1. Areas of Rectangles and Squares
      1. Formulas

Chapter 9
Math 7
Class Notes


Areas of Rectangles and Squares


1.  Area of a Rectangle:  A = lw
2.  Area of a Square:    A = s


When finding area – Units are always squared.



Make sure to show the formula used and each step to receive full credit.
Label, label, label


1. Find the area of rectangle ABCD



   A = lw

   A = (9cm)(4.65 cm)   [show multiplication work – no calculator]


   A = 41.85 cm    OR   41.85 cm. sq. OR 41.85 sq. cm.

Find the area of square JKLM




A = s
A = (17.25 cm)
A = (17.25cm)(17.25 cm)  
[show multiplication work – no calculator]  

 A = 297.5625 cm     OR 297.5625 cm. sq. OR 297.5625 sq. cm.

Textbook pages 250-253

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