Studying the Earth Chapter 1 - Earth’s Geography
    ·   Latitude, longitude, climate
    ·   Earth’s resources
    ·   Hands-on activities
    ·   Paper and pencil test
    ·   Extra credit activities
      Chapter 2 - Early People
    ·   Culture, customs, values, technology
    ·   Stone Age
    ·   Hitting on learning modalities
    ·   Literature based on topic
    ·   DBQ - Stone Age
    Early Civilization Chapter 3 - Egypt
    ·   Geography
    ·   History
    ·   Ancient civilization
    ·   Hands-on activities
    ·   Paper and pencil test
    ·   Extra credit activities
    ·   Costumes for Halloween
      Chapter 4 - Fertile Crescent
    ·   Geography
    ·   Mesopotamian civilization
    ·   Barter/surplus, city/state
    ·   Hitting on learning modalities
    ·   Literature based on topic
    ·   DBQ - Ancient Egypt
    Ancient Europe Chapter 6 - Greece (ancient)
    ·   Geography
    ·   Legacy - government, religion, literature, sports, theater, philosophy
    ·   Hands-on activities
    ·   Paper and pencil test
    ·   Extra credit activities
    ·   Hitting on learning modalities
      Chapter 7 - Ancient Rome
    ·   Geography - contour maps
    ·   Legacy - architecture, engineering, language, Christianity
    ·   Literature based on the topic
      Growth of Europe   Chapter 8 - Middle Ages
    ·   Geography
    ·   Feudalism
    ·   Church influence
    ·   Time of change
    ·   Hands-on activities
    ·   Paper and pencil test
    ·   Extra credit activities
    ·   All create a shield
    ·   Hitting on learning modalities
      Chapter 9 - Renaissance
    ·   Art
    ·   Reformation
    ·   Martin Luther
    ·   Printing press
    ·   Bill of Rights
    Chapter 10 - Age of Exploration
    ·   Traders / explorers
    ·   Geography
    ·   Scientific method, etc.
    ·   Literature based on the topic
    Europe and North Asia
    in Modern Times
    Chapter 11 - Two Revolutions
    ·   Industrial Revolution
    ·   French Revolution
    ·   Primary/Secondary sources
    ·   Hands-on activities
    ·   Paper and pencil test
    ·   Extra credit activities
    ·   Hitting on learning modalities
      Chapter 12 - From Russia to the Commonwealth of Independent States
    ·   Geography - Russia
    ·   Growth of Russia
    ·   Russian Revolution
    ·   Literature based on the topic
      Chapter 13 - Twentieth Century
    ·   WW I - quick overview
    ·   WW II - quick overview
    ·   DBQ → WW II
    Research Paper - Oral Report (Combined English/Social Studies) on someone from history
    (preferably not U.S.)
      ·   Variety of activities: oral reports, acting out of articles, written paragraphs
    Current Events:
    Ø   Time For Kids
    Ø   Weekly paper
    Middle East    
    Variety of activities:
    Ø   Oral reports
    Ø   Acting out of articles
    Ø   Written paragraphs
    Extra credit: includes dioramas, models, music (rap), ABC order booklets, newspaper accounts, videos, audio cassettes, puppets of time periods, maps, graphs, etc.    
    Select Units (as feasible)  
    DBQ's (constructive response questions)

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