From the Superintendent…………..
    As we start another school I would like to give an overview of what has been happening
    over the summer and talk about the year ahead.
    The summer has been spent hiring 16 new teachers/teacher assistants and approximately
    the same number of support staff members. In addition, the major building focus has been
    to complete the capital project for technology renovations and upgrades. At this point,
    the Elementary and Middle Schools work will be completed in time for opening day a nd
    with a little luck, the High School will also be ready. When staff returns, all will have
    network accessibility and e­ mail capability. For the Elementary and Middle School staff,
    this will be a new experience. Logging into the network will be the first training they
    will undergo September 3
    . As we progress through the year we will be working with
    staff to develop the integration of technology into daily teaching. A core group of
    teachers has begun their work this summer using the Intel Teach to the Future Program.
    Training with additional staff in this and other integration projects will continue
    throughout the school year. Each building will have at least one lab available for teacher
    and student use throughout the day. We hope that on your next visit to our schools you
    will visit these labs. Again, thanks to all of you for approving this project.
    Although most of our summer curriculum work was eliminated during the budget process
    last spring, an important piece of work did take place. That was the Building Planning
    Team Sessions. Each of the three buildings in the district has a team made up of
    administration, parents and staff who write action plans for their buildings each year.
    These action plans now link directly to the student achievem
    ent area of our strategic
    plan. Our strategic plan focuses on five broad areas:
    Student Achievement
    Educating the Whole Child
    Community Partnerships
    Staff Effectiveness
    Fiscal Responsibility
    Under the student achievement area, there are three sub areas where all three building
    will be focusing their attention this year: literacy, math and academic intervention
    services. The first two are the 3R’s that many of you recall from your school days –
    reading, writing and arithmetic. The last, academic interv
    ention services, deals with
    support services for students at risk of not meeting standards in all areas. Each of the
    three building in the district will focus on these areas through the plans they wrote this
    This linkage between the Building Team Plans and the Strategic Plan will focus energy
    on the goals, which you as a community articulated through the focus groups and surveys
    of last year. In upcoming issues of “What’s Happening” we will focus on a different one
    of these areas to explain more fully the specific work that will be taking place.

    As with all issues we face, our goal continues to be best stated in our Mission Statement:
    “To provide an effective, high quality learning experience every day, for every
    student, with the goal of preparing students to be successful at each level and to
    be contributing members of society”.
    In order to meet our mission we look for an open system of communication between the
    community and the school system. Being part of a small system like Williamson,
    accessibility to a Superintendent or a Board Member is often immediate. For those of
    you coming from larger districts, you might be surprised by our accessibility. It is
    something that I believe is appreciated when there is a pressing concern. But some times,
    this accessibility leaves out some preliminary steps.
    If you have a concern about something happening at school with your child, your first
    contact should be with the teacher or staff member directly. If you are dissatisfied with
    their response, g
    o to the staff’s supervisor (usually the Building Principal). Next, if you
    are still dissatisfied, please call my office. And finally, if you are dissatisfied with my
    response, call a Board of Education member.
    If you have general concerns about goals, policies, budgets, or our strategic plan contact
    either myself or a Board of Education Member directly. These are areas where we have
    primary responsibility. I know that the Board and myself want to be accessible and hear
    your thoughts and concerns directly on these issues.

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