November 20, 2002
“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present -- love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure.”
               - - Sarah Ban Breathnach, American Author
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:
This Wednesday’s Board meeting is a work session dealing with the programs we saw at the NYSSBA convention. Since we are in the midst of a building project we thought it would be good to begin with a discussion of the Longwood Building Project presentation viewed by some of our members. Our architects and Construction managers have also been invited. Following this discussion LeChase will review the construction timeline. We will review building teams, responsibilities and discuss any other issues regarding the project.
After finishing the project discussion, we will review other NYSSBA programs you feel could be helpful for us. For each program we will decide if:

a. It is something that should be done this year to fulfill one of our annual goals
b. It is something that should be considered for next year’s goals
c. It should be placed on a back burner and saved for a later time.

If you have a program you wish to present we would be happy to copy materials for you. Please try to get the information to Lori by Wednesday morning. If you are copying yourself we will need 9 copies for Board members plus 8 copies for administrators. Copies of the Longwood program are enclosed for your review.
It should be a great work session.


1. Professional Development Day (11/27/02)


Elementary: All three school swill be meeting at Freewill Elementary to focus on the new ELA Benchmarks and engage in some professional development to assist in implementing Guided Reading (one of the key strategies in the Literacy Initiative).
Middle School: the Middle School faculty will be engaged in refining their curriculum work and learning new instructional strategies.
High School: The High School will have faculty from Brockport Central in the school to assist groups through some of the planning difficulties associated with implementing a “Block Schedule” in the building next year. Brockport is well known regionally for their success with block scheduling

2. American Education Week - Next week, November 18-22, is American Education Week. There will be various activities in the buildings to recognize our staff as well as a district wide recognition. 


3. Hoffman Foundation - Due to the difficult stock market situation, the Wayne County Hoffman Foundation has had to suspend its support for many programs. Included in these are the History Jamboree, 7th Grade Awards, Awards Luncheon, and the Hoffman Essay Contest. This is a very unfortunate situation as they have been a tremendous support for county programs.


4. Events –

Nov. 18 – Meet the Winter Coaches Night – HS PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 19 – Four County School Boards – New Board Member Orientation – Part II,

Phelps Hotel, Route 96, Phelps 55:30 Social; 6:15 – Dinner; 7:15 – 9:00 program
Dinner Selections: Prime Rib, Grilled Whitefish; Vegetable Lasagna
Please let Lori know if you are interested in attending

Nov. 21 – Wayne County Clerk @ Wayne High School for Passport Processing – 6:30– 8:30 p.m.
Nov. 21 - Four County School Boards – Presidents/Vice-Presidents Roundtable, Phelps

Hotel.  5:30 – Social; 6:30 – dinner; 7:30 – program
Dinner Selections: Char Grilled Chicken Breasts, NY Strip Steak, Vegetables & Pasta
Please let Lori know if you plan to attend

Nov. 22, 23, 24 – Neighborhood Acting Company presents “Oliver” Friday & Saturday

evening – 7:30 p.m. -- - Saturday & Sunday matinee – 2:00 p.m.  

Dec. 3 – Four County School Boards – General membership/Legislative & Executive

Committees - Club 86, Geneva. 5:15 – Legislative Comm; 5:30 – Social; 6:00 – Executive Comm; 6:30 – dinner; 7:30 – program with “Hugh Clark”

Dinner selections: NY Strip Steak, Eggplant Parmesan, Broiled Whitefish
Please let Lori know if you plan to attend
Athletics: - None at this time, winter sports have not begun yet.

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