1. ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
      2. English 12 (Days ABD)

Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


Mark Scher Week of 10/28/02 (Days CDEAB)


ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
Day 1:
  1. For Galsworth’s “Air Raid,” 167-171, students use questions 1–10 (pp. 171-172) to define in discussion the speaker’s sense of identity.
Day 2:
    1. Students turn in 2 copies of essays in response to Writing Assignment 2 (p. 158), with coded identification of author.
    Students rate randomly distributed copies with our rubric.
    Essay on Crystal due by 7 p.m. by email on Thursday, 8/7/02.
    Day 3:
    1. Students explain who is Fink in “Night of Surrender” — how does the past shape you.
    Students pull the unit together: what have they learned about identity?
    Standards: 1, 2, 4

    English 12 (Days ABD)
    Students continue Jobs Unit.
  • Before going to computers: report results to class at day 1:what are non-economic reasons for working?
  • Students conduct research matching their interests and skills with actual employment/higher education opportunities.
  • They read newspaper ads/college catalogs and use networking skills to find job/college opportunities.
  • They use the Guidance Office’s paper resources and access to the Internet to find fuller details about potential jobs/colleges: prerequisites, working/living conditions, potential opportunities for initial hiring/admission and for advancement; geographic limits, etc
  • Students fill out teacher-provided forms as assessment and guide.
    Concurrently, students write drafts of CAP paper for teacher input.
    Standard 1, 4
    English 9 (9.01 on days ACE; 9.03 on days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD)
    English 9x4 (Days ABCD)
    Day 1: Students apply teacher-provided outline for their essay: what does Romeo’s behavior reveal about his mood at any one point in the movie so far?
    Students list Global vocab 16-20
    Through week: Students view Baz Lurman production of Romeo and Juliet.
    Continue to review voc.
    1. Once we have seen the entire movie, review particular scenes (after class decides which scenes are central to plot). Groups decide what motivates characters’ behavior; groups identify and track themes. They provide class lesson on their findings.
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422


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