1. General Information

General Information

General Information

The Williamson Central School District is committed to lifelong learning for all members of the school district. In keeping with this, a variety of training opportunities will be presented for teachers again this year.
Teachers can take in-service classes for salary credit. For every 15-clock hours of
in-service training that a teacher participates in, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be added to the base salary. This becomes a permanent part of the base salary.
In addition, new teachers who are required to have two additional staff development experiences by the end of the probationary period can use in-service courses to fulfill this requirement. Courses that are at least three (3) sessions long can be considered as one staff development experience.
General guidelines for in-service include the following:
1.  A calendar of in-service offerings will be available for teachers to select.
2.  Teachers are asked to register for courses no later than January 27, 2003.
3.  In-service sessions will run from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

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