1. “Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble.”      -- Benjamin Franklin
  1. 3. Attachments:
  2. Longwood Building Project Planning
  3. Beyond the Newsletter
  4. q Technology/Website & other communication strategies
  5. (Lakeland CSD)
  6. Skit on the NYS Standards
  7. q Pembroke/Medina?
  8. Considered for Next Year’s Goals
  9. Grow your own Administrators
  10. (Ask Sodus group to visit)
  11. Technology Planning
  12. q HFL
  13. q Oswego CSD
  14. Resource Officer (Grant?)
  15. Wayne Central School District
    1. 2002 Capital Project

November 22, 2002

“Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble.”            -- Benjamin Franklin
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

1. Project Change Orders: A question was raised about the percent of change orders in our last project. That number was 7%. After the project was substantially finished there was money left over so some additional items were completed. These included such things as tiling at the Middle School and running fiber optics between buildings on the main campus. These last items were what Lyle referred to as “good change orders.”


2. Special Education Numbers: I recently received an updated list of classified students from Mrs. Woodard which I have enclosed for your review. Our Middle and High school numbers are higher than would be expected. We believe they are the result of a time when students were more readily classified as well as student transfers. Page two of the document shows the number and percent of out-of-district placements. The number of students in the Wayne BOCES placement is currently only 4. You will recall that two years ago, when we first made the commitment to bring back our children, there were 22 of our students there. If Sandy continues to be able to build our own programs we should be prepared to take back those final kids when BOCES leaves.


3. NYSSBA Programs: Listed below are the programs discussed at our Wednesday Board meeting. (attached)


4. John DonVito Update: On Halloween, Mr. DonVito’s house and new truck were vandalized with spray paint. The truck had to be completely repainted. The high school has worked closely with the police and three high school boys have confessed. Because of the nature and expense of the crime they have been charged with 2nd degree criminal mischief.


5. Meeting with the Commissioner of Education – The president of the New York State Council of School Superintendents has invited a couple of state superintendents to a meeting requested by the Commissioner of Education. I have been involved with a committee that has been meeting in Albany regarding the NYS testing requirements, including the scoring. Because of that involvement (and my intense charm, profound intelligence, dashing good looks, steadfast courage and magnetic personality), I was invited by the council president to participate in this meeting. At this time the date has not been confirmed. I will let you know how this proceeds.


6. Events -

Nov. 22, 23, 24 – Neighborhood Acting Company presents “Oliver” Friday & Saturday

evening – 7:30 p.m. -- - Saturday & Sunday matinee – 2:00 p.m.  

Dec. 2 & 5 - Driver Improvement Class – Wayne HS – 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Dec. 3 – Freewill Band & Chorus Concert – HS PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 3 – Four County School Boards – General membership/Legislative & Executive

Committees - Club 86, Geneva. 5:15 – Legislative Comm; 5:30 – Social; 6:00 – Executive Comm; 6:30 – dinner; 7:30 – program with “Hugh Clark”

Dinner selections: NY Strip Steak, Eggplant Parmesan, Broiled Whitefish
Please let Lori know if you plan to attend
Dec. 4 – Early Release Day
Dec. 9 – HS PTSA – District Office Conference Room – 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 10 – Ontario Elementary Band & Chorus Concert – HS PAC - 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 12 – Middle School Band Concert – HS PAC - 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 15 - HS Band & Chorus Concert – HS PAC – 2:30 p.m.
Dec. 19 – MS Band Concert – HS PAC – 7:30 p.m.
Athletics: (home games)
11/26  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – V Girls – 2:00 p.m.
11/27  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – JV Boys – 6:00 p.m.
11/29  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – JV Girls – 10:00 a.m.
11/29  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – V Boys – 6:00 p.m.
11/29  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – V Girls – 2:00 p.m.
11/30  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – JV Boys - 10:00 a.m.
11/30  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – V Boys – 6:00 p.m.
11/30  Wayne Tip-Off Basketball Tournament – V Girls – 2:00 p.m.
12/4  JV & V Wrestling vs. Palmyra-Macedon – 6:00 p.m.
12/4  V Bowling @ Empire Lanes vs. Geneva – 3:00 p.m.

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3. Attachments:
a. Special Education Student Information
b. Goals Meeting Minutes
c. Design Process Description


Goals Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2002
Meets One of This Year’s Goals:


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Longwood Building Project Planning

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Beyond the Newsletter

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q Technology/Website & other communication strategies

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(Lakeland CSD)

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Skit on the NYS Standards

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q Pembroke/Medina?


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Considered for Next Year’s Goals


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Grow your own Administrators

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(Ask Sodus group to visit)

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Technology Planning

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q Oswego CSD

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Resource Officer (Grant?)
Would be nice to do at some future date


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Wayne Central School District

2002 Capital Project
Design Process with the “Design Teams”
 Schematic Design:

Ø Interrelationship of programmed spaces and confirm footprint.
Ø Confirm circulation paths and means of ingress and egress.
Ø General and overall plan layout.
Ø Site layout and traffic flows (Drop-off and pick-up).
Ø Exterior design of building Facades.
Ø Mechanical and electrical descriptions

Design Development:

Ø Specific Interior Design issues i.e.; casework, equipment, phone locations, computer locations, chalk board locations etc.
Ø Specific Site Design issues i.e.; grading, drainage, etc.
Ø Interior elevation design indicating what special needs may be related to any given space.
Ø Mechanical and electrical design layouts showing components and types of systems.
Ø The intent is that information received and conveyed to and from the “Design Teams” will represent what you will see the day you move-in and occupy the completed project.

Construction Documents:

Ø All design issues have been resolved with Wayne Central, CM and the A/E is completing the necessary documentation for SED final approval, competitive bidding and construction.
Ø The Architect and Construction Manager will be left with the “Professional Team” to complete the necessary work.
Ø Occasional user input may arise from time-to-time.

SED Final Review and Approval:

Ø This is an 18-24 week process and dialog with SED-Facilities Planning Group.

Bidding and Negotiations:

Ø A Five to six week period where the project is competitively bid to the respective trades.


Ø A 18 month period to complete the entire project.
Ø Move-in and occupy Fall 2005.


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