1. 8:35  POLICY - Second Reading      Att. 6
          1. A. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT
  3. Mr. Griswold Aye  Mr. Ratcliffe Absent  Mr. Wyse  Aye 
  4. Mr. Griswold Abstain  Mr. Ratcliffe Absent  Mr. Wyse Aye 
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  5. June 26, 2002
      1. Presented for Second Reading, June 26, 2002
        1. Confidentiality




DATE: June 26, 2002
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: District Office Board Room
6:30 Call to Order
6:30 Executive Session
7:30 Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES  
Att. 1
7:35 Pledge of Allegiance
7:40 Public Comment
7:45 Board Member Comments
7:50 Board President’s Comments
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Retirement Incentive
2. Retirement Recognition
3. Graduation
4. July Retreat
5. School Calendar Revision
Att. 2
6. Student Recognition – Perfect SAT Score
7. Student Questions
8:30 Items for Board Action:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. CSE/ CPSE Action
Att. 4
3. Consensus Agenda
Att. 5
1. Treasurer’s Report – May
2. Approve Social Studies Textbook
3. Award Copy Paper Bid
8:35 POLICY - Second Reading            Att. 6
8:40 Public Comment/Board Comments
8:45 Adjournment
Next Meeting: July 10, 2002 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
      (arrived @ 8:58 p.m.), (left @ 10:08 p.m.),        (Mr. Robusto entered the meeting @ 6:34 p.m.)    
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Wednesday, June 12, 2002    TIME: 6:30 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Anderson Brunner, Griswold, Johnson Lyke, Robusto (arrived @ 6:34 p.m.), Triou (left @ 9:43 p.m.;returned at 9:50 p.m,) Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin,, Armocida, Shaffer, La Ruche, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Pearles, Blankenberg, Green
ABSENT: Trustee Ratcliffe
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Mark A. Wyse, School Board President
Mr. Johnson offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 6:31 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 3 Absent (Mr. Anderson, Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Robusto), Carried.
III. RECONVENE:7:50 p.m.
IV. RECESS:      7:51 p.m.
V. RECONVENE:7:57 p.m.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingas presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Anderson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.
Mrs. Lyke offered a MOTION to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 29, 2002as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Anderson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.



Mr. Wyse noted that the Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to hear and respond to public comment, and therefore encourages public participation at school board meetings. A reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) minutes may be set aside at school board meetings for public comment. Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, their address, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic
A.  Cathy Contino, 2754 Daanseen Road, Palmyra, president of the Wayne Teachers' Association, encouraged the Board of Education to adopt the retirement incentive plans recently approved by the NYS Legislature and signed by the Governor. She noted that several of the district’s long-term teachers, many present this evening, are eligible for the incentive and that adoption of the incentive provides the school board the opportunity to acknowledge their dedication and loyalty to our schools and students. In addition, several of them have expressed an interest in the district’s teacher mentoring program if they retire, another benefit to the school district.
A. Mrs. Brunner stated that she and Mrs. Lyke attended the annual meeting of the Four County School Boards Association. The featured speaker was Dr. Katherine Keogh, President of St. John Fisher College, and the program included installation of Mrs. Jeanne Durfee of Walworth, a retired trustee and former board president, as president of the association for 2002-2003.
B. Mr. Robusto complimented the middle school staff for the recent awards recognition night and Edward Currier Awards luncheon for an event with “class and style.”
A. Mr. Wyse noted that a year-end event for the Board of Education is not planned.
B. Mr. Wyse extended compliments and congratulations to Michael Butts for scholarship honors as a newspaper carrier by Gannett Rochester Newspapers.


Mr. Havens noted that he, Mr. Atseff and Mr. Robusto are traveling to Albany with officials from the Town of Ontario tomorrow to meet with representatives of the NYS Office of Real Property Services about the assessed value of the nuclear power plant. He added that he is pleased with the two meetings conducted among school and town officials to date.



(James A. Beneway High School)


Mr. Havens introduced Megan Johnson, Desirae Rosdahl, and Elizabeth Holly of Cadet Girl Scout Troop 638 to make a presentation to the Board of Education as part of their silver award requirements.
The scouts explained that they chose to collect hard cover fiction books to donate to the high school’s library-media center and presented a sampling of the books they collected to Mrs. Morrin, high school principal.
Mr. Havens noted that significant effort was devoted by the scouts behind the scenes and thanked them for their donation to the school district.


Mr. Havens introduced John DonVito, chairperson of the social studies department at James A. Beneway High School, to present information about a proposed new textbook for ninth and tenth grade courses.
Mr. DonVito outlined the process used for review and selection of the textbooks from three (3) different publishers. They used several criteria, including alignment to state standards, curriculum requirements, readability levels, critical thinking skills to reinforce reading and writing skills, access to books on tape/CD-ROM, other visuals and links to web sites for student & teacher use, illustrations, maps, tests and student activities.
The committee recommends the Prentice-Hall textbook. If approved, use of the new book for global studies would begin in grade nine in the fall of 2002 and grade 10 in the fall of 2003.
Mr. Johnson asked if the publisher would update the CD-ROMs and if the proposed textbooks would meet Regents’ requirements; Mr. Don Vito stated yes.
Mr. Robusto asked how old the existing textbooks are for this course. Mr. Johnson asked how long the district would use the proposed new books. Mr. Don Vito stated that the books presently in use are eleven (11) years old and he anticipates use of the proposed new textbook for seven (7) years.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the proposed new textbooks are bound by glue or sewn and how long they are expected to survive. Mr. Don Vito stated that the new books are glued and that type of book has survived well in the past with proper care. Additional copies are purchased only as enrollment levels require.
Mr. Havens noted that the selection committee presented their recommendation to the administrative council and they recommend acceptance.
Mr. Triou asked about the sequence for purchase of the books; Mr. Don Vito provided details.
Mr. Wyse thanked Mr. Don Vito for his presentation and the selection committee for their efforts.

Mr. Havens introduced Ms. Kim Saxby, principal of Freewill Elementary School, to share details of the “Reach for the Stars” program at that school.
Ms. Saxby introduced Mrs. Tammy Scheuer, art teacher, and Mrs. Marty Hanley, speech teacher, who helped her outline the new program about world citizenship and character education among schools in the United States.
Ms. Saxby noted that Freewill Elementary School was the first in New York State selected for the “Team Encounter” program to include items in “Humanity’s First Starship” that will launch a payload from over 4 million people to points outside of the solar system in early 2004. The project is one of many Freewill Elementary School is conducting as part of emphasis on character education and world citizenship.
They shared the numerous activities underway and planned, including future exchanges with schools in Egypt and in the newly formed country of East Timor, copies of clippings of local media coverage, and presented a videotape of a local TV broadcast of the assembly on May 23 when the program was shared with students and staff.
Mr. Triou noted that his daughter had shared information about the assembly at home and was excited about the program.
Mr. Wyse complimented the staff on their efforts and thanked them for their presentation.
Mr. Havens introduced Ms. Bonnie Brown from Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., to present details of the proposed re-funding of the school district’s debt to meet new state aid and amortization guidelines.
Ms. Brown reviewed in detail worksheets on debt liabilities and payments (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting) and explained the proposed resolutions that trustees have for consideration this evening.
Discussion among trustees and Ms. Brown is generally summarized as follows:
Mr. Johnson asked if the state can sell bonds we issue at a different rate. Ms. Brown explained that rates for the bonds relate to state aid for our debt service.
Mr. Wyse asked what long-term liabilities the school district might face in this process; Ms. Brown explained how the re-financing proposals are aligned with district debt service and tax levy levels.
Mr. Griswold asked when the district last had no debt; Mr. Atseff stated he expects it was in the very early years of the district’s origin. Mr. Griswold asked if the state checks on the actual debt amount for which aid is issued; Mr. Atseff stated they do.
Mr. Atseff stated that the recommendation is to follow the re-finance plan proposed by Ms Brown.
Mr. Griswold asked if any districts are planning not to re-finance their debt. Ms. Brown stated she is aware of only a few who have less than 5 years left on their total debt obligations and would not experience a significant impact on their tax rates.
Mr. Griswold asked about the annual impact on the local property tax levy if the re-finance plan is or is not adopted. Ms. Brown reviewed both short-term and long-term costs for annual principal and interest expense to meet our debt payments.
Mr. Griswold asked how much state aid is involved and if the school district can re-finance its debt more than once. Mr. Atseff stated that the district’s total debt is appx. $9 million, the current aid ratio is 67% and the re-finance option is a one-time event. He noted that the state previously aided school districts over the total term of the debt and they are now changing to aid payments using a period of probable usefulness to extend the time for state payments of aid.
Mr. Griswold asked if the state could renege on future aid for our debt service if the district decided not to re-finance now. Ms. Brown stated that they could. Mr. Havens noted that the state is changing the rules now and there is no guarantee they would not change again in the future.
Mr. Triou asked for clarification on the re-finance plan for debt that may already have a lower fixed interest rate. Mr. Atseff and Ms. Brown provided details.
Ms. Brown noted that the proposed resolutions provide authorization for the Board of Education to continue the re-finance process and trustees still need to approve final rates and terms. Her firm will work with school district officials to determine the best time and rates to finalize an re-financing.
Mr. Robusto asked for an explanation of “true interest cost.” Ms. Brown provided an explanation.
Mr. Wyse and Mr. Havens thanked Ms. Brown for her presentation and information.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Liebert from the architect’s office and Mr. Porray from the construction management firm to present options for capital facilities improvements at James A. Beneway High School. He asked trustees to consider which options they wish the school district to pursue on proposals for capital improvements at the high school.
(Mr. Anderson entered the meeting @ 8:58 p.m.)
Mr. Liebert, Mr. Porray, Mr. Atseff, Mrs. Morrin, and Mr. Blankenberg presented and explained the pros and cons of several options for renovations, modifications and additions at the high school. Details of state aid were also reviewed.
Discussion is generally summarized as follows:
Mrs. Brunner asked how an addition of a swimming pool to the east side of the high school would impact track and field improvements. Mr. Liebert provided details.
Mr. Griswold asked where additional parking space is planned and how it might impact track and field improvements. Mr. Liebert provided details.
Mr. Griswold asked about estimates of state aid for the various options. Mr. Anderson noted that aid is uncertain until final decisions are made on new space and new uses of existing spaces. Mr. Atseff noted review and approval by the facilities planning staff at the NYS Education Department is also required.
(Mr. Triou left the meeting @ 9:43 p.m. and returned at 9:50 p.m.)
Mrs. Brunner asked about access to the high school by athletes with cleets; Mr. Blankenberg explained present and future arrangements. Mr. Havens commented on the potential for a team locker room in some of the options.
Mrs. Lyke stated she could envision problems with a swimming pool in a courtyard area near classrooms.
Mr. Wyse noted that shortage of storage is a long-term need at the high school and suggested possible uses of present or future courtyard areas for that purpose. Mr. Liebert noted that natural light for classrooms is a factor to consider and if storage space was new or renovated in terms of state aid.
Mr. Griswold asked about location of practice fields if two competition fields were built. Mr. Blankenberg reviewed field uses on the Ontario Center campus.



(1) Philip Van Bell, 3460 Ontario Center Road, Walworth, asked about student input into design options for capital improvements at the high school; he suggested that students use a courtyard during lunch periods when weather allows. Mr. Havens noted that he hopes to provide opportunity for student input as design plans proceed and that use of courtyards for lunch periods would also impact classes underway in adjacent classrooms.


(2) Deborah Cole, 620 Haley Road, Ontario, asked about permanent placement of student art work at school rather in than temporary formats to improve the school environment and recognize student work. Mr. Havens noted that the art work makes a great addition to the school setting but noted the need for flexibility for maintenance and painting of facilities.


XIII. RECESS:      9:52 p.m.
 (Mr. Johnson left the meeting @ 10:04 p.m.) 
XIV. RECONVENE: 10:05 p.m.
Mr. Wyse asked the pleasure of the Board of Education on the location of a proposed swimming pool in a possible capital facilities project at the high school.
Mrs. Brunner stated that she is sensitive to the best location to allow community uses and also isolate other portions of the building for security purposes; she supports the proposal to locate the pool in the space presently occupied by the dining room and applied technology (former industrial arts) shops at the high school.
Mr. Robusto asked if an indication of support for pool location this evening also reflects a final decision on other proposed capital facilities improvements at the high school. Mr. Atseff stated reflects only a final decision on a potential pool location.
By consensus, trustees endorsed a swimming pool in the space presently occupied by the dining room and applied technology (former industrial arts) shops at the high school.
Mr. Wyse asked the pleasure of the Board of Education on the proposed track and field improvements in a possible capital facilities project at the high school.
Mr. Anderson asked if orientation of the proposed second athletic field would be changed.
Mr. Havens noted that the proposed location of the bleachers would allow that to occur. Mr. Liebert stated that the initial proposal is to place the field parallel to the school building with the possibility to re-orient in the future.
Mr. Wyse suggested incorporating a single press box and set of field lights as part of the design of the bleacher system.
Mr. Triou asked about additional costs if two athletic fields are incorporated; Mr. Liebert stated appx. $320,000.

 By consensus, trustees agreed on planning for two athletic fields.

Mr. Anderson noted the differences in classroom size in the proposals compared to the past and present classroom spaces.

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Mr. Havens presented recommendations for award of tenure for instructional staff members for review and consideration by the Board of Education.

Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adopt a RESOLUTION to award tenure, as recommended by the superintendent of schools, TO WIT:


RESOLVED, that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the following named persons, certified in their respective areas, are hereby appointed to tenure in the areas and at the effective dates noted below:

Name      Tenure Area   Tenure Date
Brian Bizzigotti    Mathematics    8/31/02
Deborah Bussard    English      8/31/02
Jay Crofford      Music      8/31/02  
Rebecca Fafinski    Elementary Education  8/31/02
Tracy Harvey    Elementary Education  8/31/02
Elizabeth Hennessy    Elementary Education  8/31/02
Carla Herbst      Elementary Education  8/31/02
Brian Ingham    Mathematics    8/31/02
Lance Jason    Science      8/31/02
Stephanie Mordaci    Elementary Education  8/31/02
Dawn Pressimone    Library Media    8/31/02
Emory Roethel    Science      8/31/02
Cynthia Rutan    Elementary Education  8/31/02
Cynthia Freundschuh    Special Education  9/19/02
Melanie Stevenson    Special Education  8/31/02
Cathy Stohr      School Counselor    8/31/02
Krista Surowy    Special Education  8/31/02
Lisa Twitchell    Mathematics    8/31/02

On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson Mr. Ratcliffe).

Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:

Jane M. Fisher, school social worker/counselor, assigned to the middle school, effective August 31, 2002 (personal reasons)
Brian Jeary, technology teacher, assigned to the middle school, effective June 30, 2002 (personal reasons)
Kimberly Jenks, elementary teacher, assigned to the middle school, effective June 30, 2002 (personal reasons)
Thomas Bird, elementary teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, effective July 1, 2002 (personal reasons)



Donald Horner, physics teacher, assigned to the high school, a temporary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 at $43,680 (worked in a temporary appointment during 2001-2002)
Debra J. Knox, elementary teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2004 at $34,580. (worked in a temporary appointment during 2001-2002, replaces Kim Saxby, appointed principal of Freewill Elementary School)
Darlene V. Martino, elementary teacher (.50 FTE), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 at $34,580. (worked in a temporary appointment during spring semester, 2001-2002; replacement for Lisa Cook, on an unpaid leave of absence)
Sara Moran, music teacher (instrumental), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 at $37,894 (worked in a temporary appointment during the 2001-2002 school year, replacement for Barbara DePaull, on a leave of absence )
Corinn Africano-Pedrone, music teacher (instrumental), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, at $36,858 (worked on a temporary appointment during 2001-2002, replacement for Kathryn Bennett, on a leave of absence)

Additional Per Diem Substitute Teachers • Conditional Upon Fingerprint Clearance
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Barbara Heald, teaching assistant (computer lab), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, effective June 30, 2002 (accepted another position)




Catherine Kelliher, senior typist, assigned to the district office (curriculum and instruction), a permanent civil service appointment effective July 1, 2002, at current salary (having served a successful probationary period)
Cathy L. Rich, school monitor, assigned to transportation, a temporary civil service appointment effective May 16 through June 30, 2002 at $7.25/hour (replacement for Barbara Twist)


Temporary Appointments ● Summer Help ● Building and Grounds Department

Adult Supervisors (35 days @ 6.5 hours /day)
  Audrey Anderson    $7.25/hr.    MS  (11 years experience)
 Tanya Lucieer    $6.85/hr.    OE  (8 years experience)
 TBD      TBD    HS  
 TBD      TBD    OP  
 TBD      TBD    FE
Student Cleaners (35 days @ 6 hours /day)
  Alex Miner    $5.15/hr.    HS
 Ashley Behringer    $5.15/hr.    HS  
 Jason Kowalski    $5.65/hr.    HS  (2 years experience)
 Justin Hanagan    $5.40/hr.    HS  (2 years experience)  
Vincent Bianchi    $5.15/hr.    MS  
 Amber Doty    $5.15/hr.    MS
 Nicholas Zufelt    $5.15/hr.    MS
 Kristopher Staub    $5.15/hr.    MS
 Shana Jordan    $5.15/hr.    OE  
Daniel Uerz    $5.65/hr.    OE  (2 years experience)  
Eric Molino    $5.40/hr.    OP  (1 year experience)  
Michael Winder    $5.65/hr.    OP  (2 years experience)
Jared Winder    $5.40/hr.    OP  (1 year experience)  
Jim Carson    $5.65/hr.    FE  (2 years experience)
Jordan Cole    $5.15/hr.    FE  
Stephanie Baker    $5.15/hr.    FE  
Painter (32 days @ 7.5 hours/day)    Elaine Cantwell    $7.25/hr.    
Grounds Helpers (32 days @7.5hrs./day)
Nathan Winder    $5.90/hr.    (2 years experience)
Jeff Brayer    $5.90/hr.    (2 years experience)

Addendum to the Annual Appointment of Substitute Bus Drivers

See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting


Penny Morse, cleaner assigned to the middle school, an FMLA unpaid leave of absence effective June 14 through September 10, 2002 (medical reasons)

Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.
(1) Approve Board of Education Meeting Calendar ● 2002-2003
(2) Approve Budget Transfers
(3) Accept Gift to the District ● Freewill Elementary Parent Group
(4) Award Bid for Tires & Tubes ● 2002-2003
(5) Award Bid for Vehicle and Bus Parts ● 2002-2003
(6) Adopt Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract (Rush-Henrietta CSD)
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education. He requested addition of July 24th to the proposed school board meeting schedule for 2002-2003.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Approve the schedule of Board of Education meetings for the 2002-2003 school year (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(2) Approve budget transfers pursuant to Policy #6150 (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(3) Accept a gift to the school district of $1,727.00 from Freewill Elementary Parent Group to purchase furniture for the reading corner located in the library-media center
(4) Award the bid for tires & tubes for 2002-2003 to Tallmadge Tire Service, 1285 Route 318, Waterloo, N.Y. 13165, the lowest responsible bidder, in a total amount $23,606.84 (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(5) Award bids for vehicle and bus parts for 2002-2003 to Hoselton Chevrolet, 909 Fairport Road, Rochester, N.Y., the lowest responsible bidder (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(6)Adopt a RESOLUTION for a non-public health services contract with Rush-Henrietta CSD, TO WIT:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the contract for health services with the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for the 2001-2002 school year, and hereby authorizes the school board president, superintendent of schools and school district clerk to execute the contract (copy filed in clerk’s files)
Mr. Anderson asked why the non-public health services contract is presented so late in the school year. Mr. Havens and Mr. Atseff noted that the billing districts send the contracts at differing times during the year.
On the question, the consensus agenda was approved/adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe).

Mr. Havens presented the proposed resolutions prepared by bond counsel for re-financing of school district debt for review and consideration by the Board of Education.

Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to adopt a RESOLUTION related to re-funding of school district debt, TO WIT:  

WHEREAS, the Wayne Central School District, New York (the “School District”) has heretofore duly issued $9,612,000 aggregate principal amount of school district (Serial) Bonds, 1992, such bonds being dated January 15, 1992 and maturing in annual installments in each of the years 1993 to 2007, both inclusive (the “1992A Refunded Bonds”), $6,950,000 aggregate principal amount of School District (Serial) Bonds, 1992, such bonds being dated June 1, 1992 and maturing in annual installments in each of the years 1993 to 2007, both inclusive (the “1992B Refunded Bonds”), $10,000,000 aggregate principal amount of School District (Serial) Bonds, 1999, such bonds being dated February 15, 1999 and maturing in annual installments in each of the years 1999 to 2008, both inclusive (the “1999A Refunded Bonds”), and $1,495,000 aggregate principal amount of school district (serial) bonds, 1999, such bonds being dated June 15, 1999 and maturing in annual installments in each of the years 2000 to 2010, both inclusive (the “1999B Refunded Bonds”) (collectively, the “Refunded Bonds”), as more fully described therein; and
WHEREAS, the 1992A Refunded Bonds were authorized pursuant to a bond resolution dated March 27, 1991, to pay costs of capital improvements consisting of additions to, and reconstruction of, school buildings; the 1992B Refunded Bonds were authorized pursuant to a bond resolution dated March 27, 1991, to pay costs of capital improvements consisting of the construction of and addition to school buildings and a bond resolution dated March 27, 1991, to pay costs of capital improvements consisting of additions to, and reconstruction of, school buildings; the 1999A Refunded Bonds were authorized pursuant to bond resolutions dated January 14, 1998, to pay costs of capital improvements consisting of additions to, and reconstruction of, school buildings; and the 1999B Refunded Bonds were authorized pursuant to a bond resolution dated January 14, 1998, to pay costs of capital improvements consisting of additions to, and reconstruction of, school buildings; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the public interest to refund all, or one or more, or a portion of one or more, of the $2,250,000 outstanding principal balance of the 1992A Refunded Bonds, the $1,625,000 outstanding principal balance of the 1992B Refunded Bonds, the $3,875,000 outstanding principal balance of the 1999A Refunded Bonds, and the $895,000 outstanding principal balance of the 1999B Refunded Bonds (all such outstanding principal balances being stated as of July 1, 2002), each by the issuance of refunding bonds pursuant to §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, and
WHEREAS, each such refunding will individually result in present value savings in debt service as required by §90.10 of the Local Finance Law unless exempted therefrom pursuant to the provisions of §90.10 b.2(e) of the Local Finance Law.
Section 1: For the object or purpose of refunding the $8,645,000 outstanding aggregate principal amount of the refunded bonds, including providing moneys which, together with the interest earned from the investment of certain of the proceeds of the refunding bonds herein authorized shall be sufficient to pay; (i) the principal amount of the refunded bonds; (ii) the aggregate amount of unmatured interest payable on the refunded bonds to and including the maturity dates thereof or the date on which the refunded bonds which are callable are to be redeemed prior to their respective maturities in accordance with the refunding financial plan, as hereinafter defined; (iii) the costs and expenses incidental to the issuance of refunding bonds herein authorized, if any, that are not to be paid from current funds available therefor, including, without limitation, the development of the refunding financial plan, compensation to the underwriter, as hereinafter defined, costs and expenses of executing and performing the terms and conditions of the escrow contract, as hereinafter defined, and fees and charges of the escrow holder, as hereinafter mentioned; (iv) the redemption premium, if any, to be paid on the refunded bonds which are to be called prior to their respective maturities, if any; and (v) the premium or premiums for a policy or policies of municipal bond insurance or cost or costs of other credit enhancement facility or facilities for the refunding bonds herein authorized, or any portion thereof, there are hereby authorized to be issued not exceeding $9,195,000 refunding serial bonds of the school district pursuant to the provisions of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law (the “Refunding Bonds”), it being anticipated that the amount of refunding bonds actually to be issued will be up to approximately $8,975,000, as provided in §4 hereof. the refunding bonds described herein are hereby authorized to be consolidated for purposes of sale in one or more refunding serial bond issues. the refunding bonds shall each be designated substantially “SCHOOL DISTRICT REFUNDING (SERIAL) BOND” together with such series designation and year as is appropriate on the date of sale thereof, shall be of the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (except for any odd denominations, if necessary) not exceeding the principal amount of each respective maturity, shall be dated on such dates, and shall mature annually on such dates in such years, bearing interest semi-annually on such dates, as the rate or rates of interest per annum, as may be necessary to sell the same, all as shall be determined by the President of the Board of Education pursuant to §4 hereof. It is hereby further determined that (a) such refunding bonds may be issued in series, (b) such refunding bonds may be sold at a discount in the manner authorized by paragraph a of §57.00 of the Local Finance Law pursuant to subdivision 2 of paragraph (f) of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, and (c) such refunding bonds may be issued as a single consolidated issue. It is hereby further determined that such refunding bonds may be issued to refund all, or any portion of, the refunded bonds, subject to the limitation hereinafter described in §10 hereof relating to approval by the State Comptroller.
Section 2: The refunding bonds may be subject to redemption prior to maturity upon such terms as the President of the Board of Education shall prescribe, which terms shall be in compliance with the requirements of §53.00 (b) of the Local Finance Law. If less than all of the refunding bonds of any maturity are to be redeemed, the particular refunding bonds of such maturity to be redeemed shall be selected by the school district by lot in any customary manner of selection as determined by the President of the Board of Education. Notice of such call for redemption shall be given by mailing such notice to the registered owners not less than thirty (30) days prior to such date and as otherwise provided in Securities and Exchange Commission Release No. 34-23856, as the same may be amended from time to time. Notice of redemption having been given as aforesaid, the bonds so called for redemption shall, on the date for redemption set forth in such call for redemption, become due and payable, together with interest to such redemption date, and interest shall cease to be paid thereon after such redemption date.
The refunding bonds shall be issued in registered form and shall not be registrable to bearer or convertible into bearer coupon form. In the event said refunding bonds are issued in non-certificated form, such bonds, when issued, shall be initially issued in registered form in denominations such that one bond shall be issued for each maturity of bonds and shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (“DTC”), which will act as securities depository for the bonds in accordance with the book-entry-only system of DTC. In the event that either DTC shall discontinue the book-entry-only system, or the school district shall terminate its participation in such book-entry-only system, such bonds shall thereafter be issued in certificated form of the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof (except for any odd denominations, if necessary) not exceeding the principal amount of each respective maturity. In the case of non-certificated refunding bonds, principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable by check or draft mailed by the fiscal agent (as hereinafter defined) to the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, or to its nominee, Cede & Co., while the bonds are registered in the name of Cede & Co. in accordance with such book-entry-only system. Principal shall only be payable upon surrender of the bonds at the principal corporate trust office of such fiscal agent (or at the office of the school district clerk as fiscal agent as hereinafter provided).
In the event said refunding bonds are issued in certificated form, principal of and interest on the refunding bonds shall be payable by check or draft mailed by the fiscal agent (as hereinafter defined) to the registered owners of the refunding bonds as shown on the registration books of the school district maintained by the fiscal agent (as hereinafter defined), as of the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month or last business day of the calendar month preceding each interest payment date as appropriate and as provided in a certificate of the President of the Board of Education providing for the details of the refunding bonds. Principal shall only be payable upon surrender of bonds at the principal corporate trust office of a bank or trust company or banks or trust companies located or authorized to do business in the State of New York, as shall hereafter be designated by the President of the Board of Education as fiscal agent of the school district for the refunding bonds (collectively, the “Fiscal Agent”). refunding bonds in certificated form may be transferred or exchanged at any time prior to maturity at the principal corporate trust office of the fiscal agent for bonds of the same maturity of any authorized denomination or denominations in the same aggregate principal amount. Principal and interest on the Refunding Bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America.
The President of the Board of Education, as chief fiscal officer of the school district, is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement or agreements containing such terms and conditions as he shall deem proper with the fiscal agent, for the purpose of having such bank or trust company or banks or trust companies act in connection with the refunding bonds as the fiscal agent for said school district, to perform the services described in §70.00 of the Local Finance Law, and to execute such agreement or agreements on behalf of the school district, regardless of whether the refunding bonds are initially issued in certificated or non-certificated form; provided, however, that the President of the Board of Education is also hereby authorized to name the school district clerk as the fiscal agent in connection with the refunding bonds if said refunding bonds are issued in non-certificated form.
The President of the Board of Education is hereby further delegated all powers of this Board of Education with respect to agreements for credit enhancement, derived from and pursuant to §168.00 of the Local Finance Law, for said refunding bonds, including, but not limited to the determination of the provider of such credit enhancement facility or facilities and the terms and contents of any agreement or agreements related thereto.
The refunding bonds shall be executed in the name of the school district by the manual or facsimile signature of the President of the Board of Education, and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon. In the event of facsimile signature, the refunding bonds shall be authenticated by the manual signature of an authorized officer or employee of the fiscal agent. The refunding bonds shall contain the recital required by subdivision 4 of paragraph (j) of § 90.10 of the Local Finance Law and the recital of validity clause provided for in §52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by § 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the President of the Board of Education shall determine. It is hereby determined that it is to the financial advantage of the school district not to impose and collect from registered owners of the refunding bonds any charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph (e) of §70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no such charges shall be so collected by the fiscal agent.
Section 3: It is hereby determined that: (a) the maximum amount of the refunding bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed the limitation imposed by subdivision 1 of paragraph b of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law; (b) the maximum period of probable usefulness permitted by law at the time of the issuance of each issue of the refunded bonds for the object or purpose for which the refunded bonds were issued is as follows: (i) 1992A Refunded Bonds - 20 years, pursuant to Subdivision 12 of paragraph a. of §11.00 of the Local Finance Law, (ii) 1992B Refunded Bonds - 20 years, pursuant to Subdivision 12 of paragraph a. of §11.00 of the Local Finance Law, (iii) 1999ARefunded Bonds - 20 years, pursuant to Subdivision 12 of paragraph a. of §11.00 of the Local Finance Law, and (iv) 1999BRefunded Bonds - 20 years, pursuant to Subdivision 12 of paragraph a. of §11.00 of the Local Finance Law; provided, however, to the extent permitted by existing law, the period of probable usefulness in each such case is hereby determined to be thirty (30) years, pursuant to subdivision 97 of paragraph a. of §11.00 of the Local Finance Law, with respect to each underlying series or purpose, computed from the date of the first obligations issued therefor; and (c) the estimated present value of the total debt service savings anticipated as a result of the issuance of the refunding bonds, computed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 2 of paragraph b of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, with regard to each of the refunded bonds subject to such requirements, if any, is as shown in the refunding financial plan described in §4 hereof.
Section 4: The financial plan for the refunding authorized by this resolution (the “refunding financial plan”), showing the sources and amounts of all moneys required to accomplish such refunding, and, to the extent required by the Local Finance Law, the estimated present value of the total debt service savings, and the basis for the computation of the aforesaid estimated present value of total debt service savings, if any, are set forth in the exhibit attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. The refunding financial plan has been prepared based upon the assumption that the refunding bonds will be issued in a single series to refund all of the refunded bonds and that the refunding bonds will mature, be of such terms, and bear interest as set forth in said refunding financial plan. This Board of Education recognizes that the refunding bonds may be issued in series, and for only one or more of the refunded bonds, or portions thereof, that the amount of the refunding bonds, maturities, terms, interest rate or rates borne by the refunding bonds and provisions for redemption thereof prior to maturity, if applicable, will most probably be different from such assumptions and that the refunding financial plan will also most probably be different from that attached hereto. The President of the Board of Education is hereby authorized and directed to determine which of the refunded bonds will be refunded and at what time, the amount of the refunding bonds to be issued, the maturities and terms thereof, the provisions relating to the redemption of refunding bonds prior to maturity, if any, whether the refunding bonds will be insured by a policy or policies of municipal bond insurance or otherwise enhanced by a credit enhancement facility or facilities, whether the refunding bonds shall be sold at a discount in the manner authorized by paragraph c of §57.00 of the Local Finance Law, and the rate or rates of interest to be borne thereby, whether the refunding bonds shall be issued having substantially level or declining annual debt service and all matters related thereto, and to prepare, or cause to be provided, a final refunding financial plan and, in accordance herewith, all powers in connection therewith are hereby delegated to the President of the Board of Education, provided that the terms of the refunding bonds to be issued, including the rate or rates of interest borne thereby, shall comply with the requirements of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law. The President of the Board of Education shall file a copy of his or her certificate determining the details of the refunding bonds and the final refunding financial plan with the school district clerk within ten (10) days after the delivery of the refunding bonds, as herein provided.
Section 5: The President of the Board of Education is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an escrow contract or contracts (collectively, the “Escrow Contract”) with a bank or trust company or banks or trust companies located and authorized to do business in this state as he or she shall designate (collectively, the “escrow holder”) for the purpose of having the escrow holder act, in connection with the refunding bonds, as the escrow holder to perform the services described in § 90.10 of the Local Finance Law.
Section 6: The faith and credit of said Wayne Central School District, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the refunding bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year. There shall be annually levied on all the taxable real property within said school district a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such refunding bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 7: All of the proceeds from the sale of the refunding bonds, including the premium, if any, but excluding accrued interest thereon, shall immediately upon receipt thereof be placed in escrow with the escrow holder. Accrued interest on the bonds shall be paid to the school district to be expended to pay interest on the refunding bonds. Such proceeds as are deposited in the escrow deposit fund to be created and established pursuant to the escrow contract, whether in the form of cash or investments, or both, inclusive of any interest earned from the investment thereof, shall be irrevocably committed and pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the refunded bonds in accordance with §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, and the holders from time to time of the refunded bonds shall have a lien upon such moneys held by the escrow holder. Such pledge and lien shall become valid and binding upon the issuance of the refunding bonds and the moneys and investments held by the escrow holder in the escrow deposit fund shall immediately be subject thereto without any further act. Such pledge and lien shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the school district irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.
Section 8: Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, so long as any of the refunding bonds shall be outstanding, the school district shall not use, or permit the use of, any proceeds from the sale of the refunding bonds in any manner which would cause the refunding bonds to be an “arbitrage bond” as defined in §148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations promulgated by the United States Treasury Department thereunder, as then in effect.
Section 9: Subject only to the issuance of the refunding bonds as herein authorized, the school district hereby elects to redeem all of the refunded bonds maturing on and after the date of issuance of the refunding bonds that are callable at a present value savings, if any. Upon the issuance of the refunding bonds, the election to redeem such callable refunded bonds shall become irrevocable. The escrow agent for the refunding bonds is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such call for redemption to be given in the name of the school district in the manner and within the time provided in the respective refunded bonds. such notice of redemption shall be in substantially the form attached to the escrow contract. Upon the issuance of the refunding bonds, the election to call in and redeem the callable refunded bonds and the direction to the escrow agent to cause notice thereof to be given as provided in this paragraph shall become irrevocable, provided that this paragraph may be amended from time to time as may be necessary in order to comply with the publication requirements of paragraph a of §53.00 of the Local Finance Law, or any successor law thereto.
Section 10: The refunding bonds shall be sold at private sale to the underwriter or underwriters duly determined by the President of the Board of Education (collectively, the “Underwriter”) for purchase prices to be determined by the President of the Board of Education, plus accrued interest from the date or dates of the refunding bonds to the date or dates of delivery of a payment for the refunding bonds, it being hereby determined that this Board of Education did announce at a regular public meeting of the Board of Education at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date hereof the intent of the school district to accept proposals for the refunding of its refunded bonds and all such proposals therefor have been discussed at a second public meeting of the Board of Education on the date hereof at least fourteen (14) days after said announcement. Subject to the approval of the terms and conditions of such private sale by the State Comptroller as required by subdivision 2 of paragraph f of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, the President of the Board of Education is hereby authorized to execute and deliver a purchase contract for the refunding bonds in the name and on behalf of the school district providing the terms and conditions for the sale and delivery of the refunding bonds to the underwriter. After the Refunding Bonds have been duly executed, they shall be delivered by the President of the Board of Education to the Underwriter in accordance with said purchase contract upon the receipt by the school district of said purchase price, including accrued interest.
Section 11: The President of the Board of Education and all other officers, employees and agents of the school district are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the school district to execute and deliver all certificates and other documents, perform all acts and do all things required or contemplated to be executed, performed or done by this resolution or any document or agreement approved hereby.
Section 12: All other matters pertaining to the terms, issuance and sale of the refunding bonds, consistent with the provisions of §90.10 of the Local Finance Law, including without limitation, the determination to issue refunding bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the President of the Board of Education and all powers in connection therewith not otherwise heretofore delegated thereto are hereby delegated to the board president.
Section 13:  The validity of the refunding bonds may be contested only if:

(1) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said school district is not authorized to expend money, or
(2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution (or a summary hereof) are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or
(3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

Section 14: This resolution, which takes effect immediately, or a summary hereof, shall be published in full in each official newspaper of said school district, together with a notice in substantially the form provided in §81.00 of the Local Finance Law.


Mr. Griswold asked if the school board will need to take any further action related to the re-finance process. Mr. Atseff stated that the Board of Education would receive the specific term and rates and make a final decision.
Mr. Griswold noted that the text of the resolution appears to indicate that the Board of Education is not required to take any further action. Mr. Havens stated that is not the case and trustees will have the information to review prior to final decisions.
Mr. Wyse stated that the proposed action this evening allows the process to begin to obtain quotes for the bonds as explained by Ms Brown.
Mr. Triou stated that her presentation was very good and feels he is informed.
Mr. Griswold asked about the intent of the second proposed resolution. Mr. Atseff explained that it authorizes the use of the fiscal advisors and underwriter named in the resolution.
On roll call vote, the RESOLUTION was adopted:
Mr. Anderson  Aye    Mr. Johnson  Absent    Mr. Robusto    Aye
Mrs. Brunner
Mrs. Lyke  Aye    Mr. Triou    Aye

Back to top

Mr. Griswold
AyeMr. Ratcliffe  Absent    Mr. Wyse    Aye  

Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Triou , to adopt a RESOLUTION related to advance re-funding of school district debt, TO WIT:


WHEREAS, the Wayne Central School District, New York (the “school district”), as of july 1, 2002, will have outstanding $8,645,000 aggregate principal amount of school district bonds (the “refunded bonds”), as more fully described therein; and
WHEREAS, it may be in the public interest to refund all, or one or more, or a portion of one or more, of such outstanding principal balance of the refunded bonds, each by the issuance of refunding bonds (the “Refunding Bonds”) pursuant to §90.10 of the Local Finance Law.


Section 1:It is hereby determined and declared that this Board of Education did announce at a regular public meeting of the Board of Education on May 29, 2002 the intent of the school district to accept proposals and qualifications for the refunding of its refunded bonds and all such proposals and qualifications therefor have been discussed at a second public meeting of the Board of Education on the date hereof, at least fourteen (14) days after such announcement.
Section 2: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc. has been appointed and authorized, as financial advisor to the school district, to assist in soliciting proposals and qualifications from underwriters for the refunding of the Refunded Bonds and has reported on the proposals and qualifications received to the Board of Education at this meeting, at which all such proposals and qualifications have been discussed. Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc. is hereby authorized to assist the school district to sell the refunding bonds to First Albany Corporation at private sale, pursuant to the refunding bond resolution previously adopted.
Section 3: This RESOLUTION shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

On roll call vote, the RESOLUTION was adopted:

Mr. Anderson  Aye    Mr. Johnson  Absent    Mr. Robusto  Aye  
Mrs. Brunner
Aye Mrs. Lyke  Aye    Mr. Triou  Aye

Back to top

Mr. Griswold
AbstainMr. Ratcliffe  Absent    Mr. Wyse  Aye  


XVII. POLICY ITEMS ● First Reading


1230 Public Participation at Board Meetings
2330 Executive Session
2510 New Board Member Orientation
Mr. Triou presented revisions and additions to policy statements noted above for first reading and review by the Board of Education.

Mrs. Brunner asked for clarification on the proposed revisions for Policy 2510. Mr. Triou provided details.
Mr. Anderson suggested modifications to proposed revisions to Policy 2330, as follows:
1st Paragraph: Delete “follow-up” at end of the last sentence to insure that a response is made to items raised by speakers during public comment.
3rd Paragraph: Delete “It is suggested that” and begin the sentence with “Each speaker will limit ..”
Mr. Anderson also noted that a speaker was allowed to use the speaking time of another person at a prior meeting and asked if the proposed revisions to Policy 2330 should address that issue. Mr. Triou noted the one-sentence final paragraph that allows the discretion of the school board president on orderly meeting conduct.
Mr. Anderson has a concern that such a provision could lead to differing approaches from one meeting or year to another and to selectively allowing persons to speak.
Mr. Wyse stated that his intent in referring this issue to the policy committee was to develop clarification and guidance in policy in managing public comment time by the school board president, now and in the future.
Mr. Robusto stated his view that it is the responsibility of the school board president to maintain an orderly business meeting. Mr. Griswold noted that the school board president should have discretion to determine the process with the option to accept or modify such discretion left to the school board at large
Mr. Wyse stated he was uncomfortable with the three-(3) minutes and additional two-(2) minutes; he prefers only three (3) minutes or only five (5) minutes per speaker.
By consensus, trustees referred this matter to the policy committee for review prior to second reading.
Mr. Triou noted a question raised by Mr. Anderson at the prior meeting on student “directory information” and use and publication of student names and photos in print and non-print media. He reviewed existing Policy 5500 on “directory information” and the process for notification of and formal withholding of information by parents.
Mr. Griswold asked if guidelines for publication of student names and images on the Internet were separate. Mr. Triou stated they were.
Mr. Anderson asked how the notification to parents is made. Mr. Triou noted that it is now a general notice in the school district’s calendar-directory distributed each summer. Mr. Anderson asked how that document is distributed; Mr. Switzer stated by bulk mail to each postal customer in the school district. Mr. Anderson stated that a person could argue that they never received notification about release of directory information since there is no assurance every resident receives or reads items distributed by bulk mail.
Mrs. Lyke noted that with the increasing use of the Internet, this issue presents new concerns and clarifications for school districts.
Mr. Wyse suggested referring the matter to the policy committee for further review and discussion; by consensus, this was accepted by trustees

Mr. Triou noted that the next policy committee meeting is set for Monday, June 17th @ 4:00 p.m. at the district office.
A. Cathy Contino, supra, asked if the discussion this evening on release of student “directory information” changes the practice that teachers are unable to release student phone numbers. Mr. Havens stated that the existing practice will continue of release of that information only with approval of the building principal.
B. Cathy Contino, supra, noted that many serious and long-range issues were discussed this evening, among which she considers the retirement incentive plans. She asked that trustees give careful consideration to adoption of the incentive plans.
A. Mr. Griswold commented that the presentations this evening on potential track and field improvements illustrate that the district has come a long way since prior discussions on a press box.
B. Mr. Anderson commented that the proposals for capital improvement projects has evolved from a press box only to a potential $17 million project including a press box.
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ratcliffe), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
June 26, 2002
School District Clerk


Att. 2

Att. 3


To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Robert E. Pearles, Jr., Director of Human Resources
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  June 26, 2002
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
 Kimberly M. Verstringhe – Special Education Teacher assigned to Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective June 30, 2002. For personal reasons.
Leave of Absence:
 Wally Cordaro – Business Teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a temporary appointment effective May 20, 2002 through June 24, 2002 at $35,000 prorated. Replacement for Jeannine Nowak who is on a leave of absence. 
 Patricia M. Dombroski – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $34,000 (Base plus masters’) BS degree from Indiana University; MS degree from SUNY Brockport) Replacement for Pat Pierson who is retiring.
 Sarah T. Fry – Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Primary School, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $32,750. (BS degree from SUNY Geneseo) Replacement for Fran Hastings who is retiring.
 Jill M. Ghysel – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $34,000 (Base plus masters’) (BA degree from SUNY Empire State; MS degree from Nazareth College) Replacement for Catherine Contino who is retiring.
 Daniel J. Kielon – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $32,750.
(BS degree from SUNY Oswego) Replacement for Tom Bird who resigned.
 Sarah M. Lohr – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $32,750. (BS degree from St. Bonaventure University; MS degree from Nazareth College) New position
Jody Mutschler – School Counselor assigned to Eagle Ventures at James A. Beneway High School, a two-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2004 at $45,250. Ms. Mutschler has been a .6 FTE Counselor working with Eagle Ventures during the 2002-2003 school year.
 Eryne B. Quinn – Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Elementary, a two-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2004 at $36,000 (Base plus masters’). (BS and MS degree from SUNY Geneseo; 5 years experience) Replacement for Marianne Tarbellwho is retiring.
 Carrie L. St. Pierre – Elementary Teacher assigned to Freewill Elementary, a two-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2004 at $39,027 (Base plus masters’) (BA degree from Hobart and William Smith Colleges; MS degree from Nazareth College; 7 years experience) MS degree from Nazareth College) Replacement for Casey Sheehan.
 Shari A. Sohn – Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Elementary, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $34,000 (Base plus masters’). (BS degree from St. John Fisher College; MS degree from Nazareth College) Replacement for Kristen Hastings who has been reassigned to Ontario Primary School.
 Megan Zipprich – Elementary Teacher assigned to Ontario Elementary, a three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 at $33,280. (AS degree from Mater Dei College; BS degree from SUNY Binghamton; 1 year experience) Replacement for Julie Wells who has been reassigned to Ontario Primary School.
For your information:
Kristen Hastings will be teaching first grade at Ontario Primary School during the 2002-2003 school year. Replacement for Marlena Dietrich who is retiring.
Karen Palmer will work during the 2002-2003 year as a .5 FTE Community Services Liaison and .5 FTE School Counselor assigned to the Eagle Ventures program at Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School.
Julie Wells will be teaching kindergarten at Ontario Primary School during the 2002-2003 school year. Replacement for Rebecca Fafinski who is moving to mutli-age.
 Dale Hilfiker – Custodian assigned to the Maintenance Department (Freewill Elementary School), effective August 12, 2002 and contingent upon his appointment to another position.
Leave of Absence:
 Patricia A. Genesky – Teaching Assistant (Computer Lab) assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a six-month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 4, 2002 through March 4, 2003 at $9.55/hour. Replacement for Barbara Heald who accepted another position.
 Dale Hilfiker – Cleaner assigned to the Maintenance Department (Freewill Elementary School), a six-month probationary Civil Service appointment effective August 13, 2002 through February 12, 2003 at $11.49/hour.
Cindy Sherrill – Senior Typist assigned to the District Office, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective June 26, 2002 at current salary.
Addendum to the Temporary appointments for Summer Help in the Building and Grounds Department:
Painters (32 days @7.5hrs./day)
Linda Cone    $6.00/hour
For your information:
Sandy Weis – Typist (10 month) assigned to James A. Beneway High School, will move to a twelve-month position, effective June 28, 2002. Replacement for Daughn Higgins who is retiring.

Att. 4
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 6/26/02
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 97020 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Mark Hilton @ home
Time of Services: see Related Service
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 12/4/01
Recommended Placement : EI   Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97068 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Roosevelt Children's Center @ Williamson
Time of Services: 5x/wk @ half days (AM)
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 5/14/02
Recommended Placement : Last Program:
3x/wk @ 30 min (2 group, 1 ind.)
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97549 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Rochester Hearing & Speech @ Webster
Time of Services: 5x/wk @ half days (AM)
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 4/11/02
Recommended Placement : Integrated Special Class 12:1:1   Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
3x/wk @ 30 minutes (2 individual, 1 group)
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 1 of 2
CPSE Recommendations to the Board of Education
Date: 6/26/02
The Committee recommends that the following program be arranged, or approved, for the
following students. Parents are in agreement with this recommendation.
Student: # 97792 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Bright Start @ home
Time of Services: See related services
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 3/26/02
Recommended Placement : Early Intervention   Last Program:
2x/wk@30min (ind)
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: 2x/wk@30min (ind)
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97912 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Jeanne Collins @ home
Time of Services: See Related Services
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 4/4/02
Recommended Placement : EI   Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Student: # 97933 Grade && Year:   Preschool (02-03)
School: Stepping Stones
Time of Services: 2hours/week
Classification: Preschool Child w/a Disability
Last Psychological: 5/19/02
Recommended Placement : Early Intervention   Last Program:
Related Speech and/or Language:
Occupational Therapy:
Physical Therapy: None
Counseling: None
Adapted Physical Education:
Other: None
Page 2 of 2
Att. 5

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE: Consensus Agenda

DATE:  June 26, 2002

The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:


1. Approve May, 2002 Treasurer’s Report


2. Approve Social Studies Textbook Replacement Selection


3. Award Copy Paper Bid



Consensus Agenda #2 
DATE: JUNE 26, 2002
I am recommending the Prentice Hall World History: Connections to Today textbook for our 9th and 10th grade social studies classes. This text is of high quality, offers rich resources to our teachers, and is accessible to all learners providing both enrichment and remedial opportunities. It is strongly aligned to the state standards and will aid us in creating a scope and sequence that is aligned with the Global History Regents Exam.
Consensus Agenda #3
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: June 26, 2002
RE: BOCES Cooperative Bid for Xerographic, Personal Computing, & Fine Papers
Wayne Central School District participated in a cooperative bid with the schools in the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES area for Xerographic, Personal Computing & Fine Papers.
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES awarded the bid by groupings. Bids include all shipping & delivery charges.
I recommend that we accept the recommendation of the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES to award the bid for Xerographic, Personal Computing, & Fine Papers to the following Savin Corporation, the lowest bidder for Xerographic Paper, and Economy Paper for Card Stock. Below is our portion of the bid, which is based on estimated quantities:
Bid Total
1. Savin Corporation
1531 Boettler Rd., Ste. E
Uniontown, OH 44685
2. Economy Paper
1175 East Main St.
Rochester, NY 14609


Att. 6

1230  Public Participation at Board Meetings
2330   Executive Session
2510  New Board Member Orientation
4670  Transfer of Student Credits Toward
   High School Diploma

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June 26, 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee             2510
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]              
Presented for Second Reading, June 26, 2002



The Board of Education and the administrative staff shall assist each new board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the [Board’s] school board’s functions, policies and procedures, and the school district's operation, before taking office. Each board member-elect shall, as soon as possible, be:
1.   [be] given selected materials covering the function of the Board of Education and the school district, including (a) policy manual, (b) copies of key reports prepared during the previous year by school board committees and/or the administration, (c) the School Law Handbook prepared by the New York State School Boards Association, (d) access to minutes of [Board] school board meetings of the previous year, (e) latest financial report of the district, (f) copies of pertinent materials developed by the New York State School Boards Association, and (g) any other materials which may be deemed helpful and informative
2.  [be] invited to attend [all Board] school board meetings and functions and to participate in discussion. [including executive sessions, and to participate in discussion. The Board President will explain to each new Board member-elect the need to ensure the confidentiality of all discussions and/or actions, which occur in executive session]

2.   [be] invited to meet with the superintendent of schools and other administrative personnel to discuss the services that they perform for the school board and the school district; and


4.  [be] invited and encouraged to attend the New York State School Boards Association's workshop for new school board members.

The Board of Education may wish to provide new [Board] school board members with varied publications related to [The Sunshine Laws, an Association publication which discusses] the Open Meetings Law, the Freedom of Information Law, and the Family Educational [Riots] Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding access to student records  (a/k/a Buckley Amendment) [regarding access to student records].

  Revised: June …, 2002
Entire Policy New, Presented by Policy Committee               4670            
Presented for First Reading on June 26, 2002



A student who enters the school district from another state or country or another school in New York State is considered a transfer student. Students who have been receiving home instruction and who enroll in the school district are also considered as transfer students.
It is the responsibility of the high school principal to evaluate the transcript or other records of a transfer student at the time of enrollment into the high school and to award the appropriate units of transfer credit towards a high school diploma.
However, when a student transfers from a registered New York State high school into our high school, the high school principal must transfer all credits awarded by such registered New York State high school.
In addition, the high school principal, after consultation with relevant faculty members, may award transfer credit for work done at other educational and cultural institutions and for work done through independent study. The decision should be based on whether the student’s record indicates that the work is consistent with commencement level learning standards in New York State and is of comparable scope and quality to that which would have been done in the school awarding the credit.
Transfer students must meet all the units of credit requirements for a high school diploma. While principals have considerable discretion in reviewing a student’s record, they cannot waive the units of credit required for a diploma. The assessment requirements a student must meet to earn a high school diploma are based on the year in which the student entered grade nine for the first time in New York State or in an out-of-state or out-of-country school.
Transfer students who are exempted from taking specific New York State assessments must have their transcripts and permanent records so annotated.
Eligibility requirements for interscholastic athletics by transfer students shall be in accordance with the rules enumerated in the most recent handbook of the NYS Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA).

8 NY Code of Rules & Regulations (NYCRR) Part 100


Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee             1230
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]              
Presented for Second Reading, June 26, 2002



The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to hear and respond to public comment and therefore encourages public participation at school board meetings. There will be [a] specific agenda items [at each Board meeting] on school board agendas to provide an opportunity to address the Board of Education. Generally, the Board of Education does not take action on items presented by speakers. [Responses to] Items noted by speakers will be referred to appropriate school personnel for [follow-up or] response.
A reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) minutes (which may be waived by a majority vote of the Board of Education), may be set aside at school board meetings for public comment.
[It is suggested that] Each speaker will limit his or her comments to three (3) minutes. If needed, an additional two (2) minutes may be allowed to a maximum of five (5) minutes. Additional time may be allowed at the discretion of the school board president.
People wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, their address, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic they wish to discuss. Comments should be kept as brief as possible and relate to school matters.

[Since the Board generally takes action on items presented to them with advance notice, action on items presented by a citizen at a Board meeting will be responded to at a later date.]


The school board president is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting. S/he has the discretion to allow other speakers to yield their time to another speaker provided such action does not exceed the thirty (30) minute maximum stated above and does not restrict the time for comments by other speakers. [and shall rule on such matters as the time to be allowed for public discussion, the appropriateness of the subject being presented, and suitability of the time for such a presentation. The Board as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings.]

Revised: June .. 2002



Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee             2330
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]       Page 1 of 2

Presented for Second Reading, June 26, 2002


The Board of Education reserves the right, within the constraints of state law, to meet in executive session. Such sessions can be requested by any member of the Board of Education or the Superintendent of Schools.
A board member must make a motion during an open meeting to convene in executive session. Upon a majority vote of its members, the Board of Education may convene in executive session at a place which the school board president or said members may designate within the district to discuss the subjects enumerated below. Matters [which] that may be considered in executive session are:
(1)   matters [which] that will imperil the public safety if disclosed;
(2)   any matter that may disclose the identify of a law enforcement agent or informer;
(3)   information relating to a current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed;
(4)   discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation;
(5)   collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law (the Taylor Law);
(6)   the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation;
(7)   the preparation, grading or administration of examinations; and
(8)   the proposed acquisition, sale, or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of securities, or sale or exchange of securities, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof.
Matters [which] that may only be considered in executive session are:
(1)   discussions concerning probable cause to bring disciplinary charges against a tenured teacher, and
(2)   discussions concerning findings and/or placement of students by the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Pre-School Special Education.

Formal action or vote on matters enumerated above may only be taken by the Board of Education during an executive session. No formal action or vote may be taken on any other matter. The Board of Education shall reconvene in open session to take final action on other matters discussed and to adjourn the meeting.



  Revised: June … 2002

Revisions to Existing Policy, Presented by Policy Committee             2330
Proposed Revisions in Bold Type [Deleted Items in Brackets]       Page 2 of 2

Presented for Second Reading, June 26, 2002


Minutes of executive sessions will reflect all actions and votes taken by the school board in executive session without personally identifying employees or students affected thereby. The name of the person who called for the executive session will also appear in the minutes of the public meeting. The Board of Education may permit staff and other persons whose presence is deemed necessary or appropriate to attend an executive session or any part thereof.  


It shall be official misconduct for any member of the Board of Education to reveal to any person(s) not authorized to attend an executive session, including spouses and immediate family:
(1)   the name or identity of any persons who has lawfully been the subject of a discussion or action in an executive sessions
(2)   comments or the nature of any comments made by any person in executive session
(3)   the topic or substance of any discussion or action prepared in an executive session with any greater degree of specificity than in the motion commencing the executive session
(4)   action taken by the Board of Education relating to students designated under regulations of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Pre-School Special Education
(5)   confidential information acquired by a board member pertaining to staff members, students and fellow board members
Persons newly elected to the Board of Education but not yet sworn into office are not permitted to attend executive sessions.
Any school board member may report an alleged violation of this policy on confidentiality to the president or vice-president of the Board of Education. The matter shall then be considered by the Board of Education in executive session. Upon vote of the Board of Education at a regular or special meeting, the specific charge may be recorded in writing and served on the board member. A hearing shall then be conducted before an impartial hearing officer.

Education Law, §1708 (3)
Public Officers Law, §§100 et. Seq.
Formal Opinion of Counsel, No. 239, NYS Education Department
  Revised: June … 2002




Original bond resolution


Purpose of original bond resolution


Original bond resolution


Purpose of original bond resolution


Original bond resolution


Purpose of original bond resolution


Original bond resolution


Purpose of original bond resolution


Original bond resolution


Purpose of original bond resolution


This is the date of the Resolution of Intent, at least 14 days prior to this Resolution Date.


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