily attendance in every class, as prescribed in Section 3211 of the New York State Education Law regarding compulsory attendance.
Report Cards will reflect attendance.
Teachers and school personnel will continually stress to students the importance of promptness and regular attendance in educational, social and business matters, and set a positive example through their own contact with classes.
Teachers will review the attendance policy with students during the first week of school.
Teachers are required to call parents/guardians any time there is a concern over attendance, academic progress, class behavior or other issues.
Teachers are expected to inform the counselor and assistant principal of interventions they have tried to improve a student’s attendance in class.
When a student is absent for 5 (five) days in any course during a marking period the teacher will contact the parent/guardian by phone to investigate the reasons for absences, make parents aware of the academic impact class absence is having and promote good attendance at school. The teacher will also notify the assistant principal.
When a student is absent for 10 (ten) cumulative days of class in any course, the teacher will contact the parent by phone to express the attendance concerns and contact the student’s counselor and assistant principal.
When a student is absent for 15 (fifteen) days of class for any course, the teacher will contact the parent by phone to express the attendance concerns and contact the student’s counselor and assistant principal.
Provide make-up work and instruction in a timely fashion and communicate attendance responsibilities to substitutes.
Counselor Responsibilities
Monitor student attendance of students on their caseload.
Regularly consult with teachers and teams to address attendance issues proactively.
Meet with students when a student reaches five days of absence in a marking period. Arrange meetings with parents when a student reaches 10 and 15 days of total absence. This meeting will include the parent, student, and assistant principal and teacher.
Consult regularly with the assistant principal to uncover the root causes of the attendance issues
Complete all required paperwork for attendance interventions.
Administrative Responsibilities
Impress upon faculty and staff the need for accurate record keeping.
Play an active role in implementation procedures in timely fashion.
Principals or designees will oversee the maintenance of accurate attendance records.
Principals or designees are responsible for implementing the attendance policy and providing supplies and information to help implement the attendance policy.
Central Office Responsibilities
Support building program as deemed necessary with regard to:
Student Records
Family Court Issues
Other Interventions
Administrative Guidelines
Notification, Intervention, and Hearing
Notification I: When a student misses five classes in a marking period, the teacher will notify the assistant principal. The teacher will place a call home. The assistant principal or his/her designee will send a letter to the parent/guardian. The purpose of this initial intervention is to open the lines of communication to improve attendance patterns. Counselors will meet with the student and contact the parent by phone.
Notification II: When a student misses a total of ten classes, the teacher will notify the assistant principal, the assistant principal or his/her designee will notify the parent/guardian and meeting between the principal and parent/guardian, teacher and counselor will take place. The purpose of this contact is to verify the number and investigate the causes of the absences. The goal would be to assist the student in meeting the attendance requirements. The students will be referred to the PST Team to discuss strategies to improve the student’s attendance.
Notification III: When students reach the fifteenth absence, the teacher will notify the assistant principal, a meeting between the parent, student, teacher, administrator and/or counselor will also be held.
Notice of Students who are Absent, Tardy or Depart Early
The school nurse or principal’s designee shall notify by telephone the parent/person in parental relation to a student who is absent, tardy or departs early without proper excuse. The school nurse or principals’ designee will explain the District’s Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy, and the District’s/building level intervention procedures. If the parent/person in parental relation cannot be reached by telephone (home, work, cell, pager, etc. numbers have been exhausted), the school nurse or principals designee will leave a message informing the parent/guardian of the Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy. If no message can be left, notification of the absence will be provided through mail.
Disciplinary Consequences
Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures will result in disciplinary sanctions as
described in each buildings code of conduct. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, in- school suspension, detention and denial of participation in interscholastic and extracurricular activities
Attendance Incentives
In order to encourage student attendance, the James A. Beneway High School will develop and implement grade-appropriate/building-level strategies and programs including, but not limited to:
Classroom acknowledgment of the importance of good attendance.
School based recognition programs.
Attendance Awards
The Board of Education recognizes that the regular and consistent attendance of students is important to their success in the educational program.
Efforts by students to achieve exemplary attendance records will be recognized each year in the awards ceremony held at the conclusion of 40 weeks of school. At such time, a “Certificate of Perfect Attendance” will be issued to qualified students by the building principal. Criteria for award of this certificate include:
a record of attendance showing no absences or incidence of tardiness; and
a record showing no more than four hours of absence for legal reasons as outlined in Policy 5160, Students Absences and Excuses.
Under special circumstances, efforts by students to correct or improve their records of attendance may be deemed worthy of recognition. A “Certificate of Excellence in Attendance” shall be presented to students whom the principal and/school nurse wishes to honor for special achievement in improving their attendance records.
Students with Disabilities
For students with an educational disability, this policy will be applied in a manner that is consistent with their IEP (Individual Education Program).
For students who can document to the District’s Section 504 Officer that he/she has a disability protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and may not meet the threshold of attendance/participation, make-up opportunities must be consistent with their Section 504 Plan. Consultation with the Section 504 Officer is recommended.
Procedures for make-up work must be developed and provided by each teacher.
Disabled students with excessive absences due to health or medical reasons will be carefully reviewed by school based personnel, including the CSE and school nurse, in consultation with the student’s own physician.
Annual Review By Board of Education
The Board of Education shall ensure that appropriate school personnel annually review building level student attendance records. In addition, the Superintendent of Schools shall advise the Board of Education of any recommended changes to the policy by April 1st of each year.
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