1. New York State Standards:
    3. National Standards:
    4. Performance Indicators:

Subject Area COMPUTERS 3 and 4 Grade Levels 10-12
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Elba Central School District to actualize the phrase “Elba Equals Educational Excellence for Everyone.” We are committed to providing both quality and equity. Every student will have the opportunity to develop to the best of his/her ability.
Elba Standards: In addition to the knowledge and basic skills they need in order to participate in society, graduates of Elba Central School will develop:
1.  Empowering skills: decision making, goal setting, creative thinking and problem solving abilities;
2.  Communication and social interaction skills;
3.  Technological literacy;
4.  Total wellness (social, physical, emotional health and self-esteem);
5.  The values necessary to participate in society.
As a result of achieving these outcomes, our students will embrace lifelong learning.

New York State Standards:

New York State Standards:


1.  Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.
2.  Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.
3.  Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.
4.  Students who choose a career major will acquire the career-specific technical knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment, career advancement, and success in postsecondary programs.

National Standards:

National Standards:
1.  Select and use word processing, desktop publishing, database, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, multimedia, and imaging software and industry- and subject-specific software.
2.  Enter, sort, and retrieve data from databases, such as the Internet; evaluate media and file structures; and plan, develop, and modify database schema.

Performance Indicators:

Performance Indicators:
·   Demonstrate the difference between the knowledge of a skill and the ability to use the skill.
·   Use ideas and information to make decisions and solve problems related to accomplishing a task.
·   Demonstrate an awareness of the different types o technology available.
·   Select and use appropriate technology to complete a task.
·   Select and communicate information in an appropriate format.
·   Apply knowledge of technology to identify and solve problems.
·   Use technology to acquire, organize, and communicate information by entering, modifying, retrieving, and storing data.
Assessment : Acceptable Performance Level
Desktop Publishing Quizzes, Projects and Tests 70% or higher
Spreadsheets Quizzes, Projects and Tests 70% or higher
Database Quizzes, Projects and Tests 70% or higher
Multimedia Presentation Quizzes, Projects and Tests 70% or higher
Product Project 70 % or higher
Internet Features Quizzes, Projects and Tests 70% or higher
Midterm Examination (local) 70% or higher
Final Examination (local) 70% or higher

Instruction centers around four Microsoft Office applications and using Internet features. They include: (1) Publisher is used as a tool to produce printed material through the use of multi-column layouts, graphics, and enhancement of text through the use of color, different typefaces and sizes, borders/shading, etc.; (2) Excel is a spreadsheet program used as a tool to calculate or analyze data to solve problems for use in monitoring budgets, analyzing sales trends, recordkeeping, inventory, payroll, etc.;
(3) Access is used to create and design databases in the collection of data that can be retrieved in many ways. Common databases are phone books, address books, employee files, inventory, etc.; (4) PowerPoint is used to present multimedia presentations by enhancing slide shows with design templates, clip art, decorative fonts and text alignments; (5) Internet features include describing the Internet, finding help and information on the WWW, e-mail and its different parts, accessing and searching for web sites, refining search criteria, and evaluating web sites.
1.  Desktop Publishing
·   Working with graphics, rules, and boxed text
·   Using drawing tools
·   Adding special effects
2.  Spreadsheets
·   Creating, saving, and exiting a spreadsheet
·   Using formulas and spreadsheet enhancements
·   Copying formulas
·   Editing spreadsheets
·   Using functions
·   Using page and print options
·   Charting
3.  Databases
·   Planning, creating, and saving database tables and forms
·   Editing and enhancing a database
·   Searching a database
·   Sorting a database
·   Creating reports
4.  Multimedia Presentations
·   Creating, saving, and printing a presentation
·   Editing and enhancing slides
·   Working with slide shows
5.  Internet Features
·   Finding help and information on the Web
·   E-mail and its parts
·   Accessing and searching for web sites
·   Refining search criteria
·   Evaluating web sites
Methodology: Best Practices
·   Use of enrichment activities.
·   Evaluate word processing, desktop publishing, database, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, multimedia, and imaging software skills.
·   Incorporation of 6-Traits as a method of assessing writing pieces within the scope of the course.

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