1. As long as I can conceive something better than myself I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it.       - - George Bernard Shaw
  1. Att. 1

January 17, 2003

As long as I can conceive something better than myself I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it.              - - George Bernard Shaw
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Flag Presentation - Don Peets and Don Luann will be presenting the Board with a large flag and flag stand for use in the high school auditorium. They represent a group called “Sons of the American Legion” and they raise money in conjunction with American Legion events. The flag stand in the auditorium presently is without the eagle on top and is broken (and taped) at the base. Don Peets identified the need and recommended this donation to the Sons of the American Legion.


2. Model Schools Presentation – A team of high school staff will be presenting the model schools plan. A copy of the plan is enclosed. The team has done a great job of putting this plan together. It will result in a high school program that truly will be a model. I am very sure the Board will be very pleased with the plan. The one concern that you probably will have is the costs in light of the state budget woes. We are recommending a 2% increase the first year and 1% thereafter. We understand this is only possible of we have a reasonable tax rate (what ever that is). Please review the document and call of email me with any questions.


3. Albany Report - I spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Albany meeting with fellow superintendents, state officials and our legislators. I will give an update.


4. Board Action Items – We will be putting one bus driver, who has run out of sick time, on medical leave.



1. Friday Morning Accident – This morning there was an accident at the Middle School Driveway involving one of our high school students and the daughter of a middle school teacher. The HS student, Tim Vendel had a nose bleed and some discomfort in his chest. He waited in the middle school for the ambulance. Deb Bussard (MS ELA teacher) accompanied her daughter to the hospital. She appeared to have a broken arm. We do not have any further information on her condition, although there were no other obvious injuries. The accident itself caused a major traffic situation that required part of 350 to be closed for approximately 30 – 45 minutes. Buses were held at the high school and brought into the middle school a few at a time. Many staff and students were delayed in arriving at school. The middle school had all the students assemble in the cafeteria and dismissed them to their first period teachers as they arrived. In the high school, all staff that was available was summoned to the office and covered the classes where teachers had not yet arrived. Mr. Armocida noted that the State Police and the Firemen both spoke very highly of the professional and caring way the middle school staff handled the situation and commended the students on their fine behavior as well.


2. Events -

Jan. 21 – Four County General Membership Meeting – Club 86, Geneva

“Beyond Image – Tools to Support Student Success”
Registration-5:15 p.m.; Buffet Dinner – 5:30 p.m; 6:00-Program
Jan. 21 – Hopeworks Mini-Series for All Parents – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Call in Registration at 315-331-8415. The locations will be noted when you register. Topic: “How Parents play the Caretaker-Coach-Consultant Roles”
Jan. 21 – MS PTA mtg – 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 24 – 26 – NYSSBA Winter Academy, Albany Marriott
Program topics: Curriculum, Accountability – student and school board, STEP, Auditing, Budgets
Cost: $185/each , 2 nights hotel accommodations,
Please let Lori know ASAP if you are interested in attending
Jan. 27-29 – Regents Exams

Jan. 30 – Four County Mtg. – Board Development Committee

 Ramada Inn – Geneva 5:30 Social; 6:30 Dinner; 7:30 Meeting
Dinner selections: Strip Steak, Chicken Picada, Lemon Pepper Haddock
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending.

 Feb. 6 – Four County Mtg. – Presidents’, Vice-Presidents’ & Superintendents’ Round Table
   “Budgeting In Difficult Times” Phelps Hotel, Route 96, Phelps
    Registration- 5:30, Dinner-6:30, Discussion-7:30
Dinner selections: NY Strip Steak, Char-Grilled Chicken Breast, Herb Grilled Whitefish
    Please Let Lori know if you are interested in attending.
Athletics (Home Games Only)
1/17 – Boys JV & V BB vs. Pal-Mac – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/21 – Boys Freshman BB vs. Victor– 4:15 p.m.
1/22 – Girls JV & V BB vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/23 – Girls Freshman BB vs. Fairport – 4:15 p.m.
1/24 – Varsity Bowling vs. Penn Yan @ Empire Lanes – 4:15 p.m.
1/24 - Boys JV & V BB vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.

3. Attachments:
1. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes - January 14, 2002

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Att. 1


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DATE: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:  Trustees Triou & Diller, Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of December 3, 2002 were reviewed and filed.
(Meeting scheduled for December 17th was cancelled)
Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Progress: Process on schedule; December 6th meeting of Mr. Switzer with Mrs. Hans on final update matrix in December was successful; Final drafts of policies expected by end of January.
Policy on Publication of Student Information/Images on the Internet: Committee will review draft at next meeting.

Meeting Date Schedule: Mr. Triou noted conflicts that Tuesday afternoon meetings pose. Following discussion, committee members decided to shift meetings to Thursdays at 4 p.m. at the district office and confirmed dates for same. Mr. Switzer will prepare revised schedule.
Potential Policy Item: Mr. Switzer shared sample policies from Erie #1 Policy Service on home-prepared food in the school setting. Following discussion, committee decided to place item on next meeting agenda for further review.


NEXT MEETINGS:   Thursday’s, January 30, February 6 & 13 @ 4 p.m. at the District Office
Follow-Up On: Revisions to Policy 5500 Re: Student Information/Images on the Internet & NCLB Regs
Follow-Up On: Potential Policy Item on Home-Prepared Foods in School Setting
Follow-Up On: Parent Page Items on District Web Site
● Discussion Of: Feedback on Annual Review of §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct) (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Attendance Regulations Review Committee Report/Presentation
ADJOURNMENT:     5:00 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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