1. PLACE: Ontario Elementary School
          1. A. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None
      1. Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Advisors, Supervisors, Scorers, Timekeepers
    2. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  3. December 11, 2002
    1.             POLICY 4321.4
    2. Entire Policy is New          
    1. Entire Policy is New         
      1. Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public School Facilities
    2. Entire Policy is New           




DATE: December 11, 2002
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Ontario Elementary School
7:30 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Member Comments
7:45 Board President’s Comments
7:50 Action Item Report
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Project Update
2. Photovoltaic Panel Presentation – Mr. Currier
3. Student Exchange Program
4. Financial/ Budget Update – Mr. Atseff
Att. 2
5. Student Questions
8:35 Break
8:45 Items for Board Action:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. CSE / CPSE Action
Att. 4    
3. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 5
1. Treasurer’s Report
2. Designate Surplus Property
3. Accept Gift to District
4. Approve Budget Transfers
5. Approve Change Order #5
6. Accept Single Audit Report
8:55 Policy – First & Second Readings              Att. 6
9:00 Public Comment/Board Comments
Next Meeting: January 8, 2003 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 TIME: 7:15 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting & Workshop PLACE: Middle School Media Center
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Johnson, Lyke, Ratcliffe, Robusto, Triou; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Armocida, La Ruche, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Davis
ABSENT: Trustees Diller, Griswold & Wyse
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:15 p.m. by Richard A. Johnson, School Board President
Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the building to fulfill the requirement of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits.


II. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Collective Bargaining; Personnel)
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 7:16 p.m., for an executive session on collective bargaining with the building administrators’ unit and personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse), Carried.
III. RECONVENE:7:40 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (November 6, 2002)
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingand the minutes of the meeting of November 6, 2002.
Mr. Johnson added agenda items for board member comments following public comment and consideration of resolutions relative to collective bargaining and district office administrative salaries as action items.
On the question, the minutes were approved, as presented, and the agenda was approved, as revised, by a vote of 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse), Carried.

A. Mrs. Lyke noted compliments she had received from a teacher in another district who attended a presentation by Freewill Elementary School staff members at a recent character education seminar.
A. Mr. Johnson extended best wishes and safe traveling for the Thanksgiving Holiday to trustees, visitors school personnel present.
Mr. Havens noted that volunteers from the football booster club have completed work on the press box at the high school and extended thanks to them on the wonderful job. Mary Ann Krittall and Gus Zaso represented the group at the meeting.
X. WORKSHOP SESSION ● 2002 Capital Improvement Project

Mr. Johnson shared information from a seminar he and Mr. Robusto attended at the NYS School Boards’ Association Annual Conference in Syracuse by the Longwood School District (Middle Island, NY) on management of a $106 million capital improvement project involving eleven (11) schools. They felt it was worthwhile to review as part of planning for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
He welcomed building principals and representatives of the architect and construction management firm to the workshop for discussion with the Board of Education on roles and responsibilities in the capital improvement project. He noted each has an important part in the timely and successful completion of the project.
Mr. Johnson noted highlights of the Longwood report, ranging from handling unexpected issues and providing weekly progress reports to monitoring progress and communicating with students, staff and community, including updates on the district web site. Parameters were established in advance for items such as a photographic/video record (beginning with groundbreaking ceremonies) and tours for staff, students and the community to observe firsthand the use of taxpayer funds.
Mr. Robusto noted that the seminar also reviewed safety and security of construction sites, control of access to work sites by contractors and sub-contractors, parking, deliveries and traffic flow, preventing disruption of school schedules & activities.
Mr. Johnson noted that everyone was kept informed of progress or delays on the project and emerging issues were addressed in a timely manner. It is important for the school board to take a pro-active approach in initial planning of the capital project and to monitor the project to insure accountability to local taxpayers.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked who served as contact person for project updates, communications and site visits. Mr. Johnson noted that the Longwood school board placed a teacher on special assignment as director of facilities expansion to serve as liaison with contractors, administrators, the public and the media and to coordinate items through regular construction meetings. Mr. Havens noted that the superintendent of schools, school business official, director of buildings and grounds, construction management personnel and the architect’s office also attended the regular construction meetings.
Mr. Liebert asked if the liaison person was paid through the capital project; Mr. Johnson stated they were. He noted that the funds originally allocated for that person’s wages were re-directed to replacements. Mr. Liebert stated that a clerk of the works plays a similar role.

Mr. Havens shared a summary of the items included in the 2002 capital improvement project (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). He added that review of options and costs to provide access by persons with disabilities to the auditorium/gym and stage areas at Ontario Elementary School are still under review for potential inclusion in the 2002 capital project.
He reviewed the renovations and improvements planned at each of the schools and district-wide. Visits and tours at each of the schools by school personnel, the construction management firm and the architect are occurring to finalize details.

Lyle Corey from the construction management firm (LeChase) reviewed the steps planned in the next few weeks for verification of plans and costs. The goal is to submit completed documents by late spring or early summer of 2003 for review and approval by the NYS Education Department. He estimates 18 to 24 weeks for state review and approval that would allow the bidding process to occur in late 2003 or early 2004.
Mr. Havens stated that timely state approval would provide more time for review and award of bids and allow start of construction early in the spring of 2003.
Mr. Corey noted that start of construction in the spring of 2003 would allow completion of the project by the fall of 2005. He added that prompt state approval would also provide additional time for local planning of construction timelines.
Mr. Havens asked if an overall project plan is developed; Mr. Corey stated it is. He added that a continuous photographic record of the project would also occur for reports to the Board of Education and to share information with students, staff and the community (e.g. district publications, local media, the district web site, possibly including web cam photos)
Mr. Corey added that work hours, conditions and schedules are included in bid documents for clarification by all contractors and timelines are displayed at each of the schools as the project begins so staff and students can monitor progress. He noted his prior experience where students observed progress of a capital project as part of applied technology classes and the architect and construction manager served as resource persons for classroom work on design and construction.
Mr. Johnson noted examples in the Longwood model on methods to keep all parties informed. Mr. Havens noted regular reports were planned.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked when trustees might receive a project timeline. Mr. Corey stated within the next few weeks.
Mr. Ratcliffe stated it would be helpful for trustees to understand the pre-schematic stage as background for future project decisions. Mr. Liebert and Mr. Corey reviewed information they would share with trustees and school officials. Mr. Corey noted that school district officials must sign off on final schematic drawings and details before final design and development steps begin.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted that these are “living documents.”

Mr. Havens reviewed the role of teams that have formed at the district-wide and building level to work on planning, design and monitoring of the capital improvement project. He stated that the next six (6) months are the most critical in terms of design.
Each building principal described the composition of their teams; they include varied staff members, some students and some parents. Initial meetings of these teams have occurred or are planned soon and will include representatives of the construction management firm and the architect. Mr. Havens stated that the district team would review items from the building teams and any district-wide issues.
Mr. Havens noted that a $7000 limit was established in the latest capital project for the amount of a change order that he could approve without prior Board of Education action to handle unexpected items which require immediate attention to avoid construction delays or cost increases.
Change orders in excess of $7,000 would require review and approval by the Board of Education. He asked trustees if they wished to continue with that approach and amount.
Mr. Robusto asked what percentage of a capital project is reasonable for change orders. Mr. Havens asked Mr. Atseff to compile that data for the latest project. Mr. Liebert noted that some change orders occur when design or project changes are made while others relate to the original plans and specifications.
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Corey what steps would occur to minimize change orders and what his experience shows as causes for them. Mr. Corey stated there are three (3) kinds of change orders (i.e. design errors, unexpected items and upgrades, and uses of unspent funds).
Mr. Corey noted that in his thirty-(30) years of experience, he has found that accuracy and control of plans and specifications and continuous communications among all parties are essential to limiting the number of change orders. He added that most capital projects operate with contingencies of 5% for new work and 10% for unexpected items. Mr. Liebert stated that the State Education Department now requires accounting for change orders by basic categories.
Mr. Atseff noted that turnover in key district positions and some gaps in continuity resulted in some of the change orders in the latest project. He concurred with the value of clear and continuous communication among all parties.
Mr. Liebert commented that the Davis-Bacon and Wickes public works laws and bidding by numerous prime contractors could also lead to some change orders after a capital project is underway.
Mrs. Brunner noted that some change orders in the latest project were vendor related. She stressed the importance of accurate and complete bid specifications for all components of the project.
Mr. Corey noted that the construction management firm and architect do review bid bonds of potential contractors and any restrictions for them to submit bids.

Mr. Havens reviewed the tips for successful construction noted in the seminar materials from the Longwood Schools, ranging from advance planning and accountability steps to reporting progress and placing everything in writing. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Corey noted that review of state requirements to maintain emergency access by staff and students during construction and planning the overall project in phases are additional items for review and consideration.
Mr. Johnson noted that several of the items listed in the Longwood report were already noted this evening, such as creating dated, photographic documentation of the work, providing for public commentary and visits to construction sites, use of district publications and web site, and committing everything to writing. Determination of when and how they will occur is important prior to start of construction.
He added that addressing new or emerging issues as they arise prevents project delays or cost increases and reduces anxiety among parties involved. The Longwood staff also shared the value of involving the school attorney and independent auditor to protect the school district’s interests and establishing and monitoring the project budget and timeline.
Mr. Havens noted that staff, students and residents will undoubtedly ask our administrators about the project and it is important they are well informed.
Mrs. Brunner noted her experience in capital projects during her nine-(9) year tenure as a trustee and is hopeful that these proposed construction management issues are successful. She noted that historically one or two trustees were assigned primary contact with all parties involved in the capital project and asked if the approach described this evening places all trustees in such a role for the 2002 project.
Mr. Johnson noted that the Longwood model uses building and district teams to manage the project with regular reports to and, when necessary, decisions on issues by, the Board of Education. Individual trustees do not visit construction sites and press issues.
Mrs. Brunner asked if that approach was successful. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Robusto stated that it was evident that it worked well. Mr. Havens stated his experience on three (3) prior capital projects that teams approach and trust between trustees and school officials were essential.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Longwood speakers reported that sharing of progress and issues through minutes of weekly construction meetings insured that the process worked. Mr. Triou noted that he would share policies on special and emergency meetings with trustees.
Jenna Collier, 2109 Apple Tree Drive, Ontario, asked when completion and use of the items in the 2002 capital project would occur. Mr. Havens stated the plan is for September of 2005.
XII. RECESS: 8:43 p.m.
XIII. RECONVENE: 8:54 p.m.
XIV. WORKSHOP SESSION ● 2002 Capital Improvement Project (continued)

Mr. Ratcliffe suggested that trustees receive background information on the role of the construction management firm and the architect.
Mrs. Lyke asked if the construction manager would have any other capital projects to supervise; Mr. Havens stated only ours.
Mrs. Lyke asked where a person on special assignment would fit in the process. Mr. Johnson noted that the Longwood District adopted that approach when they realized that the scope and details of the project exceeded the amount of time the superintendent of schools and district staff could devote to review and oversight. The liaison person was someone very familiar with school facilities, programs and staff and became an essential link among all parties involved. Communications were clear and issues addressed in a timely manner.
Mrs. Brunner suggested obtaining input from the East Irondequoit and Pittsford districts that have successfully used this approach.
Mr. Hansen noted that the scope of a capital project makes a difference in the role played by such a person.
Mr. Johnson noted that the Longwood project included work at eleven (11) sites, including razing and replacing structures as well as additions, renovations and repairs.
Mr. Robusto asked who was responsible to develop parameters for work hours, security, work hours, traffic flow and related details. Mr. Havens noted that the construction management firm and the school district each have responsibilities and both parties sign-off on final details.
Mr. Johnson noted that identification badges were assigned to all construction workers. Mr. Robusto noted that no contact was allowed between construction workers and school staff or students. All communications were handled by the construction manager/liaison. The importance of separation of construction sites from actively occupied school spaces was also emphasized.
Mrs. Brunner noted that it is important to keep reminding everyone of the original intent of the capital improvements. She asked if the school board would form a facilities committee and what the role of the school board would have in the 2002 capital improvement project. Mr. Havens noted that the full school board would review any changes from the original plans and any issues or concerns that arise.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted that the Board of Education needs ample opportunity for detailed review of plans and specifications and asked when trustees would learn the final components.
Mr. Havens stated that the district-wide construction planning committee welcomes input and questions from the Board of Education. Mr. Ratcliffe noted this relates to the role of a designated contact person as developed in the Longwood model.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Board of Education operates in an open and trusting manner.
XV. WORKSHOP SESSION ● NYSSBA Seminars & Current & Future District Goals
Based on interest expressed at the prior meeting, the floor was opened to discussion of how NYSSBA seminars and workshops attended by trustees relate to present and future district goals.
Topics noted are generally summarized as follows:
● Efforts to “grow our own” administrators; we have a few examples in place, opportunity to expand and include as part of professional development; model presented by Sodus CSD (Mrs. Lyke)
● Develop school, community and business partnerships; some work done as part of community outreach for the October 8th referendum; relates to communications and accountability in Longwood model (Mr. Johnson)
● Communicating beyond the newsletter; use of web site, include pop-up surveys and opportunities for input and feedback with parents, residents, students; build network of key communicators; schedule periodic meetings of trustees, superintendent of schools and student opinion leaders; train staff as ambassadors of the schools; model presented by Lakeland Schools (Mr. Ratcliffe)
● Increase opportunities for citizens to communicate informally with Board of Education, possible forums prior to school board meetings or other times (Mr. Ratcliffe)
● Suggestion that school officials follow-up on visits to community groups for October 8th referendum with updates on 2002 capital project, including photos and other details (Mrs. Brunner)
● Suggestion to invite members of community groups to participate in visits and tours of capital project and inform them how they can follow project status (e.g. web site) (Mr. Johnson)
● Seamless technology for the classroom; access to servers for assignments and resources by students outside of school hours; opportunities for parental access to review student progress, communicate with teachers & school officials; plan annual upgrades of computer network, equipment, software; model by Oswego City Schools (Mr. Triou)
Mr. Spring noted options for interactive bulletin boards to expand dialogue; the high school’s building planning team is pursuing such an approach.
● Student presentations and skits to illustrate state achievement standards, relate them to actual course work, expected outcomes and career opportunities; involvement of theater arts and drama students, visit other buildings, community groups; models by Medina & Pembroke Schools (Mr. Robusto)
● Ways to build an eco-friendly school, relation of large amounts of daylight and proper acoustics to higher student performance, (Mr. Ratcliffe)
● Explore grant options NYS Energy Research Agency for photo voltaic solar-powered cells in schools; relate to science studies on solar, wind & other energy forms; possible link to planning for new science wing at the high school (Mr. Ratcliffe)
Mr. Armocida noted plans for a presentation on the topic by middle school science staff at a future school board meeting
● Explore school resource officer program, addresses issues of student behavior & substance abuse; joint programs with NY State Police (Mr. Johnson)
Mrs. Morrin noted that our high school is in the next round of schools for this program, pending availability of funding and school board approval. Mr. Armocida reviewed his experience with a similar program in his prior district
Mr. Robusto asked if there is a more pro-active approach schools could take to address drug and alcohol abuse among students and if mandatory drug screening is an option. Mr. Johnson noted state and federal regulations that apply to the random testing. Mr. Robusto suggested linking it the district’s Code of Conduct and exploring the level of interest in the issue among parents.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Triou noted that in many workplaces, including their own, random drug screening is mandated. They noted that district policy does provide for this screening as part of eligibility for extra-curricular and interscholastic activities. Mr. Triou noted that policy is in place for this as part of the 2001 S.A.V.E. legislation.
Mr. Robusto noted that efforts to address substance abuse among students would save money in the long run in terms of incarceration and treatment programs.
Mr. Ratcliffe noted that many school districts have staff and student presentations at the annual school boards’ conference and suggested we set a goal to have representation from our district in future years. The 2003 state meeting is in Rochester in October.
Mr. Triou is hopeful that some of the issues raised in discussion this evening will become part of the budget development process for 2003-2004.
By way of summary, the ideas noted were classified as follows:
(1) Meets One of District Goals for 2002-2003
√ Uses of Technology to Expand Communications (Lakeland)
√ Student Presentations/Skits on Achievement Standards (Pembroke/Medina)
(2) Consider As A District Goal for 2003-2004
√ Growing Our Own Administrators (Sodus)
√ Planning & Expanding Technology Uses & Funding (Oswego City)
(3) Possible As Item At A Future Date
√ School Resource Officer, Grant Opportunities

Mr. Havens presented the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the building administrators’ association and the superintendent of schools for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Triou, to adopt a RESOLUTION to approve the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the building administrators’ association and the superintendent of schools, TO WIT:



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education that the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the superintendent of schools and the Wayne Central Building Administrators’ Association be, and hereby is, adopted, effective July 1, 2002 and extending until June 30, 2006, and 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the superintendent of schools be authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the school district and take any other appropriate steps necessary to finalize said agreement, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds are hereby authorized for the implementation of this collective bargaining agreement .


On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse).

Mr. Havens presented the proposal to amend the salary of the director of student services for the 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 school years for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adopt a RESOLUTION to amend the salary of the director of student services for the 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 school years, TO WIT:
2002-2003, 2003-2004 AND 2004-2005 SCHOOL YEARS
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education that the annual salary of the director of student services is hereby fixed at $88,000 for the 2002-2003 school year, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said salary shall be adjusted by 3.50% for the 2003-2004 school year and by 3.50% for the 2004-2005 school year.
On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse).
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 p.m. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mrs. Diller, Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
December 11, 2002
School District Clerk
Att. 2


Board meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room unless otherwise noted.


Back to top

November 19, 2002, Tuesday ………
Administrative Meeting:
………. Budget development process reviewed.
………. Budget projections for 2003-2004 reviewed.
………. Budget development calendar reviewed.
………. Review process for setting instructional priorities.
December 3, 2002, Monday………….
Administrative Meeting:
Budget guidelines, instructions, and decision package forms distributed to building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors.
………. Student enrollment projections for 2003-2004 reviewed.
………. Set Instructional Priorities.
December 11, 2002, Wednesday ............
Board Meeting:
………. Budget development calendar presented to Board of Education.
………. 2003-2004 enrollment projections to Board of Education.
January 7, 2003, Tuesday….......……......
Administrative Meeting:
………………. Staffing recommendations presented to Ass't Superintendents by administrators.
January 8, 2003, Wednesday…………….
Board Meeting
………. Discussion of Instructional priorities based on School Improvement Plan.
………. Board of Education Budget Discussion.
January 21, 2003, Tuesday …………….
Administrative Meeting:
Budget requests to be submitted by building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors to Assistant Superintendent for Business.
Review first draft of 2003-2004 Capital Portion of budget.
February 11, 2003, Tuesday….....…...........Administrative Meeting:
Review first draft of 2003-2004 Program Budget.
February 12, 2003, Wednesday ...............
Board Meeting:
Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Capital portion of 2003-2004 budget.
Board of Education to identify propositions for May 20 Budget Vote and adopt Legal Notice of School Election and Budget Vote.
February 25. 2003, Tuesday …........
Administrative Meeting:
Review first draft of 2003-2004 Administrative Budget.
February 26, 2003, Wednesday……….
Board Meeting:
………. Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Program portion of 2003-2004 budget.
March 12, 2003, Wednesday ……………
Board Meeting:
Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Administrative portion of 2003-2004 budget.
Board of Education review of first draft of complete 2003-2004 budget.
Administrative presentation of projected 2003-2004 revenues.
March 26, 2003, Wednesday …..……….
Board Meeting:
Board of Education discussion of draft of 2003-2004 Proposed Budget.
April 9, 2003, Wednesday .....…............
Board Meeting:
Adopt proposed 2003-2004 Wayne Central Budget.
April 21, 2003, Monday ..................….
Petitions for School Trustee candidates to be filed with District Clerk on or before 4:00 p.m. at the District Office.
April 23, 2003, Wednesday........................
Board Meeting:
Vote on BOCES Administrative Budget.
Election of BOCES Board Members.
May 6, 2003, Tuesday ...........................
2003-2004 proposed budget must be available for public inspection in each school building.
Last date for newsletter to be printed.
May 13, 2003, Tuesday ………………..
Board Meeting:
Budget Hearing.
Board meeting to follow hearing.
Appoint election officials for May 20 budget vote.
May 14, 2003, Wednesday........................
Distribution of special edition of District newsletter with proposed 2003-2004 budget information.
May 20, 2003, Tuesday .......................
Budget Vote at Wayne Central High School Gymnasium
lobby from 9: 00 a. m. to 9: 00 p. m.
NOTICES PUBLISHED:                                              
Must publish four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks preceding the Budget Vote.
The first notice must be 45 days prior to the Budget April 4, 2003)


Att. 3


To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Abi Buddington, Director of Human Resources
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  December 11, 2002
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
 Kathryn Bennett – Instrumental Music Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, effective October 30, 2002. For the purpose of child rearing.
Leave of Absence:
 Jennifer Allen – Art Teacher assigned to Ontario Elementary School, an extension to an unpaid leave of absence effective February 1, 2003 through June 30, 2003. For the purpose of child rearing.
 Penny Barry – School Psychologist assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a paid disability leave of absence, anticipated January 13, 2003 through March 24, 2003. For the purpose of child rearing.
 Linda Bellingham – Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Primary School, a one year temporary job-sharing appointment effective December 2, 2002 through June 30, 2003, at $38,537 (prorated .5 FTE). (BA from SUNY Geneseo; MS in Reading from Nazareth College; 9 years experience) Job-Share with Janice Hyde.
 Barbara Brock – Art Teacher assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a regular substitute appointment effective February 1, 2003 through June 30, 2003 at $34,160 (prorated, base plus MS). (BA Degree from SUNY Geneseo; MS Ed. Degree from Nazareth College; 2 years experience) Replacement for Jennifer Allen, who extended her unpaid leave of absence.
 Janice Hyde - Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Primary School, a one year temporary job-sharing appointment effective December 2, 2002 through June 30, 2003, at current salary (prorated .5 FTE). Job-Share with Linda Bellingham.
 Karen Palmer – School Counselor assigned to Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a three year probationary appointment effective October 10, 2000 through October 10, 2003, at current salary. (Ammended from Personnel Action of September 13, 2000)

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Department Chairpersons 2002-2003 (rate $1,630 plus $154 per supervised teacher)

 Name        Department    Bldg.    Rate
 Debbie Wood      Special Education  MS    $3,016
   (replacing Michelle Guerreri who resigned)

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Advisors, Supervisors, Scorers, Timekeepers

 Name        Activity      Bldg.    Rate

TBD        Choreographer    HS    $528
Rachael VanHouten    Musical Drama Director  HS    $1,586
Michael Lester      Musical Inst. Director  HS    $1,586
Lee Stramonine      Musical Producer  HS    $992
Lori Smith      Musical Producer  HS    $992
Richard Galvin      Musical Sound    HS    $396

 Todd VanHouten    Musical Vocal Director  HS    $1,586
 Robert Graham      Detention Supervisor  HS    $2,506
Addendum to the Winter Coaching Appointments 2002-03

WCS Years
Marie Doyle JV Cheerleading
Bonnie Morrison Varsity Cheerleading

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Winter Event Personnel 2002-2003 (at a rate of $49 per event covered)
 Judy Fletcher
 Cal Seitz
Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Substitute Teachers 2002-2003, pending successful fingerprinting clearance.

Last Name
First Name
Austin Amy 12/11/02
Bechtold Heidi 12/11/02
Beck Ruth 12/11/02
Besaw Leah 12/11/02
Bradbury Joseph 12/11/02
Clark Stacey 12/11/02
Clement Roberta 12/11/02
DeRight-Smith Carolyn 12/11/02
Dippel Rebecca 12/11/02
Goodwin Cynthia 12/11/02
Griep Tina 12/11/02
Harris Barbara 12/11/02
Hecht Patricia 12/11/02
Herman Jileen 12/11/02
Klein Michelle 12/11/02
Knapp Melanie 12/11/02
Lubberts Nisha 12/11/02
Marino Marcy 12/11/02
Moore Kevin 12/11/02
Nutting Terry 12/11/02
Osterhout Peggy 12/11/02
Parcero Karen 12/11/02
Peper Bobbi Sue 12/11/02
Peters Megan 12/11/02
Rose Michael 12/11/02
Paul 12/11/02
VandenBout Susan 12/11/02
Wagner Corinne 12/11/02
Wilcox Greg 12/11/02

Rzepica   Damien   12/11/02
Leave of Absence:

WHEREAS, Darcy Petrosino has been employed as a school nurse; and
WHEREAS, Darcy Petrosino has been continuously absent from work since November 15, 2002; and
WHEREAS, Darcy Petrosino is due to exhaust all available paid leave time on or about December 20, 2002; and
WHEREAS, Darcy Petrosino continues to be unable to perform the duties of her position as a result of a disability resulting from occupational injury or disease as defined in the workers’ compensation law. NOW THEREFORE;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that Darcy Petrosino shall be determined to be in unpaid leave status as of the date she exhausts her paid leave.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Darcy Petrosino shall be entitled to such rights as are provided in Section 71 and Section 73 of the Civil Service Law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this leave of absence shall run concurrently with any other leave entitlement.
 Paul Blake – School Bus Driver assigned to the Transportation Department, a permanent civil service appointment effective December 21, 2002 at a rate of $12.05 per hour after serving a successful probationary period.
 Donald Johnson – Cleaner assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a permanent civil service appointment effective February 5, 2003 at a rate of $10.14 per hour after serving a successful probationary period.
 Chris Lawrence – School Nurse assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective November 15, 2002 through June 30, 2003 or until the return, resignation, or other conclusion of Darcy Petrosino at a rate of $13.80 per hour. (She has been the per diem school nurse substitute since the beginning of the year and has subbed for the district since 1999.) (replacement for Darcy Petrosino, on leave)

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Substitute Bus Drivers 2002-2003 (at a rate of $10.50 per hour)

 Anne Jordan
 Janice Popoli


Att. 4

 CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  12/11/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   00-6672   Grade && Year:   09 (02-03)
  School:   Monroe BOCES-Alternative Education Program in Fairport-ODX   Time of Services:   100%
  Classification:   ED
  Recommended Placement :   Special Class, 6:1:1   Triennial Due:   2005/02

  Last Program:   Eagle Ventures, 8:1:1

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Alternative approach for behavioral needs

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   As per program.
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   4558   Grade && Year:   12 (02-03)
  School:   Wayne Central High School   Time of Services:   3 periods/4 day cycle
  Classification:   LD/math reasoning & calculation
  Recommended Placement :   Resource Room for small group   Triennial Due:   2005/09
  instruction & full participation in general
  education.   Last Program:   Regular Education

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Small group support for strategy developement.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Consultant Teacher

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   7955   Grade && Year:   11 (02-03)
  School:   Monroe BOCES-Foreman Center-ODX   Time of Services:   100%
  Classification:   Autistic
  Recommended Placement :   START Special Class, 6:1:1 structured   Triennial Due:   2005/10
  class to meet intense social/emotional
  needs.   Last Program:   Home School

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Alternative approach for social/emotional needs

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Special Class, 12:1:1 (Other)

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   As part of program
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Page 1 of 2

 CSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  12/11/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   8785   Grade && Year:   01 (02-03)
  School:   Freewill Elementary   Time of Services:   2 hours/week
  Classification:   OHI
  Recommended Placement :   Consultant Teacher for academic   Triennial Due:   2005/09
  Last Program:   Regular Education

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Needs in class support / test modifications.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   3X30 minutes/week, small group (push in/pull out)
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   98209   Grade && Year:   08 (02-03)
  School:   Wayne Central Middle School   Time of Services:   50%
  Classification:   LD/reading & written expression
  Recommended Placement :   Special Class, 15:1/small group   Triennial Due:   2005/05
  instruction for
  repetition/reinforcement/modified   Last Program:   Special Class, 15:1

  Reason for Placement/Services:   Significantly modified curriculum / instruction.

  Other Placement/Services Considered, but Not Selected:   Resource Room

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   None
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   2X30 minutes/month, individual
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Page 2 of 2

 CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  12/11/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   97023   Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
  School:   Roosevelt Children's Center @ Newark   Time of Services:   5 full days/wk
  Classification:   Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:   2/21/02
  Recommended Placement :   EI   Last Program:

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   3x/wk@30min (ind)
  Occupational Therapy:   3x/wk@30min (ind)
  Physical Therapy:   3x/wk@30min (ind) / 1x/month@60 min. (Cranial Therapy @
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   1:1 Aide; Assistive Tech. @ 120min/wk. / Vision Service 2x/wk

  Student: #   97029   Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
  School:   Rochester Hearing & Speech @ Webster Alphabet Campus   Time of Services:   5x/wk@half days (AM)
  Classification:   Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:   10/11/02
  Recommended Placement :   Last Program:

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   5x/wk@30 minutes (ind/group)
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Student: #   97950   Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
  School:   Stepping Stones Learning Center   Time of Services:   5x/wk@half days (AM) and
  Classification:   Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:   7/16/02
  Recommended Placement :   Last Program:

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   5x/wk@ 30 mins. (group)-Stepping Stones / 5x/wk@ 60 mins.
  Occupational Therapy:   3x/wk @ 30 mins. (2 ind/1group)
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   1:1 Aide and 3 hours/month Psych. Consult and 1x/mo @ 60

  Page 1 of 2

 CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education

 Date:  12/11/02

  The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
  following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.

  Student: #   98223   Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
  School:   Bright Start Pediatric @ home   Time of Services:   See Related Services
  Classification:   Preschool Child w/a Disability   Last Psychological:   10/15/02
  Recommended Placement :   Last Program:

  Related   Speech and/or Language:   2x/wk@60 minutes (individual)
  Occupational Therapy:   None
  Physical Therapy:   None
  Counseling:   None
  Adapted Physical Education:   None
  Other:   None

  Page 2 of 2

Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  December 11, 2002

The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:

1.   Accept Treasurer’s Report - October 2002
2.   Designate Surplus Property
3.   Accept Gift to District
4.   Approve Budget Transfers
5.   Approve Change Order
6.   Accept Independent Auditor’s Report and Management Letter

Consensus Agenda #2

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2002
RE:  Declare School Vehicles as Surplus Property
Recommend that the Board of Education at their regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 2002, declare school buses #168, #169, #170, #176, and #182 as surplus property. This procedure is in accordance with Policy #6900.
Bus # 168 - 1990 International, 65-passenger bus
Bus # 169 - 1990 International, 65-passenger bus
Bus # 170 - 1990 International, 65-passenger bus
Bus # 176 - 1990 Chevy Suburban, 7-passenger bus
Bus # 182 - 1992 International/Bluebird, 66-passenger bus
Once the school buses have become surplus property, they will be sold through the bid process or at public auction. Proceeds from the sale will be deposited in the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.
c: Fred Prince, Transportation Manager
Lee Stramonine, Treasurer
Helen Jensen, Business Office


Consensus Agenda #3

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2002
RE:  Gift to the District
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their meeting to be held on December 11, 2002, accept from Patricia Pierson a gift of various books and tapes valued at approximately $3,044 to be used in the Team K and Primary Reading Room areas of Freewill Elementary School.
c:  Lee Stramonine
   Helen Jensen    
   Kim Saxby, Freewill Elementary Principal         


Consensus Agenda #4

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2002
RE:  Budget Transfers
In accordance with Policy #6150, please present the attached list of budget transfers to the Board of Education for their approval at their meeting on December 11, 2002.


Consensus Agenda #6

TO:  Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2002
RE:  Acceptance of Single Audit Report
The Single Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, has been completed by Mr. Raymond F. Wager, CPA, P.C., Corona Executive Commons, 332 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623. This audit is as required by the New York State Education Department and the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502).
The Board of Education should take action to accept this audit report at the regular board meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2002.
A copy of the Single Audit Report and an excerpt of the Board of Education minutes of the meeting when the audit was accepted must be filed with the New York State Education Department. A copy of the Single Audit Report must also be sent to the New York Office of the Comptroller and the Single Clearinghouse, Jeffersonville, Indiana. In addition, a notice must be published within ten days that such report is available for inspection.
c: Laurence Spring, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Sandra Woodard, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Carol Fisher, Cafeteria Supervisor
    Lee Stramonine, District Treasurer
Jim Switzer, District Clerk


Att. 6


4321.4   Distribution of student’s individualized education plan
(IEP) to teachers and related other service providers
5425  Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
8131  Protection Against Radioactive Iodine

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December 11, 2002



                       POLICY 4321.4

Entire Policy is New                    
Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on December 11, 2002

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Each regular education teacher, special education teacher, related service provider and other service provider who is responsible for the implementation of a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) shall be given a copy of the IEP prior to its implementation.
Prior to implementation of the student’s IEP, the chairperson of the Committee on Special Education shall designate a professional employee of the school district with knowledge of the student’s disability and the educational program to inform each teacher, assistant and support staff person of his or her responsibility related to the implementation of the student’s IEP and the specific accommodations, modifications and support that must be provided.
The student’s IEP shall continue to remain confidential and shall not be re-disclosed to any other person except in accordance with provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (I/D/E/A), and applicable regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

Education Law §4402 (7) (a) (b) (c)
Chapter 408 of the Laws of 2002
                 Ontario Center, New York l4520






Entire Policy is New                  
Presented by Policy Committee for First Reading on December 11, 2002



The Board of Education recognizes that cardiac emergencies may arise that justify the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). To this end, the school district shall provide and maintain AED equipment for use by qualified personnel.
The superintendent of schools shall ensure that AED equipment is available on-site in each instructional school facility in quantities adequate to ensure ready and appropriate access for use during emergencies.
School administrators shall ensure the presence of at least one (1) staff person who is trained in the operation and use of an AED:
(1)   Whenever public school facilities are used for school-sponsored or school-approved curricular or extra-curricular events or activities, or
(2)   Whenever a school-sponsored athletic contest is held at any location
Where a school-sponsored competitive athletic event is held at a site other than a public school facility, public school officials must assure that AED equipment is provided on-site.

Education Law §912
Public Health Law §§3000-a(2) and 3000-b

Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public School Facilities

(Office of Regional/Community Services NYS Education Deparment, July 2002
                 Ontario Center, New York l4520




Entire Policy is New                     
Presented by Policy Committee for Second Reading on December 11, 2002

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Health departments at the state and county level monitor radiological emergencies and issue advisories to inform the public when the need for protection against radioactive iodine is or is not necessary.
In emergencies where the public is likely to become exposed to radioactive iodine, the use of potassium iodide (KI) medication is indicated. Stable iodide administered before or promptly after intake of radioactive iodine can block or reduce the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland.
Arrangements for distribution of potassium iodine will become part of the school district’s emergency and radiological emergency response plans and made available to staff and students.
School district personnel will work in conjunction with state, county and other personnel and agencies in the distribution of potassium iodide medications and in informing the public of such arrangements.

                 Ontario Center, New York l4520



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