Let Your Fingers Do the Talking - Sign Language for Beginners

    Instructor: Carol Fox

    Prerequisites: An eagerness to learn sign language! (Audience: K-12)

    Course Objectives: 

    Participants will begin to develop their expressive and receptive sign language skills. They will be able to fingerspell, count and sign some simple sentences.
    Participants will begin to explore the wonderful world of sign language. We will begin our adventure with the basics. We will start with finger spelling. This is a very important part of signing. We always say, "If you don't know a sign, then fingerspell it!" This also comes in handy when you are speaking to deaf individuals from other areas. Come and find out why! We will continue with counting. You will be able to count up to any number using only one hand! Next, you will learn some basic signs so that you will be able to carry on simple conversations.

    Place: Elementary School - Room 31

    Wednesday, January 29, 2003
    Wednesday, February 5, 2003
    Wednesday, February 12, 2003
    Wednesday, February 26, 2003


    Let Your Fingers Do the Talking - Sign Language  

    Instructor: Carol Fox
    Prerequisites: Sign Language for Beginners (Audience: K-12)

    Course Objectives: 

    Participants will continue to develop their expressive and receptive sign language skills. They will build their sign language vocabulary and practice using these skills in conversation.


    Participants will continue to explore the wonderful world of sign language. We will continue to build your sign vocabulary so that you will be able to carry on simple conversations. We will even take a look at how you would sign a story. Like with storytelling, there are may ways that you could sign a story! Come and discover how!

    Place: Elementary School - Room 31

    Wednesday, April 2, 2003
    Wednesday, April 9, 2003
    Wednesday, April 23, 2003
    Wednesday, April 30, 2003


    Inspiring Writers with Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Teachers should be able to successfully maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement (Audience: Primarily K-4)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Use Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center as a way to enhance the teaching of the writing process
    ·   Introduce Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center basics to students
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center into their curriculum
    Participants will learn the power that Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center offers to motivate and support student writing. The in-service will introduce the participant to the five-step writing process supported by this software. In addition, participants will see the easy-to-use tools that will assist blossoming writers through the creativity and editing process. Participants will also learn about the various presentation and publication opportunities their students will have.
    This in-service will be two sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce the participants to software basics and some user tools and tips
    ·   The second session will be devoted to integrating the software into a class writing project
    Place: Elementary School Computer Lab
    Tuesday, February 11, 2003
    Tuesday, February 25, 2003


    Encourage Your Students to Read More with Reading Counts
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement (Audience: K-8)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Use Scholastic Reading Counts as a way to motivate and manage independent reading
    ·   Introduce Reading Counts basics to students
    ·   Integrate Reading Counts as a way to support their curriculum
    Learn how to manage a powerful reading motivation system that helps you encourage and manage independent reading. This in-service will introduce Scholastic Reading Counts and will help participants:
    ·   Add individualized student information
    ·   Customize Reading Counts for individual needs
    ·   Use book expert to recommend appropriate titles
    ·   Create reading lists
    ·   Monitor student progress
    ·   Generate reports for students, parents and administrators
    ·   Print certificates and generate incentive ideas
    Participants will also be introduced to several ways to use Scholastic Reading Counts in cross-curricular activities.
    This in-service is one session.
    ·   Participants will be introduced to software basics and managing information
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Thursday, February 27, 2003


    Utilizing the Power of PowerPoint
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will able to:
    ·   Use PowerPoint for classroom support
    ·   Introduce PowerPoint basics to students
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating PowerPoint into their curriculum
    Revitalize your lectures and lessons with PowerPoint. This in-service will introduce the participant to the power of Microsoft PowerPoint, including:
    ·   How to create basic multimedia presentations
    ·   How to create hyperlinks and directed instruction
    ·   Ways to use PowerPoint in and out of the classroom
    ·   How to promote student multimedia presentations without sacrificing content
    Participants completing the in-service will receive a Jeopardy game template!
    This in-service will be three sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce the participants to software basics and some user tools and tips
    ·   The second session will focus on the countless ways you can use PowerPoint to enhance instruction and introduce participants to templates and games
    ·   The third session will focus on integrating the software into a class writing project
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Tuesday, March 4, 2003
    Tuesday, March 11, 2003
    Tuesday, March 18, 2003


    Take the Mystery Out of Scanning
    Instructor: Della Ludwig  
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able:
    ·   Select, crop, preview and scan images
    ·   Select output types to ease use and editability
    ·   Manipulate image resolution, flip, rotate and create mirror image
    ·   Send and save scanned files
    ·   Understand resolution and memory consumption
    This in-service will take the mystery out of scanning! Whether you are trying to secure a digital image of your favorite photograph or text, this in-service will teach you how it is done.
    Participants will learn how to:
    ·   Capture pictures and text on a computer
    ·   Perform some basic edit functions
    ·   Select the best way to send and save your work
    This in-service will be one session:
    ·   Participants are asked to bring something to be scanned (text or a photograph)
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Wednesday, March 5, 2003


    Inspiration: Promoting Analysis, Comprehension and Critical Thinking
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to successfully log onto the computer, perform basic maneuvers in programs & files and maneuver through Internet sites
    (Audience: Main focus on 5-8 teachers)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Use Inspiration as a tool to improve critical thinking skills, comprehension and writing across the curriculum
    ·   Create worksheets with web portals
    ·   Export Inspiration outlines for use in Word or PowerPoint
    ·   Introduce Inspiration basics to students
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating Inspiration into their curriculum
    Participants will learn the basics of Inspiration software - an award-winning tool used to develop ideas and organize thinking. Learn how Inspiration can be used to improve student achievement by strengthening critical thinking, comprehension, analysis of complex ideas and writing skills across the curriculum. The participant will create support scaffolding to help students through a DBQ, create a complex mathematical word problem, and create the application of the scientific method visual or planning a comparative essay about literature. This software works everywhere!
    This in-service will be two sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce participants to software basics as well as a wealth of ideas and samples
    ·   The second session will be dedicated to integrating the software into your classroom.
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Wednesday, March 19, 2003
    Wednesday, March 26, 2003


    Managing Digital Images
    Instructor: Della Ludwig  
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement. (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service the participant will be able to:
    ·   Know the best features to look for when purchasing a digital camera
    ·   Import images digitally or through scanning
    ·   Perform basic editing practices including cropping, resizing and red-eye removal
    ·   Learn the best graphic formats for your task
    ·   Understand resolution and memory consumption
    This in-service will give you an understanding of graphics that includes formats, resolution and memory consumption. Participants will learn how to capture pictures on a computer, how to perform some basic edit functions and the best way to save pictures for future use.
    This in-service focus will be one session:
    ·   Participants are asked to bring a favorite photograph
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Tuesday, March 25, 2003


    Make Data Easy to Gather & Understand with
    The Graph Club
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to maneuver around a desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement
    (Audience: Primarily K-4)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Use The Graph Club as a way to collect and display data
    ·   Introduce The Graph Club basics to students
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating The Graph Club into their curriculum
    Revitalize your graphing lessons with The Graph Club! This in-service will introduce the participant to the power of The Graph Club including:
    ·   How to formulate questions to gather data
    ·   How to organize and display data
    ·   How to create tables and various types of graphs
    ·   How to compare and contrast data
    Participants will be introduced to several ways to use The Graph Club in cross-curricular activities.
    This in-service will be two sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce the participants to software basics and some user tools and tips
    ·   The second session will be dedicated to integrating the software into a class writing project
    Place: Elementary School Computer Lab
    Monday, March 31, 2003
    Monday, April 7, 2003


    Unleashing Creativity with Kid Pix
    Instructor: Lori Miller
    Prerequisites: The participant preparing to take this course should be able to maneuver around on the desktop using basic keyboarding functions and mouse movement
    (Audience: Primarily K-4)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service the participant will be able to:
    ·   Use Kid Pix Deluxe to create simple projects
    ·   Introduce Kid Pix Deluxe basics to students
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating Kid Pix into their curriculum
    Participants will learn the basics of Kid Pix Deluxe - a versatile tool that will enhance learning across the curriculum. Participants will learn how students can create posters, pictures, slide shows, newspapers, storyboards, illustrated essays, comic strips and picture poems to support their learning.
    This in-service will be three sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce software basics and some user tools and tips
    ·   The second session will be devoted to integrating the software into your class projects
    ·   The third session will allow participants time to work on their own projects/ideas for their classroom
    Place: Elementary School Computer Lab
    Thursday, April 3, 2003
    Thursday, April 10, 2003
    Thursday, April 24, 2003


    The One Computer Classroom
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants should be able to successfully log onto the computer, perform basic maneuvers in programs & files and maneuver through Internet sites (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    At the end of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Differentiate between super-imposed technology and integrated technology
    ·   Recognize ways to integrate technology into his/her curriculum
    ·   Put into practice one use of technology as a tool in their classroom
    Expectations for what technology can do for learning are incredibly high. Teachers feel pressure to do something with it. Even though more and more teachers use the computer personally, many remain baffled about what to do with it in the classroom and how to integrate it into their curricula. This in-service will introduce ways to use the computer as a tool to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. Each teacher is asked to bring a lesson idea from his/her content area to each of the two sessions.
    In-service focus will include:
    ·   Using computers for presentation and publication
    ·   Using computers as a student learning station
    Participants will be given many examples to spark their creativity.
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Tuesday, April 22, 2003
    Tuesday, April 29, 2003


    An Introduction to WebQuest Generator
    Instructor: Della Ludwig
    Prerequisites: Participants will be able to successfully log onto the computer, perform basic maneuvers in programs and files and maneuver through Internet sites (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Upon completion of this in-service, the participant will be able to:
    ·   Define and characterize a WebQuest
    ·   Maneuver through WebQuest Generator
    ·   Create a WebQuest with relevant web-sites, task statements and evaluation criteria
    ·   Locate and insert relevant images
    ·   Produce a lesson integrating a WebQuest into their curriculum
    Participants will learn how to make the Internet work for you and your students. Learn the basics of WebQuest software - a tool used to develop Internet research. Learn how to create Internet research experiences (WebQuest) and evaluation tools for your students.
    This in-service includes two sessions:
    ·   The first session will introduce participants to software basics as well as a wealth of ideas and samples
    ·   The second session will be devoted to integrating the software into your classroom
    Place: Middle School Computer Lab
    Monday, May 5, 2003
    Monday, May 12, 2003



    Differentiating Instruction
    Instructor: Ellen Saxby
    Prerequisites: None (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    This three-session workshop will provide participants with key principles and strategies for managing a differentiated classroom.
    A particular challenge for teachers is being able to differentiate or adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of students. This workshop will offer opportunities for participants to explore strategies of differentiated instruction. In addition, participants will develop tiered activities and assessments for use in their classrooms.
    Place: Elementary School Library
    Monday, March 3, 2003
    Monday, March 17, 2003
    Monday, April 28, 2003



    3 Databases for Grades 2-5
    Instructor: Mary Jo TenEyck
    Prerequisites: None (Audience: Main Focus on 2-5 teachers)
    Course Objectives:
    ·   Participants will be introduced to Grolier Online, Ebsco’s Searchasaurus and SIRS Discoverer
    ·   Participants will have time to explore databases with emphasis on how students can utilize these internet information resources
    Do you find yourself and your students going to one or two search engines, like Google or Yahooligans for all Internet searching? Discover 3 databases with resources for elementary and middle school students. Teach your students to use databases that are designed with their needs in mind. This course will introduce Grolier Online, Ebsco’s Searchasaurus and SIRS Discoverer. Time will be given for independent exploration with emphasis encouraged on learning how to use these databases with students.
    Place: Elementary School Computer Lab
    Thursday, March 6, 2003



    Search Strategies for Internet Use
    Instructor: Mary Jo TenEyck
    Prerequisites: None (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    ·   Participants will be introduced to a variety of databases designed for different searches
    ·   Participants will be introduced to search tools such as the use of boolean operators, use of quotation marks, truncation, and choice of keywords
    We have always been in the business of helping students access, evaluate and use information. Today, the amount of information available is staggering and growing. This class is designed to help us develop strategies and tools that we can share with students for making our searches more effective. Emphasis will be on choosing the right database, developing a strategy, and using search tools.
    Place: Elementary School Computer Lab
    Thursday, March 20, 2003



    School Violence Prevention
    Instructor: Greg Brinkman
    Prerequisites: None (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Participants will learn strategies for preventing violent incidents and de-escalation techniques.
    This program focuses on strategies for the prevention of school violence. Discussion will include the identification of gangs and bullies, and the difference between a prank and a crime. Participants will also review various calming and de-escalation techniques.
    Place: High School Library
    Tuesday, May 6, 2003



    Classroom Documents
    Instructor: Matt Coon
    Prerequisites: Familiarity with Microsoft Word (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Participants will learn to create documents that are commonly used by teachers.
    This in-service will consist of two sessions. It will cover topics such as mail-merging letters to be sent to parents, memos to other faculty members, formatting teacher-made tests, and, if time allows, topics chosen by the participants.
    Place: High School Computer Lab
    Wednesday, April 2, 2003
    Wednesday, April 9, 2003



    Introduction to Excel
    Instructor: Matt Coon
    Prerequisites: None (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Participants will learn the basics of creating and using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
    This in-service will consist of three sessions. The participants will cover such topics as:
    ·   Formatting workbooks
    ·   Creating formulas and functions
    ·   Creating a variety of graphs and charts
    Place: High School Computer Lab
    Wednesday, April 23, 2003
    Wednesday, April 30, 2003
    Wednesday, May 7, 2003



    Intermediate Excel
    Instructor: Matt Coon
    Prerequisites: Introduction to Excel (Audience: K-12)
    Course Objectives:
    Participants will learn advanced uses of spreadsheets.
    This in-service will introduce the participants to more advanced features of Microsoft Excel. Topics that will be covered include:
    ·   Advanced formatting features
    ·   Creating basic grade book functions
    ·   And, if time allows, topics chosen by the participants
    Place: High School Computer Lab
    Wednesday, May 14, 2003
    Wednesday, May 21, 2003
    Wednesday, May 28, 2003


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