Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 10/14/02 (Days DEAB)
    English 9 (9.01 on Days ACE; 9.03 on Days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD)
    English 9x4 (Days ABCD)
    Daily, teacher reads aloud from Hainey’s trans. of Beowulf.
    Day 1:
  1. Substitute teacher asks class to explain our discipline system, rating behavior as A, B, C , or D. (anarchy, bullying, compliance, democracy). Teacher reminds class that any students choosing behavior at levels A or B will be reported to me by the sub, and that we expect of each other only levels C or D .
  2. Review first 10 vocabs from Global; add next 5, using overhead (provided). Students study these new 5.
  3. Teacher explains need to find main idea in written text and graphics— for newspapers, for work, for Regents. Students complete the exercises in handout (pp. 20–21).
  4. This should fill the period. Sub. may end the class with mum-ball on the vocab.
    Day 2 and following:
    Students take notes on oral reading from Book of Virtues. Share and compare notes orally, comparing techniques that lead to finding main ideas and to “catching” details.
  6. Students define “love,” recalling instances of it in earlier readings and in their own relationships. Recall “She loved him” (Elements 333); use “McKinney” (Elements 326) and “Kidnap Poem” (Elements 297).
  7. Students explain difference between summary and creation. They produce (singly or in pairs) a parallel to “Kidnap Poem” (Elements 297) if not completed last week.
  8. Students review literary elements (characterization, motivation, sensory detail, prediction. Students compare how visual media compared with stories use these elements.
  9. Teacher introduces plot structure. Students apply the concept to “Sunday in the Park” and “We Bad.”
  10. Teacher provides overview of Romeo and Juliet, passing out texts. Students begin to lay out plot structures, relating this skill to prediction.
    Students view Baz Lurman production.
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422
    English 12 (Days ABD)
    Day 1:
    Students prepare for debates or work on college application essays.
    Through week: students begin debates.
    College Application essays are due by end of day, 10/15/02.
    Standard 3.2, 4.1
    ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
    Day 1: students spend day at CCC library.
    Day 2: Writer’s workshop, with students showing at least 10 index cards, 3 bibliographic entries, and 3 research paper guide forms.
    Day 3: Writer’s workshop, with students showing teacher outlines or rough drafts.
    Standards: 113, 114, 116, 125, 126, 314, 32, 411

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