1. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.
  1. Att. a

December 6, 2002

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.

               -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Project Update: We will bring you up-to-date on the individual building team meetings. Enclosed is the timeline promised to you by Lyle Corey. During the previous stages of the building project we have had Board members be part of the committee work. I have missed their presence and perspective these last two months (can you believe it?). I would like the Board to consider having a Board member sit with us as a member of the planning and construction team. It will involve attending meetings with the individual building teams as well as our overall team. For the next year it will probably mean meetings during the day and late afternoon about twice a month. Once construction begins it will usually involve weekly meetings. The meetings may be as short as an hour or as long as an entire morning. It is a pretty big commitment for the next 3-4 years. Lets talk about it at our meeting.


2. Photovoltaic Panel Presentation: Middle school teacher Ed Currier will be presenting a program on the solar panel that we were awarded this summer. Ed did all the leg work on this and is to be congratulated on this achievement.


3. Student Exchange Program: We have teamed up with Rotary to offer a one year overseas experience for one of our students. A brief update on our progress will be given.


4. Financial Update: Mr. Atseff will give his monthly financial update to the Board including the enclosed single audit report which is positive. He will also present our Budget calendar for next year. At our January meeting Mr. Spring will be leading us through a discussion of our instructional priorities for next year.


5. Board Action Items – The Board will be reviewing personnel action for approval. Mrs. Buddington will give an explanation of the Darcy Petrocino medical leave and the temporary appointment of a nurse at OP. As I talked to you about earlier this is being done to assure we have a safe situation for our children at OP. There are also some budget transfers, change orders, the single audit report, and accepting gifts to the district. I support all of these items for approval.


6. Policy – There will be a second reading on the Potassium Iodide pills (ki) and a first reading on the policy regarding the automatic defibrillators (AED’s) and on student Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s).



1. Susan Brown Letter: Last week you received a letter from a parent regarding our transportation department. We attempt to resolve these issues at our level but this was one time we weren’t able to do so. Both Mr. Prince and myself have discussed the concern with Mrs. Brown. I am enclosing Mr. Prince’s letter to me regarding her concerns. I believe he did a great job with this but could not meet what I believe is an unrealistic request.


2. AED’s : Our AED’s were operational by December 1st, as required by law. We have trained teams in each building. To date 70 people are now trained. I’d like the Board to consider being trained later this winter. We currently have a certified trainer among us. As an interesting side note, the high school cabinet was in place less than an hour when a male student opened it, sounding the alarm. He was sent home to his parents. Shortly the cabinets will be wired to our 911 system. When that is complete a call will automatically be placed to 911 when the cabinet is opened.


3. Model Schools Plan: Two years ago I gave the high school the charge to develop a plan to make James Beneway the finest school in Central New York. I was shown that plan this week. I am very proud of their work. They used the Adult Roles developed at the community forums and approved by the Board to drive their decisions. They have incorporated the best of many school practices throughout the United States. The plan will be presented to Administrative council and the Board in January. It will come as no surprise to you that it will take a financial commitment to realize this plan.


4. Events:

Dec. 10 – Ontario Elementary Chorus Concert – HS PAC - 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 12 – Middle School Chorus Concert – HS PAC - 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 14 – Santa’s Train Ride – LW Emporium – 10:00 , noon , 2:00 p.m.
Dec. 15 - HS Band & Chorus Concert – HS PAC – 2:30 p.m.
Dec. 17 - OE Band Concert at OE Gymnasium – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 19 – MS Band Concert – HS PAC – 7:30 p.m.
Athletics: (home games)
12/10 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Midlakes – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/11 – Varsity Bowling vs. Marcus Whitman @ Empire Lanes – 3:00 p.m.
12/11 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Geneva – 6:00 p.m.
12/12 – Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Eastridge – 4:15 p.m.
12/13 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/16 – Varsity Bowling vs. Newark @ Empire Lanes – 3:00 p.m.
 12/17 – Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Mynderse – 4:15 p.m.
12/17 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Mynderse – 6:00 & 7:15 p.m.

5. Attachments:


a) Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
b) Brown Letter


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DATE: Tuesday, December 3, 2002 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT:   Trustees Triou, Mr. Switzer
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2002 were reviewed and filed.
(Meeting scheduled for November 26th was cancelled)
Proposed Policy 8131 – Protection Against Radioactive Iodine: Second reading by the Board of Education originally planned for November 20th is now scheduled for December 11th. ( Codified in existing handbook; TBD Erie Policy Service Revisions)
Proposed Policy 5425 – Use of Automated External Defibrillators: First reading by the Board of Education originally planned for November 20th is now scheduled for December 11th. (Codified in existing handbook; TBD Erie Policy Service Revisions)
Proposed Policy 4321.4 – Distribution of Student IEPs to Teachers & Related Service Providers: First reading by the Board of Education originally planned for November 20th is now scheduled for December 11th. (Codified in existing handbook; TBD Erie Policy Service Revisions)
Erie #1 BOCES Policy Update Progress: Process on schedule; Mr. Switzer meeting with Mrs. Hans all day on Friday, December 6th for review and documentation of matrix of policy revisions and logistics.

Policy on Publication of Student Information/Images on the Internet: Mr. Triou suggested amending Policy 5500 (Student Records) to include requests by parents and guardians to withhold student names or images from any electronic format in the same manner as requests to withhold “directory information.” He also suggested amending the annual notification portion of that policy to include provisions of the new No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) where parents/guardians can have student information withheld from requests by military recruiters. Mr. Switzer will prepare a draft of these revisions for review at the next committee meeting.
Parent Page Items– Web Site: Mr. Triou noted that the annual notification and withholding of student records and the opt-out for the potassium iodide medication were appropriate items for the parents’ page portion of the district web site.
Policy Handbook Updates: Mr. Switzer plans to distribute policies adopted from last spring to present when items noted in above receive final approval. He will distribute updated CD-ROMs for trustees and administrators who use that format and post them to the policy handbook accessible to all staff on the district network. Where necessary, printed copies are provided to policy book holders.


NEXT MEETINGS:   Tuesday’s, December 17, January 14 & 28 @ 4 p.m. at the District Office
Review Status: Meeting on Updates W/ Erie #1 BOCES Policy Service
Follow-Up On: Second Reading of Policies 8131 (KI), 5425 (Defibrillators) & 4321.4 (IEP Distribution)
Follow-Up On: Revisions to Policy 5500 Re: Student Information/Images on the Internet & NCLB Regs
● Discussion on: Feedback on §5300.1 to §5300.12 (Code of Conduct Annual Review) (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Review of Needed Regulations (Existing Policy)
Status Report: Attendance Regulations Review Committee Report/Presentation
ADJOURNMENT:     5:00 p.m.            Recorded by Jim Switzer

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