Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    Plans for Mark Scher Week of 09/09/02 (Days DEABC)
    English 12 (Days ABD)
    Day 1:
  1. Teacher suggests interleaving two units; students choose which two.
  2. Students list reasons for reluctance to speak publicly; list reasons to speak publicly; list ways to ease the reluctance.
  3. In groups of about 5, one student arranges paper-cut-outs of circle, triangle, rectangle, and two squares, out of sight of the others. All pieces must touch or overlap. That student describes the design; others draw it; they may not ask questions.
  4. Next, re-arrange pattern, again describe, but allow audience questions.
    Students explain what this exercise accomplishes (warm-up, team-work, detail)
    Assign: news summary for oral presentation.
    Distribute speech rubric.
    End class w. stu. summary.
    Standard 3.2, 4.1
    Days 2 –3:
  5. Day 2 Mr. Taylor talks 20 minutes with students.
  6. Each student presents a 3 minute news item. First warm up all students. Choose students randomly to present.
  7. Class notes positive attributes of each presentation and makes one suggestion for change.
  8. End class w. stu. summary.
    Standard 3.2, 4.1
    Prepare for next oral presentation: explain something about yourself (4 minutes).
    End class w. stu. summary.
    Standard 3.2, 4.1
    ACE/AP English (Days BCE)
    Day 1
    1. Students examine teacher-provided model of “Who Am I” essay, explaining which they prefer and why. They consider content, implications of thought, format. (15 min.)
  10. Students review process from previous classes (definition of topic, examination of model, brainstorming, organizing, drafting, revising, editing, reading by audience, revising, re-editing, publishing) (5 min.)
  11. Students brainstorm possible topics for themselves. (10 min., with partner).
  12. Composition on “Who Am I” due through email by 7 p.m. on Thursday, 09/12 or through floppy disk by 8 a.m. on Friday, 09/13.
  13. Focus: getting the facts/close reading
    1. Students examine model essays by students who “read” Vermeer paintings. (10 min.)
    Students examine paintings by Vermeer, in order to “read” them. (10 min.)
    Day 2:
    Mr. Taylor talks 20 minutes with students.
  14. They continue “reading” Vermeer. Start own essay reading Vermeer. Students may work with one other student on a single painting, to gather ideas. The essay itself must be independently written. (Check to see if we will work in room 202 at 1 p.m.)
  15. Day 3:
    Focus: revision/
    1. Students bring solid Vermeer draft to class on paper (2 copies), to be read by at least 2 other students.
  16. Final draft due through email by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 09/17 or on floppy by 8 a.m. on 09/18.s
    Standards: 113, 114, 116, 125, 126, 314, 32, 411
    English 9 (9.01 on Days ACE; 9.03 on Days ABD; 9.06 on days ACD)
    Daily, teacher reads aloud from Hainey’s trans. of Beowulf.
    By end of week, collect students’ notes on the reading for that last day
    Day 1:
    FOCUS: solving problems in writing
    Start first composition. First, class lists steps in successful composition-- prewriting for ideas, writing, rewriting. Remind to identify audience, check organization, use detail, check form.
    For goals: did writing become easier during the assignment?
    Day 2:
    Daily Language Workout
    FOCUS: using note-taking skills, using graphic organizers, using teacher comments on your writing.
    Review marginal note-taking and review strategy for reading new text: do SQ3R, asking what do you know, what do you not know or understand, what can you figure out? Using Daybook , pages 10 to 11, students post notes on bulletin board with their answers to these questions; share answers to any questions.
    Follow directions for p. 12 (15 minutes).
    Depending on time, either start first 5 vocabs from Global or review value of graphic organizers. Practice that with Daybook 13.
    End class with students stating what they’ve learned.
    Day 3:
    Daily Language Workout
    FOCUS: pulling the lessons together
    Using Daybook, students fill out chart on p. 13.
    Writers’ Workshop: depending on what teacher found in this week’s composition, class breaks into focus groups— teachers tutor for indiv. needs. (While waiting for teacher, students get closure to this reading/writing section: Using pp. 14 and 15, students practice the skills from the earlier lessons.)
    Closure: students evaluate progress toward goal: did they use the tools from this week’s lessons more easily this time?
    Use first Global voc. if time permits, with students making flash cards, using their learning styles/multiple intelligences.
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422
    English 9x4 (Days ABCD)
    Daily, teacher reads aloud from Hainey’s trans. of Beowulf.
    By end of week, collect students’ notes on the reading for that last day.
    Day 1:
    Students make informal inventory of learning styles (describe to neighbor how you study successfully[verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, logical/mathematical interpersonal] Distribute Daybooks .
    Start first composition. First, class lists steps in successful composition-- prewriting for ideas, writing, rewriting. Remind to identify audience, check organization, use detail, check form.
    Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. What kinds of problems do you solve best [state at least 2]? Describe how you do that, after brainstorming (Due after 15 minutes.) Teacher collects papers.
    For goals: did writing become easier during the assignment?
    Days 2-3:
    Daily Language Workout
    Return compositions.
    FOCUS: to read more easily and to develop theme of this unit— Power of Love
    Study Skill: note-taking while reading: Teachers announce to students that we are conducting a scientific experiment. Students read poem on p. 11 and attempt p. 12 with no other preparation-- as pretest to see what the next lesson will help them to do. Ask students how successful they feel they were. Then review strategy for reading new text: do SQ3R, asking what do you know, what do you not know or understand, what can you figure out? Then tackle page 11 again. Revise comments on p. 12.
    Using Daybook , page 10, students post notes on bulletin board with their answers to these questions; share answers to any questions. This shows an approach related to SQ3R.
    Students practice these skills with Daybook p. 11. Use p. 12 for closure: when done writing response to directions, they state how this strategy helped their understanding, compared with their first attempt.
    Depending on time, either start first 5 vocabs from Global or review value of graphic organize
    Day 4:
    Daily Language Workout
    FOCUS: using graphic organizers effectively and pulling the lessons together.
    Using Daybook, students fill out chart on p. 13.
    Writers’ Workshop: depending on what teachers found in this week’s composition, class breaks into focus groups— teacher tutors for indiv. needs. (While waiting for teacher, students get closure to this reading/writing section: Using pp. 14 and 15, students practice the skills from the earlier lessons.)
    Use first Global voc., with students making flash cards, if time permits, using their learning styles/multiple intelligences.
    Standards: 115, 116, 122, 123, 125, 322, 323, 324, 41, 422


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